Aviva - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

The mirror

The Mirror

Aviva: Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali.

(In the mirror, Kali appears.)

Kali: I'm here Aviva.

The Mirror

Aviva: It's been over a week.

Kali: I know. Be patient Aviva.

Aviva: But I've done everything that you've asked. I've followed the Halliwell sisters. I know their every move.

Kali: Which will all become valuable in good time. You must trust me. You must make them want you as badly as you want them.

The Mirror

Aviva: I talked to my mom today.

Kali: How is she?

Aviva: I don't know. She's better...I think. I miss her.

Kali: She's gonna be so proud of you.

Aviva: Yeah? I hope so.

Kali: Are you ready to receive your power?

Aviva: (giggling a little) You know I am.

Kali: Remember, it's a sacred power. If I give it to you, you must use it only as I say.

Aviva: I will. I promise.

Kali: Very well. Reach for the mirror. Put out your hands. Feel the power. (Aviva reaches her hands towards the mirror. Aviva's hands begin to glow. She receives the power. Her hands stop glowing and she puts them down.) You know what to do. Go to Phoebe, Piper, and Prue.

The Mirror

Leo: Uh... well I think I see... yep. There's definitely something here.

Piper: (to herself) Definitely.

Phoebe: Oh my. Santa, you've changed.

Piper: He's looking for Kit.

Phoebe: The cat. Right. Four legs and fur. I remember. (Mouthing to Piper) Oh my god!

The Mirror

Leo: Sorry. You know, have you tried the shelter?

Piper: Yeah. Nothing.

Leo: Well, she had her collar on right? With your number on it and everything?

Phoebe: A very distinctive collar actually.

Piper: Anyway...(She stands up.) Uh, thanks for looking. I'm sure you must be hungry after all that work.

Leo: All what work?

(Phoebe laughs a little and puts her arm around Piper.)

Phoebe: Oh, that's just Piper. She's gotta be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom. I know I do.

(They all laugh a little.)

Piper: Isn't she a scream?

Leo: Well thanks, um...let me go put up these flyers first and I'll be right back, OK?

The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror

Phoebe: Oh. Quite possibly the finest glutes in the city.

Piper: In the state.

Phoebe: In all the land.

Piper: I saw him first.

Phoebe: Uh-uh.

Piper: Uh-huh.

Phoebe: Oh.

The Mirror

Piper: Here you go Leo. Non-fat milk right?

Leo: Right. Thanks.

Piper: Just don't call me mom.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Trust me. One hot night is all you guys need to get back on track.

Prue: Yeah. I hope you're right.

Phoebe: Andy's a cop. You're a witch.

Piper: Ahem.

Phoebe: Except complications.

Prue: Hey, Leo. How's it going?

Leo: Good. Uh, this wall only needs two coats and then I gotta do the moulding and then I'm done.

Phoebe: Ah, are you sure it doesn't need 3 coats?

Leo: Uh...

Piper: Nice outfit... for 9 o'clock in the morning with no place to go.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Hmm. I'm glad you like it. (Leo drinks some milk.) Oh. Leo. Come here. (She wipes the milk moustache off her face.) Got milk?

The Mirror

Prue: Uh...Phoebe, come here. (Phoebe doesn't) Phoebe!

The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror

Prue: I think that Piper likes Leo.

Phoebe: What's not to like? He's a great guy.

Prue: No. I mean... really likes him.

Phoebe: Your point being?

Prue: Never mind. Classic Phoebe.

Phoebe: Wait. Define that.

Prue: I think you know.

Phoebe: Okay. Look Prue, I think we need to put some major closer on this or we're gonna be in rocking chairs slurping oatmeal out of rubber spoons and I'm still gonna hear about Roger. (Piper enters to get coffee.) Piper, am I a boyfriend thief?

The Mirror
The Mirror

Piper: Totally.

Phoebe: Besides Roger, whom again Prue, I never touched.

Piper: My boyfriend. Billy Wilson.

(Phoebe laughs a little.)

Phoebe: Billy Will... Eight grade Billy Wilson?

Piper: You kissed him at homecoming.

Phoebe: No I did not kiss him at homecoming. I was helping him find a contact lens.

Piper: Oh please. You were all over him with your breasts all...whatever.

Phoebe: I didn't even have breasts back then.

Piper: Phoebe, you've always had breasts.

