Technoblade X Reader - Tumblr Posts
The blade lives on.
(Technoblade x little sister reader )
[A follow up with “let me take care of you” where the reader is older now around 16 or 19 also this is an alternative from the canon story in the smp]

You stood in front of techno as he was now in retirement along side with dadza , you gently fix your f/c cape and adjust your armor parts in your outfit. Now the final thing your very own crown, techno walks over to a chest and pulls out a silver/gold crown with beautiful jewels onto it. He gently sets it on your head and gives you a light smile , you are now ‘ the blade ‘. As much it did hurt techno and dadza you weren’t that little girl anymore but now a strong, powerful young woman. Taught by him and techno the arts of fighting and ideals of them both , the legacy of ‘ the blade ‘ lives on with her. As if the torch has been passed down to the new generation.
You smiled in glee in the mirror at your look and hug techno and dadza tightly , the new generation has a new threat on their hands and if they were to act like the old generation then hell’s about to pay.
You grabbed your bag and waved bye to them both as you started your own journey across the smp. As your feet crunch against the snow you walk to see a dark brunette with a blue green sweater with something covering his face lending his hand out to you. You shoved it away “ Just remembers the plan , were going after Snowchester and possibly breaking into Pandora’s vault since your old man don’t know how act and owe us a favor. “
“ What can I say y/n? He loves chaos as much as I do.”
“your definitely dreams kid loser, I bet you sleep through wars .”
I know you pretty much just posted ‘The blade Lives On’ But whenever you have the time could you do a pt. 2 with y/n and dreams son just breaking into prison to see dream or whatever chaotic shenanigans those two might end up doing, possibly technos reaction to y/n hanging out with dreams son or just general HC’s. All platonic of course. Feel free to ignore this request or take as much time as you need on it, no rush. I just found your fics recently and I love them so keep up the great work!!
Omg thank you so much 🙏 it means so much to know that , that’s the nicest thing someone has said to me. It’ll my pleasure to write this for you. ]
The Blade and Trickster
Breaking into the prison wasn’t as bad but it was very timing consuming as they studied the blue prints and find a entrance through there. Spirit ( his nickname) had to squeeze though and basically climbed through the vents and kicked the vent opening. To the surprised of dream who jumped up , spirit perked out “ hey dad, I’m here to break you out cause mom told me to and he’s very angry at you cause you got imprison on date night. “ Y/n was in the background laughing at the explanation but the funny thing is it’s true.
Dream just stood there and snicker “ that sounds like your mother , well break me out then. “ Spirit lends a hand out and help him up as they climb out the vents and enter pearl the rest out. Y/n took out her sword and broke the hand cups off dream . “ we better hurry before anyone noticed you gone mostly Sam, and the new “world leaders” in the smp.”
Dream looked at y/n and perked up “ Now , now what’s your reason for helping me for? Did your brother sent you? “ Y/n glance up and then looked forward “ No, I did it under my occurred and second you owe me a favor. Also spirit is my friend so there’s that too. “ Dream hummed in response as he followed behind walking to his secret house/hideout which took forever but he memorized the path like the back of his hand. There stood George fidgeting to see if there coming back yet and sees them dock up in the boats , he smiles and runs over to dream tackling into a tight hug almost knocking him over. “ Woah , Woah George! It’s okay , I’m okay “ he hugs him back and smiles walking back inside the obsidian fortress.
Both spirit and y/n got very nicely rewarded for there part mostly spirit as he has no chores for 3 months , and such.
1. You and spirit are pranksters and play pranks on the others mostly the world leaders. There people who take control certain lands like there eret , bad , ranboo , Tommy , tubbo , dream? , Wilbur when he got revived. And such and they hate it especially Tommy.
2. Dream is weirdly genuinely nice to you and spirit like no manipulation or anything , I mean you make his son happy and such and protect George when he ask so your okay in his book.
3. You and Tommy and tubbo don’t have a good relationship with each other and there obvious tension as you grew up under different life styles. So you would always butt heads with each other along side spirit.
4. Spirit was your partner in crime and you both made an agreement and such on what to and not do. For no betrayals and such , because each other’s know there caregiver ( techno , dream ) will bring hell against each other if they found out.
5. You two would buy out Nikkis bake good and go to the top of a hill and eat them like there no tomorrow and have stomachs aches.
6. Dadza and techno eventually met spirit but it was awkward and both of you wanted to leave but eventually it was pretty chill and mutual with each other.
7. You actually sleep over George’s house with spirit and such , George is pretty sweet with you and would show you to sapnap and such. You’ll Get to train and up you skills and just hangout.
8. You both like going on adventures , you once spent a whole day Looking for a woodland mansion to steal stuff etc.
Techno’s reaction
Techno wasn’t too suprised and was pretty okay with it, at most he was hesitant over it and wants you to be okay as your his little sister after all. But once you explained it all he was perfect fine.
“y/n if dream ever makes you uncomfortable or tries anything , I will personally get out of retirement and beat him myself for you. I’m serious , I don’t want him to do anything to you. Alright?” You know , meanwhile dadza look like he almost had a heart attack hearing that, probably cause old man is tired of him but you reassured you okay and gave him lots of hugs.
Based off @rae-writes smp Parental smp series , so please please look at their account and fics. Most importantly I give them credit for the parental thing so please check them out their wonderful being. Also your like a very young child and I put irl songs besides there names. I hope you enjoy
Dream smp parents x gn child (lullaby)

DREAM - you are my sunshine
You would have a really hard time going to sleep because how anxious you’ll Get over your father as he’ll get busy with work. George and Sapnap tried there best to help but nothing was working they tried giving you a bottle , plushes anything but no budge. You eventually started to cry which alerted Dream who was working on maps and the next plan against l’manberg. He finally decided to take a break and head over to your room as the two left the room. Dream gently lit up a candle and picked you up cradling you in his arms the soft bright green fabric around you. He sat in the rocking chair , gently rocking you and softly singing , comforting best he can, until you stop crying and fall asleep in his arms. Once you fall asleep he didn’t realized how tired he was and fell asleep in the chair holding you protectively in his arms. George and Sapnap later found out and took pictures of it as it was too cute not too.
QUACKITY - (along with Sapnap and Karl) recuèrdame
It’s quite chaotic having three parental figures but to them you were there pride and joy. However you were sick and wasn’t feeling so good which worried all of them , especially seeing you have a hard time falling asleep and it was hurting their own sleep. ““Guys I’m really worried “ Sap says looking at others as Karl gave y/n medicine in there crib exhausted . Then quackity has a idea , walking out the room grabbing his guitar and walks back in y/n’s room. “ Guys, I have an idea maybe singing a song might help.” Karl perks up at the idea and nods ““that’s a good idea.” Quackity sat down on a chair beside the crib as they lowered the lights softly singing the song in Spanish. Karl and sapnap noticed it tiring you out and quietly hi five each other as you fall asleep much to the relief of all three of them.
RANBOO - once upon a december
““Mate, have you tried giving them a pacifier or like song to calm down?” Ranboo perked and never thought of that . He thanked Phil and rushed off back home and sit on his bed , pulling y/n out the carrier. And hold them in his arms gently holding them and softly singing a song. Until sleepy enough he gently puts them in crib and left worked on his panic room.
Ranboo was very new to the whole parenting thing and was pretty anxious of it all , he knew it was a lot of responsibility. And he wasn’t the best person to do this but you were his he couldn’t ditch you. He was getting used to it all, Philza would help him and give him tips and such considering he raised 3 boys. One day ranboo was doing some errands with y/n and being really fussy and not calming down no matter what he tried , he eventually ask Philza what to do.
