gremlin-writes-angst - Earths Candy
Earths Candy

372 posts

Uggggg This Is So Sweet And Cute

Uggggg this is so sweet and cute

Sand Dollars

TW - An unnecessary amount of knowledge about Sea Urchins as well as Sand Dollars. And Lasko being Lasko. AN - This was not a fun rewrite, but it was fun nonetheless. WC - 1104

This Wonderful Idea was requested (technically) by @cyanbugremix

The last time they were on the beach was when they were little. Perhaps they felt a connection to the water and the little person that they were walked right into it. Of course, any caring parents would have freaked out- but this wasn’t about that. This was about Lasko and them. Lasko who’d been so freaked out about exam week. 

Lasko who had been so worried about everything but himself. The same airhead who wasn’t taking good care of himself. And that bothered you, so a beach day was in need. After all who doesn’t want to feel the sand against their skin? Of course, they made sure to pack sunscreen. 

The water was clear, the air salty; Just as they remembered this brought back so many wholesome memories. The little vacation time they get between their busy schedules is always welcome. They especially didn’t mind spending it with their stressed-out partner even if he could be a bit of an airhead.

As they continued to think about Lasko, something in the water brushed up against their leg. What was that? They glanced down and what do you know? It was a sea shell, and the tides must have brought it to the surface. 

They’d never seen something like this. It was circular, with some oddly cut lines. There was even a small flower design on it. They had never seen something like this. They’ve seen many different sea shells before but never this. Maybe Lasko knew what it was? Where was Lasko? 

They carefully picked up the weirdly beautiful shell now to find Lasko. The last time they saw him; he was searching for something on the other side of the beach. Perhaps he found one of these shells too! Well, they wouldn’t know unless they went to the other side of the beach. 

Lasko sighed to himself, he could not find a Sand Dollar to save his life. He wanted to give one to his dear. They have stunning shells.. Some funny facts about Sand Dollars they could be considered sea shells, but sand dollars or sea cookies are a type of sea urchin.

Unlike regular sea urchins; their bodies display secondary front-to-back bilateral symmetry. Another fun fact about these snapper biscuits there are no morphological distinguishing features between the females and the males! 

He could go on and on about the cool facts about Sand Dollars and sea urchins in general but, that's not why he’s here. He wanted to find one for his dear, the one who was always patient with him. The one who loves everything about him.. And I mean everything. 

 He took a seat defeated, the blaring sun was starting to become too much. I guess he didn’t take into account how hot it’d be. Though it was said it was supposed to rain today, the sun in the sky didn’t seem to agree with that. But he that was fine for now. Maybe when it cooled down he would continue his search for the runaway Sand Dollar. 

But for right now some rest and hydration were in need. Now that he thought about it.. What did Sand Dollars exactly stand for? They hold a deep spiritual meaning, yes, but as for a regular meaning, he didn’t know. 

As for spiritual meaning: divinity, transformation, and inner strength. As for a regular or nonspiritual meaning perhaps hope? He didn’t know why but it stuck. Was it possibly the reason he wanted to find one for his water-inclined partner? 

Hoping to see their beautiful smile, to see the beauty of their smile outweigh that of the biggest star in the sky. Lasko is a hopeful man, hoping one day he’d stop stammering every five seconds. Perhaps one of these days his wishes would get answered but for now he’d wait.

He’d rest up and enjoy the trip that was offered to him. After all dear didn’t have to invite him, but they chose to. Though he was never good at hiding stuff from them, they’d flash that lovely smile of theirs and he’d crumble like cookies. Thinking about their smile brought a bright pink flush to his face. 

And for a moment he could swear he could hear them calling his name. It was getting closer. 

‘’ Laskooooo! ‘’ 

Okay, he wasn’t crazy, he stood up and to his surprise there they were running towards him. It kinda reminded him of a movie scene.. When the protagonist finally gets the one they’ve wanted since the start of the movie. They didn’t seem intent on stopping. 

Wait. What.

Before Lasko could react they crashed into him. ‘’ Lasko Dearest are you okay?  ‘’

To say the least, Lasko was not okay. He was dazed from the crash on the sand, as well as dazed from his lover's face inches away from his. This was far from the first time they’d been this close. And it would be far from the last time they’d be this close. Yet it was this closeness that flustered Lasko. Time after time. 

‘’ y..y-..y-yeah I’m okay! Just.. distracted.. ‘’ the way their hair fell on their face as they lay on top of him was enchanting. This really felt like a scene out of a movie. Actually no, a book. He didn’t think it was possible to fall in love twice but.. Here he was. 

‘’ well that’s good, I didn’t mean to knock you over dearest. In fact I wanted to show you something. ‘’ they placed a kiss on his lips before climbing off of the flustered airman. Of course, this action caused him to malfunction but it's okay. Right? 

‘’ w..w-w..-well what d..d-did you wa-want to s-s-show me? ‘’ god could he stop stammering for five damn seconds? 

‘’ I found this. ‘’ they show him the shell that they found earlier. ‘’ I’ve never seen something like this. And I was wondering if you knew what it was. ‘’ they finished with a smile. 

Well, would you look at that? They’d found the Sand Dollar he wanted to give to them. He couldn’t help but break into a fit of laughs. ‘’ I’ve been looking for one of those all day ‘’ the irony was just beautiful. 

‘’ well, what is it Dearest? ‘’ they looked at him confused. 

‘’ A Sand Dollar ‘’ he couldn’t help but smile. Instead of him finding it for them. They found it for him.

