Warning Blood
Warning blood

But something like this in. Sense??
Can someone please write y/n singing " do it for her" but it's toward techno as they lose one of their cannon lives so they have 2/3 lives left. Just to protect him because there unbridled love towards him kinda like knight to him. They know he take cares of himself but there like a pearl to him.
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More Posts from Horrorisunknowntoyou
submitted by @karnita-mexicana
POV it’s bring your daughter to work day and Frigg FaceTimes you while you’re home sick while Loki works out in the gym at the avengers complex.

Hope y’all like it :) (it was a real pain to edit out the wires on toms belt :/ )
“mom i think dad is dead”
“i’m fine”
ugh you are so tALENTED HOW DO YOU DRAW GOOD. SO QUICKLY SO WELL. i’m in awe of you, thank you for sharing this with us unworthy souls :’)

Howdy howdy howdy! I do hope your taking breaks, drinking water and eating food! But I was wondering if you can write a something for technoblade where his S/O is known to be a coward and sleeps all the time but when they are in the zone it’s like a different person. Like Instead of being a scaredy-cat they can fight with precision and accuracy. Then go back to there usual sleepy self.
~🐏 stay safe! <3
. . .
The clash of swords and shields ring throughout the air. The summer season made the tundra slightly warmer than it normally is, but it still has a nip in the wind. The snow crunches loudly under the steps of your companions. You lazily watch the two fight, leaning up against a nearby bunch of hay bales.
Philza and Techno are sparring, dodging each other's attacks and jabs easily. It’s almost a blur of fabric while they fight. They’re graceful fighters, nimble even. Their dedication to fighting makes you tired, despite not even being involved in the brawl. You yawn loudly, tears rising to your eyes with the action. You sink back into the comfort of your scarf, wanting to go back inside. But, they want you to watch them fight. Since you usually back down from conflicts, they hoped you’d at least know how to defend yourself from seeing them spar. You grumble to yourself, closing your eyes briefly. A loud shout catches your attention and you open them once more.
An arrow is heading in your direction, a misfire from one of their crossbows. It nears quickly, feathers spinning behind it. Your eyes narrow and you hastily lift your hand. The arrow stops right before your face, having been caught in between your fingers. The two are quiet when you drop the arrow into the snow. You lean back into the hay, feeling lazy again.
“Um, dear? What was that?” Techno approaches, obviously confused. Philza stands by his side, his own head tilting.
“What was what?” You mumble sleepily.
“How did you catch that arrow?” Philza looks down at the arrow then back to you. Even he is lost. He’s seen some amazing reflexes and skills while alive, but nothing too close to this. You hum, looking down at the arrow then back to them. You shrug casually.
“I don’t know. I just kinda did. Can I go back inside now?” They pause, eyes drifting to one another.
“Not yet. Could you come over here?” With a heavy sigh, you push yourself off of the bale and walk over to them. Philza gestures for you to move past them and towards the spot they were fighting at earlier. You continue, hating how the slushy snow feels against your shoes.
It isn’t the sound of the weapon being loaded that makes you tense up. But, rather the feeling of a chill running through your body. Hair stands on end and you follow your intuition, side stepping just in time to avoid another arrow. You turn back to look at the others, eyes narrowing. They watch, mouths agape at your change in attitude. You stare them down, more awake than ever.
“Which one of you shot that arrow?” You glare, eyes catching onto the crossbow in Philza’s hands. He slowly moves it behind him, whistling awkwardly. You hold out your hand, summoning an iron sword from your inventory. “If you want to spar, then come over here.” With an annoyed huff you rush forward. Philza brings forward his own sword, blocking your swing. Together they spar, your fighting skills almost on par with the older man. Your movements aren’t elegant, yet each attack is thought out and brimming with great accuracy. Techno whistles lowly when you knock the sword from Philza’s hands.
You turn to him. “You wanna fight too, pig boy?” He nods almost too eagerly, running forward with his own sword. He’s memorized watching you fight with such ease. You act so different in the spar, taking it seriously too. He hasn’t seen this side of you before. Lost in his thoughts, he missed the boot swinging towards him. It crashes into his stomach, sending him to the ground. Techno grunts, especially when you point the sword to his neck.
