Layne Stein - Tumblr Posts
new voiceplay vid had me even more in love with rachel potter and these absolute dorks guys i didnt think it was possible for rachel to be scary and sexy at the same time but here we are
gave it a go, i promise i'm good at art i swear please

Draw your squad phasmophobia style
Something I've noticed:
Whenever Geoff is taking the lead in a song, he tends to look around.

Moana Medley, he's looking at Earl. He also looks around at the others.

Hellfire, first image is him looking at Cesar, and second is him looking at Eli and Cesar. Also, right before the second image, he seems to look at JNone and Layne.
Also, I just noticed this:

All of them are trying so hard to be serious.

Then most of them crack.
I know there are more examples of Geoff doing this, but I'm quite lazy.
Anyway, I think Geoff looks around at the others in the group to make sure that he's not taking the character too far and being scary, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
i cant wait for the inevitable day in which my school does one of those PE workout sessions with the videos and Voiceplay's Cheerleader is played and i just wont be able to stop laughing at all of the stares that they do to the camera
i love that Geoff, especially in the more charactery vids, just seems like an entity

btw, i feel like he blinks strangely in Valhalla Calling? idk

many examples of this in My Mother Told Me

and i never noticed this, but it looks like geoff has some sort of wound on his chest, it's redder than the rest of him

also layne i love you but you look like a raccon
My new hobby: Reading the premier YouTube chat LOOSE IT
and geoff and layne and VP interacting are probably not helping very much, as funny as it is
i have screenshots of all of them being idiots and

these are just from Valhalla Calling

The Dragonborn Comes
VP was also just shouting OMAR a lot
im about to go through Drunken Sailor
i have more from Drunken Sailor and Hoist the Colours

Drunken Sailor

And Hoist the Colours
My new hobby: Reading the premier YouTube chat LOOSE IT
and geoff and layne and VP interacting are probably not helping very much, as funny as it is
i have screenshots of all of them being idiots and

these are just from Valhalla Calling

The Dragonborn Comes
VP was also just shouting OMAR a lot
im about to go through Drunken Sailor
the intro to the Broadway ACA top 10 threw me off so fucking much, because i first saw it in a compilation and i'm like ??? why ??? why are they both racist ???
petition to call them a-Layne-ngments and arran-Geoff-s
"I've never heard a song from Pattycake!"
if you have been in any fandom ever with a manipulative character then you have heard Tough Love okay stop lying to me
My first reaction to In The Hall Of The Mountain King went
ooh! hi Geoff :) hi Layne :) hi Cesar :) oh wow hi Eli :)
enter Elizabeth

This is most of Layne Stein's aesthetic to me.

And I cannot explain it.
One of the reactors, I don't remember their name, said that Geoff sounded like a Marvel Villain, and that he could imagine that after the Avengers have killed Thanos, Geoff would be the next big thing.
And boy do I have ideas for this.

SO first, this lot, along with Kathy, is the main villainous group, the brains behind it all. They would all have various powers based on their voices and talents, but I cannot think of any right now. But they should all have some sort of Siren-like ability.
I reckon the majority of the plot would have the Heroes fighting some of the often-featured guests as either Hitmen or Assassins, all the time trying to work out who is puppeteering all of this.
Geoff, Layne and Eli are the "Main Three", with Cesar and JNone having joined after the chaos started, possibly with all of them having angsty backstories to incentivize them to start being evil. I think Geoff would be the sort of quiet but powerful one, and Layne and Eli would probably be the ones who are the biggest talkers in meetings.
And when the Heroes actually finds them, the group starts, like, humming or singing and they all just sort of stop in shock and whatnot, and then the Heroes all get fucking killed for breaking and entering, the end.
If you want to we can go even more into gore and make Geoff and Kathy give Thomas some femurs or whatever.
I almost want to write something for this, except I'm not at all a writer.

Hellfire my beloved
My new hobby: Reading the premier YouTube chat LOOSE IT
and geoff and layne and VP interacting are probably not helping very much, as funny as it is
i have screenshots of all of them being idiots and

these are just from Valhalla Calling

The Dragonborn Comes
VP was also just shouting OMAR a lot
im about to go through Drunken Sailor


The scales are less obvious in reality but you get the idea

Layne, sad because Geoff is taller than him.