TECHNOBLADE - you will be okay
Having a new baby was difficult since he already have 3 rowdy boys , Tommy was proud he can be the big brother as he loudly proclaimed it. Techno was excited but wasn’t so hectic about it , and Wilbur was gushing over the new sibling. The boys surround Phil as he sat down holding the new baby wrapped in a bird theme blanket. “ Now, now I’m much as excited as you are boys over the new baby okay, but just becareful alright? “ Phil exclaimed as they sat down beside him the baby moving lightly. “ Sure thing big man! “ Wilbur perked up “ We’ll help you! Right techno?” The pink hair nodded in agreement wanting to read them Greek mythology when a toddler. “ well can you make dinner as I handle this for me?” Phil asked worried. The three boys nodded and rushed off as Phil stood up smiling softly singing to baby as he walked to their nursery.
Being the child of ‘the blade’ has it perks and downs but the loud winds of the blizzard against the window was scaring you a lot and just being fussy and whimpering. Which obviously alerted techno who was brewing potions and quickly walked into his room with your crib beside his bed. He sighs in relief and gently picked you up in his rough big hands , so tiny and fragile in his arms, slowly walking downstairs. Sitting in his scarlet chair beside the fire gently rocking them softing singing to them. He gently fixed the baby blanket around them and kept them close to his chest to hear his heart beat. Once you were asleep he finally relaxes into his chair still holding onto you as he rest. He gently messes with your pink hair,“Sleep well my princess/prince.”
PHILZA - (SBI) dellas moon lullaby
JSCHLATT - youll be in my heart
Who thought the con/business man himself have kids? Surely not? Well infact he does he has two along side tubbo he has y/n who he cares for deeply. He doesnt show them off out of fear and just for there safety. He isnt the best dad and he knows , he drinks and gambles which is a no, having to ask phil to give him some advice etc. But even so with his tough exterior and asshole attitude he deeply cares for his little rams as he sings them to sleep. Kissing them ontop on their heads goodnight.
WILBUR - everything stays
When fundy was still a toddler , he didn’t expect to have anymore children well he was wrong. He now had a new baby along his country and toddler son. It was very stressful but seeing how happy fundy to have a sibling made him happy. He would spend his free time tuning his guitar with a rocker and fundy playing with blocks as he plays songs for his children. It helps a lot with nap time as it calms them down and gets them sleepy. But they were so cute he couldn’t complain about it sadly Tommy has rushed in with no warning yelling startling both awake crying....not fun times...
Y/n: techno i may not have the exact ideals as you but...ill destory a country for you.
Techno: (UGH MY HEART) cool , uh thanks 💞
Phil: 👍
Can someone please write y/n singing " do it for her" but it's toward techno as they lose one of their cannon lives so they have 2/3 lives left. Just to protect him because there unbridled love towards him kinda like knight to him. They know he take cares of himself but there like a pearl to him.
Warning blood

But something like this in. Sense??
Can someone please write y/n singing " do it for her" but it's toward techno as they lose one of their cannon lives so they have 2/3 lives left. Just to protect him because there unbridled love towards him kinda like knight to him. They know he take cares of himself but there like a pearl to him.
Technoblade x fem!reader

[Slightly au in this but basically it takes place in your wedding.]
It was techno's big day, his wedding day something he didn't think he would have. He was looking himself in the mirror as he braid his hair. The chaotic yelling of his siblings in the background. Tommy and wilbur screaming over bows and ties and which are better as philza walks over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. " You know mate, things will be okay I see you tapping your feet ."
"Phil how do I know she wants this? That.. she wants me I don't know why I'm having cold feet about this." Phil looks at him as his son rambles on with a warm smile. " Well, techno I know see this vase?" Techno nods as phil takes a rose out of vase and handing it to techno's hand. " What does this symbolize to you? I mean look at the theme and all the times you used this red rose."
Techno thought about it " my relationship?..." He said with uncertainty in his voice. As phil nods his head " of course it does, mate look at your theme roses and gold. The first gift you gave her was a rose and her was gold to you. "
5 years ago
Techno would always see this girl passed by, and he developed a small crush on her. He always saw her reading a book or running around without a care in the world. Wilbur and tommy started to noticed when he stared out and tease him.
" come on man! You have to give it a shot that's how I got with Sally! Why not give her a simple rose, and it could be red to fit your color theme too. Or me and tommy will keep teasing you about it. "
Finally annoyed with there constant nagging and the voices being conflicted he agrees. So the next day techno cut a rose from the garden behind and awkwardly walked up to you " I- erm would you like a rose?..." You just looked at him an laugh making his heart drop and voices in his scream in panic. Until you gently brush his hand taking the rose and put it in your hair. " Hehe thank you I appreciate it, it's beautiful. " Techno heart basically skipped a heart beat and he got all flustered "I-i thank you um what's your name? "
"y/n,...y/n l/n"
And ever since the two were close and bonded with eachother, y/n eventually buying him a gold promise ring for him and officially start dating with eachother. And for every year till now he gave her a red rose on their anniversary.
" well , you better hurry because now we be late and we don't want to keep her waiting now do we? " Phil said smugly as he walks out the room yelling at tommy to stop annoying fundy.
Techno looks back the mirror and hurries up to get ready as he tied up his corset vest. And swiftly putting his jacket on rushing out with accessoriess in hand putting them on on the ride to there.
The wedding itself was small and endearing , only love ones and close knight friends invited. From the sbi family , ranboo and tubbo. Y/n's family side and closes friends. Dream was there too due to a favor but it didn't matter. As everyone stood in their places , techno paitently waiting , tommy as ring bearer and funny enough ranboo was flower boy. Philza was technos best man along side wilbur . As small chatter between them occured they see the doors open and techno completely looks in shock that the voices in his head were quiet.
There stood y/n in a wedding dress holding a bouquet of roses in hand soon to be HIS wife. He just couldn't believe this is truly happening in front of him. The music started to play as y/n'd arm around f/p ( fav person ) walked her down the aisle to him. Now standing in front of him he was at the lost of words . The ceremony mostly a blur beside the " you may now kissed the bride " and vows, at the reception beside it being chaotic but during the first dance phil and wilbur threw rose petals and with philza's wings and his murder of crows made the petals fly around them with the wind romantically. It made it even more clear the symbolism of the red rose towards their relationship. 🌹
Mr.Loverman ❤
(Any pronouns)
(500+ Words)
Description: You spend a lazy day with Technoblade.
[Read the rest under the cut]
Brr... Brr...
Blearily, you open your eyes. The annoying alarm on your nightstand starts ringing again. It takes you a few extra seconds to slam down on the button, but when you do, you fall back onto the bed.
Techno shifts in his sleep, arms tightening on you when you fall back on the bed. His long pink hair looks like a halo around his head, messy strands splayed over your pillow too.
"We have to get up," You softly yawn. Pressing a quick forehead kiss, you try to sit up again. "C'mon." His arms tighten more and he pulls you closer.
Techno huffs, snuggling closer and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "No."
You shake your head fondly, a small smile quirked on your lips. Life could wait. You twist a bit to rest part of your cheek against his head, throwing an arm around his waist and entangling your legs.
Releasing a relaxed sigh, you pressed a loving kiss to his head. Before you realized it, you had your eyes closed.
"Mmm..." You groan, turning to bury your head in Techno's chest. Instead, you find air. It seems your partner managed to escape you.
"Techno," You called out half-heartedly. Distantly, you could hear noise from the kitchen. Yawning, you slowly got up. Carefully, you stepped onto the hardwood floor. Cold.
You hated walking barefoot in the morning, but Techno was outside in the kitchen and you wanted kisses.
The open-arched entry was lit up by the sunlight, giving you a perfect view of a humming Techno. Quietly, he handled breakfast and practically floated across the room. His pretty pink hair was tied up into a loose ponytail, like when he trained out front with Phil.
You stepped closer, wrapping your arms around his waist. He tensed for a second before he relaxed into your chest. "Hey."
"Hey," You pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. Techno gives a small laugh, turning to press your foreheads together.