The voices are practically thriving, singing praises amongst each other. They bounce off one another, some louder than the rest.
That’s our love. That was really hot. Could they always do that? I would gladly let them step on me any day.
Happy grunts escape from Techno’s throat, a blush rising to his face. His piglin ears flap with excitement while he stares up at you. Lifting an eyebrow, you gesture to him with the sword.
“Give up?” He nods almost hesitantly, accepting your hand to pull himself up. After a moment, you put the sword back into your inventory. Like a flip has been switched, you slouch slightly. Yawning, you glance back at the male.
“All this fighting makes me tired, can we go back in now?” Your voice is soft once more, your lazy personality back again. Techno smiles, pulling you into a side hug. He agrees, leading you to the house.
The voices slow and become quieter when you link hands with him. But, they still mumble to each other about the events of today. Even if you can fight, they encourage Techno to protect you. After all, they don’t want to lose you either.
The God's Children : Loki x reader
|Angst w/ happy ending. Also Loki is ooc oof.

You never in a million years thought you would be in this situation but you were used to it by now. You were simply a witch with two young children raising them all alone by the country side away from the city. Long ago you used to be an avenger fighting along side them those past years but after having kids and the whole Thanos situation you simply decided to retire from it early on. You still practiced your skills but what mattered more was taking care of your children, even though it hurted knowing their father isn't in their life anymore. He died...one of the most awful but stupidest way you wished he wasn't such an idiot.....Sometimes the others will pay you a visit sometimes , giving you supplies or gifts to your kids.
But these past days it's been lonely and quite depressing, remembering the old times and being in love. It hurted so much , sometimes shedding tears as you did task. But lately you been noticing a man in beige looking at you from a distance with what looks like thor with them? You didn't question it with too many task on hand to do and having a mischievous kid .
You would teach you oldest child how to farm and look for wild grown plants. As your youngest was in a carrier wrapped around your back you would teach them magic. Or how to do simple task sometimes just playing with them happily.
One evening you were cleaning up after your oldest as he was playing earlier and fell asleep on the couch. There was a knocking on the door, startled and confused why you simply walked over to see Thor and.....Loki? You screamed in surprised and shut the door hyperventilating as your child woke up in panic to the scream. Unsure whether to open it or not , until eventually opening it slightly to thor trying to make 'loki' come back.
"Loki! Loki! She doesn't hate you, she's just startled come back!" Thor faces you once Loki steadily walks back. "Uh miss l/n I apologize to bother you and I know this not good time but this is Loki. The other one not...not the one we know of. "
Staring at him , he looked so young, he had his shirt hair when he was captured by shield. He wasn't broken by the years yet, as you stared at him quietly your oldest walk infront of you in a protective manner, with dagger in hand. Loki's dagger to be precise, you gently put his hand down. "It's okay. Sorry he's protective of me....you should come in. " Gently picking up the boy and setting him down at the couch. As the two males sat on the dinning room table.
"so....Loki...what brings you to me?"
He stared at me , signing " I wanted to know my relationship with you, old me I supposed?" You quietly stood there " well...you were my husband and those two are your kids, old you died and never got to see them...well one he didn't know of the other one. " Loki stood there in shock " my wife?! I got married? I died? How did this happen? What happened to me?"
Thor place his hand on his shoulder "Thanos killed you, you did everything in your power to save her, keep her hidden . And you did but in the cost of your own life. "
"it's okay" you softly spoke as Loki lashed out " no! It's not okay! Your a widow now, with two kids, a single mother and I had no clue! I just....I'm sorry...I'm sorry old me couldn't help you.. I know Im not him and I will never be him. But I want to help you. I don't want them to be fatherless. Please y/n"
You stood there unsure " yes, I know you'll never be the Loki I know of...and yes I'm not okay, but I'm willing to try again and take small steps with you."
"small steps, together...okay?"
