Mistborn Era Two - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

coppermind wiki: ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️ Ahead ⚠️

me: yeah yeah, give me the page. you're obviously a generic warning that doesn't apply to where I'm going. *clicks through and scrolls down*

coppermind wiki: *hands out spoilers*

me: what?? really??? ... I should have seen that coming ...

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1 year ago
Wayne holding up dueling canes like chopsticks in one hand ready to attack. He's also got his lucky hat on.

Wayne: *pulls out dueling canes* It is time to eat!

Wax: You mean fight?

Wayne: Don't play with your food, Wax. *menaces foes with dueling canes chopsticks*

Foe: What is wrong with him?

Wax: Your guess is as good as mine. *sighs and pulls out his guns*

Brought to you by, what if Wayne learned about chopsticks? And what are chopsticks but mini dueling canes?

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1 year ago
A giraffe in a constable outfit with the Elendel symbol on the hat and a badge with the name "Gorglen"

“Constable Colms,” he said, scratching his chin. “Can you make any sense of this?” He showed her the drawing, which proved to be a crude sketch of Constable Gorglen as a giraffe hiding in a constable’s uniform. It said Approved by Expert Types at the bottom.

“I’ll talk to Wayne,” she promised.

Reddi sighed, then slipped the paper into a very large folder on the corner of his desk—the one where he kept complaints about Wayne. Reddi had evidently stopped returning it to the cabinet.

-- The Lost Metal, Chapter 10

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1 year ago

I am a fucking artist.

Stick figure Wayne is biting the hat off Hoid the carriage driver. Wax is seated in the back of the carriage pulling Wayne back and saying, "Wayne, you rusting donkey, leave Hoid's hat alone."

@girlgeniusevents Day Three: Jagerkin & Crossover

wayne just has absolute jäger energy.

in the middle of a fight he stops to shop clothes off the guy he defeated

he believes in hats

his relationship with hats is unmatchable

book 1 plot is he loses his hat and tries to get it back

he's undyingly loyal

eager for a fight

knows how to start a bar fight

brawler in an age where there's shooty things

thinks getting shot at is a form of affection

absolutely would go up to someone and say "nize hat" (and eat it off their head)

inspired by one of my favorite panels of girl genius.

oh, and if they weren't stick figures, wax would be pulling him back by his suspenders.

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1 year ago

I keep imagining Wax and Wayne bits that are of the form...

Wayne: <some wild idea like> We lost our horses, but there's some giraffes right there. I've always wanted to ride a giraffe.

Wax: Wayne, no.

And use Wax to contrast Wayne, and it's fun! But I feel their dynamic is more like...

Wayne: We lost our horses, but there's some giraffes right there. I've always wanted to ride a giraffe.

Wax: Yeah, giraffes, hmmmm... Yes! That's perfect! *pause* Wait, you haven't ridden a giraffe yet?

Like Wax usually can come up with a plan, but it has just one hole, and somehow he always manages to slot into it Wayne's seemingly infeasible ideas in the most reasonable sounding way.

Probably happens 'cause Wax just constantly lands in outlandish situations, which is exactly when thinking normally gets you nowhere and you need to pull out your handy dandy Wayne-level idea generator.

All to say, this is my apology post to Wax for making him seem like a boring man who doesn't appreciate chaos. He supports chaos so hard that chaos finds him for moral support.

I mean, he did name his extremely docile horse Destroyer and all.

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1 year ago

completely lost it when wax and steris named their son maxillium, because of *course*

but imagine if we got nuliana (goes by nu) and gilbillius (nickname gibbus because nu had a hard time saying gilbillius at all growing up and it stuck) (he prefers gil but it's far too late)

we can throw in a crescent or something for good measure too

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1 year ago

WAIT! im a fool

new kandra baby named NuMoon i demand it

completely lost it when wax and steris named their son maxillium, because of *course*

but imagine if we got nuliana (goes by nu) and gilbillius (nickname gibbus because nu had a hard time saying gilbillius at all growing up and it stuck) (he prefers gil but it's far too late)

we can throw in a crescent or something for good measure too

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1 year ago
Wax is hanging out the door of a moving train getting ready to jump off. Steris is holding onto the train, leaning out, and kissing him.

Steris had calculated when Wax needed to make his jump, and when the time comes to remind him, she does so. She had expected that he would need a couple minutes to disengage from whatever he was doing, but as fate would have it, he had just returned from the john, so he's out the door practically immediately.

Steris calls him back with a "Wait!" because he's early (even though she knows it won't matter to a Coinshot when there's so much rail to Push off of). He looks back, and Steris plants one on him.

Wax kinda has a moment of oh my wife and she has to push him off the train to keep him on schedule.

[Inspired by this]

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1 year ago

I heard people are getting their Sel boxes with wax seals!

Seal (the animal) stylized as Wax Ladrian with long hair, a gun, belt with vials of metal, a cravat, and a small smirk. Facing right.

Wax. Ladrian. Seals.

Oh shoot. Plural. I can fix that.

Same seal (the animal) stylized as Wax Ladrian with long hair, a gun, belt with vials of metal, and a cravat. Now with a very smug smirk and flipped to face left.



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1 year ago

The number of things that are just

Wax Dalinar


is so many.

killed their first wife

bullies god into doing better

absolute catnip to Shards

will fight an entire army even if they have to do it alone

series kicks off with the death of their sibling (and oh, what were you up to, sibling)

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1 year ago

oooOOOO! Fascinating! I love all this!

I do feel like as I moved from canon into fandom, I've felt Wax take more of a backseat (more of a contrast character to others), and a lot of this I think points at why for me. (His arc feels complete. He feels stable.)

For me, Wax has *always* been about trying to move from black and white to a world view that can support both, and the world constantly challenging him on that. (And wow does the world like to throw problems at him.)

