glitter-and-gold-supernova - ✨Make It Rainbow✨
✨Make It Rainbow✨

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2 posts

Glitter-and-gold-supernova - Make It Rainbow - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

message for girls: you can be a boy too. you dont have to stop being a girl to be a boy. if you dont want to be a girl you can stop, but you can also keep being a girl and be a boy at the same time. you can be a trans man and still be a woman if you want. if your womanhood is real to you and not just an imitation of what you think you're supposed to be doing, the way a lot of trans men describe, you can keep doing womanhood and just start doing manhood alongside it. and even if yours is an imitation you can keep it forever if you want to, if it is dear to you, you do not have to give it up to be valid.

and btw if your womanhood is hard-won and you feel like any hint of manhood is a threat to your validity, you can still have both things if you want both of them. you can be a trans woman and also a man if you wanna. you don't have to but if you want to, you can.

also no matter what kind of womanhood you have you can stop doing it whenever you need to. including if your womanhood is sincere and genuine btw. and it doesnt have to mean you were never a woman. you can do whatever you want forever i love you

3 years ago

All Nonbinary People Are Valid

Nonbinary people that present feminine are valid. Nonbinary people that present masculine are valid. Nonbinary people that present androgynously are valid. Nonbinary people that feel comfortable with their agab are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t feel comfortable with their agab are valid. Nonbinary people that are amab are valid. Nonbinary people that are afab are valid. Nonbinary people that are intersex are valid. Nonbinary people that like gendered language are valid. Nonbinary people that like androgynous language are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t have dysphoria are valid. Nonbinary people that do have dysphoria are valid. Nonbinary people that identify as gay/ lesbian are valid. Nonbinary people that identify as bisexual, pansexual, asexual, or other sexual/ romantic orientations are valid. Nonbinary people that identify with the trans label are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t identify with the trans label are valid

Nonbinary People Are Valid.

Nonbinary people don’t owe anyone a gendered or androgynous explanation to their gender orientation. Inspo: Many nonbinary people who have vocalized these struggles across multiple platforms

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