"Didn't we have something to do today?" Techno asks lowly.
You shrug. "You wanted to cuddle and I am a weak man."
Techno rolls his eyes, a fond smile showing off the cute little dimple that's only on his left side. You can't help but press a kiss to his cheek, rubbing circles on their side with your thumb.
"I love you."
"I know. Now let me finish your breakfast."
You didn't let Techno go mining. You wanted to just spend a lazy day inside with him. It was actually easy to get him trapped inside, all you had to do was just force him onto the couch and start a movie and he started to get distracted.
You ran a hand through his hair, scraping your nails across his scalp gently. Techno hummed lowly, pressing closer. They blinked blearily up at you, a soft smile gently spread across his face.
Their head rested in your lap, so it was an awkward angle. But you leaned down anyways, pressing a sweet kiss to his pretty lips. Techno grinned, his attention caught on you alone.
You leaned back, tracing a finger along his face slowly. Techno sighed softly, relaxing again. He took deep breaths, shifting to press closer.
Gently, you caressed his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too," He sleepily grumbled.
[i am many hours late. subscribe to technoblade. follow me. goodbye.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Sunshine ❤
[1069 words teehee]
Description: You, a fae of the seelie court, meets a dragon-kin with horns that shine like gold. (Technoblade x GN!Reader)
[Read the rest under the cut]
You are a protector of a hidden spring and secret entrance to the Faerie Realm, hand chosen by Queen Titania of the Seelie court and accepted by the old Queen Mab of the Unseelie court. You had trained since your youth, since before you had gotten the gift of wings, to become a high-rank fae in the court. You were now, though still youthful in the eyes of the court, with a strong connection to Life that granted you a thumb greener than a dryad and your magic it's own boost.
After many years of trickery for it, your position is often one filled with quick, sword drawn fights, ending in adventurers' heads laying at your feet, staining the blessed lands with their sinful blood. It is an honour, truly it is, to defend such a vulnerable point.
... However, it does sometimes get boring. You haven't had the option of stealing a name in decades and the only fae who greet you also leave within seconds. The routine had gotten too common place, too repetitive. It would ruin everything you had worked towards to give up your post so soon, especially with the high expectations from the courts, but some moments you found yourself considering it.
And blessed be by Fate, the ground rumbled with something ferocious. The cave shook and trembled, not crumbling with its blessing but shaking nonetheless and it was exhilarating. Finally, a moment of excitement. How could the might creature outside not be for you to cleanse your boredom when it come at such a convenient time.
With quick hands you grab your bow and head out of the cave. There is no sun here, not with the thick enclove of trees that hide your world from the masses. As you walk, a dragon-kin greets you. Large horn-like antlers on their head, glittering like gold. Their scales ripple down, a sunset pink that rests soft against their pale human skin.
They do not stumble or stutter in their step when they see you, just come to a smooth stop a good few feet in front of you. "Which court are you from?"
"Seelie," You answer, pleasently surprised by the question.
"May the sun shine upon you," The dipped their head, a sign of respect that had you fluttering your wings-pleased. They fix their braid, tucking pieces of hair behind their ear. "I seek refuge in the fairyland, if I may have the honor."
It's with a happy grin that you nod, "Of course. Your people are our allies, refuge is but a small gift." Gesturing for him to follow, you turn back towards the cage. Truth be told your people haven't had to accept a dragon-kin in ages for they were too strong to need refuge. For one of them to ask now, you were sure he was going to bring excitement to the world!
"So," he started, trailing off a bit. "It's a nice cave you've got here... very roomy."
You snort despite yourself, the cave can be described in many ways but never, ever in your experience, as "roomy". The dragon-kin smirks, looking awfully chuffed with himself. "Our hidden entrances are small for a reason, dragon-kin. They are meant to be hidden."
"Fair point," They huff, trails of smoke following despite the relatively high tempatures of the day. "You can call me Techno, by the way."
"Not a real name, I assume," You grinned, looking back over your shoulder with a sharp-toothed grin. "It's rather foolish to do so, if you did."
"Nickname," He shrugs, not bothered as Techno bares their own friendly little sharp-toothed grin. "Is there something I can call you?"
"Humans refer to me as an Anchor so I've recently taken to it as a nickname," You set your bow against the cave's side, hand coming up to rest upon the overgrowth that cascades the rest of the cave. You pull it aside and wait for Techno to duck around you. "But you can call me whatever you please."
Their chest rumbles with a chuckle, in a way so unfamiliar to you and yet you crave it all the same. "If that's the case than you can do the same."
"I think I might," You laugh back, although a part of you is curious just how far you could that the name game. As you yourself pass through the vines, your beautiful home lay in wait. The entrance you guard over comes to a popular area in the kingdom, close to the heart of the capital mostly filled with shops but densely filled all the same.
"Welcome, Sunray," You rest your hands on your hips, a proud smile as you overlook the kingdom and its citizens you protect proudly and would resolutely die for. "Just don't eat anything people give you." They'd snatch Techno up the second they could and if he ate anything you couldn't stop them.
"I wouldn't come here unprepared," His golden horns glitter in the lights, your own personal drop of sun. His words are oddly skirting around blunt words, something you hadn't initially thought the dragon would try. "I've read my fair share about fae before coming here."
You smile at the self-confidence, knowing that if you truly craved his soul he'd be dancing until his feet bled dry in a fairy circle by now. "Careful, sunshine, us faeries do like the sun but you forget some would rather snuff it out in favour of eternal moon. A special few here wouldn't see the difference between you and the sun."
Techno's lips quirk up at the thought, as if it amused him more than scared him. "That'd prove a problem for them, I've been told I'm a tough one to kill."
"For your sake I hope that's true." And for some odd reason, maybe it's the willingness he accepts the nickname or just your oddly eager adoration, but you link your hand through his. Techno lets you tug him along to get another guard to watch your station, grinning when you carry him to fly past evening traffic. You know now, with the prettiest drop of sun hanging from your arms, that your boredom was the best thing that ever happened to you.
"Go faster!" Techno yells, looking so very pleased. You push yourself for the giggles that leave him, like honey to your ears.
[Okay I only realized I didn't post this halfway through my Dream God post <the one I'm gonna post in like an hour idk>]
[Anyways guess whose brothers birthday is tommorow (today?) I do not have a gift. I only have my little pogchamps and you guys aren't tradeable. :(]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
❤ Silence Can Be Loud
Request by @monomari : "...Can I request a c!Techno x male reader? Techno had the Voices demanding blood and lost control so afterward the reader comforts him and patches him up..." [paraphrased]
[900+ words]
[He/him pronouns]
Description: You head off for some errands but by the time you get home, somethings happened to Techno. [Technoblade x M!Reader]
[Read more under the cut]
Technoblade is frowning as you sift the bag on your shoulder. His voice is gruff with the lingering cold he had gotten over just a few days ago, "I don't see why you'd need to visit Tommy."
"I'm just going to drop a few things off, Techno, chill," You chuckle softly, standing on your toes (because damn it Technoblade is a very tall piglin brute) to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "I'll be back before you know it, Techno. Just get some rest, you're still getting over your cold. You need it."
"Alright," He grumbles reluctantly. He passes you a totem anyways. "Just in case."
You grin fondly. "Alright, take care now."
You can tell that Technoblade still watches you head off anyway. Even with your attempts to mollify him, he'll always be just a tad bit overprotective. It's frankly a bit adorable though, so you don't mind quite as much as you probably should.
You're walking back to Techoblade's after a frankly chaotic evening with Tommy and Ranboo, who apologized quite a few times for taking up so much of your time. Poor boy was way too anxious all of the time. You prop the door open with your foot as you enter because the inside is a bit too warm before you notice just how trashed everything inside was.
The door falls shut behind you and you can't help but flinch at the loud thud it makes as it slams shut. You bend down to cradle a sharp piece of a vase you had made for Technoblade ages ago, more just crumbling the longer you touch it.
