Light Of The World - Tumblr Posts

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada
Today’s world presents us with so many visual images flashing and enticing us with every blink of our eyes that it is easy to both consciously and unconsciously contaminate our souls with useless trash that has no real purpose or benefit to us.
Just as a home can be contaminated with mold or disease, so have our souls been dirtied with images, stories, and ideas presented in the world that are contrary to God’s nature and pureness. This is why (like a healthy home) it is imperative to guard the windows of our eyes which lead to our soul and to stop looking at anything that keeps our eyes from falling upon things that are not good:
“ Keep your eyes looking straight before you and... don’t turn them looking right or left.” - Proverbs 4:25,27 (paraphrased)
My dear friend, do not start every new year with a worldly resolution but instead 'purpose in your heart' as Daniel did in worldly Babylon as he “...resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food” (Daniel 1:8) to not consume things that are harmful to you. This means web sites, pictures, TV or movies that distract and pollute your soul (you KNOW what they are!)
Instead, ask God to help you open your eyes to only see and partake of those things which are clean and wholesome. Cast your eyes as much as possible each day on God’s Word! Open the eyes of your soul to those things which are pure and these will enrich and strengthen the core of your very being.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

When you interact with people, what impact are you leaving with them? Do you bring life or death to all interactions you are in?
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Light the World Challenge for today: Music brightens the mood. Share a song with someone today 😊
One of my favorite quotes is “If art is how we fill up space, then music is how we fill up time.”
I think that’s a beautiful statement because discovery or creation of music is inevitably the discovery and creation of ourselves. Another form of self expression that can be shared to the enjoyment of everybody around.
As such I’d like to share my favorite song with y’all today: it’s called ‘Wildflowers’ by Maddie Poppe.
My feelings associated with this song can be summed in the words of my favorite poet, Nikita Gill.
If anybody wants to swap and talk about music, I’m all ears 😄🧡🙌🏼

Light the World Prompt for day 7: Compliments
Howdy *waves* I am a verbal processor. A random starting line I know, but I promise it’ll be worth it in the end if you keep reading. As a verbal processor that means I need to discuss or talk things out enable to put organization to the unorganized chaos that is my mind. This unfortunately means that I am talking preeeeeettty much most of the time😅
However, one good thing about this is that I live by the saying “If you see something, say something.” That means that when I saw something SO impactful that the I immediately wanted to tell someone about it because it excited me or intrigued me. So when I compliment you, it means I saw something in you that I just got so excited to see that I just had to tell you, so you could get excited too!
So Friend, lemme tell you what I see:
I see you there Friend, tired and hurting from the struggles of your life. I see you, getting up every day and doing your best to do something. I see you reaching out to help friends and family members even when sometimes nobody takes the time to help you. I see you sitting by yourself with a lonely sigh. I see you, crying into your pillow alone at night. I see you sick and tired of not being heard or misunderstood. I see you putting your heart and soul into whatever the work it is you do, and while it may never get the attention it deserves, it’s still beautiful.
YOU are beautiful. Yes, I’m looking at you. I see YOU. You’ve got a beautiful soul friend, one that is uniquely yours. It’s brilliant, Darlin’. And in a world that keeps getting increasingly dark, we need YOUR light. Yes, YOURS! Because it’s simply a better place when you are HERE.
Don’t let ANYBODY tell you otherwise (feel free to dm me if you need me to fight someone) and that includes yourself. You ARE worth the time. You ARE worth the effort n the love. Simply because YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT.
In whatever way you say it, I love you friend. And just in case nobody told you today:
I’m grateful you’re here. I’ve never seen a smile quite like yours. *grins* Ah there it is! Look at how beautiful you are. Keep smiling like that, Beautiful. You deserve it and the world.
Don’t EVER forget how much good you AlReAdY do. Don’t EVER forget how loved you already are. 😊🧡✨

Here’s my big boi with the biggest heart I know, to help send the message home. If you EVER need a reminder, please feel free to talk to me. You don’t ever have to go whatever it is alone, ok?🧡