hoidwithaspaceship - spaceship spaceship spaceship
spaceship spaceship spaceship

he/him | space, stories, and stuff | elite dangerous, cosmere, elder scrolls, ttrpg ramblings, space, math, physics, star wars, writing, etcetera etcetera i will add more when i add more as relevance increases

35 posts

M51 And Then Some

M51 And Then Some

M51 and then some

Galaxies are often far more than the stuff we see, even in the best of Hubble photo's, there are stars, dust and gas that stretch out at densities too low to be picked up in some of the most iconic images.

Here M51 is recorded over 255 Hours, collecting all the light and gas at far lower densities, revealing the structure of M51 and the merging galaxy, and how huge plumes of stars and dust and gas are being kicked out way beyond the apparent confines of the spiral galaxy itself.

This is the same situation around most galaxies, the halo area reaching out from the Milky Way so far, it's thought in some parts to potentially be interacting with Andromeda's halo, over 2.1 million light years away, albeit at a very low level (so far).

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More Posts from Hoidwithaspaceship

1 year ago

Empathy. Motivation. Progress.

The secret to making your readers care about a character lies in these 3 sliding scales, according to Brandon Sanderson.

Empathy. Motivation. Progress.

Show throughout the story the answers to the following bullets:

Empathy (likability)

How relatable are they?

Are they kind or sympathetic to others?

How do other characters treat them?

Motivation (proactivity)

Are the character’s motivations interesting?

Can the character have what they desire? Do they initially avoid what motivates them?

How do a character’s motivations conflict with their flaws, and/or tie to the plot?

What steps is the character taking to get what they want?

People have many things that motivate them. Sometimes they can never have something they desire, sometimes they don’t want the thing they actually need at first. Motivations can conflict with each other, the plot, and a character’s morality.

Progress (competence)

What flaws does the character need to face in order to progress?

Does the character overcome their flaws, fail, step around them, etc.?

Will the character fulfill their promise(s)?

Motivation and progress often go hand-in-hand. Progression should be hard, to keep characters in check.

These sliding scales work just as well for protagonists as they do for villains, and everyone else in between.

Remember, the scales shouldn’t be maxed out. A character perfect at all three sliding scales is difficult to care about, and your characters are your story’s lifeblood.

Brandon Sanderson’s free 2020 lectures on YT

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1 year ago

You had had a plan, once. You figured if you acted impressive enough, got powerful enough, no one would stop you. And it worked quite well for a while. People cowed at your reputation, your grandeaur. Eventually, though, some hero had come in, convinced they could defeat you, and you realized they actually could. So you put up a good fight, whispered some cryptic final words, and vanished away, leaving nothing but dust.

You'd ended up in a small farming down, covered in dust and dirt, though with all your past equipment. The first person you talked to was kind, and you returned the gesture. This felt a lot better than them cowering in fear.

Your time there continued with that pattern. You made friends. Repaid kindness with kindness. You farmed. You wed. You had children. You truly enjoyed your time.

One day you stood outside, tending your field. You could see a dust cloud in the air, coming closer. Odd. At its head were soldiers, clad in shining metal, glowing with light. You wiped the sweat from your brow, then wiped that hand on on the coarse brown pants you wore. Well, it couldn't hurt to see what was coming.

It appeared that it could, you thought, as the tallest figure slammed you into the wall of your hut. They glared at you through the slits in their helm. You recognized those eyes. That voice.

"You will pay tribute. Understood?" Their voice was a growl. The last time you had heard it, it was desperate. Hopeful, but afraid. Now it was angry. But you did not think they recognized you.

"The tribute. The one of souls?"

"Yes! You don't seem to understand, farmer. The demon kind is still out there. They must be stopped. They must be found. And I can only do so with this tribute. Do you want to see this land be wasted, all your crops destroyed? Sacrifices must be made."

You glanced over at your spouse. Your children. This shack. Out the window to your farm.