Technoblade. Your heart falls to your stomach as you realize that maybe someone had done this trying to hurt Technoblade, maybe trying to find you. You weren't a particularly hated individual, not by the server's standards, but you still had enemies.
"Techno! Techno, are you here! Please," Your voice feels like straight syrup pouring down your throat. That so-sweet-it's-bitter taste and the not being able to swallow. "I need you to say something."
It's quiet, so fucking quiet for just a few moments before the noise of something crashing upstairs has you sprinting to the ladder, fumbling to make your legs work and to actually move.
You feel palpable relief when you're standing at the doorway to a room so thoroughly trashed that the downstairs looks clean. You almost fall to your knees as your eyes meet Technoblade's maroon red and so pitiful eyes as they stare at you blankly. He croons softly at you, voice weak as blood marks every inch of his arms and is smeared over his chest. His face, his usually pearly white tusks, both are stained in a similar deep red.
"Oh, Techno," Your voice is a soft whisper. He croons again as you fall to your knees in front of him. "Oh, darling. I'm so sorry. Come here, dear, you're okay."
Technoblade falls towards you, all muscle mass and towering height, and you catch him just as easily as he trusts you. You brush the hair from his eyes. gently shushing his pitiful whining. You wipe at the blood on his face, "You should've told me they were being loud. I'm so sorry I wasn't here."
He nudges his nose into your cheek softly, disagreeing with a quiet chuff. You brush a hand slowly through his hair, trying not to tug too hard at the clumps that the blood has made in his hair. "You're going to be okay darling. You're safe with me, you know that dear."
"Always," He whines softly into your ear, barely legible but a good sign anyway. You nod, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. He chuffs fondly at you, pressing his eyes closed at whatever the voices have to say about you.
"We need to patch you up, Techno." You murmur softly into his scalp. He chuffs in understanding but his arms still tighten around your middle, almost childishly. "You need to let me go so I can grab the first aid kit."
Technoblade reluctantly lets go, though his eyes are on you the entire time. You tug a loose floorboard out and pull the hidden first aid kit out of the tight cranny that Technoblade had specifically created for hiding places like these. He lets out a pleased little whine when you're back in his arms, though it's a looser hold now that you're working on wrapping the wounds up.
They're mostly flesh wounds, nothing to immediately worry about, so you take the extra time to soak the bandages in regeneration. Technoblade chuffs in approval, gently pressing his head to your shoulder to bonk it in an appreciative gesture. You wipe the blood from his arms carefully as your waiting and he lets you because you are quite possibly the only person he trusts with this. With himself.
You know how hard it is for him, especially with the paranoid voices whispering in his ears, and you press a sweet kiss to his forehead, right between his brows. He nuzzles into you again and by the time you've finally wrapped up his arms, he is putty melded against your side. He tries to pull you down with him but you just giggle softly, shaking your head. "I'm not sleeping in a blood-stained bed."
Technoblade whines but lets you lead him to your room, with clean sheets and absolutely none of the blood that his room had. "There we go darling, there you go. So good for me, dear."
He whines at your loving tone, pulling you in close to nuzzle your head with absolutely no control over himself. It's adorable and you lift your head to press a fond kiss onto his lips. "Go to bed darling. I'll protect you."
Techno chuffs softly in agreement and falls asleep curled around you.
[Yoooo! Welcome back gamers to today's letplay— okay yeah no. Anyways I'm gonna keep this short. Life has been eh-ish, writing schedule is fucked, but overall school is only half-way kicking my ass.]
[Anyways loves, I hope you all make your day/night a good one. Take care of yourselves, drink water and eat food and sleep 8 hours. People care for you and one day you won't need parasocial block men relationships, PEACE ♡♡♡]
[L0VE, K1NG]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
[1500+ words]
Description: It's in the title. You wander into a forest and meet a huge wolf, bonding ensues.
[Read the rest under the cut]
You had been adopted a few weeks ago. The couple, Mr and Mrs. Bagans, who adopted you were on the older side, feeling more like grandparents than parents. You didn't mind though, you were too old to have people parent you now.
The town you moved to was on the more rural side. It wasn't small by any means but most of the fields were full of crops with walkable trails to most of the town. In fact, there was even a forest right behind your new backyard, though you'd have to hop the wooden fence.
Of course, like any normal teenager, you hop the fence regularly. It's not really your fault. With the town being as close-knit as it is, you had to go somewhere isolated to get any real free time, without the pressure of ruining your new and tentative relationships within the town.
The forest is full of noise. You can hear all kinds of critters around you, though your personal favorite are the chipmunks. They're very cute and they always give you a wide berth, which is appreciated.
You had liked to think you knew the forest pretty well so far, emphasis on had. You don't know what confidence had overcome you today but you walked farther into the forest than you ever have before. So far, in fact, that you've found yourself lost as the sun starts dipping, casting the forest into a chilling darkness.
Your only comfort was it was still loud. All the critters were awake, so you weren't alone. At this point, you were trying your best to find something familiar, although you weren't quite sure if you were going further into the forest or out of it. Guess you'll find out eventually.
Eventually, the sun really was gone and the forest was quieter. You had to face the truth now, you were lost. Your heart pounded in your chest, as if to fill the void of silence. It was so loud that for a second you didn't realize how quiet everything had gone.
Your breath hitched despite yourself and you pressed yourslef into a tree, waiting to see what had made all the animals flee. Rapidly, something ran towards you. Something big, with heavy footsteps and an imposing shadow.
You were going to die, alone in a forest where no one would ever find your bones. You would never have Mrs. Bagans' deicious apple pie again or go pick up groceries with Mr. Bagans in his old, bruised truck. Immediately, you started crying.
You could care less how snotty your nose had gotten. The only things around were bugs and they woudn't be able to tell your embarrasing last moments if someone did manage to find your body. You were already on the floor by now, sobbing harder now that it had gone silent again. Now you really were alone.
Slowly something walked towards you with obvious, heavy footsteps. You're mid-wiping your tears away when you look up, instantly screaming.
The wolf was about 10x larger than any wolf you've ever seen and didn't instantly pounce when you screamed. Actually, you were pretty sure it had winced.
When you had stopped screaming, though heaven only knows how long that had taken, you were crying again. You felt like a crybaby with how much you've been crying and obviously, the wolf thought so too. it plopped only the forest floor, seemingly bored by your tears.
You didn't wipe away the tears this time, worried that maybe if you looked away, it would attack. it didn't though. You were just both staring at each other, silently.
Now, you wouldn't say you're a nervous talker. Although, in another (more honest) way, you were absolutely a nervous talker. "Hi," Your voice wobbled like you were seconds away from crying (you were). "Mr. Terrifying Wolf, please don't kill me."
The wolf huffed like it was offended at the thought. You nodded like it made any sense at all. "I didn't mean to interrupt you with my crying." Definitely true, although technically it was the reason you were crying in the first place. "You're good to leave, please."
You whispered that last bit under your breath but Mr. Terrifying Wolf definitely heard you. Its lip raised in an almost snarl that fell quickly when you whimpered. "Sorry, I'm sorry. You can leave whenever you want."
"I'm lost right now," You continued, not even taking a breath. You were scared that if you tried, you wouldn't be able to. "I don't know how far from I am from town. I've only been in Fleurrh for two weeks. I don't even know if people will look for me, they hardly know me."
You burry your head in your lap, "I sound crazy right now. Rambling to a wolf because I'm scared I might die. Maybe dying would be easier at this point, I would stop worrying."
It stared at you, emotionless, before slowly standing up. Now that you saw it at its full height, without tears blocking your sight, you could tell it was definitely 10x larger than any regular wolf, maybe even bigger.
You pressed your eyes closed and ducked your head again, trying not to start crying again. it was walking towards you, maybe it finally got hungry again. Maybe you were finally going to die.