Prue: So, I think I'll just let you two work this out on your own. But, um, just remember, I get the house tonight. Just Andy and me. No warlocks, no innocents to protect and especially, no sisters.

The Mirror

Piper: So you know... it's not like either one of us has a problem finding guys.

Phoebe: (Snorts) Please.

Piper: So if one of us... got Leo... it'd be OK with the other one.

Phoebe: Absolutely.

Piper: So we can just consider this a friendly competition.

Phoebe: Sibling rivalry.

The Mirror

Piper: War.

Phoebe: Exactly.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Aviva: Dear Diary...

Aunt Jackie: Aviva, open the door.

Aviva: Life sucks here.

Aunt Jackie: I'm gonna be late for work.

Aviva: So that part about this being my room, that was a lie?

Aunt Jackie: It's my apartment Aviva.

Aviva: So you keep reminding me Aunt Jackie.

The Mirror

Aunt Jackie: Why don't you get some light and air in here?

(She goes to open the curtain. Aviva stands up.)

Aviva: Because I like it dark and stale.

(Aunt Jackie stops and turns around.)

Aunt Jackie: Why are you so antagonistic to me?

The Mirror

Aviva: How come you haven't called my mom yet?

Aunt Jackie: What?

Aviva: To see how she's doing, or just to say "hello"? It would help her you know. I mean, it's not like she's got a lot of family.

Aunt Jackie: She has to take responsibility for her own actions.

Aviva: She's not in jail. She's in rehab. She didn't do anything wrong to take responsibility for. She's sick and that's it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Aunt Jackie: Whatever.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Andy: Ah, ever see "Lethal Weapon 3"?

Prue: Not very romantic.

Andy: Right.

Prue: Hey. (Prue shows her the video) How about "Double Indemnity"?

Andy: (Whispering) It's black and white.

Prue: (Whispering) Right.

The Mirror

Video store clerk: Video paralyses.

Prue: Excuse me?

Video store clerk: You're probably two minutes away from leaving without a rental. Mind if I help? After all, I am a pro.

Andy: Sure. Doesn't matter what we pick anyway. We'll probably never get around to watching it.

The Mirror

Prue: Oh yeah? Pretty cocky. (Andy walks to her.)

Andy: Actually what I meant was something always seems to come up. Get in our way.

Prue: That's not true. OK, well, maybe it's sometimes true, but there's always a perfectly good reason.

Andy: Prue, there's never a perfectly good reason. As a matter of fact, there's never usually even a reason at all. Good, bad, or otherwise.

Prue: All right. (She moves closer to him.) You...me...alone...tonight. Nothing and I mean nothing will get in our way. Guaranteed.

Andy: I'll hold you to that.

Prue: (Whispering) OK.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Video store clerk: I got it. (Prue and Andy stop kissing.) "Body Heat".

Prue/Andy: We'll take it.

The Mirror

Aviva: I conjure thee Kali.

The Mirror

(In the mirror, Kali appears.)

Kali: I'm here Aviva.

Aviva: I'm going crazy here Kali. I can't wait any longer.

Kali: The Halliwells' don't understand our way. They don't know the full uses and joys of their powers.

The Mirror

Aviva: I'll show them.

Kali: You must gain their trust first. You must let them welcome you into their coven.

Aviva: I won't disappoint you. I swear.

Kali: Then it's time. (The closet door opens. Aviva goes to it and gets Kit.) Take the cat back to the Halliwells.

The Mirror

Piper: About done for the day?

Leo: Just about.

Piper: Uh...well, Prue's got a date so we kinda gotta clear out. I was thinking about catching a movie. Wanna go?

Leo: I can't do it.

Piper: OK.

Leo: You know...these are original to the house. I mean, they really should be sanded down, finished off with steal wool, and... and restrained. Not covered in paint.

Piper: Oh, right. Sort of like risotto with minute rice. (Leo chuckles a little.) It's a cooking analogy.

The Mirror

Leo: Yeah. (They both chuckle a little.) Anyway uh...I have some stain samples at home if you're interested. I can bring them by tomorrow and show them to you and your sisters.

Piper: Or better yet, why don't you just bring them by the restaurant? Say about lunchtime? Prue's so busy and Phoebe doesn't really care. She's more into stucco.

Leo: OK.

Piper: OK.

Leo: So what time's that movie?

 Phoebe: I got it.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Kit! Oh my god. Where did you find her? We were worried sick.

