Stormlight Archive - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

I wish I could add more options (I would add my girl Rysn at the very least) but yeah I'm just curious. Like Kaladin is my favorite but Shallan is the most interesting to me

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4 months ago

You relied on wit and people died on it? Something something sigzil? Something something dawnshard?

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4 months ago

Interesting WAT theory from Reddit: Colot was replaced by the kandra on Roshar and him stepping down from the Windrunners is when it happened. I could get behind it.

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4 months ago

Just thinking about the fact that Shallan had bonded a spren BEFORE she ever killed her mother... what kind of childhood did that poor girl have that she was already admiting hard enough truths as such a small child to be able to reach (at least) the third ideal?

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5 months ago

you see how i wear my slate-gray shardplate for work? very demure. very mindful. i don't come to work with silver embroidered boots. i don't look like a clown when i go to work. I don't do too much, i'm very mindful while i'm at work

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1 year ago

Not only would The Lopen wear them (for obvious Lopen reasons) but there would be a Bridge 4 fireside where Rock wears them while cooking his stew, and Kaladin would complain the same way he did about the Chouta. The next day all of Bridge 4 will be wearing them to tease Kaladin and he will have to live with it for weeks until he eventually gives in and they all wear matching flip flobsters.

Shallan 100% would steal them immediately after and wear them on a date with Adolin even though they're 10 sizes too big.

Screennshot of a tweet saying "Never leaving the house again without my flip flobsters".
Attached to it are two pics; one of a person's legs in dark pants, wearing red-orange sandals formed like a lobster.
The second picture shows the sandals by themselves.

Which Stormlight character would wear those.

(Hoid doesn't count.)

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Another victory to share!!! My dad is now reading Stormlight after refusing to read it repeatedly!!

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8 months ago
Stormlight 5 Is Done!

Stormlight 5 is done!

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7 months ago
Sharing This Comment I Made On Reddit A While Back Because I Think About This A Lot

sharing this comment i made on reddit a while back because i think about this a lot

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6 months ago

The best part about reading a Brandon Sanderson book is that every time you read it around someone else they are obligated to say some form of “wow! Big book!” and it brings back gifted kid™ emotions i haven’t felt since the accident

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6 months ago
I Just Noticed Something About The Womens Script

I just noticed something about the women’s script…

The letters are literally a simplification of the shape of the sound wave made when speaking them, right?

I Just Noticed Something About The Womens Script

Like that’s what’s happening here, yeah?

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5 months ago
Save Me Shallan Stormlightarchive

save me shallan stormlightarchive

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4 months ago

Love that Word of Radiance literally opens like:

Shallan: Jasnah hates me now because I robbed her and is just taking me along with her forever because of some unknowable reason probably she definitely thinks I’m bad now 😞

Jasnah: *wrote to her mom to tell her about Shallan, came up with a plan to help Shallan’s family even though it would help her enemies, talked up Shallan to her mom to a point where her mom thought it would be a good idea to have Shallan marry into the family and started the betrothal process (but left enough room to back out in case Shallan doesn’t want to get married), got worried because hasn’t seen Shallan in five minutes and decided to sit on deck with her even though she clearly wants to be inside, told Shallan that she thinks the magical beings have brought the two of them together and they need to be together now because fate or whatever (she’s the worlds most prominent atheist btw)*

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8 months ago
A digital illustration of Shallan in an art noveau style with multiple panels. She is curled up in one panel with her stylus in her hand, looking over her shoulder at the viewer. She is barefoot and the skirt of her dress hangs down to crumple in panels below. The background includes repeating designs of Pattern.

The other day someone I’ve spoken to maybe twice saw the wip of this over my shoulder and said “Shallan?” so ig I’ve got the vibes right

EDIT Kaladin's up

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8 months ago

Kal being a disrespectful little shit at all times feels a bit like a kid testing his parents limits and trying to figure out how far he can go before the consequences are worse than the satisfaction of breaking the rules and being a son of a bitch. which makes sense considering his history. but is also very funny considering he is literally the captain of the king's personal guard.

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5 months ago

"Ain't nobody what knows the cow better than the butcher" is such an inspired and underrated quote from Wayne Terrisborn, and it being preceded by "Your grasp of the language is startling, considering how you so frequently brutalize it" from Wax only makes it better in every way!

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2 years ago

okay here's how you design a fantasy weapon pls like and subscribe follow me for more tips-

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

Kidding- but this was sent to me by Dyl just a while ago and I just had to.

I do actually love seeing these wild designs, there's more imagination in them than you can beat out of a roomful of AI "artists".

Art by Peter Andrew Jones if I'm not mistaken.

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

I do wish there were more of them around, just over-the-top bullshit that doesn't take itself too seriously.

This one's from The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982). It's a sword with THREE blades. Two of them shoot out of the hilt as projectiles- I love it. I would never use it.

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

I set out posting my art online initially to design "practical fantasy weapons", and while I haven't abandoned the "practical" part myself, going nuts on weapon designs is still just really fun to do.

Saradomin Godsword from OldSchool Runescape and the newfangled RS3 version.

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-
Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

Doesn't have to be "practical". Depending on the context, the looks can be more important than the functionality.

Sanderson depicts shardblades in The Stormlight Archive as being ultralight to justify their size. Fun middleground, but not always necessary.

Art by Alex Allen.

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

There are weapons that will forever be iconic BECAUSE they went nuts with 'em.

Of course they also went nuts with the people using them, so there's internal consistency, but the point stands.

Guts' Dragonslayer, Berserk (1989-2021) by Kentaro Miura.

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Cloud Strife's Buster Sword, Final Fantasy 7 (1997) by Square Enix, image from the 2020 Remake

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Moonlight Greatsword, in one of its many iterations, this time as Ludwig's Holy Blade from Bloodborne (2015) in The Old Hunters DLC by From Software

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

Kratos' Blades of Chaos, God of War (2005), image from their iteration in God of War (2018) by Sony's Santa Monica Studio.

Okay Here's How You Design A Fantasy Weapon Pls Like And Subscribe Follow Me For More Tips-

Just- don't pretend you could ever use them in the real world, yourself.

Actual martial artists can already hurt themselves using tried-and-tested weapons from history (i.e. there is someone to learn how they use them from), let alone the average untrained gamer with something out of fantasy.

Doesn't stop people from trying. Baltimore Knife and Sword are among the many blacksmiths who routinely produce real world versions of fictional weaponry (look up Man at Arms: Reforged on YouTube) and recently Digitally Twisted Outlaws (also on YouTube) started training with one such giant replica Dragonslayer, and dubbed their weapon-style the "Colossus Sword Form".

Bottom line, just have fun with it. Don't get too bogged down by what's consistent with real world usage, especially when the context is fictional.

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