Anonymous Part Twenty Two - L.hs 18+
anonymous part twenty two - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist
(shoutout to everyone who guessed this was going to happen ehheheh)

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More Posts from Heebambilee
Omg this makes me feel so awkward but I can't stop reading
anonymous part fourteen - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

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anonymous masterlist

anonymous part thirty three - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

anonymous part fifteen - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” you mumbled under your breath as you shuffled behind Jake. You wanted to go out to ger your mind off of things, and now you were headed to a club where you’d meet Heeseung, the source of one of your many problems. At least it wasn’t Ethan, that was the tiny silver lining.
“It’ll be fine,” Sunghoon giggled as he linked an arm through yours. “Maybe a drink or two will loosen him up and he’ll be all over you then, I know you wore that dress to impress him.”
“Am I not allowed to just wear a nice dress because I want to?” You replied, a frown on your lips. You weren’t angry at Sunghoon for what he said, you were angry because he was right.
“Oh you can,” Jay piped up from your other side as he grabbed your hand. “But we all know you dressed up a little nicer than usual because of a certain someone.”
“Yeah well, I doubt he’ll even look my way,” you smiled sadly. You didn’t know why it hurt so bad to be rejected by Heeseung. Hell, you hadn’t even been rejected, he just ghosted you after one small conversation, it wasn’t that deep. But still, it was just your luck that the one guy you had wanted in a long time was the one guy who didn’t want you.
“He’d be a fool not to,” Jay said softly, kissing the side of your head. You appreciated your friends so much, you could always count on them to make you feel loved.
“The queue is so fucking long guys,” Jake whined, replacing Sunghoon to hang off your arm and lean his head on your shoulder. You smiled, letting go of Jay to ruffle Jake’s hair a little.
“It’s fine Jake, let Jay talk to them,” you gestured your best friend to go chat to the bouncers. “His dad probably owns like half of these clubs so we’ll get in easy.”
“I always forget he’s like the son of a famous CEO,” Sunghoon muses. “And look at him, getting a little internet fame for being the cock in a few of Y/N’s videos.”
Jay came back quickly, rolling his eyes and Sunghoon, “actually I’ve been the cock in like at least seven videos, put some respect on my name. I just got us in.”
Sunghoon changed up immediately, rushing to Jay’s side, “how can I ever thank you? I’ll clean your room for a month, I’ll cook for you, I’ll-”
“How about you stop leaving your dirty cum towels on the floor?”
“Moving on…” Sunghoon rushed away into the club, past the crowds of people trying desperately to get in. You and the other two stood there giggling, trying to compose yourselves before entering the high class place. It was a step up from what you usually went to, but it was nice, you knew you would have a good time here.
“Come on you,” Jake said, standing up straight and tugging your through the main doors. You held his hand tight, letting him lead you towards a room where you could hear music playing and the constant chatter of people around. It was more like a bar than a club, the music was a little softer so that it didn’t hurt your ears, and more people were standing around talking that dancing. You liked this a lot better.
“Where the fuck did Sunghoon go?” You mumbled, the three of you glancing around. He had a tendency to sneak off on nights out, but you were determined not to lose him this early.
“There he is!” Jay shouted over the music, pointing to the bar over in the corner of the room where Sunghoon sat chatting with a familiar pair. Sunoo and Heeseung.
Jake rushed over, leaving you and Jay standing on the other side of the room. Jay reached down to take your hand again, rubbing soft circles over your knuckles, “we don’t have to go over if you don’t want to.”
You wanted to cry, why were your friends so nice to you? But you wanted to stay, the worst that could happen was that Heeseung would continue to ignore you, and you had already dealt with those emotions already.
“No it’s ok,” you turned to Jay with a small smile, squeezing his hand. “I can be civil, plus Sunoo is cool, I want to hang out with him too.”
