halliwellsims4 - HalliwellSims4

A TV show that run from 90's to 2000 and charmed us all, adults and children alike🥰We loved them so much that most of us recreate them in TS4, with their house and their dedicated CC. Charmed is in the heart of all of us! In this blog I will publish some of the mini stories of the Power of Three🥰🪄

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3 years ago

Phoebe: Yes Elise, I'll do it in the morning, have a good night....


Phoebe: Oh, what happened!? My head... Medulia: You finally woke up.... Phoebe: And who are you!? Medulia: I'll be you for a while, thanks to the hair I cut off..Ahahah! Phoebe: What? And what do you want to do!? Medulia: You're asking me!? Obviously your powers, then the book of shadows! Phoebe: And you think you can do that!? Medulia: I'll try!


Phoebe: OMG!


Medulia: Powerful spirits and magical black forces, crossing all barriers, I summon you! Transform me into the beautiful Phoebe! Mine shall be the power of three!


Medulia: Ahahahahah!! I succeeded!


Phoebe: You're crazy if you think you're going to succeed.... Medulia: We'll see!


Medulia: Don't try to escape, it's antimagic the cage!


Medulia: Hello Love, how are you!? Cole: Good thanks! How was your day!? Medulia: all good thanks!


Cole: He kissed me in a weird way.... Mah...


Cole: Phoebe...

Medulia: Uff!


Cole: Phoebe, are we going out tonight!? Medulia: No dear, I'm working tomorrow morning.... I'm going to the gym now....


Cole: Are you okay!? Medulia: Of course honey...


Cole: Paige, how do you feel!? Paige: Good, why do you ask!? Cole: Just so you know...Phoebe was a little weird...


Paige: She's probably just tired.. Piper: Hi! I saw Phoebe leave, she didn't say hi....

Prue: She must have been in a hurry.... Cole: In a hurry to get to the gym!!!?


Cole: Honey what are you doing here!!! (Medulia: Geez...) Medulia: I wanted to ask Prue something, but she's already asleep..


Cole: Let's go back to bed, you can deal with it in the morning....


Cole: Good morning Prue! Phoebe was looking for you last night.... Prue: Last night? Cole: Yes... She was in your room when I woke up ... Prue: How strange...Then I ask her what she wanted.... Cole: You know,yesterday when she came home from work,it was very late,and when she kissed me,it was a weird kiss,it almost didn't feel like her.... Prue: Nonsense, maybe she was in a hurry..Then she went out.... Without saying goodbye.. Maybe she's having trouble at work... Cole: Maybe.


Prue: Good morning,what did you need last night? Medulia: Nothing much, I needed some information, but I solved it.... Prue: At night!? Ok.. Everything okay? Medulia: Sure....


Prue: Good morning girls.....Night Cole found Phoebe in my room..I asked her what she needed, she was vague, she just said she wanted information but worked it out... Paige: Information in the middle of the night? That must have been important.... Piper: Maybe she's a sleepwalker? Prue: No no, Cole said she was awake.... Then she said yesterday when she kissed him it didn't look like her....


Piper: OMG, maybe she was tired.... Paige: A tired person doesn't change the way she kisses.... Piper: I don't know what to say or think.... Paige: I'm a little worried about that.... Let's look in the book to see if there's anything there!? Piper: ok, let's hope we're wrong....


Paige: Nothing that would help us.... Piper: Maybe it's nothing... Prue: But since when does she come into the room in the middle of the night for information!? Then the fact that Cole saw her as weird...No I'm not sure about that.... Piper: Do you think she could be possessed? Prue: I don't know...


Paige: I know, why don't we just fool her? Let's see what happens. Piper: I'll take care of it when she gets back.

Cole: Let's hope for the best!


Piper: Hi Phoebe! Aunt Sara called, she said she's postponing her arrival at the airport until tomorrow morning, can you pick her up? Phoebe: Of course, I'd love to. I'm going to go lie down... Piper: Okay, see you later..


Piper: Paige! We have a problem, follow me... Paige: OMG!