You could not give them up. The irony alone made it useless. Give them up for this fool to find you, right where you stood? You laughed.

"Why are you laughing! Fine. I'll simply take them then." The hero let you go, and turned towards their soldiers. You stood up, wiggling your hands behind your bag. Remembering those spells agains. Summoning your armor. Your weapons. The treasures you'd amassed, though never used. Always to impress. You needed to work quickly. For your families sake, now.

Within moments, it was done. They had turned away from you, and your spouse, running, caught your eye. They gasped. You'd told them the truth, though never shown them. The soldiers turned. The hero turned, and froze.

"I don't think you're going to need that tribute, fool." You raised the dark blade, etched with pain and weaping shadow, towards the silver armored figure. "You see, I never got to try this on you last time. I've heard it strikes with the vengeance of all damned souls. Well, I thank you for making it that much more effective."

The hero gasped, stepping back, and you grinned. "I didn't have a reason to fight last time. I thought fear would get me through. But it seems as though it wasn't enough. No matter. You've gotten me to want to fight now, I'm impressed. Let's see how strong you really are."

You were once the demon king. “Defeated” by the hero, you went into hiding to pursue a simpler life. Today the “hero” has appeared, threatening you family to pay tribute, not realizing who you actually are. Today you show them what happens when you have something worth fighting to protect.

1 year ago

I think we're finally finding the issue here, which is that dnd has pulled from so many different forms of media and archetypes, and often from different ones that are entirely different in set up and power scaling and magic and such. To simplify, we pulled wizards from things like myths and fancy magic users and the fighter is basically "well its medieval, gotta have a plate wearing sword guy" . And unless you set up a world to accomdate that, to either figure out the neccesarily limitations on magic to have a fighter make sense as being somewhat practical, or expand the magic (non-real elements) to include martial prowess and toughness, the fighter and the wizard basically come from different realities.

Anyway this is why wotc should publish more individual setting books with actual different rules that don't actually work together across settings. Because if you want different themes to your game world, the way players understand that is through the mechanics, and therefore how you define the theme. And if they want to have some big way it all works, they need to stop holding onto these fragments of tradition that say random things about how the rules should be, from earlier editions, that no longer actually work in the setting and world they're trying to build, but are just holdovers.

I doubt that will ever happen. But it would be nice, if they said "these rules are how greyhawk works, this is how eberron works, this is how the forgotten realms works." But at that point the ideal would be to have a different rpg for each one. Which won't happen.

I suppose a compromize could be to establish a firm setting, admit that the rules are unique to that setting and probably shouldnt be one to one ported elsewhere, and then make conversion kits galore for any kind of theme and setting, rather than trying to shoehorn them all into the original setting.

oh but as an aside: in terms of giving classes stuff to do outside their central domain of expertise, you don't really need to look for esoteric stuff for fighters, they've got, like, "being scary", "being beefy", "being good at smashing or moving things", "being athletic", and that's fine? Like if those aren't coming out as useful in a dungeon crawl, or if spellcasters are matching them just on the basis of some handwavey "magic can do anything!" explanation, maybe that's the problem and not that fighters need broader domains of built-in competence. those seem like things that should be useful and character-defining outside of fights, don't they?

1 year ago

Yes, regrettably, that wasn't me. That was Tolkien, or a shadow of him. An idea. The idea being if he ended up on Scadrial, like me. Though without my spaceship



ok but when he first got on page i was excited because i read his description as having white hair, and i know that his Yolin appearance has white hair. then, i thought it wasn't actually him, because he was also described as old.

then hoid mentioned spren and i knew it was him.

also skaa died really young pre-Collapse so his appearance might seem old to vin.

or he just Lightweaved himself to look older.


i was talking about a character named Slowswift who i thought was Hoid, but Hoid himself is mentioned by name a page after but doesn't have screentime (at least in the part i'm at)

1 year ago

It was made by those who were dead

01/07/3309The Pleiades

01/07/3309 The Pleiades

The way is shut.