Aviva: I was just walking by and I um, saw one of your flyers and poof. There she was. Like magic.

Phoebe: Wow.  I can't even believe she let you hold her.

Piper: Oh. Welcome home Kitty! (Phoebe laughs a little as she hands Piper Kit. Leo enters) Oh. You must be starving.

Aviva: (Sitting down on the couch.) I fed her.

Phoebe: (Sitting on the arm of the couch.) I thought you said you just found her.

Aviva: I did. Oh, um, a couple of hours ago. I mean.

The Mirror

Piper: And she didn't try to scratch you?

Aviva: Mm-mmm.

Leo: You know, I'll take the flyers down tomorrow. Let me uh, clean up before the movie.

Phoebe: Movie? What movie?

Piper: A war movie.

Phoebe: I love war movies. Mind if I tag along?

Leo: Uh sure. Why not? I'll be right back.

Aviva: You guys aren't going out are you? I mean, you just got your cat back.

Piper: Oh she'll be fine. Let me get my purse. (She puts Kit down and goes towards the table.) Uh, what's your name?

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Aviva: Oh. No. No. I don't want your money.

The Mirror

Piper/Phoebe: Hey Andy!

Andy: Hey!

Prue: Hey. I thought we all had plans tonight?

Phoebe: This girl just found our cat for us.

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The Mirror

Aviva: Aviva.

Prue: Well that's great. Um, is fifty bucks enough?

Aviva: Uh, I don't... I don't want a reward. (She stands up.) We need to talk.

Prue: About what?

Aviva: About Wicca.

The Mirror

Prue: Uh...(Leo enters.) Andy Trudeau, this is Leo Wyatt. You guys chat. We'll be right back.

The Mirror

Phoebe: OK. (Piper and Phoebe get up and lead Aviva away.)

Andy: Hey. 

Piper: Thanks again.

Phoebe: Yeah. I'm sorry you can't stay.

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Aviva: I'm...not leaving. Don't you understand? I'm one of you.

The Mirror

Piper: No.

The Mirror

Aviva: Very cool.

The Mirror

Piper: Um, wait. You didn't.... she didn't....you didn't freeze?

Aviva: That's because I'm a witch too.

Prue: A what?

Aviva: Look, I just want to be friends.

Piper: Uh, guys, we have about 20 seconds until they unfreeze.

The Mirror

Phoebe: How did you find out about us?

Aviva: I'm gonna need more than 20 seconds for that.

Piper: We really need to move things along here Prue.

Prue: OK. You need to leave here now.

Aviva: What? A...why?

Prue: Because we don't know who the hell you really are, so just leave. OK? Go. Go. Go.

Aviva: No. I'm not leaving. I just saved your cat.

Prue: Leave now or else.

Aviva: Or else what.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Andy: What the hell?

Leo: Hey, where did that girl go?

Phoebe: Uh. She just...

(Prue uses her power to make the front door slam.)

The Mirror

Prue: Uh! Uh. Left.

The Mirror

Aviva: You said if I brought them back their cat...

Kali: Was it the oldest? Was it Prue that sent you away?

Aviva: Yes.

Kali: Avoid her. She's the strongest. You must separate them. Together they're Charmed. Impenetrable.

Aviva: But what if they don't want me?

Kali: Phoebe will. In her own way. She's searching for someone to relate to. Someone to share her witchcraft with. What's the problem?

Aviva: I... I don't know.

Kali: You're the one that came to me remember? You're the one who wanted... sisters.

Aviva: I know. I want a family. I don't have anybody. What do you get out of it? I mean, you know, you never really said.

Kali: Halliwell magic is old and powerful, and I want it. And since they're new to the craft, if I'm ever going to get it, it has to be now...through you. Just do as I say Aviva. Make Phoebe convent your power, then we'll both get what we want.

The Mirror

Prue: It's not what you think Andy. It's hard to explain. It's just...

Andy: Just another one of those things you can't explain. It's a broken record Prue.

Prue: Look, I wanted you to stay. You have to believe me.

Andy: Then what happened? Why'd you want me to leave all of a sudden?

Prue: I told you. Something came up. Sister stuff. I can't really go into detail without betraying someone's secret.

Andy: Prue...

Prue: Look Andy, I'm unpredictable. OK? That's just part of who I am and you have to accept that because I can't change it.

