Sbi X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

i was wondering if you could make a fluff oneshot with philza and a male s/o

Philza minecraft 💚


He will hold his baby bird in his wings, he will always want to be around his beloved Phoenix.

The reason for the nickname Phoenix, is because when he first saw you you were in battle and he could see the fiery passion that every time you swung that axe. It filled them with excitement, and the way you leap up to destroy your enemies, was like a bird taking flight

He will be there for you once in awhile whenever he has a chance he will also hold you close on stormy nights just to make sure you're feeling better and will not let you go unless you have to go to the washroom he will, and trust me on this he will can you to the floor just so he can cuddle with you to make sure you're okay

And on days where it's nice and calm you two will be on the couch him reading a book and you laying down on his lap

He will not stop loving you

And you'll help him by stopping chat from drowning Brian


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3 years ago

My Sons - Philza


Request: philza angst ;;;;;

A/N: bestie why. who hurt you. also this is in an alternate sort of universe where the stasis chamber hadn’t worked and Wilbur never revived after Ghostburs death, and also Tommy never revived either.

Theme: very very angsty.

Warnings: content mainly contains talk of death and gore in detail. Also, some strong language. Be warned.

Characters: c!Philza, Y/N, c!Wilbur/Ghostbur mention, c!Tommy mention, c!Techno mention.

How could he have known?

How could he have possibly known all of his sons would just leave him?

How could he have known it was his fault..?

Philza sat with Y/N, his only remaining child. They were stringing flowers into a crown, oxeye daisies formed into half a circlet, as they were still working on it. He watched them carefully, his mind running through every scenario that could have - should have - happened instead. 

He’d lost Wilbur once, by his own hand, but once Ghostbur had been reported dead as well, the guilt felt even worse. Dream had said Wilbur would be revived once Ghostbur died, but here he was, with no son, and no ghost of son. Must the world be so cruel?

Then there was Tommy. Tommy, who was always very, very vocal about his opinion, who always nagged at his brothers, who simply was loud... but loved. Loved all the same. He made mistakes again and again, up until the point where his will was exhausted. His voice rang no more. He was reckless. He’s dead. He will never come back. 

Meanwhile, Techno had survived past Phil’s other two sons, yet... he was no longer here either. After getting his son’s will, Phil tried to make the stasis chamber work. He tried to make it work but it failed. It didn’t. Techno died that day to Quackity in the prison, because Phil had somehow messed it up. The Syndicate had been one hundred percent sure that the stasis chamber would work, but when Techno needed him the most, Philza Minecraft failed him. He’d failed them all. 

Now here was Y/N, who would most likely follow the trend without trying. They were already at two lives, and their family was always being threatened. Always the brunt of some sick joke they didn’t know about, until everyone was laughing but them. 

“Y/N,” Philza mumbled softly, “I’m sorry. In advance.” 

“For what?” Their head popped up to look at their father. Curious eyes peered at him.

Yet... he didn’t have the heart to continue his thought. “Nothing, sorry. You can go back to your crown thing.” 

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4 years ago

Hey! I was wondering would anyone be interested in like a fantasy highschool au of like dream smp? In which like you the reader are sister of like SBI family and such and your best friend is ranboo. And dream the popular boy has a crush on you but wont say? Like a series type thing? I would love to write it and add some of my art to it if you don't mind. :) please comment if you want that ill happily do it.

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4 years ago

Also other headcannon , well i know theres the sbi family headcannon but imagine technoblade's mom had white hair and red eyes and the dad a muscular pigman with yellow eyes like AHHH

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4 years ago

Oh , My Aphrodite.