Geoff, freshly passed out.

@fallingblueroses FANART WOOO
The bedroom was dark, but Geoff didn't need light as he lay on his side and watched his wife and son sleep. Kathy had an arm wrapped around William and was holding him close. The house was silent except for the hum of the air conditioner and the occassional car passing outside. They had decided to keep William home from school the next day and turned off their alarms for the morning. He doubted anyone expected them to be at PattyCake.
Kathy had calmed down immensely after she had her baby in her arms, and seeing Kathy calm had gone a long way toward calming Geoff's nerves. William had taken things far better than they'd expected. He'd stared at them for several seconds as he processed things, then he'd climbed into Geoff's lap and asked "So you can fly now?"
He'd had to laugh. "I don't know. I haven't tried." When he thought about it, it would be a shame to have wings like this and then they not work.
He and Kathy had both worked on reverting to their human form. For some reason it seemed to be easier for her even though, like Geoff, she couldn't hold it for long. William had simply watched in fascination before asking if he'd grow wings too. And again, all Geoff could say was that he didn't know.
He listened to his family breathing and nagging worries began to eat at him. What if the changes weren't done? What would happen to William if they became full dragons or demons or whatever? And even if they didn't, how would they explain this to their relatives? What about their work? And what if...what if they were taken away by some government agents or scientists for "study"? Geoff shuddered as he imagined himself and Kathy chained up in cells, being stuck with needles and having bits of tissue cut from them.
Stop. You'll drive yourself crazy. He took a deep breath and slowly released it before moving closer to his wife and son. He put an arm around them, then carefully brought one wing up to cover and protect his family and tucked his head in close to Kathy's.
He kept listening to them breathe as he fell asleep.
Geoff's body felt far calmer when he woke up the next morning. He drew his wing back and got out of bed, careful not to wake his family. Yesterday his wings had felt like sandbags hanging from his back, but as he stood up they felt lighter, more natural. He barely noticed the extra weight as he walked to the bathroom.
The horns weren't as frightening as they had been when he looked in the mirror. His eyes had gone from hazel to tawny, and his hair was fuller and longer, hanging past his shoulders. He studied his reflection for a long time, then looked down at his hands with their claws. Yesterday he'd been ready to cut the tips of his fingers off to get rid of the claws, but today...I guess I'm getting used to things...Wonder if I'll be able to play the piano with these...
His wings wouldn't quite fit in the shower comfortably, but he was able to hold his human form long enough to clean up. Once he was dressed he went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. He was absolutely ravenous, and he had to assume Kathy would be as well. They had plenty of food on hand for now, but... How am I supposed to get groceries like this? Maybe I can ask one of the guys to go shopping for me...
A few minutes later his phone beeped twice with notifications, and when Geoff checked his phone he saw the texts were from Layne. Hey Geoff. Look at this. There was a video attatched, titled "'Dragon Syndrome' Reported In 13 States".
He blinked as he played the video. The reporter was shown for a few seconds, then a map of the United States was displayed with various states marked in red. "Thirteen states have reported what is for now being called 'Dragon Syndrome', with people actually growing dragon-like wings, horns, and claws. There is very little information about this, but the Center for Disease Control is asking that anyone experiencing this go to the nearest emergency room for testing..."
Geoff growled to himself. Yeah, right. Not happening. If the government wants us they can come and get us. He wasn't sure if this made things better or worse. He couldn't help but think of how things had spiraled into insanity when the COVID pandemic had hit.
Another thought came to him. If it was some kind of virus...He texted Layne back. You're not growing wings, are you?
Nope. I'm fine.
Good. Hopefully the others were as well. Geoff put the phone away and kept making breakfast as his mind went over this new development.
After breakfast Geoff showed Kathy Layne's text, and Kathy looked up more articles as William helped Geoff clean the kitchen. "This one says it's in nineteen states now," she said from her seat at the kitchen table.
Geoff sighed as he rinsed a plate and handed it to William to put in the dishwasher. "Great. It's spreading."
Kathy frowned. "But if it's a disease of some kind, then a cure can be found."
"Yeah, but that could take years. I keep thinking about everything that could happen. People might panic, Kath. And if they do things are going to go to hell pretty quick."
"This isn't the Dark Ages, Geoff. People do crazy stuff to their bodies all the time. What we have is nothing compared to some of the pictures I've seen."
He pointedly flexed his wings. "Seen anyone walking around with wings lately? It just takes a few lunatics to get the pitchforks and torches going." A strong need to protect his wife and son rose in his chest. "And there are people who would stir up that kind of trouble just to watch stuff burn."
Kathy studied his face, then came up to him. "I know. But there's so many other things to think about. Why don't we worry about that when it starts to happen." She hugged him and rested her head on his chest.
Geoff sighed. "Right." He put his arm around her. A glance to the side showed William staring at them and he beckoned for him. William came up and hugged them both, and Geoff brought his wings up and around to cover them again. He wondered how that gesture had come so naturally to him, but decided not to think too hard about it. At least not right now.