Andy: I don't want you to change Prue. I just... (He sits down.) I just want to have a normal date. That's all. Is that too much to ask for.

Prue: All right. Let's just try it again. Tonight? Uh, same time? Same place?

Andy: Same movie?

Prue: Uh, yeah. OK, so what? 8 o'clock?

Andy: I'll be there. Bye.

Prue: All right. Bye

The Mirror
The Mirror

Prue:  If I ever see that little artiest again...

The Mirror

Piper: Just got done dodging Leo's questions about her. That was close.

Prue: Too close. The question is, who is she?

Piper: And what does she want?

Phoebe: Let us not forget Aviva found Kit.

Prue: Yeah. She's probably the one who stole the cat in the first place.

Phoebe: Hello? Paranoia check.

Prue: Phoebe, for all we know, she's a warlock.

The Mirror

Piper: She can't be. She didn't freeze.

Phoebe: Beside, she said she was a witch.

Prue: OK, a bad witch maybe.

Phoebe: Yeah, a bad witch with a really cool power. Better than mine. That's for sure.

Prue: Why are you so quick to defend her?

Phoebe: Why are you so quick to condemn her?

Piper: If she is a witch, a good witch, then it might be kinda cool considering she's the first one we've run across.

Phoebe: Exactly.

The Mirror

Prue: Guys, we don't know anything about her—how she got her powers. How she found out about us?

Phoebe: She tried to tell us, but you kicked her out.

Prue: Yeah. She would have exposed us if I hadn't.

Phoebe: Prue, she's just a kid. Besides, if she is a witch, she probably feels just as alone as we do. Maybe she just needs some friends.

Prue: Or maybe she's out to destroy us. It wouldn't be the first time.

The Mirror

Phoebe: OK.

Prue: All right, until she knows who she really is, let's just steer clear. OK? (Phoebe nods.) I'm late for work.

Piper: Me too.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Hello? Aviva?

The Mirror

Aviva: I'm so glad that you came.

Phoebe: I'm glad that you called actually.

Aviva: Bet you got a few questions huh?

Phoebe: A few. Uh, what time does school let out?

Aviva: Uh, now.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Uh, whoa. Whoa. Hey, what are you doing?

Aviva: Oh, the same thing I'm sure you did a thousand times. Am I right?

Phoebe: Well..

Aviva: I am right. Um, you didn't tell your bitch sister about this, did you?

Phoebe: Hey, watch your mouth. Prue had every right to be upset about what you did.

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The Mirror
The Mirror

Aviva: It's funny how you knew that I was talking about Prue and not Piper. Hey, come on. Let's go for a ride. I'll tell you everything that you want to know.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Piper: Table for one sir?

Leo: Wow. You own this place?

Piper: No. I just run it. Um. (They begin to walk to a table.) Actually, I used to be the chef here.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Leo: I'm impressed.

Piper: Good. I mean, um, good that you came here as opposed to the house and Phoebe. (Leo takes the stain samples out of his pocket.) How about those stain samples?

Leo: Now I only brought the ones authentic to the era in which the manor was built.

Piper: Great. (She sits down in the chair across from Leo.) Hungry?

Leo: Uh...

Piper: Oh, it's on the house.

Leo: You're big on food, aren't you?

Piper: Uh...

Leo: No. That's good. You know, actually, in the Mayan culture, the cook was second in the hierarchy only to the medicine man.

Piper: Mayans? You know about Mayans? Well, you certainly are a handyman, aren't you?

Leo: Uh, so, does Phoebe work here too?

Piper: Phoebe? Work. No. No. No. No. No. No. She's probably at her gay and lesbian group right about now. So what'll it be?

The Mirror
The Mirror

Phoebe: This is the dining room. This is the parlor. That's the conservatory, which is just another fancy name for family room.

Aviva: This is so totally cool. Oh, I love it here.

Phoebe: And welcome to planet Leo.

The Mirror

Aviva: You are liking this Leo.

Phoebe: Uh, maybe.

Aviva: Does he like you? I mean, how can he not? You are so gorgeous.

(As Phoebe talks, Aviva goes and sits down on the couch holding Kit.)

Phoebe: Well, you see, Piper and I have sort of have this little competition going over him.

The Mirror

Aviva: So just use your powers. Cast a spell on him or something. You do have powers, don't you?

Phoebe: What makes you think I do?

Aviva: Please. You're a witch.

Phoebe: Yeah, which brings us back to how do you know that. You promised.

