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We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.

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Re You Aware That Whatever You Say Or Think Will Not Only Effect Your Mood, But Also Your Health? Its

Re You Aware That Whatever You Say Or Think Will Not Only Effect Your Mood, But Also Your Health? Its

re you aware that whatever you say or think will not only effect your mood, but also your health? It’s true. This is why you must only say and think what God says about you. You were created by Him and Him alone and in His image and must remember that He says He loves you and will never leave you.

Worry will cause you to fret and bite your nails! Fear looks back at the past and holds you in bondage but Faith looks forward to the future no matter what it may seem like.

Worry is the devil’s way of using your imagination for things you do not want to happen, but my friend, it is a trap for fear to enter so when worry and that ole familiar fear come knocking on your door, turn your eyes upon Jesus as that old wonderful hymn says, “and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” Trust that He is watching you and guiding you through your situation until it is over.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I believe I am coming down with a cold?” Sure enough, they do come down with a cold! So my point is this - don’t believe and say the negative things the world says. Speak healing and wholeness over yourself and read the promises of what God says about you. If your mind tends to wander to places that make you sad, fearful, angry, or upset, cast it down.

My friend, you have the power of God in your entire being and your words carry great power. Speak only those things that will build you up, not tear you down. If you are sick, say out loud, "I am healed of the Lord. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” I did this exact same thing and Jesus healed me! You can have what you say when you learn to control your words, and let them be God’s words.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

More Posts from Getnotesonlife

3 years ago
Its So Easy To Allow Ourselves To Look At What 'appears' Before Our Eyes And Become Discouraged By What

It’s so easy to allow ourselves to look at what 'appears' before our eyes and become discouraged by what we see or perceive in our natural human selves, but God sees things differently! Once you put your focus on Him instead of what you perceive, your perception will change for the better. Here’s why!

You see, as today’s scripture says, everything in this world and your life is temporary, but the things which are eternal are not subject to change because in the spiritual realm of God, He is “The same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) and the “HE” here is Jesus - The Word of God.

God’s Word is eternal, alive, and active but ONLY when you when you Believe it, Speak it and APPLY IT. The Bible has 7,000 promises to overcome any temporary situation you’ll ever face, no matter what happens in this volatile world you now live in. God’s promises never change and they will forever be the same.

If in bad health, PROCLAIM! “By His stripes I am Healed!” (1 Peter 2:24). If in lack, PROCLAIM! “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:19). If alone, PROCLAIM! “You are with me and comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)

So, my friend, don’t let this world or your circumstances bring you down and discourage you, because while they are looming currently, in actuality they are and will be temporary. Lay your eyes in faith on the promises we have guaranteed in the Bible and not get bound up by the temporary troubles we have in this life, and remember this promise by Jesus that leads to victory over temporary trials:

“I have told you these things, so that In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” - John 16:33

God Bless Your Day

Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
Hidden Inside The Spelling Of The Word Believe Not So Coincidentally Is The Word LIE, And This Raises

Hidden inside the spelling of the word “believe” not so coincidentally is the word “LIE,” and this raises an interesting question about the state of how belief works.

If you think about it, either you BELIEVE something or you DON’T beLIEve something — and there’s no in-between. That is, either you believe something to be true, or else it is a lie…and that is the crux of today’s scripture message.

Either Christ rose from the dead or He didn’t! It’s really that simple, and the question is 'How does one know that, and what would cause someone to come to that conclusion?”

Romans 10:17 says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” while Hebrews 11:1 adds to that “Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, (and) the EVIDENCE of things not seen.” You see, BELIEF is based on EVIDENCE and that evidence is what the Word of God says. The tough question all must make is, 'Is this evidence TRUE or is it a LIE?'

No one can convince you of that, because you have to make up your own mind. Perhaps it is a LIE and if so, you can ignore, scroll past, or delete, but if it IS true and you believe it, the promise is that God will save your soul for a life in eternity.

Do you believe this or is it a lie? YOU CHOOSE

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3 years ago
The #1 Reason Why Many People Do Not Believe That Christ Is God Is Because Most Do NOT Believe That Jesus

The #1 reason why many people do not believe that Christ is God is Because Most Do NOT Believe That Jesus Rose From The Dead. It that’s you, read on! Because here is the reason why after he was crucified, the stone was REALLY rolled out of the way.