A hard, sand-paper-like surface, uncomfortably damp, licked the side of your face. Your eyes popped open on their own, staring, dumbfounded at the large wolf. It stepped back with a very dissatisfied face like your salty, teary face tasted worse than whatever raw mouse it had eaten before this. it stamped its foot down, looking like a particularly upset dog, and stared at you expectantly.
You leaned heavily against the tree you had been sitting at as you stood, slowly. Mr. Terrifying Wolf paws at the ground and you slowly walked toward him. "What's happening right now? Am I really listening to a wolf right now?"
Mr. Terriffying Wolf stared you down and you shut your mouth. He turned away and you muttered, "This is a very bad plan. I'm going to get myself killed." Then, you started following slowly as Mr. Terrifying Wolf leads you deeper (out of?) the forest.
"This is pretty," You mumble as he leads you in a canopy, full of far more light than the rest of the forest. Mr. Terrifying Wolf plops himself down on a bed of grass so you sit down too, a bit too close to them than you'd like.
"It's so cold here," You complain quietly. You were so sure Mr. Terrifying Wolf was already asleep but he peeks over at you lazily, letting you know he was not, in fact, asleep. "Sorry," You murmur, "I guess I didn't prepare for getting lost in the woods today."
Mr. Terrifying wolf huffs, like you were joking. To spite him, you nod, "Honestly, if this had happened on Tuesday, I would've brought my lost-in-the-woods coat and worn my lost-in-the-woods shoes."
You swear that if this wolf had been human, he'd be smiling. Actually, now that you think about it, "You act oddly human."
"I mean," You speed your way through saying, "You didn't hurt me. You understand me. You even brought me here." You look over and stare quietly for a second, he stares back. "You're a lot smarter than most humans..."
Mr Terrifying Wolf closes his eyes and you let the conversation die there. You sigh deeply and turn away, curling into yourself and letting yourself go. As you drift into an uneasy sleep, you can almost feel fur brushing against your chin.
You wake up warm, hands tangled into soft sheets. Your eyes burn as you sit upright, the sun blinding you. You look around rapidly, seeing no trees, no wolf. Just strong, white walls and the clean white bedsheets you're tangled in.
When someone walks in, you find out that you had been found at the hospital's door easily in the morning. Covered in dirt and fur. Mr. and Mrs. Bagans worried over you the entire week, insisting to take the blame for your own reckless actions. In fact, everyone in the town seemed to be oddly kind to you, though your only guess is that they pity you for getting lost. Quite embarrassing.
It's only two weeks after being found that you manage to get some free time and sneak back into the forest.
You don't wander far, he finds you first. He stomps his feet at you and you smile, feeling that same fearless confidence that got you lost the first time as you walk over, petting his soft fur. "Thank you. You're very kind."
Mr. Terrifying but Nice Wolf huffs but leans into your hands. He pulls away a minute later and disappears into the trees. You wait a moment and a pink-haired man, tall and menacing, steps out of the trees your wolf friend dissapeared into.
"Nice to meet you," You stick your hand out, "I'm Y/N."
Mr. Terrifying but Nice Werewolf huffs, familiar and harmless, and shakes your hand. "Technoblade."
[WHOOOO DAY TWO OF MONSTER FUCKERS WEEK (ignore that its a few hours late)]
[Anyways, go check out the Prompt List to see who's next. Take care of yourself, charge your phone and drink some water! PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOUUUU!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
This is a story I made for a writing event by dreamwvrld, my prompt is fallen angel/devil au with c!technoblade. Dont forget to check out @dreamwvrld and all the others that are participating in this event (check the tags to see dreamwvrld's writing event)
Word count: 3k+
It has been many year's since you've fallen, not quite sure exactly how many though. You've grown to accept being condemned even though you did nothing wrong, you actually prefer living down on earth rather than heaven seeing as how it changed from the supposed holy place it once was to becoming a place governed by unjust and unfair 'saint's' now being only a shell of what it was before. Though you've roamed the earth for quite sometime you never really interacted with mortals much, the first and only person you actually talked to eversince you fell from grace was a demon named badboyhalo. It seemed that you two had something in common as he was kicked out of hell because of how nice he was, ever since your first encounter with him you started meeting with him more and he became your first friend. As time passed by he started worrying that you were too lonely seeing as he was the only person who you befriended.
"you need to find more friend's you muffin, so that you wouldn't be so sad and gloomy all the time" hearing this i once again told him for the hundredth time that i was not interested in befriending mortals seeing as they'll just grow old and die one day while me and him are immortal. "Well i think i know someone else that's immortal, maybe you can befriend him" "Oh? And who is this person you've never told me about for some reason?" "Hehehe.... Sorry, i don't really know him well so i never really thought of telling you." I just nod and signal him to continue "well his name is Philza and I'm pretty sure he's an angel of death from the vibe he gives off sometimes"
*An angel of death? From what i remember they're supposed to be like grim reapers but resemble fallen angels just without the halo.* Bad then points in a direction "he lives that way but his house is quite far so it might take awhile, maybe 5-8 hours of flying depending on the weather. Though he's an angel of death he's actually more of the town dad treating nearly every kid he see's as his own so I'm sure you'll get along with him great. He also lives with my other friend he's a piglin named techno he always says technoblade never dies but i don't know if he's actually immortal or not, they live together in a house located in the thundra and it's currently the only house there so you shouldn't have a problem finding it"
"so you want me to spend possibly 8 hours flying just to see a dad and someone who has a catchphrase and might be immortal?" Bad only nods and waits for a response, you want to say no but if you do he's just gonna keep asking you to do it and use his puppy eyes like always, *sigh* "fine, I'll do it. But if anything happens I'm going to kill you when i get back got it?" He hesitantly nods knowing you're not lying about killing him. "So, when will you be leaving?" "Tomorrow since i have nothing better to do and besides, the sooner i befriend them the sooner you'll stop pestering me about making friends" bad only nods and smiles at me, he's happy that I'm actually gonna try and make friends. After about 30 minutes of chatting, mostly him telling me about the people I'll be meeting he gets up "Well i should probably get going, skeppy might destroy our house if I'm gone for too long" i nod and we say our goodbye's and he takes off flying to his and skeppys house, "i should probably start packing some stuff for the journey since it's going to be quite a long one and i should prolly head out early in the morning if i want to be back before midnight"
*Time skip to early next day brought to you by my lazy ass and last two brain cells*
"Ok lets see if i have all my stuff, food? check, weapons? check, spare clothes? check, other stuff that I'm to lazy to count one by one? check, ok i think that's about all the stuff i need i think. Well i should get going now since its gonna be a long flight" with that i leave the house, spread my wings and take flight heading in the direction bad told me. The sun hasn't risen yet since it's only 4 in the morning so hopefully i get there before noon, as I'm flying i think about how i should approach the two when i get there, "maybe i could talk with philza since we're both angels or maybe i could talk to that techno guy since he doesn't like governments from what bad told me and heaven is like a government and i dislike it" i keep thinking about how i should talk to them so much that i don't even notice that im in the thundra already, i only snap back to reality when i feel a snow flake land on my nose and it makes me sneeze a bit "damn how long was i zoned out?" i look at my watch and see that I've already been flying for over 5 hours "I've been flying this long so i should be close to it by now" after about 15 more minutes of flying a house comes into view, it was a single house in the thundra so that might be it. I land carefully as not to make to much noise and head towards the door, i can feel my whole body tense up from all the nervousness since it's been a long time since i interacted with people besides bad and skeppy. I nock on the door a few times and wait patiently for someone to open it i can hear footsteps coming closer and i take a deep breath and exhale trying to calm myself. The door opens and reveals a man with large black wings wearing a green robe and a white and green striped bucket hat, *this guy must be philza from the looks of it.* The man just looks at me and i finally speak up "are you philza by any chance?" "Yes and who might you be?" "My name is y/n, i came here because my friend badboyhalo told me to" "bad? Why would he send you here" "he says that i need to make more friends but i don't really want to be friends with mortals since they'll die eventually so he told me about you and said that you're immortal so it should be fine" he's caught off guard by what i said but goes back to being calm, he tells me to come inside since it cold outside so i do, we both take a seat by the fire place and he starts talking "so, are you immortal too?" "Yeah, im actually an angel, a fallen one to be exact and from what bad told me you're an angel of death yes?" "Yes i am, how did you end up falling if i may ask?" "i got blamed for some stupid crap i didn't do and they ended up banishing me here although I'm a bit pissed for being wrongfully punished i actually prefer living down here rather than heaven" we ended up talking for a while telling more about each other, he also told me about his wife who turns out to be lady death and that she's the reason he's an angel of death, at first i didn't believe it but then he showed me hundreds of pictures of her and i had no choice but to believe it.