(In game! Techno blade x reader ) based of the song “ Love like you “ from SU 

(Romance and fluff :) 

Techno has conflicted feelings about y/n , he feels he isn’t good enough for her and that he’s too dangerous but y/n doesn’t think the same and instead comforts him. Also it may be a little OOC for tech sorry. 🥺 _____________________________________ 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

  Techno and y/n were a strange couple that was for sure , they seem like total opposites a quiet brute man that techno was , and the bubbly talkative girl who loved roses and baking.  For many it was a surprised that techno had a lover considering the things he have done and his personality. But in fact they were a pretty happy stable relationship compare to the others on the smp was shocking. They kinda watch over Ranboo as if he was their kid or something , he didn’t really live with them but near by and they would check up on him.    y/n was okay with Techno’s beliefs and such and it didn’t really bother her as she had no connections towards the places and people, plus by the sound of it the blonde boy who would visit them screaming explained it, it didn’t sound so great. She mostly stayed home , tend a farm and brew potions for techno for his journeys and fights. Sometimes she’ll go on little missions on her own to get supplies by the near by villages usually with techno constantly telling her to have a totem of undying on her no matter what. And so y/n wouldn’t be lonely she would hang out with her father in law sometimes and joke about stuff and teach her the basics in sword fighting and some family stories.    What techno loved so much about her is her passion in things she enjoys and the small little gestures of affection she does for him, and always willing to learn new things. From fixing and sewing his clothes , from her making a rose garden and putting them in her hair, talking about her fixations of stories and art. They way she bandaged him up and give him his favorite food after a fight and take care for him. He doesn’t know how he got such a wonderful women like her , she was just so loyal to him he didn’t deserve it. 

  He remembers how he met her she was walking in the snow with barely anything on crying , almost freezing to death but he luckily got her before she did and helped her back to his home. He was very very unsure what to do but he tried his best to help her. After awhile and her resting she told him she got kicked out from her boyfriends house and was basically left to die. But that she was very great full towards techno and wished to repay him back in anyway she can so techno let her do tasks for him. After awhile she got used to being around him and kinda cling onto him wishing to stay with him. After a lot of thinking he agreed to it and let her stay with him , it was hard/awkward at first because she’s obviously been abused but together she eventually grew back her strength and confidence which deepen their bond. They were good friends and did stuff for each other and start developing feelings for each other. Even Phil kinda noticed when he visit techno and talk to him , he very much noticed the chemistry between the two. But after some awkward dates , a lot of being flustered and being quiet with each other they finally started to date and show their true feelings with each other and it was a big change for them both.    Currently now techno was happy in the relationship he was in , I mean he even had a golden ring for her but he wasn’t sure why but he’s been so hesitant and unsure of himself. He was coming home from a trip from a village for the ring. This trip made him think a lot , he killed a lot of people , he had blood on his hands, the voices in his head. The betrayals he had and the nicknames, he was called, “ The blade” , “ The blood god.” Would she really want to be associated with that with him? She would become a target and she is okay with that? The voices in his head were conflicting him because they weren’t begging for blood. But instead haft worried for her and haft very happy and it was an overwhelming feeling cause he wasn’t used to it that he kinda stood outside his home frozen still, tears overwhelming him and stream down his face , his skull hog mask covering his face. He just stood there crying quietly lightly shaking as his love wait for him.  y/n was inside baking some goods as she waits for techno to come home and noticed something at the window when she was cleaning up. She peeked out to see and noticed it was techno as she happily clap in glee. But she noticed how stiff and tense he appeared outside , now that she mention it he’s been kinda distant with her maybe she could go outside to check on him. Y/n quickly put her coat on and open the door walking over to him as the snow crunch under her feet, it was hella cold outside. “ Techno, techno love you okay?” She was few inches from him and looked at him “ tech? okay?...”“she slowly moved over to him and gently place on a hand on his cheek as the other gently lift up his mask. She takes out a handkerchief and gently wipe his tears away as she place soft kisses “ hey...hey it’s okay baby I’m here.” She softly says as techno starts to clear his mind and focus his vision he started to calm down back into reality. “Y/n? that you?” Techno said so softly as y/n perk up at his voice “ yes! Yes it’s me my love , what’s wrong?” She says softly as she cupped his face gently caressing his cheek with her thumb. He basically melted into her touch “ oh my Aphrodite, I just....I don’t know... I know I been distant from you and I apologize. But I just-” she cuts him off “ it’s okay I know, I know let’s just get you back inside okay? It’s cold and I’m freezing and I just want you to know that if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t Be here and I think that says a lot about you . “ She said smiling towards him grabbing his hand and walking back to the warm cozy house sitting him down as she sat beside him holding him close to her. “ I love you techno , and...I’m grateful for everything you do for me and that yes I have noticed your distance and etc but believe me when I say that , I think you deserve it , my love. You helped me so much and made me happy, you gave me strength and I’m forever loyal to you. I was in a pretty shitty situation , and you made me feel better about myself. I know your not perfect and neither am I but I just wanted to let you know, sorry if I’m rambling or if doesn’t make sense but I’m just trying to say I love you and that you deserve it .” Techno looked up at her after she was talking and smiles a bit , he gently gives her soft kisses and nuzzles of affection ““thank you I needed that” he gently took off his cape his coat and such , and putting his cloak on her but forgetting it’s too heavy on her as He heard an “oof!” And a thud on the floorboards, “ y/n! I’m sorry I forgot !” He scrambled to help her up and sit her down, ““I’m sorry,” ““it’s okay!, it’s okay! You didn’t mean to !” She giggled as he relaxes. “ Well okay...well thank you my Aphrodite and I think your worthy of my love too, I’m glad I’m with you.” 