Jay smiled proudly, tugging you in for a quick hug before pulling away completely. If you were paying attention, you’d have noticed the way Heeseung glanced over at you multiple times, watching the exchange. His hand was wrapped tightly around his glass, but he willed himself to relax. You and Jay are just friends, he’d tell himself, he’s got no competition there.
“Hey guys,” you said as you joined the others at the bar. Sunoo greeted you with a small hug and a big smile, saying how happy he was to see you again. Heeseung just smiled, giving you a little wave in response. At least he wasn’t ignoring you.
On the inside, Heeseung was dying. You were so close to him but so far out of reach, he couldn’t touch you, he was Heeseung now not Ethan. And in his mind, you were only interested in him when he was Ethan, there was no room for Heeseung in your life. God, he was going to go insane if he kept thinking about this fucked up situation he’d gotten himself into. And it was all your fault, if he wasn’t so addicted to sending you money and getting unlimited attention as Ethan then maybe he’d be able to talk to you as Heeseung. It was all your fault, he wanted to hate you for that, but then his mind wondered to the dress you were wearing as if his money had paid for it. He was back to square one again. His fingers itched to grab his phone, open your payment screen and send away.
“How are you?” You asked him, bringing him out of his thoughts as you slid into the seat next to him. All the others had gone off to the dance floor, leaving the two of you at the bar nursing your drinks.
“I’m good,” he replied, voice strained. He couldn’t stop thinking about what underwear you might’ve been wearing under that dress. He needed to leave, he stood up abruptly but you beat him to it, matching his gestures and standing in front of him.
“You’re avoiding me,” you stated, narrowing your eyes. “Look, if I did something wrong then tell me, but please stop avoiding me. It’s making things awkward and I feel bad even though I have no idea why.”
“I’m not avoiding you,” Heeseung replied. He was so much taller than you that you had to take a step back, it was becoming intimidating.
“You definitely are, you ghosted me!” You whined a little, knowing it would usually get you what you want. But Heeseung stood strong, even if the voices in his head were screaming at him to break down and give you everything you wanted. Heeseung in real life was a lot stronger than Ethan.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t use my social media much,” he lied. He had all your notifications on. “It wasn’t intentional.”
“It wasn’t?” You asked quietly, cocking your head to the side a little.
“I promise it wasn’t,” he replied. Heeseung needed to get away for a moment, he was suffocating in your presence and he could feel sweat beading on his forehead. “Look, let me go to the bathroom quick then we can chat properly.”
You nodded, an embarrassed flush on your cheeks as you realised your actions may have been a little overdramatic. You stepped aside, slipping back into your chair as he rushed off, leaving his phone face up on the bar. You didn’t look at it, although the little voice in your head told you to take a snoop, but you just took note of it in case someone tried to steal it.
Taking your own phone out, you scrolled through twitter. Your dm’s were filled with requests for more content, more videos with Jay. There were unopened ones from Ethan, you’d turned off the notifications for them now as it clogged up your phone. Clicking the compose tweet button, you typed out a quick message to your followers.
‘Out drinking tonight, you guys should pay for my drinks 💓’
You finished the tweet off with a link to your payment methods and an outfit picture you’d taken earlier, hoping it would entice more people to pay. It usually worked like a charm, men loved sending you money to pay for things, whether it be for a new set of nails or a new outfit. They loved knowing they had bought it for you.
You hit the send tweet button, waiting a few seconds for it to publish. Locking your phone, you popped it down, noticing Heeseung’s phone light up with a notification at the same time. You frowned, looking around quickly before picking it up and taking a quick look.
‘@egirlfriend just posted a new tweet!’
anonymous part twenty three - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist
(don't miss the written part beneath the texts!!)