After an hour or two of talking i heard the door open, i looked to see who it was and i saw a piglin wearing a red cape and a crown i figured he was technoblade since he matched what bad described me. After he noticed me he just stared at me, he seemed to be wondering why a random stranger was in his house he looked tense but phil told him that i was ok and i was not an enemy. He asked phil who i was and why was i here and phil told him about me like how i was a fallen angel and that bad told me to go here since he wants me to make more friends, after that he looked at me and gave a questioning look "aren't angels suppose to have a halo?" I chuckle a bit and snap my fingers, my halo materialises above my head it was a shiny obsidian black with a glowing gold pattern runing along the middle and some of my feathers also became gold as a simbol of how wasn't an ordinary angel before but a gate keeper angel. He seemed to be mesmerised by gold glow from my halo and wings, makes sends though since he's a piglin and all, phil snaps him out of it when he asks him if i could stay for the night since a storm seemed to be coming in, he nodded and returned to staring at the gold feathers on my wings which just made me laugh since from what bad told me he was supposed to be this though and stoic warrior but here he is, unable to look away from the gold feathers staring at them like a dog who saw a squirrel phil chuckles a bit and leaves, possibly to make some food for us. He snaps back to reality when i start walking to him, he looked a bit tense since he's still not sure about me, i run my hand through one of my wings and stop when i reach a gold feather, i pluck it out and reach out my hand giving it to him "what?" Was all he could say "well you looked like you couldn't look away from my feathers and i know that piglins like gold a lot so i thought i could give you one of my feathers" "why?" "Well cuz if i want to befriend you than i need to make a good impression" he grabs the feather and looks at it for a bit and looks at me "thanks" "you don't talk much do you?" He laughs at this which made me smile since he seems to trust me. time goes by and we just sit by the fire place talking about our selves and our opinions on things, "what are your thoughts on government?" He asked me "well from experience i think their complete shit, using their power to benefit themselves and punishing those who dare oppose them" he gives a small nearly unnoticeable smile but it was enough for me to see, he tells me that both he and phil agree and that they're both actually anarchists, it doesn't surprise me since bad already told me. "What is it like up there, you know, heaven?" I frown a bit hearing this since i don't really like remembering heaven due to it being shit "it's not the holy and pure place you guys down here think it is, atleast not anymore. Heaven is governed by these 'saints' they're like a government, and most if not all of these so called saints abuse their power for their own benefit and punish those who have done nothing wrong, back then every thing was nice a peaceful but nowadays there's even drugs in heaven, now it's merely just a shell, a name for what it once was long long ago" he looked at me and could tell that i didn't want to think about it "I'm sorry for asking about it" "no it's okay, i fell from grace a very long time ago and besides i need to be honest if i wanna make friends atleast that's what bad told me" after that techno told about himself like how he has voices and his head and what they say to him "why are you telling me this?" "Well you told me about stuff that you dont like talking about so i thought i could do the same" "ok then, does this mean I'm your friend now" "more or less yeah" we keep chatting about interesting topics such as fighting, mythology and suprisingly gardening.
*Time skip to when it's night and all should be asleep*
I should be asleep by now but something's keeping me awake, i try to sleep once again but i suddenly hear a noise coming from down stairs. I got up from the bed and quietly leave the spare bedroom and head to the stairs, as i walk down the steps i see that the door was open and there was a figure in the porch. I head to the porch and as i got closer i realised that it was just techno it seemed that he was lost in thought since he still hasnt noticed me so i gently tap his shoulder, he looks at me and gives a tired smile to which i answer with my own "what are you doing here late at night?" "I could ask you the same" "well i heard a noise and came to check but saw it was only you, though it seems something is troubling you" "it's nothing" "that's what people say when they do have something bothering them so tell me, besides I'm your friend now so I'm obligated to help if something is wrong" "did bad tell you that?" "Maybe, but i agree with it" he tells me about his problems, most of them being about the people who're hunting him down and how he's worried about his enemies finding this place and putting phil in danger as well as keeping the voices from hurting anyone that he care's about since they sometimes get to loud to bare with. I feel sad cuz it seems like he has quite a bit on his shoulders and i wanna cheer him up or atleast calm him down, whenever i feel down bad always hugs me and that usually works so why not give it a shot, i wrap my arms around him and hug him tight, he stills not expecting me to do this. He eventually relaxes and returns the hug, it feels like he needed something like this, someone showing that they care about him with actions and not just words. After about a minute or two i let go and see that he's looking better now, "thanks" "no problem, that's what friends are for anyway. Now let's get you to bed since it's still two in the morning and it's too early to be awake" i grab his hand and lead him to his room which felt a bit wierd since this is his house but at the same time it also felt natural in some way and i didn't know why. Once he gets to his bed i turn around to go back to the spare bedroom but stop when i feel a hand grab me by the arm, i turn to see that it was techno "stay, please" i couldn't say no since i knew he just needed someone to be with right now, someone who he feels safe around and it ended up being me. I give him a small smile "fine, though you might need to move a bit if you want both of us to fit in the bed" we both quietly laugh at this and he moves a bit so that i can also fit on his bed. I lay down on the bed beside techno and see that we're both facing each other, i get a bit flustered since his face was really close but manage to say a small goodnight before closing my eyes and turning around, i was starting to think this wasn't a good idea sharing the bed until i feel his arms wrap around me and pull me towards him. I can feel my wings and back touching his chest, his breath touching my neck and a sharp object poking me near a vital body part(his tusks poking the back of your head not that you sinful minds). I can't help but turn into a tomato but i was glad that he couldn't see my face since it was night and i was facing away from him, "thanks again" "n-no problem" was all i could say before shutting my eyes and focusing on falling asleep, after a little while i finally managed to drift away to the land of dreams.
*Time skip to the following morning (this is the last time skip i swear*
I awake to the rays of sunshine poking through the curtains and try to get up only to fail and i realise that techno still has his arms wrapped around me, i turn my head to look at him and see that he was still asleep. I couldn't help myself from smiling when i saw how peaceful he looked, it was so different from how he looked from when he first saw me yesterday, *he looks so peaceful, so calm, so charming* i qiuckly realise what i just said in my mind and try to calm myself the fuck down before i end up waking him up with how loud my heart was beating. After calming down i try to remove his arms only to receive a groan doing so he starts waking up and i try not to panick and muster the will to speak and ask him if he can let go of me now so i can get up but all i get is another groan and him muttering "five more minutes" "techno, i need to get up now we both do, it's already 9 in the morning" he gives one last groan before letting go and getting up. We both get up and leave the room only to be met with phil who gives us a questioning look to which we just shrug in response, the morning goes by without any stange things happening, we eat breakfast and talk more about stuff we have in common. Time passes by and it was time for me to leave we were all sad since it was time for me to leave especially me as well as technoblade it seemed from the look he had, i say my goodbyes to the both of them and turn to technoblade to give him one last hug before i go, this time he hugs back faster and tighter than last time, after the hug a thought came to my head and got me very flustered at the time my mind was yelling at me to either chicken out or do it to which i ended choosing the latter. I use flap my wings so that i get to his level and give him a kiss in the cheek, after that i instantly flew off yelling bye with a tomato face. As i flew of i looked back to see techno touching the spot where i had just kissed him and saw a smile coming on his face, this made me relieved since this doesn't mean he disliked me but at the same time it made me even more red since it meant he liked it, liked me. I big smile appeared on my face and i laughed a bit *i guess this wasn't a bad idea after all, though I'm never telling bad about this especially skeppy. I'm definitely going to visit this place again soon though* and with that i had made two more friends and possibly something more, who knows only time can tell what it'll lead to.
