Save Dbda - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

To the officials in Netflix that cancelled Dead Boy Detectives, I am angry, and the only talking I want to do is with my fists

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6 months ago

Sign it! Rewatch it!

The link above should send you to the dbda poll :)

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6 months ago

Idk if anyone is a fan of Manifest but it was in a similar situtation as Dead Boy Detectives is: canceled on a cliffhanger and then picked back up. There's a fantastic, enlightening article on how the fans managed to make that happen:

Why Netflix Really Saved ‘Manifest’ (It Wasn’t the Tweets)
The Hollywood Reporter
Inside the streamer's decision to salvage the surprise summer sensation — and how the move from NBC to Netflix will change season four.

The TLDR, when it comes down to it? VIEWS.

Idk If Anyone Is A Fan Of Manifest But It Was In A Similar Situtation As Dead Boy Detectives Is: Canceled
Idk If Anyone Is A Fan Of Manifest But It Was In A Similar Situtation As Dead Boy Detectives Is: Canceled
Idk If Anyone Is A Fan Of Manifest But It Was In A Similar Situtation As Dead Boy Detectives Is: Canceled

So, Point 1 I'm trying to make: REWATCH THE FUCK OUT OF THIS SHOW. Have it on all day, every day and when it gets to the Netflix Top-10 trending DO NOT STOP. Have it on in the background on a low volume, pop some headphones in if you don't want to hear it. Literally KEEP WATCHING. DO NOT CANCEL YOUR NETFLIX ACCOUNT.

Point 2: If you have a family member or friend who hasn't watched Dead Boy Detectives, ask them to. If they're not interested, here's what I suggest - ask them to let you sign into their account and watch it full through to help boost the viewership. Do it at night when they're sleeping or while they're at work and don't need their account. If Netflix sees an uptick in accounts who have never watched this show watching it, that will raise eyebrows.

They do not care about our feelings. They do not care about the integrity of artful storytelling or the importance of queer representation.

They care about views. We need to give them views. A tremendous turnaround in viewership post-cancellation will make them reconsider. That's how we save our show. It's just like Crystal Palace said - we need a unified front if we're going to face the mistress of doom (Netflix HQ) out there!!!

STREAM THE FUCK OUT OF THIS SHOW and do not stop telling others to do the same! If you were on the fence about watching this show, this is your sign to watch it because we need you now more than ever! I promise you will love it, the show is so meaningful, fun, and special... plus we are an awesome, active fandom with talented writers and artists! You will have a great time here and you know what if you don't like it you can personally kick me in the shin honestly! Please help us save our show!

Idk If Anyone Is A Fan Of Manifest But It Was In A Similar Situtation As Dead Boy Detectives Is: Canceled

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6 months ago

Up until June, Dead Boy Detectives already had 12.6 million views, amounting to 91.3 million hours viewed.

Up Until June, Dead Boy Detectives Already Had 12.6 Million Views, Amounting To 91.3 Million Hours Viewed.

This data has been published today by Netflix themselves, so it is the only official numbers we have, and they're not counting the last 2 and a half months. We were already in the top 100 in a list with more than 6 thousand titles, and that was before any campaign.

This is what matters. Obviously, all other shows are also accumulating views everyday, but we can get up in this list. Up to the point it's impossible to ignore.

We'll probably get a new report by the end of the year, so let's make it count. STREAM THAT SHIT

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6 months ago
Charles And Edwin Demand Their Show Back! @netflix We Need S2 Of DBDA!!

Charles and Edwin demand their show back! @netflix we need S2 of DBDA!!

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6 months ago

In the US too. Let’s show them how much this means to us everyone.

Dead Boy Detectives is in the 'everyone's watching' tab on Netflix in the UK!!!!!

Dead Boy Detectives Is In The 'everyone's Watching' Tab On Netflix In The UK!!!!!

We've got to keep going!!!!!

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6 months ago

Going to repost this just because I want something bright and fun. It was my first post for the fandom I’m pretty sure, and my first post on tumblr. It makes me remember how I felt after I discovered this wonderful show, and then all of you.

I know we’re all working hard to try and save our boys, just remember to take breaks and pace yourselves. I had to take one last night after I started crying out of nowhere. Anxiety, man, it sure likes to kick you when you’re down.

But I felt comfortable enough to give myself that break, because I knew everyone else was still out there. Still supporting each other, and that’s so beautiful.

Now I’m going to relax with my dog, continue streaming our boys, and let the good feelings this show and fandom brought me soothe me.

Keep strong everyone, remember we’re all here, no one is alone in this.

Get yourself a partner that looks at you the way Jayden Revri looks at a chicken sandwich.

Get Yourself A Partner That Looks At You The Way Jayden Revri Looks At A Chicken Sandwich.

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6 months ago

I know your tired, I know your angry, but please, please, PLEASE don't give up. Don't lose hope!!!!


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6 months ago
Hey @netflix This Show Is Too Good For You To Just Cancel Like This

Hey @netflix this show is too good for you to just cancel like this

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6 months ago

The Case in which we save dbd 🗣❗️

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6 months ago
Hey @netflix This Show Is Too Good For You To Just Cancel Like This

Hey @netflix this show is too good for you to just cancel like this

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6 months ago
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

The parallelisms✨

I also love the hc that Edwin needed to confess to Charles in orther to get out of hell. He needed to stop being angry, to think, to clarify that he wasn't angry to Simon, to Charles and to himself. But most importantly, he needed to let go of his past through forgiveness ("come with me") and accept his feelings and that part of himself ("Charles, I'm in love with you").

That's why he confessed on the stairs, still in hell; because he needed to feel worthy of scaping in orther to do so.

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