pat pat
feel free to request specific people these are fun to make
I've already said it in a comment, but 'Dragon Syndrome' is not what I was expecting at all! Makes me wonder what caused this to happen... hmm... I still think Thomas the Moose might have something to do with it!
The bedroom was dark, but Geoff didn't need light as he lay on his side and watched his wife and son sleep. Kathy had an arm wrapped around William and was holding him close. The house was silent except for the hum of the air conditioner and the occassional car passing outside. They had decided to keep William home from school the next day and turned off their alarms for the morning. He doubted anyone expected them to be at PattyCake.
Kathy had calmed down immensely after she had her baby in her arms, and seeing Kathy calm had gone a long way toward calming Geoff's nerves. William had taken things far better than they'd expected. He'd stared at them for several seconds as he processed things, then he'd climbed into Geoff's lap and asked "So you can fly now?"
He'd had to laugh. "I don't know. I haven't tried." When he thought about it, it would be a shame to have wings like this and then they not work.
He and Kathy had both worked on reverting to their human form. For some reason it seemed to be easier for her even though, like Geoff, she couldn't hold it for long. William had simply watched in fascination before asking if he'd grow wings too. And again, all Geoff could say was that he didn't know.
He listened to his family breathing and nagging worries began to eat at him. What if the changes weren't done? What would happen to William if they became full dragons or demons or whatever? And even if they didn't, how would they explain this to their relatives? What about their work? And what if...what if they were taken away by some government agents or scientists for "study"? Geoff shuddered as he imagined himself and Kathy chained up in cells, being stuck with needles and having bits of tissue cut from them.
Stop. You'll drive yourself crazy. He took a deep breath and slowly released it before moving closer to his wife and son. He put an arm around them, then carefully brought one wing up to cover and protect his family and tucked his head in close to Kathy's.
He kept listening to them breathe as he fell asleep.
Geoff's body felt far calmer when he woke up the next morning. He drew his wing back and got out of bed, careful not to wake his family. Yesterday his wings had felt like sandbags hanging from his back, but as he stood up they felt lighter, more natural. He barely noticed the extra weight as he walked to the bathroom.
The horns weren't as frightening as they had been when he looked in the mirror. His eyes had gone from hazel to tawny, and his hair was fuller and longer, hanging past his shoulders. He studied his reflection for a long time, then looked down at his hands with their claws. Yesterday he'd been ready to cut the tips of his fingers off to get rid of the claws, but today...I guess I'm getting used to things...Wonder if I'll be able to play the piano with these...
His wings wouldn't quite fit in the shower comfortably, but he was able to hold his human form long enough to clean up. Once he was dressed he went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. He was absolutely ravenous, and he had to assume Kathy would be as well. They had plenty of food on hand for now, but... How am I supposed to get groceries like this? Maybe I can ask one of the guys to go shopping for me...
A few minutes later his phone beeped twice with notifications, and when Geoff checked his phone he saw the texts were from Layne. Hey Geoff. Look at this. There was a video attatched, titled "'Dragon Syndrome' Reported In 13 States".
He blinked as he played the video. The reporter was shown for a few seconds, then a map of the United States was displayed with various states marked in red. "Thirteen states have reported what is for now being called 'Dragon Syndrome', with people actually growing dragon-like wings, horns, and claws. There is very little information about this, but the Center for Disease Control is asking that anyone experiencing this go to the nearest emergency room for testing..."
Geoff growled to himself. Yeah, right. Not happening. If the government wants us they can come and get us. He wasn't sure if this made things better or worse. He couldn't help but think of how things had spiraled into insanity when the COVID pandemic had hit.
Another thought came to him. If it was some kind of virus...He texted Layne back. You're not growing wings, are you?
Nope. I'm fine.
Good. Hopefully the others were as well. Geoff put the phone away and kept making breakfast as his mind went over this new development.
After breakfast Geoff showed Kathy Layne's text, and Kathy looked up more articles as William helped Geoff clean the kitchen. "This one says it's in nineteen states now," she said from her seat at the kitchen table.
Geoff sighed as he rinsed a plate and handed it to William to put in the dishwasher. "Great. It's spreading."
Kathy frowned. "But if it's a disease of some kind, then a cure can be found."
"Yeah, but that could take years. I keep thinking about everything that could happen. People might panic, Kath. And if they do things are going to go to hell pretty quick."
"This isn't the Dark Ages, Geoff. People do crazy stuff to their bodies all the time. What we have is nothing compared to some of the pictures I've seen."
He pointedly flexed his wings. "Seen anyone walking around with wings lately? It just takes a few lunatics to get the pitchforks and torches going." A strong need to protect his wife and son rose in his chest. "And there are people who would stir up that kind of trouble just to watch stuff burn."
Kathy studied his face, then came up to him. "I know. But there's so many other things to think about. Why don't we worry about that when it starts to happen." She hugged him and rested her head on his chest.
Geoff sighed. "Right." He put his arm around her. A glance to the side showed William staring at them and he beckoned for him. William came up and hugged them both, and Geoff brought his wings up and around to cover them again. He wondered how that gesture had come so naturally to him, but decided not to think too hard about it. At least not right now.
EGEHEHHGGUhEHghuhdeehehhgheuhuahsehgehhouou - Layne
Muahahahahahahua... - Geoff
honorary mention to Layne's 2nd laugh:
Aca Top 10: Disney Villains — VoicePlay music video
Many actors contend that it's more fun to play baddies who get to indulge their darker desires without regret. The same often applies in musicals, whether they're on stage or screen. Disney knows how to craft a good villain song. These are some of their most fun, slick, seductive, and dastardly.
title: Aca Top 10 – Disney Villains
original songs / performers: "Friends on the Other Side" by Keith David as Doctor Facilier in The Princess and the Frog (2009); [0:33] "Mother Knows Best" by Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel in Tangled (2010); [0:50] "Trust In Me" by Sterling Holloway as Kaa in The Jungle Book (1967); [1:08] "The Siamese Cat Song" by Peggy Lee as Si and Am in Lady and the Tramp (1955); [1:28] "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Ken Page as Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993); [1:52] "Cruella De Vil" by Bill Lee as Roger Radcliffe in 101 Dalmatians (1961); [2:16] "Gaston" by Jesse Corti as LaFou & Richard White as Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (1991); [2:50] "Hellfire" by Tony Jay as Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996); [3:06] "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Carroll as Ursula in The Little Mermaid (1989); [3:25] "Be Prepared" by Jeremy Irons as Scar in The Lion King (1994)
written by: "Friends on the Other Side" by Randy Newman; "Mother Knows Best" by Alan Menken & Glenn Slater; "Trust In Me" by Robert & Richard Sherman; "The Siamese Cat Song" by Peggy Lee & Sonny Burke; "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Danny Elfman; "Cruella De Vil" by George Bruns & Mel Leven; "Gaston" by Alan Menken & Howard Ashman; "Hellfire" by Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz; "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Howard Ashman & Alan Menken; "Be Prepared" by Elton John & Tim Rice
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci & Layne Stein
release date: 22 March 2019
My favorite bits:
Layne kicking things off with scampering percussion before settling into a swingy groove
J.None showing off his smooth lower range
the vibratto Earl puts on that final high ♫ "motheeer" ♫
both Eli and Layne doing snaky hand motions during "Trust In Me" 🐍
Geoff's big bass drops on ♫ "ey-yyyes" ♫ and the final ♫ "meee" ♫
that crunchy harmony on ♫ "don't pleeease" ♫
all the shenanigans with the tiny kitty figurine 🐈
getting a preview of the "Oogie Boogie" production to come
that funky take on the second half of "Cruella"
the back row's dubious reactions to Geoff asserting his intimidation factor in "Gaston" as Layne fixes his hair
the extended transition — ♫ "Gimme hip-to-hip" ♫ ::Eli and J start flossing:: 🕺 "Chapstick!" ::Earl holds up a tube::
the clever coordination of ♫ "[tur]-ning me to" ♫ and ♫ "number two" ♫ at the end of "Hellfire"
Layne's bubbly percussion during "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
Earl getting annoyed at J and Eli joining him on the lyrics of "Be Prepared" before they return to harmonies
the three octave unison between Geoff and Earl
that nice clean ending