Im finally done with this story, i had a hard time thinking of how to write it since i don't really do oneshots but hopefully some people will enjoy reading this. This was my story for dreamwvrld's writing event please go and check out @dreamwvrld and the other writers participating this event if you have the time, that is all.

new ! intro

vee, or anything else. im nonbinary, they/he. i'm not a minor. royale high addict. i write fanfiction, sometimes. though, my posts are very inconsistent and i rarely have any motivation to write much. tw for nsfw fics !!
!! nvm slight hiatus! but writing again :3 !!
i'm not necesarily a dream fan, nor a dream anti. i'm neutral– i don't waste my life hating on people because they've been falsely accused of grxxming, or other things. i'll still write for him, and the rest of the dteam.
wips ! 4 (7..)
anons ! 🍭

list of people that i write for ;
(♡=fluff ! ☆=nsfw ! ⛆=angst)
c/cc! dream // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- praise - ☆
c/cc! gnf // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- intertwined - ☆
c/cc! sapnap // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- anger - ☆
c! wilbur // ♡, ⛆
c/cc! quackity // ♡, ⛆
c! techno // ♡, ⛆
- snow storm - ♡
or– any other c! dsmp // ♡, ⛆
personal favs ;coming soon.

i'm also a reality shifter– since late 2021. "quit" after i tried shifting on my first attempt and it didnt work, and then came running back to it a year later. shifted 0x. mini shifted 3x!! quite a few drs at the moment. some of them below ;
( bold = main ! italicized = finished )
- streamer dr // fem and masc
- singer dr + kpop dr
- resident evil 4 remake
- dream smp / lore
- the walking dead
- my hero academia
- jujutsu kaisen
- genshin impact
- call of duty: mw2
- ghost (band)
- creepypasta
- attack on titan
- bg3 (🫶)

boundaries under cut. ✁
I WILL NOT WRITE ; severely mental health related, sxlf hxrm, pxdophilia or ageplay, ANYTHING WITH FEET NO... roleplaying (i js cant write it), pet play type stuff, watersports, scat, anything nonconsensual– dubcon to a limit, anything nsfw with afab! reader being on their period, anything with pregnancy (js really iffy. ill write creampies n stuff but nono pregnancy), beastiality, vore, or anything against anyone's boundaries.
I WILL WRITE ; nsfw (ofc), ships, dark angst (for c! people only :'3), bdsm (to a limit, again), gore/dark content (to a limit.), oneshots or longer fics, fem/afab! reader, gn! reader
I CANT WRITE ; anything with taylor swift i'm sorry- i don't know her songs, and i can't listen to her songs like CAAAAN'T help
REQUESTS ; requests are open, and welcome!! u can even be an anon, if u want :3

ty for reading!! xx – i had another post about me, but it was a tad bit outdated so i've now replaced it with this one :3
ps. sorry for how long this is :( i tried to make it short-ish but it didnt rlly work out :'3
reblogs > likes
Can u do a c!Techno x reader?
He comes home after a really heavy snow storm and reader had been stressing all day about it and hes just like ✨meh✨?
- 🍭
EE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM AGHSHSH <3 also, welcome to the blog 🍭 !! :3
ps. i apologize for my writing skills for techno i havent written for his character before, i tried lol. i have only a small idea of how to write for him bc of bots, erm...
desc. gn! reader x c! techno. 780 words.

there were fragile, white snowflakes falling from the sky at a rapid pace. the air was freezing, and you barely even made it back to techno's cabin after feeding carl before the storm started abruptly. it was almost unbearable. after you got in, you immediately walked over to your chest before rummaging through it and grabbing a flint and steel. you quickly waltzed over to the fireplace and lit it, warmth slowly creeping towards you before swarming the whole room.
you knew that techno was in the nether for a little bit before stopping to go mining, but that was a few hours ago. of course, he wouldn't be back immediately but you were still worried if he would make it back safely; even if he is technoblade.
you were wrapped in a thick, warm blanket. it covered your whole body without fail; practically swallowing you whole. and thankfully it kept you warm. although, it would have felt warmer to feel techno's presence; his gaze would be looming over you, almost in a protective way like always.
eventually, you stood up and walked over to the nearest window to just stare out of it. you could barely see past the snow that was practically making the air fog up. anyone who was out there without something to help them make it through the snow would be blinded by the endless snowflakes flowing past them and into their eyes.
"god, techno. when will you just get home?" you questioned to thin air. sometimes you wish he just wouldn't go out in times like this when large snow storms are occurring randomly. especially since he's wandering around without any care, meanwhile he is a wanted man in l'manburg. though 'technoblade never dies,' it still gave you massive amounts of worry whenever he came home with open wounds; though all he says is, 'it's nothing,' or, 'i'm fine,' while he is bleeding everywhere.
you were too deep in thought to notice the small dot, that became a figure walking in the snow, towards the cabin. if you weren't zoned out, and paying attention, you could just barely make out the long pink braid and shining gold crown with sparkling colourful gems placed upon their head. they seemed to be walking fairly quickly, as you finally came back to reality and realized it was techno.
you turned to face the door that he was walking to and waited to hear the aggressive noise of the door clicking open. techno walked through the door and before you knew it you had been enveloped in a warm feeling inside; not noticing that it was from techno's arms wrapping around you tiredly.
"how was your little adventure? missed you, was lonely here." you said, trying to fill in the silence between you two. "tiring. i see you fed carl, by the way." he said, burying his head closer to yours. you knew he was only like this when tired, so you enjoyed it while you could. "i was worried, y'know. with the storm and everything." you admitted, releasing a deep sigh as you turned your head slightly towards his.
"hey, hey now what have i always said? do i have to remind you? technoblade never dies. i, technoblade, will never die." he says, in his normal flat tone. "i've worked through worse storms than this anyway, i'm alright." you look at him and find that he's staring at you, as you stare back into his crimson red eyes.
"yeah, yeah, sure whatever. you stress me out too much." you say sarcastically with an almost silent sigh. "well i'm tired too. you may supposedly not be able to die, but you are still capable of falling asleep; so lets go sleep, yeah?" you didn't have to say anything more than that before techno dragged you to your room and placed you into bed before plopping beside you and laying down.
"for the record, i never die," he says as he turns his body to face yours. he notices you still slightly shivering from the cold weather so he gently places his hand on your side and drags you towards him in an attempt to use his body heat to warm you up. "whatever you say.." it wasn't very long until your breathing got shallow, and lack of movement showed you were asleep.
knowing you were fast asleep, techno himself had started to drift off. it didn't take long for him to fall unconscious either, with the comfort of knowing you were beside him and not in any danger with him to protect you.
now let's just hope that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night.