Christ was cruelly crucified by the Romans, and between a flogging that nearly killed him, then falling in exhaustion carrying his cross, then having nails piercing his hands and feet, death was assured. Nevertheless despite the historical record of the certainty of death by crucifixion, mis-guided religious speculations over the centuries say Jesus somehow survived and then was secretly taken to India where He married Mary and had children. Because of the forementioned this possibility can be eliminated.

However three days after being in the tomb, the Bible says he rose from the dead and left the grave but It Was Not Because An Angel Let Him Out by Rolling Back The Stone! The two soldiers guarding the tomb never saw Christ leave, but they were frightened to the core when the angel appeared after His departure and moved the stone for the express purpose TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT HE WAS NOT IN THE GRAVE.

Even the political forces against him agreed an empty grave would prove what Roman historians decades later referred to as 'This Superstition Of The Christians' but the reason the grave remains open for all to see that HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.

So what do you think? How and why was the tomb empty? Did a fisherman (Peter) and a tax collector (Matthew) with a few friends overpower two Roman soldiers and steal the body? Or did Christ not really die and become a guru in India? Or instead, was it what the angel said to 'the two Marys' looking into the empty tomb:

“He is not here; he has risen, Just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

This is the STONE which causes many to stumble, and the ROCK which causes the faith of those not believing to FALL. The tomb is empty — Jesus is not there, and the question is HOW, the answer is WHY?

How would you answer this question?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
For Those Of You Who Go To Church (even If Only Once Or Twice A Year) WHY DO YOU GO??

For those of you who go to church (even if only once or twice a year) WHY DO YOU GO??

Is it because you feel like you 'have to' because it is Christmas or Easter? Or perhaps that is how you were raised, or maybe because that is what people are 'supposed' to do on Sundays? Perhaps you are in business and being in a respected church is a great place to make business connections or a way of improving your standing or image in the community. Maybe you go because you enjoy all the many social functions and activities and feel like you have a place of belonging, or it is a great place for your children to have friends and do sports or other activities. Lastly it could be because you enjoy the prestige of being a deacon or serving on some service committee, or are continuing a family tradition of long-time membership.

Well there are a lot of reasons people attend church, and while some of these are not necessarily bad or ill intentioned, that is not what church is all about.

The reason why we go to church is to first WORSHIP GOD, and second to grow in our knowledge and relationship to Him. While all the activities, socializing, and community is good, the main focus must always be on HIM not US.

Sadly a large percentage of what most people focus on is what THEY want from God or from church, but God wants us instead to focus on what HE wants and to give Him GLORY. This whole notion of 'give him glory' sounds foreign to non-believers, but this is also sadly true among many church-going people!

Remember this — everytime you look up into a magnificent star-filled galaxy, see a majestic landscape, beautiful flowers, or feel your heart beating in your chest, remember who did all that! But not just remember, but give him thanks and praise.

THAT is what church is all about!

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

3 years ago
Who Do You Run To When Bad Things Happen? Is It Your Husband, Your Wife Or Best Friend? Sometimes Even

Who do you run to when bad things happen? Is it your husband, your wife or best friend? Sometimes even the ones we trust the most and who try their best to offer sound advice, still may lack the vital answers we may need. The Book of Psalms shares how David ran to God in the midst of his fears, sorrows, grief, rejection and loss. Now we can run to Jesus who fulfills the deepest cries of our heart in our own emotional turmoil. Jesus is the ONE who has the answers you need, so…….

Run to Jesus when you are AFRAID: God is never off guard. His eye is always upon you.

“The Lord will keep you from all evil. He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 121: 7-8

Run to Jesus in your SORROW: Jesus knew sorrow more than you and I can imagine as he suffered for our sins on the cross crying out to His Father:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46

Run to Jesus if you are REJECTED: Jesus knows what it feels like to abandoned, alone and turned away. His own people rejected Him.

“My father and mother may abandon me, but the Lord will take care of me.” Psalm 27:10

Run to Jesus when there is LOSS: Whether it is loss of a loved one, a dream, or anything else, Jesus understands the emptiness of loss. He wept with grief for his dear friend, Lazarus who died. He reminds us,

“I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you.” John 14:18

My dear friend, you are never alone in this life. You have Jesus to run to for everything, no matter what it is. If you don’t know Him, would you pray this prayer with me?

Heavenly Father, I have tried everything to solve my problems alone, but I need you to show me your answers. I want to depend on you to help me. Would you please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart so that I can live in heaven with you forever? I give my heart to you right now and accept you as my Savior. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

My friend, you don’t have to solve any problem alone. Jesus will help you. If you sincerely prayed this prayer, your sins are forgiven and your name is written in the Book of Life!

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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