(Part 2 maybe idk ) 

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4 years ago

Let me take care of you.

(In-game )Technoblade x little sister reader 

(Base off Bmo talk to jake in the finale in AT also this won’t be like 100% accurate for story reasons also cuz I’m lazy) 

You were the youngest sibling in the Sbi family and only daughter in the family, you lived with big brother techno and dadza in a snow biome. You were around 10 ish years old and witness a lot of dark stuff already but techno and dadza swear to protect you and keep you happy. It took awhile to get used to everything especially ghostbur, as it made you sobbed it took a lot of convincing from techno to calm down as you couldn’t stop crying , it even made ghostbur sad and tried giving you blue to help. And they had a hard time trying to explain what’s happening with Tommy and Tubbo and why you couldn’t see them but you just went along with it.

Your favorite things were techno putting your h/c hair into pigtails with bright red bows to match him with his red wear. He would memorize what you liked and even teach you the basics in fighting. And dadza always make sure you wear appropriately for the cold and make the dresses/clothes himself and help you take care of your small black wings. But your favorite thing is your haft enderman neighbor as your would always walk over there and accidentally scare the tall teen. But you would always make him weak by calling him big brother and showing things you think are neat to him. He just melts by your cuteness and gives your hugs, he even gave you a mob head! You thought it was pretty cool but it freaked out techno. 

Just like dadza , if techno sees a baby zombie near you that man will runs and scream picking you up and run back home for safety.

 But after a day alone as the three boys had to leave on very important duty that you couldn’t come and had to have ghostbur watch you. You would play dolls with him or play guitar with ghostbur and play songs together. But after abit you heard noises and perk up , getting up and peeking to see what happened. Ghostbur tried to make you cover your eyes or not see what’s happening but you slip and already made way to the living room. Phil and ranboo were still on there thing which was looking for totems but techno was back home and clearly upset clutching his side but not wincing in pain. It very much smelled like iron, you walked over to him and tug on his shirt spooking him. “ Y-y/n! Don’t look! You shouldn’t see this...” he looks down at you sadden. “ Your hurt. “ You softly said making Techno lean to your height as ghostbur watched. “ You always take care of” you gesture at yourself “ let me be papa and take care of you “ you grabbed his free hand and make him sit down , you walked over to the chest and pull out a health potion and gold apple and rushed over to make him take it. And then ran the kitchen and make him a sandwich and get a cup of juice so he can eat something as you place it in-front of him. 

“y/n it’s okay, it’s Enough thank you. “ Techno calmly states as you squirm to climb onto him and pulling him into a tight hug not caring for the blood. You a techno just lean into the couch and you both gently rock as you softly sing a soft song to him as ghostbur plays a soft tune on the guitar. Techno softly yawns and he holds her close protectively as the voices in his head were happy as he falls asleep after a stressful day.  

she’s so small 

So cute 

We must protect 

She cares about you 

We love her


Later to the delight of dadza and ranboo found techno and little y/n asleep on the couch with ghostbur cuddle up with each other. 

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4 years ago

The blade lives on.

