hellspawnblr - Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr
Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

155 posts

Come On Guys We Have To Get This Repeal Please Call Your Senators And Representatives I Beg You Please

Come on guys we have to get this repeal please call your senators and representatives I beg you please call right now forget the email just keep calling to save net neutrality so what ever you are doing right now let go for a couple of minutes and please call

Guys We Got A Lot Going On Political Wise Now But This One Is One Issue That Should Have Been Cut And

Guys we got a lot going on political wise now but this one is one issue that should have been cut and dry and done. Call your rep ASAP so they don’t forget to do this. Probably mention this would be the easiest legislation they would ever pass and get done

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More Posts from Hellspawnblr

6 years ago

Come on guys keep fighting for net neutrality we need that one vote so please take a couple of minutes if your life and call your senators and representatives and tell to save net neutrality dlso please call and email them now!!

Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.

Everyone! Keep your fingers crossed! The battle is not over yet.

Keep calling, emailing, sending letters! Bug your senators until they do something!

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6 years ago

Come on guys we need to work together to stop the FCC chairman from taking net neutrality away please call your representative and senators April 23rd is not that far away guys do you want to pay for every website you go and to have slow internet this will affect everyone so please take a couple of minutes of your time to help save net neutrality please guys we only need one vote to overrule the FCC plan so help people like me to save the internet

Net Neutrality Dies On April 23

We just need one more vote to overrule the repeal of Net Neutrality

Please contact your Senators and Representatives urging them to vote for the CRA (Congressional Review Act)

List of Senators onboard for protecting Net Neutrality:


The Senators in red are the ones who are currently not voting so convince them to vote for the CRA: https://www.battleforthenet.com/scoreboard/

Text “RESIST” to 50409 to send an email to your Senators/Representatives! Tell them to vote for the CRA and give them details to persuade them on why Net Neutrality is so important and why it should be preserved. You can also call at 202-224-3121.

Script for phone calls:


Now get to it!! We only have until April 23rd to keep our Internet freedom otherwise.

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6 years ago

Come on guys we had over months to make a difference and i dont know if some of you do not care or not and not to sound mean but you are telling me we couldn't that one vote for a while not we have to prepare for the worse so please you can make a difference please help me and others like me to save net neutrality

How Net Neutrality will Recede Post-April 23d, 2018

The Following text is copied from the thread of the official twitter of fightforthefuture.org:

How Net Neutrality Will RecedePost-April 23d, 2018

@fightfortheftr (April 19, 2018): There have been a lot of inaccurate reports that the FCC’s repeal of #NetNeutrality will officially go into effect next week on April 23rd. That’s not true. It’s a bit more complicated than that. Ready? Here we go:

Its understandable many journos are confused by this. It’s legitimately confusing. The FCC order said it would go into effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, which would have been April 23rd. But, it still has to be approved by the Office of Management & Budget.

There was another FCC filing in the Federal Register that would imply the earliest the OMB could approve this (and its worth noting that approval is basically just a technicality) is actually April 27th, but its likely to happen some time after that, possibly even weeks after.

The most important thing for EVERYONE to understand is that nothing catastrophic or dramatic is going to happen immediately when the FCC rules go into effect. Telecom shills will immediately start saying “See? The sky didn’t fall, we never needed #NetNeutrality.“ 

They’re lying.

The ISPs aren’t going to immediately start blocking content or rolling out paid prioritization scams. They know Congress and the public are watching them. Rather, the death of #NetNeutrality will be slow and insidious. You might not even notice it at first.

And that’s the worst part. What will happen is over time ISP scams and abuses will become more commonplace and more accepted. They’ll roll out new schemes that appear good on their face but undermine the free market of ideas by allowing ISPs to pick winners and losers.

Over time we’ll see less awesome startups. Less awesome videos. Less diverse online content. And we’ll see more content that our ISPs want us to see. The Internet will be watered down and manipulated. It will change forever in ways that harm our democracy. 

But it will take time.

So: don’t fall for ISP lobbyists talking points. They’re ALREADY claiming that #NetNeutrality was never needed since the sky hasn’t fallen, and the rules haven’t even gone into effect. But also don’t panic. The Internet is not going to die next week. Keep calm and keep fighting.

The Senate will vote in a matter of weeks on a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to block the FCC’s repeal. Now is the moment to get engaged.

Everyone: take action at http://BattleForTheNet.com

Small businesses: sign this letter http://BusinessesForNetNeutrality.com

Retweet & spread!

@ineeddiversegames @poc-creators @weneeddiversebooks

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7 years ago

Come one guys one vote please call your senators I beg you please call sorry to sound needy but we need the one vote if not your are going to pay for your YouTube and any other things watch so please call your senators now!!!

Fight for the Future on Twitter
“We're ONE vote away from passing the CRA resolution restoring #NetNeutrality in the Senate. Live in one of the red states on this map? That vote could come from your Senator. Join Operation: #OneMoreVote on 2/27 for an Internet-wide push to get the vote: https://t.co/m8e2wzTiA5”

I hate to sound like a bitch but 




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6 years ago

Lets go guys this is it lets get our butts moving call your senators and representatives please we are getting so close to the deadlines so please help us in the fight




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