Aviva: I have this teacher. She's great. She's like my mom. She told me.

Phoebe: Who is she?

Aviva: Another witch. Like a high priestess or something. She said you were the coolest and I would like you the best. She was right.

Phoebe: Well I'd like to meet her sometime.

Aviva: Yeah? (Phoebe nods.) Is your room up there?

Phoebe: Mm-hmm.

Aviva: Come on. I want to share something with you. (She puts Kit down and stands up.) You're gonna love it. I promise.

The Mirror

Aviva: I like mirrors. They never lie to you. (Phoebe appears behind Aviva.) They always tell you the truth whether you like it or not. It's basic black. The color of my soul. Do you want to try it?

Phoebe: You're soul's not black.

Aviva: You know the feeling that I mean. You're different, you know, you'll never want what they want. You belong on the edge. We aren't pink people Phoebe. (She turns around.) You want to see something incredible? Better yet, you want to try it?

Phoebe: Try what?

Aviva: I'll show you my power if you show me yours.

The Mirror

Prue: Anybody home? (She puts her purse on the table.) Better not be.

The Mirror

Aviva: Don't be afraid.

Phoebe: OK. Now what?

Aviva: She's giving it to you too.

Phoebe: Who is? Giving me what?

Aviva: The power. Here. (She puts a potted plant in front of Phoebe.) Touch this. (Phoebe does. The plant begins to grow.) It's the power of heat. You're hand is like the sun.

Phoebe: Whoa.

Aviva: That's pretty cool huh?

The Mirror

Prue: Phoebe, are you...

Phoebe: Prue...

Prue: What are you doing?

Aviva: Get out. This is her room.

Phoebe: Aviva...

Aviva: No. She treats you worse than my aunt treats me. It's not right.

Phoebe: It's OK. Relax.

The Mirror

Andy: Chianti, Body Heat...What do you think?

Prue: Ah...

Phoebe: (Running down the stairs) Prue, I can explain! Oh no!

The Mirror

Andy: Oh no...Let me guess? Rain check?

Prue: Andy...

Andy: Prue, this is...this is getting ridiculous.

Prue: I know. Believe me. You have every right to be upset, and I can't talk about it right now but I will. I promise. Tomorrow? Quake? 1:00? Please?

Andy: OK. Tomorrow 1:00. 

The Mirror

Phoebe: I am so sorry. I totally forgot. 

Prue: What the hell is she doing here? What's a matter with you?

Aviva: This is her house too, OK? She can do whatever she wants.

Phoebe:  Aviva...Prue, She's not what you think she is.

Aviva: She doesn't understand Phoebe. She'll never understand. 

The Mirror

Kali: If there were no Prue, Phoebe would be with us now.

Aviva: I hate her and wish that she were dead.

The Mirror

Aunt Jackie: (Outside the door.) Aviva? What's going on? Who's in there with you? (She open the door and comes in.) You skipped school today and I want to know why.

The Mirror

Aviva: Get out of my room!

The Mirror

Aunt Jackie: How dare you speak to me in that tone! (She notices the candles as Aviva stands up.) What's going on here?

The Mirror

Aviva: I said get out of my room! Leave me alone or else...

 Aunt Jackie? Oh god. 

 Aunt Jackie?

The Mirror

Aviva: Thanks.

Phoebe: You poor thing. You're shivering.

Aviva: I'm OK. (To Prue.) I know that you don't like me and I know that the last thing you want to do is help me. But I don't know where else to turn. I don't have anybody else.

Piper: She's telling the truth. Her aunt was admitted to the hospital.

Aviva: How is she? Is she OK?

Piper: She has a broken arm and a concussion.

The Mirror

Prue: How did she fall again?

Aviva: I don't know. I...I heard her scream and, and then I found her on the floor and I called 911. I promise, if you just let me spend the night and get some sleep, I'll tell you everything you want to know about me tomorrow.

The Mirror

Piper: She can't stay alone.

Phoebe: She can sleep in my room.

Prue: No magic.

The Mirror

Aviva: I swear.

The Mirror

Kali: Now... is the time.

The Mirror

Piper: What are you doing?

The Mirror

Aviva: Um...I was just looking for the bathroom.

Piper: Oh. It's down the hall to the right.

Aviva: Great. Thanks. Good night. 

The Mirror

Piper looks in Prue's room. She's still asleep. Piper closes the door.