Earlier in the series, it's a point of acute angst for him. Lawkeeping vs Being a noble (esp as both relate to being in service to his community). Loyalty to sibling vs What is "right." Freedom of choice vs Doing what you Must (because Will of God) (especially, again! in relation to holding the value of being of service to your community). What doesn't change is this thread about doing "good" and being responsible. He's just such a *protagonist* at heart! (And I kinda wonder is that why he doesn't read as growing?)

Now, later, he's more "settled," but like @tereghan says, it's about constantly trying to find compromise, find that place no matter what the world throws at you (it does feel middle-agey "coming of age!" you're right). So I think maybe also what @shouldprobablybereading says about it maybe feels like it finishes in BoM is such an interesting take to me! In some ways, yeah! He figures out who he wants to be, I think, by end of BoM, and in TLM instead of getting BIG change, we get snippets of how this change actually landed and how he lives with it. I like that we get to see his ability to handle balance going from angsting to more calm. (Also, UGH you said you didn't finish TLM but haha I want to talk about it. aaahhhh.) (Aside, I also like that we get to see his ongoing dialogue with Sazed and like, how the hell *do* you hold a boundary with Literal God and religion when you've got each other on speed dial?)

Interesting thought, too, on the, but the plot keeps giving Wax problems to shoot at! You're so right!! Like if the books are meant to be about Wax's growth, why does politics take such a back seat? Give us more politics!! (I would read the HELL out of that. But also, maybe, that isn't the genre of *this* series. Sadge.)

It also made me wonder, is that (the plot keeps giving problems to shoot at), in some ways, *the* conflict? Shooting is what he's good at. He's effective at it like few others are. Is it his choice? How does he balance what the world keeps calling him to do and who he wants to be? Is it actually where he is the most effective? If he doesn't do it, who will? Who can? (And then that feeds directly into Marasi's I'm always second and never first choice, and Wayne's Nah, I'm just a deputy. I'm not leading character material. And that in turn feeds into the TLM is really Wayne's book [which I thought someone said? but ... I'm confused, I don't see it. Maybe I read that on a different reblog? How do Tumblr? I've only been here years...])

I, oppositely, inexplicably love this series! But as I was reading it I could definitely see points that caused me to think, wow some of my friends would not like this bit. So I'm genuinely fascinated to see what in this series doesn't work for people. ^^ This has generated so many thoughts for me! (Good enrichment.) So thanks for sharing! (And now I'm curious about what else you're mad about ^^)

ok I’m about to be somewhat negative about mistborn era two, scroll away if you don’t want to see that…

ok, genuine question, did wax grow? can someone explain to me what his arc is? like I can tell he’s supposed to have one, but I don’t understand it (keep in mind I gave up halfway through lost metal, so I mean his arc through the first three books)

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1 year ago

Wayne is fucking Gomez Addams if he never found a crazy goth chicken to fuck his brains out.

Yes MeLaan is very Morticia but at least where I am she is no longer an item with Wayne.

He is constantly throwing his money into things that absolutely should fail and becoming obscenely wealthy.

Now of course I feel like Wayne partially does this in almost a like...self-flagellation kind of way? And I just have this image of him rotating in my brain of him in a fucking Gomez costume genuinely distraught over his failure to be a failed businessman.

In all honesty I do like this arc for Wayne, and maybe there can be some symbolic meaning found in the way his Feruchemical powers require him to become sick and that he is treating himself mentally so poorly. And he can finally "tap" some font of self-worth and self care.

For those who are Fanfic inclined I'm sure there is a lot of potential that just like his frequent substance usage you could create a self-harming Wayne who is constantly filling his metal minds, because he feels he deserves to be ill, to feel crummy. Because it's easier to physically ache then to try and make the pain that comes from inside stop.

I look forward to wrapping up era 2 as much as I'll mis(t)s it.

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1 year ago


Wayne is literally a pack rat.

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5 months ago

Wayne said that the powder on the chewing gum gives him more energy... Has he been eating cocaine chewing gum this whole time???

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1 year ago

Well, its not gonna be me, even when I finally do live up to my name.

All things aside, considering the sixth of the dusk sequel preview we got, I'm prone to say something new. Something we haven't seen before. Something that just pulls all the sides apart and it's just a big mess.

I feel like, though, there is a big bad that'll be around. It might be Odium, but considering stormlight, I don't think he'd still have the fused, after 10 books. Considering Kelsier, maybe, but I don't think he'd end up a bona fide big bad, just a meddler. Maybe a villain, definitely and antagonist, but I doubt the big bad.

We already have so many factions and I feel like we're just gonna keep adding onto that, especially as different groups leave planets in different ways, having different groups from different cultures on planets as well as different groups from the same culture on a planet to groups that are unified and from multiple planets.

I do think Kelsier is gonna last longer than Odium though. Hopefully I get the chance to punch him again.

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1 year ago

People might hate me for this but the more I read the bands of mourning the more I get annoyed with Wax, dude won’t even try thinking about something but himself for 2 seconds. Marasi is a lot more interesting and they should let her do more than just talk statistics every time.

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1 year ago

I feel like the reason why I love Wayne so much is because I may be just as unhinged as he is

I just get his train of thought more than Wax's, maybe I should be worried

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1 year ago

Marasi is a better person than I am because I would've joined the Ghostbloods the second I had the chance

This is what Kelsier would see if he offered me that deal

Marasi Is A Better Person Than I Am Because I Would've Joined The Ghostbloods The Second I Had The Chance

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1 year ago

Mistborn era 2 but instead of reddi constable general is Samuel Vimes

I would love to see him dealing with Waxillium ,,im the Law" Ladrian

he would hate him more than he hates William de Worde

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