(Technoblade x little sister reader )

[A follow up with “let me take care of you” where the reader is older now around 16 or 19 also this is an alternative from the canon story in the smp] 

The Blade Lives On.

You stood in front of techno as he was now in retirement along side with dadza , you gently fix your f/c cape and adjust your armor parts in your outfit. Now the final thing your very own crown, techno walks over to a chest and pulls out a silver/gold crown with beautiful jewels onto it. He gently sets it on your head and gives you a light smile , you are now ‘ the blade ‘. As much it did hurt techno and dadza you weren’t that little girl anymore but now a strong, powerful young woman. Taught by him and techno the arts of fighting and ideals of them both , the legacy of ‘ the blade ‘ lives on with her. As if the torch has been passed down to the new generation. 

You smiled in glee in the mirror at your look and hug techno and dadza tightly , the new generation has a new threat on their hands and if they were to act like the old generation then hell’s about to pay. 

You grabbed your bag and waved bye to them both as you started your own journey across the smp. As your feet crunch against the snow you walk to see a dark brunette with a blue green sweater with something covering his face lending his hand out to you. You shoved it away “ Just remembers the plan , were going after Snowchester and possibly breaking into Pandora’s vault since your old man don’t know how act and owe us a favor. “ 

“ What can I say y/n? He loves chaos as much as I do.” 

“your definitely dreams kid loser, I bet you sleep through wars .” 

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4 years ago

I know you pretty much just posted ‘The blade Lives On’ But whenever you have the time could you do a pt. 2 with y/n and dreams son just breaking into prison to see dream or whatever chaotic shenanigans those two might end up doing, possibly technos reaction to y/n hanging out with dreams son or just general HC’s. All platonic of course. Feel free to ignore this request or take as much time as you need on it, no rush. I just found your fics recently and I love them so keep up the great work!!

Omg thank you so much 🙏 it means so much to know that , that’s the nicest thing someone has said to me. It’ll my pleasure to write this for you. ] 

The Blade and Trickster 

 Breaking into the prison wasn’t as bad but it was very timing consuming as they studied the blue prints and find a entrance through there. Spirit ( his nickname) had to squeeze though and basically climbed through the vents and kicked the vent opening. To the surprised of dream who jumped up , spirit perked out “ hey dad, I’m here to break you out cause mom told me to and he’s very angry at you cause you got imprison on date night. “ Y/n was in the background laughing at the explanation but the funny thing is it’s true. 

Dream just stood there and snicker “ that sounds like your mother , well break me out then. “ Spirit lends a hand out and help him up as they climb out the vents and enter pearl the rest out. Y/n took out her sword and broke the hand cups off dream . “ we better hurry before anyone noticed you gone mostly Sam, and the new “world leaders” in the smp.” 

Dream looked at y/n and perked up “ Now , now what’s your reason for helping me for? Did your brother sent you? “ Y/n glance up and then looked forward “ No, I did it under my occurred and second you owe me a favor. Also spirit is my friend so there’s that too. “ Dream hummed in response as he followed behind walking to his secret house/hideout which took forever but he memorized the path like the back of his hand. There stood George fidgeting to see if there coming back yet and sees them dock up in the boats , he smiles and runs over to dream tackling into a tight hug almost knocking him over. “ Woah , Woah George! It’s okay , I’m okay “ he hugs him back and smiles walking back inside the obsidian fortress. 

Both spirit and y/n got very nicely rewarded for there part mostly spirit as he has no chores for 3 months , and such. 


1. You and spirit are pranksters and play pranks on the others mostly the world leaders. There people who take control certain lands like there eret , bad , ranboo , Tommy , tubbo , dream? , Wilbur when he got revived. And such and they hate it especially Tommy. 

2. Dream is weirdly genuinely nice to you and spirit like no manipulation or anything , I mean you make his son happy and such and protect George when he ask so your okay in his book. 

3. You and Tommy and tubbo don’t have a good relationship with each other and there obvious tension as you grew up under different life styles. So you would always butt heads with each other along side spirit. 

4. Spirit was your partner in crime and you both made an agreement and such on what to and not do. For no betrayals and such , because each other’s know there caregiver ( techno , dream ) will bring hell against each other if they found out. 

