372 posts
Milo X Darlin' Things
Milo x Darlin' Things
Milo and Darlin', who were a grade below David and Asher.
Darlin', who'd get into fights defending other pack kids behind closed doors.
Milo, who would take them to his ma so they wouldn't get in trouble with their own parents.
Milo, who'd get awkward and stuttered when they made eye contact.
Darlin', who was convinced they were making him uncomfortable at times.
Milo, who kept lending Darlin' the same jacket over, and over again when they made late night 711 runs.
Dariln', who kept washing it and returning it because they couldn't take a hint.
Milo and Darlin', who held hands watching a horror movie that one time at the theater.
Milo and Darlin', who shared Milo's tent because neither could sleep on a camping trip.
Milo and Darlin', who ended up slow dancing to Kristina Perri's Arms even though they technically weren't each other's date.
Love sick Milo, who tries to include them into regular hang outs with the others.
Milo and Darlin', who almost kissed but were interrupted.
Love sick Darlin' who believes Milo is out of their league and distances themselves further.
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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst
Asher gave David a lap dance during their bachelor party
Angel and baaabe were in on it and helped asher learn a full choreographed song
Angel kept suggesting stuff that they knew David liked while baabe just so happens to be good at lap dances
No one else knew, every one was shocked and loved it
Exept David ( he loved it but he pretends not to)
Darlin is actually quite the cook, they just stopped cooking because Quinn didn't need food nor did he encourage them to eat.
~ 🦇🦑
quinn era darlin content... i lurv...
Darlin met quinn when their hair was shaggy, like they were planning to cut it but hadn't gotten to it
Then quin scared them mentally physically , their haihad gotten so long, it wasn't their style. But it hides the marks
They didn't cut their hair for a long time. They hated it, but it was any easier than taking the judgmental looks of strangers because of their gruesome neck
Untill sam
He wasn't the only factor, but he helped them change and become more confident and carefree in those scars
So they cut their hair, really short. Or Sam cuts it, the night being one full of emotion, sam took his time, softly kissing darlin before cutting large parts off. Sam may not have much experience with cute hair, but he did a good job, and darlin looks and feels great
they were still getting used to the short hair when quinn was captured. so It was another layer of facing quinn, with the "claiming" bites on display
Things Quinn might have said
" I prefer your hair long. More to hold and yank. I know you were fond of that as well"
" I'm happy to see you showing off my marks. They really are a form of art"
" How does your pack feel about this- fashion statement. Ooo- better yet how does that other vampire your seeing feel about it. I bet he loves you walking around with the bites of another vampire etched in your skin. He mustn't be to offend, seeing as he hasn't biten you"
" He hasn't bitten you. I can tell you why. It those marks. To us vampires - it is like getting a steak with a bite taken out, disgusting, tainted,worthless. I'm sure you understand. No one wants someone else's thrown out leftovers. "
Uggggg this is so sweet and cute
Sand Dollars
TW - An unnecessary amount of knowledge about Sea Urchins as well as Sand Dollars. And Lasko being Lasko. AN - This was not a fun rewrite, but it was fun nonetheless. WC - 1104
This Wonderful Idea was requested (technically) by @cyanbugremix
The last time they were on the beach was when they were little. Perhaps they felt a connection to the water and the little person that they were walked right into it. Of course, any caring parents would have freaked out- but this wasn’t about that. This was about Lasko and them. Lasko who’d been so freaked out about exam week.Â
Lasko who had been so worried about everything but himself. The same airhead who wasn’t taking good care of himself. And that bothered you, so a beach day was in need. After all who doesn’t want to feel the sand against their skin? Of course, they made sure to pack sunscreen.Â
The water was clear, the air salty; Just as they remembered this brought back so many wholesome memories. The little vacation time they get between their busy schedules is always welcome. They especially didn’t mind spending it with their stressed-out partner even if he could be a bit of an airhead.
As they continued to think about Lasko, something in the water brushed up against their leg. What was that? They glanced down and what do you know? It was a sea shell, and the tides must have brought it to the surface.Â
They’d never seen something like this. It was circular, with some oddly cut lines. There was even a small flower design on it. They had never seen something like this. They’ve seen many different sea shells before but never this. Maybe Lasko knew what it was? Where was Lasko?Â
They carefully picked up the weirdly beautiful shell now to find Lasko. The last time they saw him; he was searching for something on the other side of the beach. Perhaps he found one of these shells too! Well, they wouldn’t know unless they went to the other side of the beach.Â
Lasko sighed to himself, he could not find a Sand Dollar to save his life. He wanted to give one to his dear. They have stunning shells.. Some funny facts about Sand Dollars they could be considered sea shells, but sand dollars or sea cookies are a type of sea urchin.