Loki falling for a Shy/Quiet Reader
(gender neutral Please!) Loki x Shy/Quiet reader that only talks to people that they fully trust. How would Loki react to hearing their voice for the first time? ♡

Despite living in Avengers tower and being an honorary member of the team, you kept to yourself as much as you possibly could.
In fact, only a few members of the team had actually heard you speak. Tony had managed to coax a few replies out of you.
Steve and Natasha remained the only ones in the tower you were really comfortable having conversations with.
You spent most of your spare time alone, reading or relaxing in your room. Despite how often Steve and Thor would ask you to join them when training, you’d decline, opting to wait until the training hall was empty so you could practice alone.
It’s not that you felt uncomfortable around the Avengers. You loved them like family and they adored you. But you just weren’t prepared to open yourself up to anyone.
Then Loki showed up.
He had been sent to spend some time on Earth under the watchful eye of Thor, and of course, he was staying in Avengers tower.
Loki wasn’t overly fond of the idea. He had little to no interest in the rest of the Avengers, but when he saw you sitting quietly in the corner of the common room, book open in your lap, he was intrigued.
He tried his best to start a conversation and introduce himself (not that he needed any introducing.) But you didn’t appear to show any interest in wanting anything to do with him.
At first, Loki assumed it was because you didn’t like him, but Thor was quick to assure him that wasn’t the case.
As Loki spent more time in the tower and saw you more and more, he became determined. He wanted to get to know you.
Your early attempts to brush him off and ignore him proved to be in vain. Loki was a persistent bastard when he wanted to be.
Fairly soon, you began to find his presence not all that irritating. You would even dare to go as far as saying you were fond of the trickster.
Once Loki realised this, he began hanging around you a lot more.
He gravitated towards you, sitting next to you during meetings or whilst you lounged in the common room.
You’d both sit together in comfortable silence, reading books or watching shows.
He particularly enjoys reading to you and watching as your eyes light up and features change as he tells the story.
He accompanied you on evening walks around the city.
Loki didn’t really mind what you both did as long as he got to enjoy your company.
He would be by your side during large gatherings or big events and, if you wanted him to, he voiced your opinions and ideas at meetings on your behalf.
Loki is incredibly observant and despite how reserved you are, he still picks up on the little things you do.
Despite you not speaking to him, Loki felt closer to you than anyone else in the tower.
It got to the point that Loki knew what you’re thinking and had no issue being your voice if others needed to hear it.
“Stark, Y/N would kindly appreciate it if you could shut the hell up.”
To say Loki is protective of you would be an understatement. Because of your shy nature, you’re hesitant to stand up for yourself, but now that you have Loki that’s not really an issue.
If someone insults you or puts you down, Loki will assure that they live to regret it.
And if some dick makes the mistake of catcalling you on the street? Oh, Loki will make them wish they were never born.
One particular evening, when you and Loki were both bingeing shows in your room, Loki made a comment under his breath about the plot that you couldn’t help but giggle over.
And Loki lit up like a light bulb. He swore he’d never heard a sweeter sound. It was that same day Loki realised that he was absolutely smitten with you.
He was beginning to catch glimpses of the huge personality that hid beneath your shy and quiet exterior. And he loved it.
He was honoured that you had begun to open yourself up to him, slowly but surely. It was not a matter he took lightly.
It hurts Loki to know that he has seen a whole new side to you, the side you hide away from everyone else.
So naturally he tries to build your confidence. This could range anywhere from random compliments to coaxing you into joining him in causing some mischief.
You also brought out his softer side.
Once, you fell asleep with your head against Loki’s shoulder and he refused to move until you woke up.
Nat took a photo.
He made you food and brought you tea, anything to see you smile. He even put up with the relentless teasing he received from Tony because of it.
All for you.
But, of course, Loki staying at Avengers tower didn’t always go down well with the others. Specifically Tony, who was known to have a knack for starting arguments.
After one particular fight, where Loki got into quite a serious tiff with the man of iron, he immediately sought you out for some comfort.
He needed to get everything off his chest and he knew you’d listen.