5. You two would buy out Nikkis bake good and go to the top of a hill and eat them like there no tomorrow and have stomachs aches. 

6. Dadza and techno eventually met spirit but it was awkward and both of you wanted to leave but eventually it was pretty chill and mutual with each other. 

7. You actually sleep over George’s house with spirit and such , George is pretty sweet with you and would show you to sapnap and such. You’ll Get to train and up you skills and just hangout. 

8. You both like going on adventures , you once spent a whole day Looking for a woodland mansion to steal stuff etc. 

Techno’s reaction 

Techno wasn’t too suprised and was pretty okay with it, at most he was hesitant over it and wants you to be okay as your his little sister after all. But once you explained it all he was perfect fine. 

“y/n if dream ever makes you uncomfortable or tries anything , I will personally get out of retirement and beat him myself for you. I’m serious , I don’t want him to do anything to you. Alright?” You know , meanwhile dadza look like he almost had a heart  attack hearing that, probably cause old man is tired of him but you reassured you okay and gave him lots of hugs. 

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4 years ago


Based off @rae-writes smp Parental smp series , so please please look at their account and fics. Most importantly I give them credit for the parental thing so please check them out their wonderful being. Also your like a very young child and I put irl songs besides there names.  I hope you enjoy 

Dream smp parents x gn child (lullaby) 


DREAM - you are my sunshine 

You would have a really hard time going to sleep because how anxious you’ll Get over your father as he’ll get busy with work. George and Sapnap tried there best to help but nothing was working they tried giving you a bottle , plushes anything but no budge. You eventually started to cry which alerted Dream who was working on maps and the next plan against l’manberg. He finally decided to take a break and head over to your room as the two left the room. Dream gently lit up a candle and picked you up cradling you in his arms the soft bright green fabric around you. He sat in the rocking chair , gently rocking you and softly singing , comforting best he can, until you stop crying and fall asleep in his arms. Once you fall asleep he didn’t realized how tired he was and fell asleep in the chair holding you protectively in his arms. George and Sapnap later found out and took pictures of it as it was too cute not too.

QUACKITY - (along with Sapnap and Karl) recuèrdame 

It’s quite chaotic having three parental figures but to them you were there pride and joy. However you were sick and wasn’t feeling so good which worried all of them , especially seeing you have a hard time falling asleep and it was hurting their own sleep. ““Guys I’m really worried “ Sap says looking at others as Karl gave y/n medicine in there crib exhausted . Then quackity has a idea , walking out the room grabbing his guitar and walks back in y/n’s room. “  Guys, I have an idea maybe singing a song might help.” Karl perks up at the idea and nods ““that’s a good idea.” Quackity sat down on a chair beside the crib as they lowered the lights softly singing the song in Spanish. Karl and sapnap noticed it tiring you out and quietly hi five each other as you fall asleep much to the relief of all three of them. 

RANBOO - once upon a december

““Mate, have you tried giving them a pacifier or like song to calm down?” Ranboo perked and never thought of that . He thanked Phil and rushed off back home and sit on his bed , pulling y/n out the carrier. And hold them in his arms gently holding them and softly singing a song. Until sleepy enough he gently puts them in crib and left worked on his panic room. 

Ranboo was very new to the whole parenting thing and was pretty anxious of it all , he knew it was a lot of responsibility. And he wasn’t the best person to do this but you were his he couldn’t ditch you. He was getting used to it all, Philza would help him and give him tips and such considering he raised 3 boys. One day ranboo was doing some errands with y/n and being really fussy and not calming down no matter what he tried , he eventually ask Philza what to do. 

TECHNOBLADE - you will be okay

Having a new baby was difficult since he already have 3 rowdy boys , Tommy was proud he can be the big brother as he loudly proclaimed it. Techno was excited but wasn’t so hectic about it , and Wilbur was gushing over the new sibling. The boys surround Phil as he sat down holding the new baby wrapped in a bird theme blanket. “ Now, now I’m much as excited as you are boys over the new baby okay, but just becareful alright? “ Phil exclaimed as they sat down beside him the baby moving lightly. “ Sure thing big man! “ Wilbur perked up “ We’ll help you! Right techno?” The pink hair nodded in agreement wanting to read them Greek mythology when a toddler. “ well can you make dinner as I handle this for me?” Phil asked worried. The three boys nodded and rushed off as Phil stood up smiling softly singing to baby as he walked to their nursery. 