○ VoicePlay had recorded or performed several of these songs before.
They did a full version of "Cruella de Vil" in collaboration with Disney for the Diamond Edition release of 101 Dalmatians on Blu-ray. They also included an excerpt in their aca-Disney medley to celebrate 20 years of Disney shows on Broadway.
"Gaston" is part of their Beauty and the Beast medley, Tale As Old As Time, on their 2012 album "Once Upon an Ever After".
"Be Prepared" is part of their "OUaEA" Lion King medley, The King Has Returned. (That's also where the snippet over the end screen is from.)
"Mother Knows Best" was part of "The Story of Rapunzel" that they performed at Disney World's 2015 Social Media Moms Celebration.
○ They had also previously created a shorter villains medley including several of these songs for Jonathan Freedman as part of their Disney Sessions collaboration with the Aladdin stage cast.
○ Since this video was released, the guys have recorded longer versions of several more of these tunes.
"Friends on the Other Side" was their Halloween video for 2021, as well as their first reunion with J.None after he left to join the U.S. Navy Band.
"Oogie Boogie's Song" was their Halloween video later in this year.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" was included in their Little Mermaid medley with Rachel Potter a year and a half later.
"Hellfire" was their Halloween video in 2023, also with J.None as the featured guest.
Geoff did a short of "Trust In Me" on his solo channel in 2024.
○ The guys' shirts are once again thematically appropriate.
Eli — Darth Vader from Star Wars in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" drawing
Earl — the face of Hades from Hercules in blue and purple linework with yellow eyes and teeth, surrounded by blue flames, all with a glow effect meant to imitate neon lights
J.None — a full-body portrait of Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame with one hand extended to the side (I couldn't find the exact design, but I found one that's somewhat close and did a bit of editing to get it closer.)
Geoff — the stylized face of Scar from The Lion King
Layne — Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog mirrored in the style of a playing card, with glowing red cards floating near his outstretched fingers and his name on a banner across the middle