The Mirror

Prue: I'm going to the hospital to see her aunt in an hour. I'll be back OK?

The Mirror

Prue: Aviva, I'm going to go see you aunt. Let her know where you are. We'll talk when I get back OK?

Aviva: Yeah. Sure. Tell her I love her.

Prue: OK.

The Mirror

Aunt Jackie: I don't understand. Why is Aviva staying with you? I don't even know who you are.

Prue: Um, actually we just met your niece. We lost our cat and she found it for us.

Aunt Jackie: Oh. That's what she was hiding.

Prue: Hiding?

Aunt Jackie: In the closet. She wouldn't let me go anywhere near it. You're lucky she didn't sacrifice the poor thing.

Prue: I'm sorry? 

Aunt Jackie: She's a strange kid. Very troubled. Into all sorts of wired stuff. Black magic, voodoo. God know what else. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.

Prue: What makes you think she's into black magic?

Aunt Jackie: You should see her room. It seems like every time I walk past there she's in there...chanting or something. Sometimes, I swear, I even hear other voices. I know she's not happy there. I'm only taking care of her until her mom gets out of rehab.

Prue: Do you mind if I stop by your place and pick up some things for Aviva?

Aunt Jackie: No.

Prue: Great. Thanks. Feel better.

The Mirror

Piper: Andy, I can't seem to get a hold of Prue. I know she was going to the hospital...

Andy: That's all right Piper. Thanks for trying.

Piper: I'm sure there's a perfectly good...

Andy: Explanation? Wanna bet? 

The Mirror

Prue sees Aviva's diary by the bed. She picks it up and reads one of the pages.

Prue: "Kali says we're close to taking over the Halliwell coven. I hate lying to them."

The Mirror

Phoebe: Hello.

Prue: Uh, Phoebe. It's me.

Phoebe: Prue, where are you? Piper called. She says you were supposed to meet Andy at Quake.

Prue: Um. Listen, we have a bigger problem to deal with. Call her back and tell her to come home. I'll...I'll explain it to you guys later. And Phoebe, whatever you do, don't let Aviva out of your site. OK?

Phoebe: Yeah sure.

Prue: All right. Bye..

The Mirror
The Mirror

Phoebe: Prue's on her way home. We can have our little chat when she gets here.

Aviva: Yeah. OK. Mind if I go upstairs and lay down? I'm...I'm not feeling real well.

Phoebe: Sure. Go ahead.

The Mirror

Leo: This last coat of stain's gotta dry. (He looks at Phoebe.) I'm uh, heading over to Filmore's in a few minutes to do an estimate.

Phoebe: Wait. You're finished already?

Leo: Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow to make sure everyone's happy with my work. 

Phoebe: What?

Leo: Just...just out of curiosity, um...are you and Aviva... I mean, Piper said that...

The Mirror

Phoebe: Piper said what?

The Mirror

Leo: Uh. Nothing...I think I need some water.

The Mirror
The Mirror

Phoebe: Wait, Leo, what did Piper say to you?

Leo: Uh, it doesn't matter, really... forget it.

Phoebe: Well, whatever she said, you should probably take it with a grain of salt, 'cuz sometimes her medication makes her say the strangest things! But, not to worry-her shrinks are on it.

Leo: Shrinks?

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The Mirror

Phoebe: Oh my god. Aviva.

The Mirror

Leo: Prue's home.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Oh no.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Aviva? Aviva!  What the hell are you doing? 

Aviva: Phoebe... I'm sorry.

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The Mirror
The Mirror

Piper: Maybe we should take you to the hospital.

Phoebe: No. It's not that bad.

Leo: Well, how did it happen anyway?

Phoebe: Uh, candles. Aviva had some candles lit and I guess the sweater got to close, and then she ran out of the house.

Leo: It sure caught fire fast.

Prue: Um, Leo, we got this. We wouldn't want you to be late for that estimate.

Leo: Are you sure? I don't mind.

Phoebe: No. Prue's right. I'm fine. You go ahead.

Leo: OK. I'll stop by later to see how you're doing. 

 Piper/Phoebe: Great.

The Mirror

Prue: OK. So, how did this happen?

Phoebe: I had a premonition...that Aviva was going to hurt you, so I tried to stop her. I should have listened to you Prue. You were right about Aviva. She's evil.

Prue: No. Actually, she's not, but she is being used by an evil spirit and I think I know which one, so come on.

