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Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

155 posts

Come Guys We Have Less Than Thirty Days To Get One I Say One More Senator To Stop The FCC From Taking

Come guys we have less than thirty days to get one I say one more senator to stop the FCC from taking net neutrality away from everyone so please spread this like wildfire please guys see if your senator is helping to save net neutrality if not convince your senator to save net neutrality

Democrats are just one vote shy of restoring net neutrality
Senate Democrats are close to restoring Net Neutrality, but need one more Republican to join their cause.

I haven’t done an update on Net Neutrality in a while as I was trying to find a reasonable “next step”, especially since it’s been out of the “news cycle” for a bit. Well, I have some good news. 

According to the senator (minority leader Chuck Schumer) from New York, they now have a total of 50 votes for a Senate resolution of disapproval that would restore the Open Internet Order of 2015 and deliver a stiff rebuke to Ajit Pai and other Republican members of the FCC. It would also prevent the agency from passing a similar measure in the future, all but guaranteeing Net Neutrality is permanently preserved

What’s stopping them now? They need just ONE more Republican and they have less than 30 days to do it.

So goes the next actionable step. You have to contact your senators and get them to suppose the Congressional Review of “the Open Internet Order of 2015″. 

There are two ways to go about it. 

1) Via 5calls.org using this script - https://5calls.org/issue/fcc-net-neutrality-cra

2) Via https://resist.bot/ - you can write to Congress using this site or  Text RESIST to Resistbot on Telegram, Messenger, or to 50409 on SMS. By providing basic information, you can write your Senator to move forward.

Now, if you got a Democratic Senator, push them on to find that one Republican Senator. If you got a Republican Senator, encourage them to reconsider their stance on Net Neutrality. 

We just need ONE Republican Senator and we have less than 30 days to do so. 

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7 years ago

Lets help witchking00 he's is an awesome artist and he is running low on money because he was helping his aunt that was sick so lets pitch in we only have a limited time lets just say we have until the end of 2017 so lets give him a hand


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PS: After this time. You will never hear from me asking more help anymore. That’s the last time… 

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7 years ago

Lets help out guys lets help this guy and his girlfriend and daughter

Give our family a chance...

Hi everyone, Asarimaniac here, with something we hoped we would never have to do. Sorry this is not some more art that you have come to know us for and follow us for, but if we could have just 2 minutes of your time, it seriously could save our life.

If you got this far, then already, Thank you! So Long story short, we have had to resort to making a ‘fund me’ campaign, we are in a desperate position where we seriously need your help. We were stuck in a country where we were attacked for our sexual orinetation, we then moved and got stuck in a different country with the same and more problems. All we are trying to do is find a place we can be safe, A place for me, my girlfriend, and her daughter.

For the long story and to help, us please find the link at the bottom of this post. If you can't  contribute money to the fund we 100% understand, but you can still help us greatly by sharing this message, just a reblog will be hugely appreciated.

Thank you all again for the incredible support over the years, You have already done so much for us, we could never thank you enough.


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7 years ago

What should I do

Hi guys I wanted to ask you a personal thing I just found out well it's been a year that my dad now isn't my real dad my mom told me years ago that that he wasn't my real dad and she took me outside and told me this and show me pictures of a man and I was kind of I was shocked I didn't speak for a good hour she kept telling me stories about my real dad and she was afraid that I was going to run away and not respect her anymore but I didn't I took it pretty well and it explain a lot why me and my dad didn't get along very well so long story I'm going to back college to get Bachelors degree for gaming art and my mom said I should meet my real dad but there are some things my mom and my uncle said about him that are not good so should I meet him or not

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7 years ago

Come on guys we need one more senator to make it official please see if your senator is helping save net neutrality if your senator is not helping send emails, lettes, or even find them on social media guys we can defeat the FCC like we did last time please don't give up

The Senate’s push to overrule the FCC on net neutrality now has 50 votes, Democrats say
The tally leaves supporters just one vote shy of the 51 required to pass a Senate resolution of disapproval, in a legislative gambit aimed at restoring the agency's net neutrality rules.




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7 years ago




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