○ Geoff later mentioned in his interview on The Charismatic Voice that he'd considered auditioning for Gaston at Disney World when he worked there, but that the guys who play the role are usually four to six inches taller than him due to the costume and choreography required.
○ They garnered a bit of praise from prolific a cappella arranger Rob Dietz, who they'd met during The Sing-Off, and who would become a frequent collaborator in a few years.
![◦ quoted tweet from VoicePlay — "We're counting down the TOP 10 DISNEY VILLAINS SONGS in one EPIC medley 😈. Can you GUESS what NUMBER 1 is?" [teaser video clip] — dated 22 March 2019
◦ quote tweet from Rob Dietz — "@geophr3y and @LayneStein don't get enough credit as arrangers – they do transitions like no other!" — dated 23 March 2019](
○ An artist fan was inspired to create a gender bent version of Cruel-Layne De Vil.

drawing by rtlndr_ on Instagram
○ The boys busted out some of their best evil laughs to further entertain their social media followers.
○ This is the final entry in a mini-series within their "Aca Top 10" series, which was preceded by countdowns for "Disney Heroes" and "Disney Sidekicks" over the previous year and a half.
I love these guys!! Not only are they insanely talented, but you can tell they genuinely like each other. They always look like they are having the BEST time being around one another. I think BTS and Voiceplay would have an AMAZING time collaborating together. The behind the scenes shenanigans alone would be worth it!
Watch "Hoist the Colours Acapella VoicePlay ft Jose Rosario Jr" on YouTube
Yo-ho, all together - hoist the colours high!
This is the best cover I've ever heard of this song, hands down. The chills are constant. Geoff's rumbling bass, Layne's crazy drums, Cesar's eerie tone and intensity, Jose's smoothness, Eli's heavy metal grit... To say nothing of the incredible arrangement and insane video production. Now off to listen a million more times.