Piper: Prue... I tricked Phoebe..He's right Cole saying she's weird..It's not her! Prue: What do you mean "it's not her", explain yourself better.... Piper: I told her that Aunt Sara called to say that she's postponing her arrival until tomorrow morning, if she'd come and pick her up. Paige: We have an aunt named Sara? Piper-Prue: NO! Prue: Let's just stay calm.... We need to come up with a plan.... Paige: The trap for the demons! You distract her, I'll fix the crystals.... Prue: Let's hope it all ends well!


Piper: Phoebe, did you happen to hear from your aunt? Prue: I'm thrilled that she's coming.... Piper: Hopefully no demons will attack us.... Medulia: no, I haven't heard from her.... I'll call her tomorrow...


Paige: Here... Medulia: What happened? Piper: You tell us! Who are you!!!


Medulia: Damn.. He was right Phoebe.. You guys are up... Prue: Who are you? Medulia: What do you want? Medulia: Ahahaha! Piper: Answer me! Where's Phoebe!!! Medulia: You won't get any answers from me.... You guys will figure it all out..Ahah! Paige: The spell to see the evil..


Speak these words to enchant an object: Magic forces far and wide, Enchant these so those can’t hide Allow this witch to use therein So she can reveal the evil within.


Prue: OMG! she's so great! Half woman, half snake..


Piper: Half a snake? Prue: Yeah...No time right now, Paige, let her talk, Piper, look for Phoebe with the pendulum. I'm going to look in the Book of Shadows for this thing....


Prue: Here, her name is Medulia, she was a witch who fell in love with Cretan, but then betrayed him.... He to punish her transformed her, gave her the tail of a snake and pale skin, black eyes.... There is a potion to eliminate her... But we need her alive to know where Phoebe is. Prue: There's a spell to reveal her true identity! Paige: And then what are we going to do? Prue: We'll offer to make her human again in exchange for Phoebe!


Prue: Spirit guides, hear this call:         The true identity of the one who hides behind the person we         we call Phoebe to us reveal!


Prue: Spirit guides, hear this call:         The true identity of the one who hides behind the person we         we call Phoebe to us reveal!


Paige: OMG!


Medulia: Well..Now that you know who I am, what do you hope to get from me? Prue: I propose a Pact: To become human again in exchange for Phoebe... Medulia: It's impossible, there is nothing that can make me like I was... I've been trying for 135 years now... Piper: Yes, maybe you didn't look where you should have looked...In the Book of Shadows there is a potion... Medulia: And I should trust you? Paige: We are the chosen ones, if you don't trust us, who should you trust? Prue: Medulia, we don't care about saving you, we only care about Phoebe... So either tell us where she is, and then we'll help you, or I'll make the potion to eliminate you and hunt down all the demons to find Phoebe! Medulia: Ok, I'm in..But first you have to set me free.... Piper: No, let's go get Phoebe first, then we'll help you. Medulia: Ok.. She is in the ruins, in my cave.. Paige: Let's go get her!


Phoebe: Girls! It's so good to see you again...That snake thing locked me up here.... Prue: We know everything. She's at home, trapped in the attic. Piper: Move, I'm gonna blow it up.. Phoebe: You can't, it's antimagic.. Piper: Wanna bet? Move.. Prue: Come on Piper.


Paige: She would have blown up a mountain too!


Paige: As you can see we are back.... Prue: Paige, free her and prepare the potion....


Medulia: Sorry, I wanted to get to the book to see if I could become human again..Then your sister said there is a potion..Sorry.. Phoebe: You could have come to us for help instead of kidnapping me and cutting my hair! Medulia: You're right, sorry..


Paige: Here's the potion...I mixed it with the one that takes away powers..You'll become 100% human! Medulia: Fantastic! I'll drink it!


Medulia: Oh how beautiful! It's me again!!! Prue: And you are a beautiful girl! Piper: A 165 year old girl, but whatever....


Phoebe: Now your life is going to change... Be careful... Medulia: Sure... Thank you very much.. Sorry again Phoebe..I'll say goodbye girls....


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