The Mirror

Kali: Where are you going Aviva?

Aviva: Go away. I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to be a witch anymore.

Kali: But you haven't finished what we've started.

The Mirror

Aviva: But I'm hurting people. Don't you understand? First Aunt Jackie, now Phoebe. I have to leave.

The Mirror

Kali: Aren't you going to say good-bye first? Touch the mirror, Aviva. It's OK. I'm not upset. Touch the mirror and I'll go away too. Hello...(Her voice changes to evil.)...Aviva?

The Mirror

Prue: Kali. Kali. Kali.

Piper: There, there. " An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension. She appears in reflections and has the power to possess..."

Prue: "...innocents and use them as pawns to steal a witch's power."

Piper: Wait. I don't understand. So she's using Aviva to try to turn us into bad witches?

Phoebe: Does it say anything about how to get rid of her?

Prue: Uh, yeah. " To get ride of her: shatter her reflection." However the hell we do that. Here.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Aviva?

(Kali walks towards them while saying this line and then stops)

The Mirror

Kali: (In Aviva's voice) Hello Phoebe. How's (Kali's voice) the arm?

The Mirror

Phoebe: You're not Aviva?

Kali: You're not kidding. 

 Aviva: Phoebe! Help me!

Kali: Never mind. My power's greater than yours Prue. It's only a matter of time.

The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror

Phoebe: Time? Piper, that's it! Freeze her!

Piper: Aviva doesn't freeze.

Phoebe: Yeah, but Kali will.

Kali: No!

The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror

Piper: Prue! The mirror! Get her to the mirror! (Prue uses her power to throw Kali in the mirror.)

The Mirror

Kali: No!

The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror

Aviva: Thanks for the dress.

Phoebe: No problem. It's Prue's. All set?

Aviva: Yeah. I'm all set.

Phoebe: You OK?

Aviva: I don't think, uh, looking into a mirror is ever going to be the same. 

The Mirror

Phoebe: Yeah, well, the demon's gone Aviva, forever.

Aviva: Yeah, well, unfortunately all the other ones remain. It's so hard.

Phoebe: Oh, I know. It was hard for me too when I was your age.

Aviva: Yeah?

The Mirror

Phoebe: Are you kidding? These are the hardest years of your life. The one thing I learned is you just gotta be yourself. 

Aviva: Easy for you to say. What if yourself sucks?

Phoebe: Well, you don't have to worry about that. No. Aviva, I'm serious. You are a great kid. I could totally see us hanging out together in school. A couple of troublemakers. (Both she and Aviva laugh a little.)

Aviva: I'm going to miss being a witch. Having powers...and having sisters.

The Mirror

Phoebe: Yeah, well, you've got your mom. And your aunt will be home from the hospital tomorrow. (She stands up.) OK, now remember, do not tell anyone about us Halliwell sisters right? It's just our little secret.

The Mirror

Aviva: I promise.

Phoebe: OK.

The Mirror

Prue: Hey.

Andy: Hey. 

Prue: Uh, can we talk?

Andy: Is there really anything to talk about?

Prue: Andy... I'm sorry...

The Mirror

Andy: So am I!

Prue: What do you mean by that?

Andy: I mean, come on Prue. Who we kidding? I mean, let's face it. One of us is obviously more interested in this relationship than the other.

Prue: That's not true.

The Mirror

Andy: Isn't it? Then how come I'm always the one left standing there looking like a jerk.

Prue: I can explain.

The Mirror

Andy: No, you can't. Or you won't. Damn it Prue. I still love you. I'm not saying you have to explain it all to me Prue. That you're prerogative. All I'm saying is... it hurts that you don't trust me enough.

The Mirror

Prue: I do trust you Andy. It has nothing to do with you, it's just... it's just something that I don't know if I can ever share with anybody.

Andy: Well I hope that's not true for your sake. All I know is there's nothing I can say or do to reassure you, that I'm there for you. (He grabs his coat and walks up the stairs.)

The Mirror

Prue: Andy... (He stops half-way and turns around.) Are you saying that you don't want to see me anymore?

The Mirror

Andy: I don't know what I want anymore.

The Mirror

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I love it when Spotify hits me with a series of new releases..and one of them is titled "death by AI" (Nathan Wagner), and another is titled "voices" (AViVA)

Spotify really knows more about me and what's running through my head than my therapist

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