‘’That smile tells me I’m in for a long ride. ‘’ Dear couldn’t help but smile as well,‘’ tell me all about it Dearest. ‘’

‘’ Are you sure.. You..know I talk a lot.. ‘’ 

‘’ Yes, I enjoy hearing you speak about the things you’re passionate about ‘’


Taglist - @dawnofiight @porters-fangs @achios @sunsickcrab @yournewmusictaste @ashertickler

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6 months ago

Love the way you write

And id love to be added to the taglist

Bad Habits

Milo Greer/Darlin’, 857 words

CWs: mentions of gambling/addiction, eventual angst, poorly written accents (sorry guys my east coast roots do not rescue this one…),  gn pronouns for tank, dasher if you squint, mild cursing

I wanted to make something that wasn’t entirely self-indulgent for once (even though a lot of my hcs for these two separate from this fic are definitely self-indulgent… it’s okay we don’t need to talk about it!!), so here we are! Rather than making one long-winded one-shot, I decided to separate it into multiple shorter chapters to hopefully prolong the eventual burnout that comes with writing after having not done so in so long, so there will be more! I’ll try to make a consistent writing schedule to get me back in the swing of things, so bear with me, it took way longer than it should’ve to finish this. Also, I promise the coming chapters will be longer, I just wanted to set the scene and get a feel for the vibes I was going for, so this just serves as an introduction/backstory naturally. Anyway, now all the disclaimers are out of the way!

Bad Habits

Tank was completely, utterly, and foolishly in love.

With Milo-fucking-Greer, of all people.

They don’t know how it happened. All it was supposed to be was a temporary fling.

So, how on God’s green Earth did they find themselves in this position?


This situationship from Hell came about during the summer of 2011. Colm Greer was deep in his gambling addiction, and Tank’s parents were having those not-so-quiet behind-the-door conversations about moving back to Washington when they thought they weren’t listening. 

David and Asher had turned eighteen just months before Milo and Tank, hardly any time at all; that didn’t stop Asher from lovingly referring to the pair as the ‘babies’ of the group. Neither party enjoyed this nickname, but it was Asher, so there was no way to reverse it until he got bored of it and found something else to entertain himself with.

Despite the many attempts to include them in pack activities, Tank had never felt so isolated. They couldn’t find anything in common with anyone else aside from the fact that they were all shifters, and it only pulled them further away from their (few and far between) attempts to integrate with the others. They found no way for them to relate to anyone.


Anyone except Milo Greer, of course.

They had never really spoken to him about it, but they knew about his father’s problem. Everyone did. It was something everyone was aware of but knew better than to question because it was a private matter, and Gabe Shaw would ensure it stayed that way for the most part.

Regardless, Tank couldn’t help but be a little bit curious.

Tank had reluctantly agreed to join the trio (plus Christian) on an outing after Asher had practically begged them to come along, swearing that it would be fun, even if they didn’t like going out that much. This one little decision found them sitting alone with Milo Greer while Asher and Christian roughhoused and David supervised from afar.

Despite their internal conflict, they couldn’t stop themselves from opening their mouth to speak.

“Is it hard?”

Milo flinched a little at the sound of their voice. They rarely spoke to anyone when they didn’t have to, so hearing them utter those words was entirely unexpected. “Your- Your dad, I mean.” They clarified before shaking their head. “Never mind, that question kind of answers itself. It’s none of my business, sorry.” They blurted out quickly after, going to push themselves to their feet and move somewhere else.

“Frustrating,” Milo said, causing Tank to halt their movements. “It’s not exactly hard, just… frustrating.” He reiterated. Tank nodded, returning to their original position on the ground. “We’re not as close as I’d like us ta’ be because of his issues, y’know? Like… I look at David and Gabe and can’t help but feel jealous. I wish I had that kinda relationship with my old man.” Milo explained, resting his chin on one hand and picking at grass with the other. 

“I get it,” Tank stated, leaning back on their elbows in the grass. “Well, I mean, obviously I don’t. I’m not in your situation. I just… understand that wish for a closer relationship.” They added.

Milo hummed curiously, glancing back at him. Tank’s eyebrows furrowed and they sat up quickly, scanning his expression. “What?” They asked, a frown twisting at the corners of their lips. Milo shrugged in response. 

“Nothin’.” He said, pausing for a moment before letting out a chuckle. “You never talk. Asher was startin' to suspect that you were mute.” He said, a small grin forming on his face. “Now here you are, talkin’ my ear off. Asher’s gonna be pissed that I’m the one ya ended up talkin’ to.” He added teasingly.

Tank rolled their eyes, fidgeting with the stem of a dandelion. “Don’t make it a thing. It’s just because I know strained relationships.” They muttered, eyebrows knitting in concentration as they tied the stem into a small knot. 

“Alright, alright, I’m just kiddin’,” Milo said, pushing himself to his feet as Asher and Christian finished up their playfight. “I won’t ‘make it a thing,’ but I will take pride in the fact that I sorta broke your shell before Asher did.” He declared jokingly, holding his hand out to help them up. Tank eyed his hand for a moment before apprehensively taking it, pulling themselves up. “And… thanks. Y’know, for asking.” Milo added when they were on their feet. “I don’t like talkin’ about it, but… it’s nice to have someone ask once in a while. Everyone else seems ta’ think I’m gonna explode if they ask me about it.” He mumbled with a sigh. 

Tank nodded, dusting themself off. “No problem. Uh… want this dandelion I tied up?” They offered unsurely. They weren’t entirely sure where to go from here. 

Milo tilted his head curiously as he took the dandelion, examining it in his hand. “Sure, why not?” He said, shrugging and sliding it neatly into his pocket.

What might have seemed like an insignificant interaction to anyone else ended up keeping Tank up with their thoughts all night.


taglist ofc:

@porters-fangs @achios @skunkox

(if u wanna be added or taken off just lmk!!)

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