174 posts

Hawaii Is My Number One Bucket List Things Of All Time! I Know Im A Disabled Veteran With A Lot Of Limitations

Hawaii Island Hopping - Getting From One Island to Another
Travel between one Hawaiian island and another, planes and boats between Maui, Oahu, Honolulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Big Island, Molokai, Lanai.

Hawaii is my number one bucket list things of all time! I know I’m a disabled veteran with a lot of limitations (due to different chronic illnesses and mental health illnesses I have unfortunately partly due to my injuries in the military), BUT I can still have dreams and aim for them! I still love Hiking, Lighthouses, anything nature (green and blue), history, language (teaching myself Hawaiian), culture, etc etc you name it I love and Hawaii has it. Probably one of the most extraordinary places to visit! And I WILL get there one day!

Oh and for my TBB/SW friends I will DEFINITELY be wearing my TBB and Grogu aka Baby Yoda shirts lol (I have a TON of them but especially for the lateral haha).

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More Posts from Groguandthebadbatch

3 years ago
Mando'a, sometimes referred to simply as Mandalorian, was the primary language spoken by the Mandalorian culture. Elements of Mando'a were t

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3 years ago

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SO FAR!!!! I need A LOT of Crosshair and Omega interactions in this pretty pretty please!!!! You are the best for tagging me too!!! READ HER WORK ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A CROSSHAIR AND OMEGA FAN TOO!!!! I’m also super happy it’s not a OC or OC romantic interest fic too…those make me not want to read as much…takes away from their awesome and fantastic dynamic!

Broken: Prologue

Read on Ao3

Chapter 1

A/N: Broken is a TBB Modern AU story I've come up with. Big kudos and shoutout goes to @chaoticvampirejedi for all the encouragement she's given me to work on this, and all the excitement she's showed whenever I told her about it. I hope this lives up to your expectations, Vamp!

If you want to be tagged when I post more of this, sign up here (and let me know if this link doesn't work).

So this is a Crosshair x OC story, and this all stemmed from a thought I had about what the boys would do for a living if they were in the modern world. I hope you all enjoy this!

taglist: @chaoticvampirejedi @pentowrite-wingstofly @groguandthebadbatch

“You ready to go, Sarge?” A baby-faced private asked as he poked his head in Hunter’s tent.

“Yeah, yeah, trooper. I’ll be out in 5,” Hunter answered, tucking his last belonging in his bag. The soldier nodded before ducking out.

“You better hurry up, Sergeant,” Crosshair drawled from where he sat on Hunter’s cot, a toothpick rolling around between his teeth. “Sounds like the kid’s getting impatient.”

Hunter glanced at his brother over his shoulder. “Watch the tone, Cross, or I’m liable to report you for giving attitude to your superior,” he said with a smirk.

Crosshair shrugged, mischief playing in his dark eyes. “A report like that wouldn’t mean much coming from someone who’s not my superior officer anymore…” He pulled out his toothpick and flicked it at Hunter. “Now would it?”

A chuckle escaped the sergeant. He shook his head, muttering, “Oh, Cross, I’m gonna miss you.” He slung his bag over his shoulder as the two of them sauntered outside. They were greeted by the baking Afghani sun and a soft breeze that blew dust around their ankles.

“Don’t worry. You’ll have the pleasure of my company again in two weeks.”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I can hardly wait.”

Ahead of them, the private was waiting in a jeep, and an older soldier wearing a captain’s insignia leaned against the vehicle. “You all set, Sergeant?” the captain asked.

Hunter nodded. “Yes, sir, Captain Howzer.” He tossed his bag in the back of the jeep. “Ready and itching to get home.”

Howzer chuckled. “I don’t blame you. Army life gets a little tiring after a while, doesn’t it?”

“Actually, sir, I’m just excited to see my kid sister. There ARE some things I’ll miss about the army.”

“Well, the army’ll miss you, Hunter, take my word for it.” Howzer held out his hand, which Hunter heartily shook. “You’re a good soldier and you and your boys have been very successful. If you ever decide to sign on again, I’d be honored to fight by your side.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Hunter offered him a friendly smile. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me and my squad. And if I may speak freely, I feel better knowing they’re going to your command.”

“I’ll do my best by ‘em, Hunter. I promise.”

The men saluted each other. In the jeep, the private asked, “Well, Sarge? To the airfield?”

“One sec, kid.” Hunter turned to Crosshair. “Now, Cross, don’t cause any trouble for the captain, ‘kay? You’re only here till the end of the month, so go easy on him.”

A playful, crooked grin flashed across the sniper's face. “You know I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” He saluted his sergeant, but Hunter just rolled his eyes and pulled him in for a hug. Considering the circumstances, Cross decided not to protest the gesture. He squeezed his brother tight, and they patted each other on the back.

“I’ll miss you, Cross,” Hunter whispered.

Crosshair sighed. “I’ll miss you, too, Hunter.”

Hunter pulled away, holding him at arms’ length. “And seriously, try to stay out of trouble.”

“I will, Hunter. Don’t worry.”

One more hug and Hunter hopped in the jeep.

“Hey, Hunt?” Crosshair called over the start of the engine.


“Tell the others ‘hi’ for me, will ya?”

“You got it.”

“And…” His gaze fell to the ground before he lifted it back to Hunter. “Give Omega a hug for me… Please.”

A look of shock was quickly replaced by one of the softest smiles Crosshair had ever seen on his brother’s tattooed face. “I will, Cross. But I’d still better see YOU give her a hug when you join us, okay?”

“Don’t worry. Tell her I’ll give her one personally in two weeks.”

Hunter nodded as the jeep moved forward. “I will, brother. See ya soon!” He waved over his shoulder, the vehicle kicking up a trail of dust as it drove off towards the airfield.

Cross waved until the jeep disappeared over the crest of a hill. Howzer rested a hand on his shoulder. “You alright, Crosshair?”

The sniper nodded, pulling a toothpick out of his pocket and sticking it between his teeth. “Yes, sir. I’m alright.”

Only two more weeks…

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3 years ago
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier
Star Wars | Illustrated By Liam Brazier

Star Wars | illustrated by Liam Brazier

3 years ago

Yay another Crosshair and Omega mini fic? Not sure what to call these but I LOVE it along with anything to do with these two. Need more Fanfictions for them!!!

Crosshair: *doing his thing, death-staring into the void, chewing on his toothpick*

Omega: *comes nearer, watching him a while, smiles at him*

Crosshair: ...

Crosshair: what do you want

Omega: Can I have a toothpick too?

Crosshair: ...

Crosshair: fine

Crosshair: *takes out toothpicks, hands them to her*

Omega: *takes one and puts it in her mouth*

Omega: *proceeds to chew and eat the thing like a pretzel stick*


Crosshair: Kid.

Crosshair: Kid, no.

Crosshair: *drags Omega to Hunter* take your child back

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2 years ago
Pearl Harbor
This is the story of a sensible, though ultimately unnecessary, precaution that was taken to keep US currency out of the hands of the Japane