174 posts
Hawaii Is My Number One Bucket List Things Of All Time! I Know Im A Disabled Veteran With A Lot Of Limitations

Hawaii is my number one bucket list things of all time! I know I’m a disabled veteran with a lot of limitations (due to different chronic illnesses and mental health illnesses I have unfortunately partly due to my injuries in the military), BUT I can still have dreams and aim for them! I still love Hiking, Lighthouses, anything nature (green and blue), history, language (teaching myself Hawaiian), culture, etc etc you name it I love and Hawaii has it. Probably one of the most extraordinary places to visit! And I WILL get there one day!
Oh and for my TBB/SW friends I will DEFINITELY be wearing my TBB and Grogu aka Baby Yoda shirts lol (I have a TON of them but especially for the lateral haha).
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More Posts from Groguandthebadbatch
Lisasstars I LOVE THIS! I LOVE Crosshair and Omega so much!!! Wish I could find more of them together :(.
Crosshair’s face. ♥️

He looks so young and innocent. 🥺
Here’s how the Bad Batch would behave watching Omega in her school play, because why the heck not?!
I would like to thank the @bad-batch-week discord for giving me the prompt “what the batchers would do if they weren’t soldiers”, that led me to this.
Let me being by saying that they would all cry. All five of them are in tears. That is a given.
Crosshair: Now Cross absolutely will not let anyone see that he’s crying. But he is. She’s just so darn adorable and he can’t cope. He’s so proud of his vod’ika, she was so nervous and took some coaxing to do this, and she’s doing so great.
Wrecker: Standing. Ovations. Every scene Wrecker is on his feet or letting everyone know that’s his little sister! Crosshair and Tech remind him to save the cheering and applause to the end of the show. He’s so proud he could burst, the tears are flowing, and he whispers to remind his brothers of this every five minutes.
Tech: Omega’s performance is so profound it’s moved him to tears, and he’s not afraid to show it. Out of all of them, he was the least bothered about seeing this school play, but he’s come out of it a changed man. Truly inspired. Is in charge of filming because Echo is crying too hard.
Echo: The proudest of moms. Was so sure he could stay composed but the moment that girl skips onstage he’s gone. Immediately hands the phone for Tech to film because his hands are shaking too much. Scolds Wrecker for the constant standing ovations but secretly wants to do the same. He and Hunter spend most of the show holding onto each other, crying.
Hunter: Utter crying wreck. This man is a mess. He loses his composure the moment she comes onstage. That’s his vod’ika! She waves at him excitedly from the stage and he gives her thumbs up. Everytime she catches his eye, its a thumbs up. He needs a nap after the show because he’s so exhausted from crying. Spends most of the show crying on Echo.
Omega: is literally playing a tree. But she’s having the best time.
- The video of Omega’s performance is a whole mess. Tech is filming, but Crosshair thinks he could do it better. They show the video to Cid and realise it is mainly Crosshair and Tech aggressively whisper-arguing, Wrecker cheering, and Hunter and Echo could be heard sobbing in the background. (this one is inspired by @writegowrite‘s contribution to this thread).
- Omega gets a louder cheer for playing a tree, than the kids playing the main parts. The Bad Batch have NO shame. Some find it adorable, though.
- They absolutely pick Omega up after the show and give her flowers, and celebrate with lemonade “champagne”.
- If Omega falls over during the show, they all have to pin Hunter down before he dives onstage. Omega never loses her cool, though. She owns it, strikes a pose and gets right back on her feet. (another great idea from @writegowrite )
- If Omega has a singing solo, it’s over. The five of them are on the floor in a big crying heap.
If anyone wants to draw this, it would actually make my life. This has brought me a ridiculous amount of joy to write. Also pls add to this I beg u.
Yay another Crosshair and Omega post!!! Making my day @animymind !!!!

brother and sister

saving each other
Can’t wait to see these (some at least) when I one day get to Hawaii (my number 1 dream and bucket list thing/place), partly because my husband and I have still not had a honeymoon after 5 years.
I also have numerous chronic illnesses and mental health issues that I can’t wait forever since every year my health has been steadily declining. If anyone sees anything Hawaiian please share or tag me please and thank you so much!!!

One day my dream will come true 🙏💚💛🧡🌴🌺🐠🐡🐬🦈