Dysphoria - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Body Dysphoria Gang, Can I Get An "ooh Yeah"?

body dysphoria gang, can I get an "ooh yeah"?

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11 months ago

hey shoutout to alterhumans who get dysphoria from their reproductive organs. who don't like their chest bc their kintype shouldn't have breasts. who become distressed when menstruating because their kintype doesn't get periods and it feels like something's wrong. whose gender and alterhumanity are linked and bring twice as much dysphoria. who feel like they're missing pieces or have the wrong parts. who get phantom shifts of those parts. who are physically nonhuman and genuinely have those parts. who get sexual/reproductive urges related to their kintype. who feel scared to talk about it bc of how taboo "sexual" topics are.

i see you. i'm right there with you. you're valid and i love you.

if you have more to add to this list, reblog! (and if you have a tag you'd like me to add for filtering purposes, please let me know <3)

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Please stop putting mirrors in plain view of the shower / bath


Trans people & anyone with body dysmorphia

..and anyone who gets rly freaking annoyed when the mirror fogs

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8 years ago


I’ve made it to eighteen leagues underwater Climbing higher But drowning beneath mountains

Breathing is dead to me Lungs accept only air And you provide only gravel

There’s not a noose long enough to dip its knot this low So my spindle claws can grasp its fray Seize its mass, and palpate over its bristles

Gravel cares not who I am It assuages stomach and throat with streams of dawny pills To alter my sense of color

But even under miles of quartzite Coarse amethyst Fractured glitz of oppressive perception

The surface of this ocean’s glassy clear I haven’t seen the sky But I know it’s evening hue is made for me

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1 year ago

kinda long rant below

tw for people that are extremely underweight ig. oh! also venting (maybe? not sure what to call this.)

I feel like most people don't understand that being really skinny isn't a good thing. Like yeah people associate skinny people with being fit but still. So many things suck ass because of being severely underweight. Sitting down? That gets painful after a while, yes even if its a comfy chair. Laying down on anything that isn't padded/carpeted? Yeowch, your spine is gonna hurt for a while. ANY cold weather? Fucking shivering, yes even if you have on multiple layers. The weather stuff really sucks because even if it ISN'T cold you still feel like you're freezing in any air conditioned room. Like bro wtf.

And that's just the physical stuff, other people make it so much worse. Constant comments about anything to do with weight/size. You're eating a lot? "Oh good, I know you need it". You're eating too little? "Oh no honey, you need to eat more." You eat a regular amount? "Hey now, we need to fill that plate up, get some meat on your bones!". You wear short sleeves? You'll get a comment about being stick thin, being told to work out, etc. You wear anything revealing any part of your torso? EVERYONE will comment on your extremely visible ribs/spin. God forbid you wear a belt, now your asking for someone to make a comment on how tight it is, or if you got it from the children's section. All your clothes will be ill-fitting, especially if you're above or below average height.

And it's not just the people you expect, either; your parents or aunts or other family members, it's also your teachers, coaches, friends, random people on the street, hell even your fucking dentist. People who claim to be accepting of people not like them? Many of them do it too! And many times it's not even big things like when someone asks you, "Where is all that food going?", it's often people making a comment about your baggy clothes that don't fit, or you having stick arms.

I get that most of the time it's unintentional or not meant to be rude, but it still fucking hurts.

Yes I am desensitized to most of it. Yes it fucking sucks. but guess what? it still fucking hurts.

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8 months ago

i live in active warzone, i'm trans, i have a mental disorder, my family disowned me, i'm homeless and don't have any friends. honestly this has to be some kind of prank, the gods who made me can't be serious about this shit. I just wish my life was normal and not whatever this is, is that so much to ask

I Live In Active Warzone, I'm Trans, I Have A Mental Disorder, My Family Disowned Me, I'm Homeless And

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1 year ago

What have y'all found to be subtle ways to express yourself when you've been deep in the closet for your own safety? I'm in that position at home and I'm drowning. I can't dress differently. I can't even think about coming out or looking at HRT. It feels like I'm stuck, entirely, looking like and acting like a guy and I honestly can't think of a more suffocating thing.

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1 year ago

Pissed at being misgendered, but also feeling strange now that I might have experienced moderate dysphoria for the first time.

