any/all minor artist i guessin my skull there are several characters bouncing around and they all hate it there
315 posts
Have Some Sketches :)
Have some sketches :)

I had a headache for the first sketch so.
Also, the third one is not upside down, he's just vibing.
More Posts from Haethealhell
We all know this site is US-user heavy, but I wanna know how many are vs aren't from the land of capitalism.

So for some reason my art skills suddenly became those of a minor Deity and

Holy shit it looks so dramatic from this angle
One of the reactors, I don't remember their name, said that Geoff sounded like a Marvel Villain, and that he could imagine that after the Avengers have killed Thanos, Geoff would be the next big thing.
And boy do I have ideas for this.

SO first, this lot, along with Kathy, is the main villainous group, the brains behind it all. They would all have various powers based on their voices and talents, but I cannot think of any right now. But they should all have some sort of Siren-like ability.
I reckon the majority of the plot would have the Heroes fighting some of the often-featured guests as either Hitmen or Assassins, all the time trying to work out who is puppeteering all of this.
Geoff, Layne and Eli are the "Main Three", with Cesar and JNone having joined after the chaos started, possibly with all of them having angsty backstories to incentivize them to start being evil. I think Geoff would be the sort of quiet but powerful one, and Layne and Eli would probably be the ones who are the biggest talkers in meetings.
And when the Heroes actually finds them, the group starts, like, humming or singing and they all just sort of stop in shock and whatnot, and then the Heroes all get fucking killed for breaking and entering, the end.
If you want to we can go even more into gore and make Geoff and Kathy give Thomas some femurs or whatever.
I almost want to write something for this, except I'm not at all a writer.
Am I the only one who doesn't hear much pedophilic stuff in Geoff's cover of I'm on Fire?
The lyrics are strange, but after I listened to it a few times, I just hear it as a grandfather talking to his granddaughter.
"Hey little girl is your daddy home? Did he go and leave you on your own, all right." Self-explanatory.
"I got a bad desire." To me, this sounds like Geoff is saying either that he has a bad desire to distrust the father for leaving his kid, or that he has a 'bad' desire, not bad as in sexual, but bad as in, oh I want to give you sweets even though he said not to.
"Woah oh-oh, I'm on fire." Embers, dying but still glowing, telling that to the young flame.
"Tell me now baby is he good to you?" Asking if he treats her well, if he gives her enough love.
"And can he do to you the things that I do?" Can he give you the same amount of joy that I can? Does he give you a good childhood?
"Oh no, well I can take you higher." Honestly? Swings. The grandfather pushes the kid higher on the swings when asked. Or the idea of giving the granddaughter a higher level of happiness.
"Woah oh-oh I'm on fire. Woah oh I'm on fire." Again, I just get the mental image of an old flame saying this to a young one.
Anyway, I leave you all with this