Cesar De La Rosa - Tumblr Posts
new voiceplay vid had me even more in love with rachel potter and these absolute dorks guys i didnt think it was possible for rachel to be scary and sexy at the same time but here we are
Something I've noticed:
Whenever Geoff is taking the lead in a song, he tends to look around.

Moana Medley, he's looking at Earl. He also looks around at the others.

Hellfire, first image is him looking at Cesar, and second is him looking at Eli and Cesar. Also, right before the second image, he seems to look at JNone and Layne.
Also, I just noticed this:

All of them are trying so hard to be serious.

Then most of them crack.
I know there are more examples of Geoff doing this, but I'm quite lazy.
Anyway, I think Geoff looks around at the others in the group to make sure that he's not taking the character too far and being scary, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Cesar i love you but you are such an enigma
also i have heard some reactors, Mortius, Peter Barber and Jennifer Glatzhofer, referring to Cesar with they/them pronouns and i want to know if Cesar actually uses those pronouns bcs i don't want to be rude
i feel like one day we will get cesar in a dress, or at least a skirt, and i am ready for it
help i am clueless when it comes to fashion, what dress and what colour would look best on Cesar De La Rosa? please i need to know this (i am trying to draw them)
onepointbraincell i hope you know i did not mean to time it like this but i'm done with Cesar Dress La Rosa i genuinely did not mean to finish it right after you posted your own fanart and i feel like if i post it now it's gonna seem like i'm trying to one-up you and i don't want that
Cesar in a dress? Cesar in a dress.

first sketch:

final sketch:

Final thing:

please ignore the leg it is way too long and looks off and i decided not to add eyes because it's a weird angle
My first reaction to In The Hall Of The Mountain King went
ooh! hi Geoff :) hi Layne :) hi Cesar :) oh wow hi Eli :)
enter Elizabeth

Cesar going Aaa :D in If I were a Rich Man/Girl as Layne sings I wouldn't have to work hard My Absolute Beloved

I love them a not normal amount
One of the reactors, I don't remember their name, said that Geoff sounded like a Marvel Villain, and that he could imagine that after the Avengers have killed Thanos, Geoff would be the next big thing.
And boy do I have ideas for this.

SO first, this lot, along with Kathy, is the main villainous group, the brains behind it all. They would all have various powers based on their voices and talents, but I cannot think of any right now. But they should all have some sort of Siren-like ability.
I reckon the majority of the plot would have the Heroes fighting some of the often-featured guests as either Hitmen or Assassins, all the time trying to work out who is puppeteering all of this.
Geoff, Layne and Eli are the "Main Three", with Cesar and JNone having joined after the chaos started, possibly with all of them having angsty backstories to incentivize them to start being evil. I think Geoff would be the sort of quiet but powerful one, and Layne and Eli would probably be the ones who are the biggest talkers in meetings.
And when the Heroes actually finds them, the group starts, like, humming or singing and they all just sort of stop in shock and whatnot, and then the Heroes all get fucking killed for breaking and entering, the end.
If you want to we can go even more into gore and make Geoff and Kathy give Thomas some femurs or whatever.
I almost want to write something for this, except I'm not at all a writer.

Hellfire my beloved
My new hobby: Reading the premier YouTube chat LOOSE IT
and geoff and layne and VP interacting are probably not helping very much, as funny as it is
i have screenshots of all of them being idiots and

these are just from Valhalla Calling

The Dragonborn Comes
VP was also just shouting OMAR a lot
im about to go through Drunken Sailor
the idea of Cesar making/having a Tumblr scares me constantly
Finished it,


pat pat
feel free to request specific people these are fun to make
I love these guys!! Not only are they insanely talented, but you can tell they genuinely like each other. They always look like they are having the BEST time being around one another. I think BTS and Voiceplay would have an AMAZING time collaborating together. The behind the scenes shenanigans alone would be worth it!
Watch "Hoist the Colours Acapella VoicePlay ft Jose Rosario Jr" on YouTube
Yo-ho, all together - hoist the colours high!
This is the best cover I've ever heard of this song, hands down. The chills are constant. Geoff's rumbling bass, Layne's crazy drums, Cesar's eerie tone and intensity, Jose's smoothness, Eli's heavy metal grit... To say nothing of the incredible arrangement and insane video production. Now off to listen a million more times.