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The dysphoria was hitting us like a truck today. No idea why, it just was. Maybe because, since Saturday or Sunday, we've been planning to dress hypermasculine tomorrow? And we're excited for that? No fricking clue, man.

- Max / Kenneth

Front: Andie (he/she/web)

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Dysphoria is kicking our ass today, and we just woke up an hour ago.

Today's gonna be fun. /sarc

- Max / Kenneth

Front: Evan (xe/they)

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10 months ago

I hate it when people say that people choose to be trans, or say that being trans is a choice

This week my dysphoria got so bad that I was considering death, I hated my body so much in that moment that I considered ruining my own prospects for a better life. If being trans was a choice, I don't think I'd choose to be trans, because of the dysphoria. Because of that suffering. Yes I've become part of a community and I've gotten closer with some good friends. Yes I've had happy moments. This does not negate the fact that I hate my body so much that I will start HRT and I'll spend money to start to make this body mine, make this body one that I feel I can be actually proud of.

If being trans was a choice then people in the world wouldn't have moments when their dysphoria is so bad that reaching for rope or metal feels like a better alternative to life

If being trans was a choice then there wouldn't be so much controversy about laws for trans people, it would be a simple choice like a tattoo or a piercing

If being trans was a choice then I would be happier, happier with my body, happier with my existence.

I hate all that say "being trans is a choice" because it shows how negligent they are to the lives of trans people.

I would like to clarify that not every trans person experiences dysphoria, no, and they are just as valid as trans people who do.

I dislike the people who are negligent of the pain that some trans people experience, negligent of the struggles trans people face so often in society

No, not everyone is trans-phobic, but not everyone understands. The ones who are so trans-phobic that they yell and scream in the streets or hold up signs or petition laws are so loud and it makes me feel like so few people actually care about or understand trans people.

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2 years ago

i barely even figured out my sexuality, i just got tired of trying to figure it out

shit man they weren't lying when they said once you figure out your sexual orientation in comes the gender identity crisis

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7 months ago

Forever to the end of time

From now on, only you and I

We're going u-u-u-u-u-u-up


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4 years ago
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers

A thing I made for trans Kenny, where Kenny is mtf! She doesn't come out or tell anyone, but suffers silently. She wishes she could be more honest with herself, wishes she could be like "Princess Kenny" and lots of angsty feels because she doesn't accept herself for who she is :(

Lots of dysphoria and disociating, because she treats "Princess Kenny" like she's someone else, and not her.

This is the song the lyrics are from, by the way! It's a cute love song, but I stole these out of context when the idea hit me like a truck at like two am

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3 years ago
Im A Bit Nervous To Post This But Here It Is Anyway
Im A Bit Nervous To Post This But Here It Is Anyway

i’m a bit nervous to post this but here it is anyway

i’ve noticed that after being on testosterone for over a year now, i’ve stopped dressing as feminine as i used to. i think part of this is because wearing makeup and dressing feminine was a way for me to feel in control of an appearance that felt so completely out of my control. and probably also because dressing feminine often invites unwanted attention or even physical danger. i live in a big city and i often take public transportation after dark.

online, i used to have people harassing me, stalking my accounts, sending me death threats, doxxing me, etc. for the way i dressed. i was told i’m not trans. i was told that i don’t have dysphoria. i was told that my diagnosis must’ve been a result of me lying to my doctor. now, i’ve been slowly trying out things i stopped doing again. i put on lipstick for the first time in months. i stopped binding every day.

dysphoria is not something you can see and it is not always constant. the way i dress one day does not dictate my life. you don’t know what my day-to-day looks like. if i don’t feel like violently cutting off my own chest for one day out of every 2 months, if i feel for one day like it’s something that i can live with until i’m able to safely get surgery, you will not take that away from me. my body is mine for now. and you do not get to tell ME how I FEEL about it based on one picture. being trans is not something i would choose. i would not choose to feel rejected by both straight people and LGB people. i would not choose to have to explain myself to every doctor, every employer. i would not choose to worry about my safety in public.

this goes out to all the other trans people who’ve felt like they aren’t “trans enough” or that they’re “doing it wrong.” you are not wrong. you do not need to hate yourself or your body to be trans. being trans is identifying with a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. that is the only criteria. no one else gets to define your gender or identity but you. and when you are being yourself, that is when you are the most beautiful/handsome. you are loved. you are accepted. there is nothing wrong with you.

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