Being the child of ‘the blade’ has it perks and downs but the loud winds of the blizzard against the window was scaring you a lot and just being fussy and whimpering. Which obviously alerted techno who was brewing potions and quickly walked into his room with your crib beside his bed. He sighs in relief and gently picked you up in his rough big hands , so tiny and fragile in his arms, slowly walking downstairs. Sitting in his scarlet chair beside the fire gently rocking them softing singing to them. He gently fixed the baby blanket around them and kept them close to his chest to hear his heart beat. Once you were asleep he finally relaxes into his chair still holding onto you as he rest. He gently messes with your pink hair,“Sleep well my princess/prince.” 

PHILZA - (SBI) dellas moon lullaby

JSCHLATT - youll be in my heart

Who thought the con/business man himself have kids? Surely not? Well infact he does he has two along side tubbo he has y/n who he cares for deeply. He doesnt show them off out of fear and just for there safety. He isnt the best dad and he knows , he drinks and gambles which is a no, having to ask phil to give him some advice etc. But even so with his tough exterior and asshole attitude he deeply cares for his little rams as he sings them to sleep. Kissing them ontop on their heads goodnight.

WILBUR - everything stays

When fundy was still a toddler , he didn’t expect to have anymore children well he was wrong. He now had a new baby along his country and toddler son. It was very stressful but seeing how happy fundy to have a sibling made him happy. He would spend his free time tuning his guitar with a rocker and fundy playing with blocks as he plays songs for his children. It helps a lot with nap time as it calms them down and gets them sleepy. But they were so cute he couldn’t complain about it sadly Tommy has rushed in with no warning yelling startling both awake crying....not fun times...

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3 years ago

Can someone please write y/n singing " do it for her" but it's toward techno as they lose one of their cannon lives so they have 2/3 lives left. Just to protect him because there unbridled love towards him kinda like knight to him. They know he take cares of himself but there like a pearl to him.

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3 years ago

Warning blood

Warning Blood

But something like this in. Sense??

Can someone please write y/n singing " do it for her" but it's toward techno as they lose one of their cannon lives so they have 2/3 lives left. Just to protect him because there unbridled love towards him kinda like knight to him. They know he take cares of himself but there like a pearl to him.

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3 years ago


Technoblade x fem!reader


[Slightly au in this but basically it takes place in your wedding.]


It was techno's big day, his wedding day something he didn't think he would have. He was looking himself in the mirror as he braid his hair. The chaotic yelling of his siblings in the background. Tommy and wilbur screaming over bows and ties and which are better as philza walks over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. " You know mate, things will be okay I see you tapping your feet ."

"Phil how do I know she wants this? That.. she wants me I don't know why I'm having cold feet about this." Phil looks at him as his son rambles on with a warm smile. " Well, techno I know see this vase?" Techno nods as phil takes a rose out of vase and handing it to techno's hand. " What does this symbolize to you? I mean look at the theme and all the times you used this red rose."

Techno thought about it " my relationship?..." He said with uncertainty in his voice. As phil nods his head " of course it does, mate look at your theme roses and gold. The first gift you gave her was a rose and her was gold to you. "

5 years ago

Techno would always see this girl passed by, and he developed a small crush on her. He always saw her reading a book or running around without a care in the world. Wilbur and tommy started to noticed when he stared out and tease him.

" come on man! You have to give it a shot that's how I got with Sally! Why not give her a simple rose, and it could be red to fit your color theme too. Or me and tommy will keep teasing you about it. "

Finally annoyed with there constant nagging and the voices being conflicted he agrees. So the next day techno cut a rose from the garden behind and awkwardly walked up to you " I- erm would you like a rose?..." You just looked at him an laugh making his heart drop and voices in his scream in panic. Until you gently brush his hand taking the rose and put it in your hair. " Hehe thank you I appreciate it, it's beautiful. " Techno heart basically skipped a heart beat and he got all flustered "I-i thank you um what's your name? "

"y/n,...y/n l/n"


And ever since the two were close and bonded with eachother, y/n eventually buying him a gold promise ring for him and officially start dating with eachother. And for every year till now he gave her a red rose on their anniversary.