You texted Heeseung that you were on your way home, just out of politeness and to see if he would hide away from you in the spare room like you'd told him to. You were still a little on edge, the line between Heeseung and Ethan was so blurred that it was hard to separate the two of them. But over text, Heeseung was, well, normal? He wasn't weirdly obsessive, he didn't say anything that made you uncomfortable. In fact, he was so different that you almost couldn't believe that him and Ethan were the same person all along.
Jay had dropped you home to your apartment block, lingering in his car outside until he made sure you were safe inside. He wasn't too keen on the idea at first, having you share your space with Heeseung, but knowing Jungwon was there and seeing how Heeseung had already matured in such a small amount of time, he felt a little less worried.
He didn't even know Jungwon but he seemed like a sweet kid, Sunoo had shown them all Jungwon's social media. He portrayed himself well, he was a university student at the school nearby and he adored his older brother. He did arts in his spare time and loved to dance. There was so much to love about Jungwon.
"Hello?" You called out into the apartment, dropping your bags on the floor as you kicked off your shoes. You could already see two other pairs of trainers tucked away nearly that weren't there when you left. It was quite sweet how they'd tucked the laces in the shoes so that they wouldn't be strewn around messily. You didn't notice the smile that crept it's way onto your face.
"Y/N-ssi?" You heard from the living room area before light footsteps made there way towards you. A boy a few years younger than you popped his head around the corner, wide eyes blinking up at you. Jungwon.
"Hi Jungwon," you smiled, hanging your jacket up. "Did you unpack everything ok?"
"Yeah! The room is so big, thank you so much!" He glanced down at the grocery bags by your feet, "let me help you."
Jungwon took over half the bags, carrying them to the kitchen whilst you trailed behind with a few in your arms. He set off straight away, putting away any items he could figure out the places for.
"You bought so much food Y/N-ssi, are you having a party?" He asked curiously, struggling to reach the top shelf of the fridge to put away some vegetables.
"Jungwon, please just call me Y/N, you don't need to be so formal," the younger boy flushed with embarrassment but nodded nonetheless, "and no, no party. I just assumed having two more mouths to feed would constitute a lot more food so I stocked up a bit."
"We can buy our own food! You don't need to feed us, just letting us stay here is more than enough," Jungwon replied. "Next time, let me and Heeseung go shopping for groceries, ok?"
Ruffling his hair gently you agreed. Jungwon protested quietly but you could see the small smile that decorated his cheeks as he brushed his hand through the messed up strands. You flicked on the kettle, grabbing some mugs.
"What sort of drinks do you like? I have anything you could ever think of." You asked, starting to make tea for yourself.
"Hmm, I like coffee but Seungie says I drink too much of it already so I should cut down a bit," he giggled the last part. "So I'll have tea too if that's ok?"
"Of course," you poured him a cup whilst he instructed you on how he liked it best, one sugar and lots of milk. "What does Heeseung like?"
Jungwon blinked at you slowly, wondering why you were making his brother a drink. From what he'd heard from Heeseung, you two weren't on good terms and that's why Heeseung wouldn't be hanging out with you, opting to stay in the room instead. But his older bother must be lying, because why would you be making him a drink if you didn't like him?
"Won?" You asked softly, noticing him zone out for a moment.
"Oh, sorry! I was just thinking about something, Hee likes tea as well! But he likes it without milk, I don't know why I think that's kind of gross like that but whatever." You poured the third cup and handed Jungwon his and Heeseung's drinks, "I'll take this to him, thanks Y/N!"
"No problem Jungwon, tell Heeseung I'll cook in a little while if he's hungry. If not then he can come and eat later or something, no pressure."
Jungwon nodded, scurrying off with the two drinks to where Heeseung sat on the bed with his laptop, scouring the internet for jobs.
"Seungie," he sang, placing the mug down next to him. "Y/N made you a drink, she said she's cooking soon if you're hungry but if not then help yourself later. I thought you said she hated you? She seems really nice!"
"Woah Jungwon calm down, one sentence at a time," Heeseung said, taking a quick sip from his mug. "I didn't say she hated me, we're just not on the best of terms that's all. Maybe I'll come for food if i get all this finished, ok? But you go join her, I'm sure she'd love that."
"Thanks Seung, this place is so nice! I'm glad Y/N is letting us stay for a while," he said, gulping down his drink even though it was still piping hot.
"Yeah, I'm glad too."