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Sam And Darlin Jealousy Head Canons
Sam and darlin jealousy head canons
Darlin gets more jealous then Sam but they make nice so people never understand that.
A person flirting with sam before darlin approaches
Some makes a joke, darlin punches them in a 'friendly ' way. the person can't sense darlin hidden malicious, they joke and think darlin just doesn't know how to control their strength
Sam has the opposite problem
He doesn't get jealous often, if darlin seem comfortable, he's comfortable.
But he can't deny he has a resting bitch face so when he approaches darlin with someone. That person looked like they were gonna run away.
It make darlin laugh
Where their most jealous is together
They go to pack meets or vampire get together and every one raves about how perfect angel/David or Vincent/lovely are. When they get home they're both like
" we also fucking perfect"
" do they not know are love story"
They're a power couple jealous of other power couples
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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst
Chapter two of "let get food" is written. it just needs editing
I don't have a snippet but I offer a song based on ashers feeling towards darlin
Him by James Marriott
Not so fun back story
Same tw from above
BTW: Your valid
I was originally gonna write a comfort one shot about this because I noticed there is a lack of comfort for victims of sexual abuse in relationships. Which is something I needed, but when trying to write it, it was too hard.
I know there still arguments today about if that's even possible ( which yes , it is) and I with the amount of people liking this post it make me feel more seen, and I hope others who may have related understand that there feelings and experiences are valid.
Idk I just felt like I need to say this
Angel past relationship hc
Tw for past sexual abuse in relationships
Angel doesn't know how to say no
In joking situations yeah, they say it alot
But when their partner is in needed
What are they supposed to do
It's rude to say no, deny them relief. That's what their past partners have taught them
So when David notices their disinterest in their activity. He stops, even when angel didn't ask .
Angel who's scared the messed it up
Dacid who comforts and assures angel that his favorite part os angels enjoyment. If they don't feel horny, neither does he.
And if he does, it his problem to deal with, not theirs
Angsty listener headcanons reader discretion advised
Darlin who used being with quinn as a form of self harm
Asset who gose into the fetal position any time they think of Marcus for too long
Babe who had an existential crisis when they were told about magic
James's partner who is so lonely they've come so close to cheating on James multiple times
Angle who misses their cat so much
Bestie who feels like they used Blake then led him along
Sunshine who had their prosthetic limbs taken away by Blake
Freelancer who berates themselves for being nervous around water elementals eg essentially calling themself a racist
Smartass who struggles with communication and lashes out as a result
Lovely who blames themself for what happened with Adam because "they where an idiot for going to wonder world" and thinks that "they deserved it"
Warden who has imposter syndrome
"Lets get food"
The (short, less than 1k) beginning of my brother's best friend fanfic featuring Ash x Darlin
Currently unsure of what the whole fic rating will be but for this chapter id say it pretty safe.
content and trigger warnings: mention of vampire feeding, low energy, mentions of sleeping around.
I'd like to thank everyone who liked my original post about this idea. I had started writing a ( completely different) first chapter but wasn't feeling inspired till people started liking that post
a special thanks to @professionallyyappin and @dawnofiight . Thank you for rebloging my idea and just helping me feel motivated
Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes and enjoy :)
'Let's get food'
A seemingly normal text message
That was the point, so if anyone, more specifically David, saw it, he wouldn't think twice about it
But what it meant was
“ I need a ride after sleeping with a stranger”
Darlin didn't drive anymore, not after Gabe
And there was no way they were going to let David know how many people they slept with
Originally they would just walk home, in the dark sketchy parts of town
Until Asher saw them one day
He called out at the hooded figure
They ignored him
“ Darlin, I know that's you.”
They didn't know why he called them that, he was the only one
“What Asher?”
They turned to face Asher, his car stopping in the middle of the road.
Darlin looked around and as usual, no other cars were on the street
“ What are you doing out here? I don't know if you've checked the time recently but, it's not walking around time.”
He smiled at them
“I'm just- yeah”
They didn't want to admit the truth.