Loki paced infront of you, ranting about how frustrating it all was, and despite his unbothered expression and tone of voice, you knew beneath it Tony’s words had got to him.
Having finished his rant, he sighed and took a seat next to you, with one closing statement.
“I suppose I can’t blame him. What I did was unforgivable.”
There was a beat of silence.
“I forgive you.”
Loki’s head snapped up to look at you. You were smiling gently, amused by the disbelief in his eyes.
“I forgive you,” you repeated.
It was the first time he’d heard you speak and aside from the general shock and surprise of hearing your voice, he was completely in love with it. Your voice, your accent, the words you’d just said.
You were the first one to ever forgive Loki and he wasn’t sure how to process it.
He was completely stunned and more than a little emotional, though he tried and failed to hide it.
After a few moments of stunned silence he’d smile softly. “Then you would be the first.” His voice would be so delicate, barely above a whisper. “But thank you.”
He was honoured that you trusted him enough to speak around him, and he promised to prove to you that your trust was not misplaced.
From that moment on, you talked to Loki a lot. It’s started off pretty simple, you just talked about little, everyday things. But soon, you found yourself opening up to Loki and trusting him with things you hadn’t told many others.
He listened to you so attentively and values what you have to say. Sometimes whilst talking you catch him simply staring at you in admiration.
Though he was yet to fully gain their trust, the other Avengers held a certain amount of newfound respect for Loki, seeing how comfortable you’d grown around him.
You really made him feel at home at Avengers tower.
Despite how strong his feelings for you were, Loki had no idea how to tell you. However, Thor was quick to voice his own ideas. And for once, Loki listened to his brother.
Thor assured Loki that you felt the same. Thor considered you a close friend and even he had never seen you so carefree and happy around anyone. He knew that both you and Loki deserved to be happy.
He informed Loki that Tony had planned another one of his infamous parties, and through some questionable methods (warning Loki that if he hadn’t confessed by then, Thor would do it for him) he convinced Loki to tell you how he felt at the event.
And after what was quite possibly the longest week of Loki’s life, the night of the party arrived.
Loki was a nervous wreck.
His heart was almost beating out of his chest and he both loved and hated that you had that effect on him.
However, his nerves were quickly stomped out when his eyes fell on you amidst the crowded room.
When you made your way through the crowd to greet him, Loki couldn’t help but voice his thoughts.
“You look simply ravishing, darling.”
He smiled at how flustered the compliment rendered you.
Despite how uncomfortable you’d usually feel in such a large crowd, Loki made you feel like you were the only person in the room.
You spent every minute of the party together, talking, laughing. Loki even managed to coax you into dancing with him.
As things began to wind down for the night, Loki pulled you aside. You both found somewhere quiet, Loki admitting that there was something he needed to tell you.
The ominous statement left you feeling anxious, and Loki’s own nervous behavior didn’t do anything to calm you.
But the moment he began to speak, your fears dissipated.
To say Loki poured his heart out infront of you would be understating. He told you how you made him feel, how much he adored you, how glad he was to have earned your trust. You watched as the usually stoic god’s composure slipped through his fingers like sand and he became a rambling mess.
Tripping over words, stuttering and struggling to find the right thing to say, you decided to end Loki’s suffering.
Gathering up your courage, you leaned up as far as you could, placing a hand against the nape of Loki’s neck and pulling him down the rest of the way.
Your lips met, fitting together perfectly. It began gentle and reassuring, slowly building into something more passionate as your hands found Loki’s chest and his fell to rest on the small of your back, holding you close against him.
The kiss banished all of Loki’s fears. You definitely felt the same way.
Before things could become too heated, you pulled away, not wanting to start something you couldn’t finish in the corridor.
And for the first time, Loki was the one left speechless.
Also for all my quackity simps , heres an idea for yall.
In his casino you the reader can be like those show girls kinda like jessica rabbit or like flapper girls. Like theres a small stage for you beside the bar. Etc and maybe for a fanfic someone hits on you and he noticed taking out his axe etc. Idk.