EEE I SPEEDRAN THIS SO HARD SHSJSH- i havent written fluff in a while, so hopefully this is at least decent!! thank u for requesting!
hello, vee signing in !!
i wanted to apologize for inactivity, school has been really fucking stupid lately and depression + other mentally related things has just been shit and hitting me like a truck. tbh i dont think ive been offline for this long on tumblr or any social media. i havent been very motivated lately compared to the times when i could simply write 10 books in an hour if i wanted to; which really isnt the case now considering how i can barely think of a single scenario for a fic. but, ive been feeling a bit better and ive got a little motivation to write, so requests are welcome and ill try to work on any i get. C:
Mystical!Tiny Reader x MCYTs
Pt 1 (Snow globe!reader)

Techno had gotten you as a present on his first birthday with his new family (SBI). Phil wanted to help him settle in more so he bought you after some time, waiting for the right moment.
When he had gotten your snowglobe he was fascinated and played your music snow globe all the time, but as he got older he obviously got more interested in swords and books.
So he decided to keep you in a safe spot for old memorys, a box of sorts.
A few years go by and it's just Techno and Philza now. Tommy and Wilbur finally moved out and Phil occasionally visited.
So Techno finally decided to clean the storage room a bit so, after a while of sorting and cleaning he found you again.
Suprisingly you still worked, so techno went to his room and sat on his bed, wounding your snow globe up.
That's when you woke up and started to spin, playing your violin as you were suppost to. After a few seconds, Techno started looking more closely. Your chest was moving up and down as if you were breathing. The snow made it hard to see it but he noticed
-your pov-
You've been asleep for a few years after you were gifted to a little piglin boy.
After a few years of being played with and carefully cared for, your kid finally put you in storage, it hurt a little but you understood why.
A few years pass by when you feel your snow globe wind up. When it was done winding you opened your eyes and started playing your violin as you spun around.
As you played you decided to look around since you haven't been awake in a while, you could start up by yourself but it's against the rules as well as kind of useless since your the only alive toy.
You then looked up and startled a bit, dropping your violin and paused spinning. There was a huge piglin hybrid looking into your globe.
-pov from the start-
Techno was shocked when you suddenly flinched and dropped your violin.
He did is iconic "heh?" after you dropped your violin.
he calmed down after you picked up your violin, and set you on his drawer again and went to call or find phil, he was beyond confused.
Leaving you to freak out alone, You realized you just broke the most important rules, Your human knows you're alive and now you can't do anything about it. Great.
So you just decided to calm yourself down by sitting in the "snow" and playing your violin till your human comes back.
A little uncomfortable since your not on your stage but you just shrugged it off and waited.
Soon enough Techno comes back. He couldnt find Phil so he's gonna have to deal with this on his own much to his annoyance.
Eventually you and him came to a agreement and you answered technos questions and such.
After you both had talked a bit and understood what was happening, Techno had set you in his living room on top of his fireplace with all his family pictures since its warm there.
You now stay there unless requested otherwise. (Occasionally getting put in the kitchen or carried around with techno)
You and Techno get along pretty well and you now get to wind up by yourself whenever you want which is a relief.
Techno did offer to help you out of your globe but you had to explain the winding up process and some other things.
You did meet tommy when he had showed up to Techno's house from exile.
You did keep him a secret from techno as you remembered him from technos childhood so techno did scold you a bit for that.
Tommy did almost break your globe once but you forgave him reluctantly. After a few apologies of course.
Techno loves when you play your violin, especially when hes reading on his couch.
Maybe one day you will exit your globe..just not now.
Sorry for the long wait! Here's the long awaited headcannons!
MCYT react to Neon-Beatboxer Reader
Ft- C!Technoblade, Bench trio, C!Philza, NTT!Brutus/Orpheus, Accelerate Dream Team.

Now he doesnt really get it at first, like why so...neon
Like in regular daylight it kinda looks strange but then he saw you at night and was like "ohhhhh ok"
He honestly loves the style and is down with dying his hair again to make it glow in the dark, it'll just take alot of convincing lol.
The beat-boxing part though.
He is all for it. Loves the competitions and there is a really reaallly slim chance of him joining in. Never zero though so you test your luck ALOT.
Graffiti is his favorite part over all.
He loves the designs and colors. He may even let you graffiti his builds a bit if you beg enough.
So overall he loves the aspect of it all and would try it out himself sometime.
10/10 he loves it.
Bench Trio
They love your clothes like they think you are so cool. New role model acquired!
If you do underground secret (maybe illegal) Beat-boxing championships they will BEG you to go!
Especially Tommy.
Now if you do cave in then they will again beg you to dress them up appropriately for the championship, neon body paint, glow up eye contacts, temporary glow up hair dye and all the glow up clothes! Maybe even some glow up graffiti paint cans.
They are so hyped during the whole thing! Especially if you are in the championship!
They cheer the loudest for sure!
If you let them do graffiti for a bit afterwords they are gonna be so excited! signing their twitch/youtube names and all.
Be prepared for Tommy to tell sbi though and being a babysitter the whole time lol
You already know the drill with dadza.
He goes full parent mode making sure the body paint and hair dye isnt lethal and making sure you stay out of trouble.
But other then that hes chill.
No he wont dye his hair but he will entertain your ideas by painting his nails glow in the dark green and putting on glow body paint on his hands.
Best know he will show up to every championship ship to make sure you stay safe but he does enjoy it non the less.
He does have sensitive eyes though so he wont stick around for to long but he will be there most of the time.
If he can't make it he'll just send one of the sbi to watch you. (never tommy though, hes learned the hard way)
9/10 hes chill
The moment you guys started getting along is the moment he knew you would rope him into something like this.
He does like it dont get him wrong, he even drags his band members to the championships and does all the get up. He does like to use the getup as an excuse to cosplay himself though.
His scars are is neon and glowing.
He even adds the pink hair strip. He blends right in with the crowd lol
but he is responsible and makes sure you are alright and he is the getaway driver when the feds show up to crash all the fun.
He loves your style and is shocked to find out your hair dye isnt temporary
he also thinks your beat-boxing is really cool and fun.
10/10 best getaway driver ever
Accelerate! Dream Team
They LOVE your style so much!
They also ADORE your car. (which is neon (f/c) and glows)
You obviously met at a race so they were really hyped when they saw a new competitor/racer
After the race they had went up to your car and knocked on the window to try and greet you.
When you got out of the car they were flabbergasted by your style, you were in full outfit ready to go to your underground championship. Glowing hair,body paint eye contacts outfit and all.
They immediatly knew they needed to go where-ever you were going so they introduced themselves and asked where you were heading, you took them to the championship and they loved it!
Sapnap got bodypaint that made him look like he had lava all over.
Dream just stuck with the green glow eye contacts
while george did the glow up nail polish and blue splotches of body paint on his face and the rest is history.
Sapnap definitely joins in on the beat-boxing championship though lol
What movie you would watch together (platonic)
• Tubbo- Mama Mia
• He is obsessed, your honor
• He will be singing this. As. Loud. A. Possible. At. 3. AM.
• Fundy- Sound of Music
• Julie Andrews my beloved
• Just a classic guy, y’know?
• Technoblade- Phantom of the Opera
• Speaking of classic…
• This dude is classy
• The style? *chefs kiss*
• The taste? Immaculate
• But yeah, his voice would go great with this song
• Ranboo- All of the Musical
• He is the poster child for musical theater kid
• But yeah
• I could pick just one for him
• Karl Jacobs- High School Musical
• C’mon
• One person
• One person
• Tell me im wrong
Favorite Board Game
› Enjoys a good, easy game
› Until this mans cheats
› Doesn't even try to hide it
› "You have no way of proving it."
› The audacity
› Hehe former English major knows big words
› Uses some fuckin' plethora
› "What the hell is a "vamoose?'
› "Not a word you know, apparently. L"
› Are you ready for Buzzfeed Unsolved, Sherlock Holmes, and John Mulany to become a toxic mix?
› The answer is no
› No, you aren't
› "HmMMmMMmMm.... my dective senses are tingling":|
› "I bet they fucking are"
› ..Until he loses
› You nudge each other during turns
› 'Accidentally' knock the tower down
› "I hate this game........ welp time for another round of this game