" well , you better hurry because now we be late and we don't want to keep her waiting now do we? " Phil said smugly as he walks out the room yelling at tommy to stop annoying fundy.

Techno looks back the mirror and hurries up to get ready as he tied up his corset vest. And swiftly putting his jacket on rushing out with accessoriess in hand putting them on on the ride to there.

The wedding itself was small and endearing , only love ones and close knight friends invited. From the sbi family , ranboo and tubbo. Y/n's family side and closes friends. Dream was there too due to a favor but it didn't matter. As everyone stood in their places , techno paitently waiting , tommy as ring bearer and funny enough ranboo was flower boy. Philza was technos best man along side wilbur . As small chatter between them occured they see the doors open and techno completely looks in shock that the voices in his head were quiet.

There stood y/n in a wedding dress holding a bouquet of roses in hand soon to be HIS wife. He just couldn't believe this is truly happening in front of him. The music started to play as y/n'd arm around f/p ( fav person ) walked her down the aisle to him. Now standing in front of him he was at the lost of words . The ceremony mostly a blur beside the " you may now kissed the bride " and vows, at the reception beside it being chaotic but during the first dance phil and wilbur threw rose petals and with philza's wings and his murder of crows made the petals fly around them with the wind romantically. It made it even more clear the symbolism of the red rose towards their relationship. 🌹

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2 years ago

Mcyt react to Fnf!s/o

Ft- Technoblade, Nikki,Sapnap,Philza

My masterlist

(Hope you like it, sorry it's a bit short.)


Now when he heard you could rap he was pleasantly surprised. He never thought you would be into that type of thing but hey he's not judging.

When you finally did a rap battle when he was there he was STUNNED.

He loves your style of song and how you can control your voice pitch so well.

No. He will not sit on the boom box. But he will lean on the side of it.

If you win on the first try he would be just prideful that he has a mate that stands there ground. No matter what form of dominance it is.

If you sing Loud like (Ruv) then he will make sure to bring some ear muffs for himself. His ears are sensitive yknow.

If you sing soft and quiet then he will rock side to side as he listens to the battle.

So he overall just loves it. His piglin side does too.


Nikki is more into just soft settings instead of rap battles but she welcomes the new environment with open arms

She loves to see and be at the rap battles when they happen too. It gives her a fun rush of excitement

She almost squealed when you allowed her to sit on the boom box. She knows how important she has to be to be able to do that. So she's proud to do it.

If you sing Loud and fast she will nod her head to the beat while cheering you on!

If you sing soft and slow she will hum to the melody and try not to drift off to sleep lol.

She is always on the boombox when she's at a rap battle of yours now. ^v^


He definitely loves it no doubt.

When you told him he . Went . Feral

Now he's at every rap battle no matter what. He's always sitting on the boomboxes and just cheering you on non stop.

He sometimes invites the rest of the dream team to the battles too, Dream always shows up when the opportunity shows. So does George even tho he claims to not want to.

They are all sitting on the boomboxes cheering you on to victory


If there's Phil, there is Wilbur and if there's Wilbur then there's Tommy. And somehow Techno

So no matter if you only tell Phil the rest of them know too.

Now every time you invite Phil to a battle the whole sbi shows up.

They all love chilling by or on the boomboxes. Tommy on the highest boombox Wilbur chilling on the 2nd and Phil on the 3rd. While techno just leans on the one Phil's on.

They love hearing you rap no matter how intense it is.

You rap Loud and Fast? Tommy and Wilbur scream loud, while Phil and Techno bop there heads to the beat.

You sing soft and slow? Phil and Wilbur hum while Tommy and Techno try not not fall asleep.

When you win they always celebrate no matter how many times you win.

Maybe Tommy will try and follow your footsteps. Who Knows?

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