They couldn't let him tell David
“That's not a very good answer”
He laughed before leaning over and opening the passenger door from inside
“ get in, I'll take you where you need to be”
He offered but didn't demand, like most of the men Darlin knew.
“ I'm- “
They take a moment to breathe, feeling woozy From the blood loss
“ I'm all good Ashy”
He barked out a laugh
“ If you're calling me Ashy, you're not good.”
They couldn't argue.
So they climbed in, defending their self
“ This is just easier, I could handle myself”
Their sparky sentence was shorter than it typically would be.
Another sign something was wrong
“ I know, but you don't seem at your full strength. And like you said, this is easier”
After a while he realized they weren't going to buckle their seat, so he leaned over to do so.
They simply rolled their eyes
Asher started to drive
Darlin Didn't say anything for a long time
he even though they might have dozed off.
Until they gasped and pointed
“Wendy's. Ashy we have to get Wendy's!”
They called him Ashy again, he's starting to like it
Silently he pulls into the parking lot and parks
“ They have a drive through”
Darlin states
“Darlin, If you're trying to hide what I think you're hiding from David, we're going to need more time.”
A vague sentence but Darlin caught on
“ lobby it is”
Darlin had a new pep in their step as they entered and started the order.
Once Darlin was done, Asher added his burger along with the same thing they ordered.
Before Darlin could get their wallet Asher had already Paid
It was a little disorienting, Darlin always paid, not because they preferred but simply because they knew the other wouldn't
They were too confused to even say thank you.
They found a table, amongst the sea of empty tables
Before Asher sat down their order was called, so he went to get it.
Setting the food down before going to fill up their drinks
When he returned, Darlin had already started to wolf down their burger
No pun intended
They didn't say a word as they reached for their drink, taking a swig before going back for a big bite
Asher just smiled to himself
When Darlin finished their burger they spoke
“ How'd you know what drink I wanted”
He jokingly rolled his eyes at the Question
“ I've known you for like, 8 years now. If I didn't know what drink you preferred I wouldn't be a good friend”
They started stealing fries from Ashers' plates, even though they still had their own heaping pile
With fries in their mouth, they said
“ I didn't know you considered us friends”
The sentence made Asher feel cold
He prides himself on being a good friend to almost everyone.
Darlin quickly caught on to Asher's negative reaction and tried to reverse it.
“ Not that you were bad or anything but I just thought you were David's friend, and I was just an extension of David”
Darlin's words didn't seem to cheer Asher up, but he still smiled And pretended it was fine
“ Well I see you as your person, even if you are related to David, you are not just His little sibling to me”
Darlin felt chills at that
Good chills
Probably their first time getting good chills
They didn't realize that was important to them
But they couldn't let Asher know that
“I'm only 4 months younger Than him”
Asher takes a bite of his food before, with His mouth full, continuing the conversation
“I wasn't talking age, he's At least a foot taller Than you”
Darlin laughed and rolled their eyes.
They then pointed to the extra burger
“ Can I?”
Others would probably not find that short sentence charming, but Asher did.
At least in perspective
Darlin was actively stealing Asher's fries but when It came to the burger they asked.
And when they asked, their voice was shy and sweet.
Asher liked every part of Darlin', but it was a side the soft sweet side one they hid away, so it was like a treat for Asher
“ I got it for you. So yeah”
Darlins' energy seemed to dip again, not severely but Asher noticed it.
He decides to hold back his thoughts for the day.
Darlin finished Their food and they left
The rest of the night was uneventful As he drove them home
He messaged them that night
'I know you can take care of yourself, but you don't have to'
After he sent it he felt vulnerable, so he tried to soften it
'We can get food to'
Low and behold a couple of days later he got a text
'Let's get food'
Followed By an address
Darlin was letting Asher into a part of Their life.
A part only he was allowed
darlin, who's a "picky eater" and would be happy if they just ate the same meal every day,
but sam refuses to let them because apparently microwave mac n cheese doesn't have enough nutrients 😒