Nonbinary Trans - Tumblr Posts

This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
All Nonbinary People Are Valid
Nonbinary people that present feminine are valid. Nonbinary people that present masculine are valid. Nonbinary people that present androgynously are valid. Nonbinary people that feel comfortable with their agab are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t feel comfortable with their agab are valid. Nonbinary people that are amab are valid. Nonbinary people that are afab are valid. Nonbinary people that are intersex are valid. Nonbinary people that like gendered language are valid. Nonbinary people that like androgynous language are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t have dysphoria are valid. Nonbinary people that do have dysphoria are valid. Nonbinary people that identify as gay/ lesbian are valid. Nonbinary people that identify as bisexual, pansexual, asexual, or other sexual/ romantic orientations are valid. Nonbinary people that identify with the trans label are valid. Nonbinary people that don’t identify with the trans label are valid
Nonbinary People Are Valid.
Nonbinary people don’t owe anyone a gendered or androgynous explanation to their gender orientation. Inspo: Many nonbinary people who have vocalized these struggles across multiple platforms