hellspawnblr - Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr
Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

155 posts

For Andromada

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6 years ago

Come on guys keep fighting for net neutrality we need that one vote so please take a couple of minutes if your life and call your senators and representatives and tell to save net neutrality dlso please call and email them now!!

Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.
Everyone! Keep Your Fingers Crossed! The Battle Is Not Over Yet.

Everyone! Keep your fingers crossed! The battle is not over yet.

Keep calling, emailing, sending letters! Bug your senators until they do something!

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6 years ago

This man I give props he did what he was right

Mayor Cuts Down Man’s 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome

Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome

This is one of the best stories we read in a long time. An arborist AKA a tree caretaker and tree surgeon from Redondo Beach, California had to watch the death of one of his favorite trees, which was ordered by the mayor. Although he lost a great battle, he won the war. Find out how he avenged the death of his 30-year-old pepper tree named Clyde.

His story was recently shared online and has already been shared over 150k times. RIP Clyde.

Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome
Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome
Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome
Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome
Mayor Cuts Down Mans 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome

Credits: GoblinsStoleMyHouse

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6 years ago

Come on guys we need to get this story back on top and we to stop ajit pai from taking net neutrality if net neutrality taking away a lot of artist or small business but mostly everyone will be affected by this so please reblog this and spread the word and find representative or senators that haven't join the fight to save net neutrality and contact them tell them why we need to save net neutrality so please help people like me and others fighting to save net neutrality

We NEED to get Net Neutrality trending again.

This is enough. Ajit Pai has already succeded MULTIPLE TIMES and you can expect the full removal of net neutrality on APRIL 23RD OF THIS YEAR. We can still contact our senators, we can still fight as hrd as we can, but even though 23 states are suposedly suing for the repeal of this, we need to help it along.

In case people forgot what Net Neutrality is: it is a series of laws that ensure everyone free and fair access to the internet. Without them, you will be charged for the sites you use on top of an already high internet bill. This means creators like us cannot post and be seen. Thia means that smaller schools will havebto switch to out of date text books. This means that starter IT projects that could make our lives better will die because noone can support an online presence that noone can afford to see.

And the list goes on and on and on. I have frienda who have to make their livings through commissions and working online because of multiple health issues. I have friends trying to publish books, post art, post voice acting snippets that will not be seen without these laws.

Please support Net Neutrality and contact your senators!!! This is so important to everyone you know, AND WE JUST NEED ONE SENATOR TO TURN THE TIDE!!!

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6 years ago

Guys this is our chance to save net neutrality its almost to April 23rd and if we don't you are going to to get on social media and everything so please contact your senators and representatives


If we lose Net Neutrality in the next 24 hours, blame congress. Call your lawmakers now:


If we lose it guys we’re not just getting charged for using the internet but were also losing these websites













-ALL online games and networks

-ALL online shopping services

-ALL online classes

-ALL the porn

Just 24 hours until the choice is made. Do your part if you already haven’t. Call the FCC and tell them you don’t want to pay for social media

-CALL: 202-418-1000

Or text RESIST to 50409 and get walked through the process of making your voice heard to your senator. They represent you and always will

But in the mean time Tumblr, BREAK THE INTERNET. Reblog these pics, post your own thoughts/blogs, spread the word, Join the Fight!

Don’t lie down and wait for results, make the results happen, we’re the people, we’re stronger than we know. Now let’s out and show it

@shyvaporwave @chicagoxjapan @sangapmarii @cubedcoconut @cutestlesbian-pearl @baited-in @nacrepearl @whateverman97 @mr-universe99 @coolerdeath @shesavampirequeen


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6 years ago

I like this mod

Tali Romance Mod By AVPen
Tali Romance Mod By AVPen
Tali Romance Mod By AVPen

Tali Romance Mod By AVPen

The Tali Romance Mod, aims to improve the Tali/Shepard relationship in ME3 by offering the following features: - introducing a true, proper romance culmination scene between Tali and Shepard, featuring a new 3D model of Tali “suit-less” - introducing a new Normandy cabin photo of Tali for Shepard, using Tali’s new 3D in-game appearance - improved several of Tali’s emails based on her relationship status with Shepard (friendship or romance), with 2 new emails written for the mod - corrected Javik’s ambient dialogue on Tali “being pleased with Shepard” if quarians/geth achieved peace on Rannoch - improved one of the Tali/Garrus ambient conversations in Engineering with a new “Shepard-romance” reply variant for Tali


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