hazedwords - HazedWords

-Aspiring Writer/Artist-Multifandom-Safe space for Snape stans/fans 😊

54 posts

Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):

Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):

Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):

Lucius Malfoy:

᪥ Wears clear lipgloss

᪥ Naturally sensitive to the cold

᪥ Can not sing for the life of himself

᪥ Started to like Narcissa around their third year (they started to date in the end of their fourth year)

᪥ Has to go through an extensive night routine for his skin

᪥ Sleeps with an essential oil air humidifier (he likes lavender the most)

᪥ Will flip if anyone touches his hair

᪥ Needs a full 10 hours of sleep or else he wakes up with eye bags and looks like a zombie risen from the dead

᪥ Everyone thinks his favorite class is potions, when it is actually Ancient Runes

᪥ Carries around a satchel (for his books) that has his family crest embroidered smack dab in the middle of it (gets one custom made for Narcissa and eventually Draco)

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More Posts from Hazedwords

11 months ago

Chaos Club

*Barty is casually searching around the room*

Lucius: Hey Barty, what’re you looking for?

Barty: My will to live.

*Regulus walks into the room*

Barty: Oh, there it is.

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5 months ago


Day One, Warmth

Drabble - Fluff

Warnings: shaving…?

Prompt List: @superfallingstars

hazedwords - HazedWords


His voice was tired, and even deeper than normal as he called to me from our bedroom.

I don’t think Severus realized how dramatic he was being. It was the first day of fall and he was acting like our chambers had been spelled to be as freezing as the North Pole.


He called my name again, and I sighed softly, gently placing down the razor on the side of the tub, looking down at my half shaven leg. I inspected it for any mistakes.

“In the bathroom.”

I spoke, before sudsing up my leg more and grasping the razor again, feeling the bumps in the handle design before going to run it up my leg once again.

I heard soft footsteps, and looked to the bathroom door to see Severus standing there in his sleepwear, looking down at me with tired eyes.

I smiled softly at him, holding the razor up for him to see.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

I replied, smiling at the man before turning my attention to my legs. I ran the razor up my leg once again.

I heard a sound from Severus, a grunt to be exact. I glanced towards the doorway at the corner of my eye. What I saw provoked a soft chuckle to escape my lips.

He was sliding down the side of the sink, and eventually his bottom made contact with the tiled floor of the bathroom, he glanced at me and shuffled his legs to his chest.

“Having fun?”

I asked him, concealing a grin as he glared at me.

“It is freezing in these bloody chambers.”

Severus spoke in response, running his hand on the white carpet on the floor.

“Good to know someone’s having fun.”

I replied with a giggle, making the man glare at me again, but his eyes sparkled with humor.

Eventually, I finished, and Severus handed me a towel as I stepped out of the bath. I thanked him as I wrapped it around my body.

“I do think you’re being a bit dramatic, Verus. It’s not that cold.”

I said with a cheeky smile. He narrowed his eyes at me, furrowing his eyebrows as he pulled his sleeves down his arms a bit further.

“I am not dramatic.”

He retorted, then standing up from his spot on the floor.

He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, placing his face in the crook of my neck as his arms encased me.

“You feel warm.”

He muttered against my skin, his cold hand going to grasp my arm as he hugged me.

“And you are cold.”

I spoke, as he smirked and put his hand on the nape of my neck. I immediately squirmed out of his grasp, to move away from the freezing hand.

“Not funny.”

I said with a glare. He smirked and kissed me. I gently moved my hand to the side of his face as I reciprocated the kiss.

Severus moved his hand to card through my hair, gently feeling the slightly wet strands as he kissed me.

We parted our lips for a breath. I watched his lips curve into a smile that he seemed to reserve only for me.

He pecked my forehead and and walked out of the bathroom, most likely making his way to bed.

I stared into the bathroom mirror with a smile as I gently touched my lips.

Even though he was cold, his lips were still my favorite source of warmth.

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10 months ago

So trueee!

Like- there are so many characters who have done so much worse in the series!

Haters be like “Snape was just as bad, worse even than James, because he bullied students.”

Honestly, Snape’s behaviour gets blown so out of proportion. Because other than verbal barbs and once threatening a toad, Snape didn’t really do anything. He didn’t put students in deliberate danger, didn’t hex students, didn’t assault anyone. Snape gives students detention and they have to clean. McGonagall gives students detention and they wind up in the Forbidden Forest!

One time, he threw a jar at Harry after Harry *checks notes* oh yeah, looked into Snape’s memories without permission and witnessed his worst memory of being assaulted.

So no, I don’t want to hear the “he bullied students” argument. When in context, he was no worse than any other teacher and far worse had been done to him.

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7 months ago

People don't like Snape because he's the most realistic person in the book. There, I said it.

Specifically, people who don't like Snape and think he deserved his bullying and claim that he's a completely evil man.

They don't like the fact that their worst behaviour is mirrored at them. That this is actually how they would be if they went through this sort of bullshit.

Humans aren't as good as we think we are. We all think we'd be the sassy, funny, ultimately good Harry Potter. We think 'Oh, I'd never be like Snape, I'm better than that'.

But truly? Humans can be serious assholes.

Hurt people hurt people. Even without trying.

Snape's not evil. He's a broken human, and if you don't understand that, then you probably don't understand humans

5 months ago

𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭


(Severus Snape x Reader)

Day 1: Warmth

Day 2: Garden

Day 3: Haunt

Day 4: Torn

Day 5: Pillow (headcannon)

Day 6: Roots


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