Unlike regular sea urchins; their bodies display secondary front-to-back bilateral symmetry. Another fun fact about these snapper biscuits there are no morphological distinguishing features between the females and the males!Â
He could go on and on about the cool facts about Sand Dollars and sea urchins in general but, that's not why he’s here. He wanted to find one for his dear, the one who was always patient with him. The one who loves everything about him.. And I mean everything.Â
 He took a seat defeated, the blaring sun was starting to become too much. I guess he didn’t take into account how hot it’d be. Though it was said it was supposed to rain today, the sun in the sky didn’t seem to agree with that. But he that was fine for now. Maybe when it cooled down he would continue his search for the runaway Sand Dollar.Â
But for right now some rest and hydration were in need. Now that he thought about it.. What did Sand Dollars exactly stand for? They hold a deep spiritual meaning, yes, but as for a regular meaning, he didn’t know.Â
As for spiritual meaning: divinity, transformation, and inner strength. As for a regular or nonspiritual meaning perhaps hope? He didn’t know why but it stuck. Was it possibly the reason he wanted to find one for his water-inclined partner?Â
Hoping to see their beautiful smile, to see the beauty of their smile outweigh that of the biggest star in the sky. Lasko is a hopeful man, hoping one day he’d stop stammering every five seconds. Perhaps one of these days his wishes would get answered but for now he’d wait.
He’d rest up and enjoy the trip that was offered to him. After all dear didn’t have to invite him, but they chose to. Though he was never good at hiding stuff from them, they’d flash that lovely smile of theirs and he’d crumble like cookies. Thinking about their smile brought a bright pink flush to his face.Â
And for a moment he could swear he could hear them calling his name. It was getting closer.Â
‘’ Laskooooo! ‘’Â
Okay, he wasn’t crazy, he stood up and to his surprise there they were running towards him. It kinda reminded him of a movie scene.. When the protagonist finally gets the one they’ve wanted since the start of the movie. They didn’t seem intent on stopping.Â
Wait. What.
Before Lasko could react they crashed into him. ‘’ Lasko Dearest are you okay? ‘’
To say the least, Lasko was not okay. He was dazed from the crash on the sand, as well as dazed from his lover's face inches away from his. This was far from the first time they’d been this close. And it would be far from the last time they’d be this close. Yet it was this closeness that flustered Lasko. Time after time.Â
‘’ y..y-..y-yeah I’m okay! Just.. distracted.. ‘’ the way their hair fell on their face as they lay on top of him was enchanting. This really felt like a scene out of a movie. Actually no, a book. He didn’t think it was possible to fall in love twice but.. Here he was.Â
‘’ well that’s good, I didn’t mean to knock you over dearest. In fact I wanted to show you something. ‘’ they placed a kiss on his lips before climbing off of the flustered airman. Of course, this action caused him to malfunction but it's okay. Right?Â
‘’ w..w-w..-well what d..d-did you wa-want to s-s-show me? ‘’ god could he stop stammering for five damn seconds?Â
‘’ I found this. ‘’ they show him the shell that they found earlier. ‘’ I’ve never seen something like this. And I was wondering if you knew what it was. ‘’ they finished with a smile.Â
Well, would you look at that? They’d found the Sand Dollar he wanted to give to them. He couldn’t help but break into a fit of laughs. ‘’ I’ve been looking for one of those all day ‘’ the irony was just beautiful.Â
‘’ well, what is it Dearest? ‘’ they looked at him confused.Â
‘’ A Sand Dollar ‘’ he couldn’t help but smile. Instead of him finding it for them. They found it for him.
‘’That smile tells me I’m in for a long ride. ‘’ Dear couldn’t help but smile as well,‘’ tell me all about it Dearest. ‘’
‘’ Are you sure.. You..know I talk a lot.. ‘’Â
‘’ Yes, I enjoy hearing you speak about the things you’re passionate about ‘’
Taglist - @dawnofiight @porters-fangs @achios @sunsickcrab @yournewmusictaste @ashertickler
I could talk about this fic fo a long time, there are so many moments I loved. i don't know if I should right it all out cause people could just read it and find there own favriot parts. oh what the hell
Asher and the pups, like at the begging and the rest, he such a sweetie watching over them ,but also throwing them in. ash loves being the "fun Uncle"
David seeing huxley and instanly becoming worried ( not that he has to be but he just wants darlin to be safe) AND then him realizing he also a big tough and to outsiders scary/intimdating, and fixing his thoughts about huxley size. THEN him saying hed always bet on darlin in a fight, its so cute
Nothing. Everything. I don’t know. Part 2
2nd and final part of the Hux/Darlin fic!
Darlin isn’t sure if they’re dating Huxley or just roommates with benefits and does the unthinkable…they go to David for advice.
Poor Davey.
tags: past abuse, past bad relationships, protective davey, talking about Quinn, angst, hurt/comfort, relationship negotiation
Nothing. Everything. I don’t know. Part 2
David stood at the grill, just out of reach of the splashes from the pool. Asher let some of the kids try to gang up on him, using their collective force to push him right to the edge before he stopped stumbling and just started hoisting them up one after the other and tossing them into the water.
Angel had put a stack of towels on one of the lawn chairs when people first started showing up—knowing that someone always ended up going in that hadn’t planned to.
David was really happy with their home, for them and because it gave the pack someplace to gather outside the den. There was nothing wrong with the den, of course, but it was sometimes a formal setting and sometimes a business setting—not always the best place for relaxing and just being together. His dad had told him that, that it would be his job to be aware of how spaces affected the pack and make sure to give them the right ones to grow in.
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