Chaos Club - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I have decided to bend cannon and make my own group of misfits for my enjoyment:

Regulus, Barty, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Severus, and of course Y/N (for the readers enjoyment.)

I’d like to call them the chaos club

Their ages are relatively similar in this reality and they all live a happy life because I cry when they die ☹️

Please don’t come at me in the comments if you don’t like this. I will frown

Links to the little blurbs:

Be Yourself

Scared Lucius



Purified Water

My will to live


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1 year ago

Chaos Club

*Lucius and Y/N are texting*

Lucius: Bring back PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE.

Y/N: I got spring water 😊

Lucius: NO!

Y/N: With EXTRA minerals!

Y/N: It’s like licking a stalagmite!


Y/N: Mmmmmm, cave water 😋

(Yes, I know phones didn’t exist to this level, but… *offers you GEN-Z marauders era?*)

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1 year ago

Chaos Club

Severus: Hello Bellatrix, made anyone cry today?

Bellatrix: Sadly, no. But it’s only 10:00.

Y/N: Lucius is in the common room.

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1 year ago

Chaos Club

Y/N: Oh god, she texted you ‘hi.’ Punctuation only means one thing, Lucius. She’s mad at you.

Lucius: No, it's Narcissa. She’s just being gramatically correct!


Narcissa: And then I used a period so he would know that I'm mad at him.

Severus: Cissa, a period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.

Narcissa: I stand by my choice.

(Genz marauders era)

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1 year ago

Chaos Club

*Y/N is holding a camera, hiding behind a tree with Regulus to make sure Lucius isn’t naughty on his first date with Narcissa.*

Lucius: My hands are cold. 
Narcissa: Here, let me hold them. 
Lucius: My lips are cold too. 
Narcissa: *covers Lucius's mouth with her hand

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11 months ago

Chaos Club

*Barty is casually searching around the room*

Lucius: Hey Barty, what’re you looking for?

Barty: My will to live.

*Regulus walks into the room*

Barty: Oh, there it is.

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11 months ago

Chaos Club

Barty: Where is my bloody fucking wand?

Lucius: Crouch, *Lucius waves his hands in the direction of Narcissa whom is on the couch of the common room* Cissa is around, can you say it a little nicer?

Barty: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my BLOODY FUCKING WAND?!

Y/N: lol *totally didn’t hide the wand*

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11 months ago

Chaos Club

Barty, teaching Bellatrix to drive: Okay, you're driving and Narcissa and Regulus walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?

Bellatrix: Oh, definitely Regulus. I could never hurt Cissy.

Barty, massaging his temples: The brakes. You hit the bloody brakes.

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10 months ago

Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):

Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):

Lucius Malfoy:

᪥ Wears clear lipgloss

᪥ Naturally sensitive to the cold

᪥ Can not sing for the life of himself

᪥ Started to like Narcissa around their third year (they started to date in the end of their fourth year)

᪥ Has to go through an extensive night routine for his skin

᪥ Sleeps with an essential oil air humidifier (he likes lavender the most)

᪥ Will flip if anyone touches his hair

᪥ Needs a full 10 hours of sleep or else he wakes up with eye bags and looks like a zombie risen from the dead

᪥ Everyone thinks his favorite class is potions, when it is actually Ancient Runes

᪥ Carries around a satchel (for his books) that has his family crest embroidered smack dab in the middle of it (gets one custom made for Narcissa and eventually Draco)

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10 months ago

Chaos Club

(Realized I haven’t been active for a while, I recently got into a relationship, and there has been a lot of drama with friends.)

Sooo…. I’ve decided to use Incorrect Quotes I’ve heard from my friends and even myself!

(I’ve edited some words and scenarios to fit in with the school kid personas)

First quote was between my friend and I:

Lucius (friend): “Why can’t I be leader?”

Regulus (me): “well, first off, you get no bitches-“

Second quote, was said from same friend and our mutual friend K:

Barty (Friend): *whispering* “would any of you suck my dick?”

Severus (K): *whispering, poking Barty* “I’d suck your dick for a thousand dollars.”

Barty (Friend): *whispering angrily* “Your too expensive, a prostitute costs less than that”

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