285 posts
The Baby Project || M.YG || 22
The Baby Project || M.YG || 22
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

"Do we have everything?" You yelled to Yoongi from across the apartment.
The school had decided that you all would get to relax a bit, and managed to get an excursion gling to the beach. To say that you were excited was understandable. Everyone was.Â
" Yeah almost, we're only missing a little rascal!" Yoongi yelled back, before a wild Jaehyuk emerged from the room Yoongi was in in his underwear.
" Mummy, dadda's going to grab me!" The little underwear boy yelled, hiding behind your legs.
You hummed in response.
" C'mon buddy. All big boys wear their pants."Says Yoongi tiredly as he appeared from the bedroom with Hyuk's pants in hand.
You giggle at his face and he sighs and scrunches his nose in response.
"Mum, your child won't listen." Yoongi deadpans as he throws Hyuk's swimming trunks at you.
" Oh, so now he's my child?" You ask him amused as he plopped down on the couch in 'exhaustion.
" He got the stubbornness from you, so yes at the moment he is." Yoongi smiled lazily.
" Hyuk, did you know that Spiderman always wears his swimming trunks whenever he goes to the beach with aunt May?" You ask Hyuk with a smile.
Yoongi watches in amusement as Hyuk's eyes widen.
" No. I didn't. I wanna be Spiderman when I become big too!" Jaehyuk exclaimed as he grabbed his swimming trunks from your hands and put them on backwards front.
Yoongi looked at you with a pout, hoping that you would manage to get Jaehyuk to wear his swimming trunks properly.
You smiled and shook your head.
" Nope. I already fixed the big problem." You mused, zipping up the beach bag in front of you.
Yoongi groaned but got up nonetheless, making sure that his son's swimming trunks were put on correctly.
" GUYSS! I'M SO EXCITED! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN." Areum greeted you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi, who were already seated in the bus.
Jaehyuk was getting comfortable in Yoongi's lap, and he was sitting beside the window. You were sitting beside him, and Taehyung, Areum and Hyeon were now seated in the seats across the path from you. Jin, Mina and Soojun also entered the bus and joined your little group.
" I know right?! I braught water balloons." You winked at Areum and Mina.
Jin gasped dramatically while Yoongi furrowed his brows.
" Hold up, you braught what now?" Yoongi asked alarmed.
You winked at him in response.
" Alright students. We're all here right? If not too bad, we're leaving anyway.-" Your teacher spoke as the engine started.
" Okay kids. I'll tell you the plan for when we arrive. It's gonna be pretty simple. Once we arrive, we all walk together to the beach, and from there you can do your thing. At six we have dinner all together by a food tent which we'll show you later, and afterwardw we will be going back to the apartments. Also, for safety, do not let the toddlers go swimming without you and not without swimming bands either. Keep a close eye on them. That's all, we'll be arriving in around twenty minutes for those who are wondering." Your teacher finished speaking and sat down with the other two teachers.
" Do you have swimming band thingies for Hyuk packed or do we have to buy them there?" Yoongi asked, making you turn to him.
" No, I went to the convenience store earlier this week to get some for him, we're good." You smiled back at him.
Jaehyuk was fast asleep on Yoongi's lap.
" Guys, we are totally staying together right?" Areum asked everyone as you all nodded with a big smile.
" No, not there. There's too sunny." Yoongi aomplained as you were all lookimg for a reasonable spot.
" Everywhere's sunny, Yoongi." Mina deadpanned.
Yoongi shrugges as response.
" Cool, let's settle down here." you smiled as you plopped your bag in the sand.
You guys had managed to find a nice spot between the sea and the restaurant you were all meeting at later.
Yoongi looked betrayed as you unpacked.
" I can't believe it. My own girlfriend is turning against me." Yoongi said dramatically, putting a hand over his heart as if he was actually hurt.
You rolled your eyes in response.
" I want to go swimming. Soojunnie, want to come with?" Jin asked his boy, who nodded with a smile.
" Oh, me too!"
" Yes, and me!" Hyeon and Hyuk joined.
" I'm coming too." Taehyung claimed.
" I'll go too." You smiled.
" I'm staying here guys, I want to get tan." Mina smiled at you all.
" I'll come with!" Areum jumped up from her spot, taking her shirt off in process, revealing her bikini.
" I'm staying here." Yoongi muttered with his eyes closed already, ready to nap.
" Here, hold this." You rolled your eyes as you threw your shirt at him, revealing your own bikini.
He huffed as he sat up on the towel, whining before opening his eyes and running them appreciatively over your figure.
And even tough you couldn't see it, Jin did too. Yoongi didn't miss that.
You winked at your boyfriend, turning around to leave. ( Your shorts are swimming shorts)
" Yah Y/N." Yoongi caught up with you as you all walked down in the waters.
He chucked his own shirt at you, which he had discarded a moment after you, at you.
You looked ar him with a questionable expression.
" You, don't see it, but I don't like the way Jin's eyes follow your ass." Yoongi stated bluntly.
You blinked at him before smiling.
" Well, he knows he can only look at me. I'm yours after all." You told him gently.
He sighed and took his shirt from your hands softly, helping you put your head trough the collar of it.
" I know that he knows that we're dating, but that doesn't mean I like it when he stares at my woman." Yoongi wishpered in your ear as you had put the shirt on.
You blinked in suprise.
You never tough that Yoongi would feel a little possesive. And honestly, you found it a little hot.
He bit his lip as he stepped away from you with a smirk.
" Better." He muttered as he walked away.
This time, he had left you speechless.
[A/N: Yello folks. I uploaded another story 🙃. ( bad decision I know.) This one's for my Dutch readers, and it's for now only readable in Wattpad. It's called 'Wanted' and it's a Jungkook X reader. ( another shameless self promotion lmao) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update lol. Only two more chapters folks. R u curious what'll happen with Jaehyuk? I'm curious as to what u think, do you think he'll stay or will he be braught back to the adoption centre?👀👀]
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More Posts from Hoseokslefteyebrow
About the baby project... all of them are in university right??? I DON’T KNOW I guess jaehyuk will stay wt them... i mean he is mum’s and dada’s little boy 🥺 ... i want to see what happens next >>> 😩
Yes, they all are lmao. Imagine high school kids caring for a living kid,.not to mwntion mixed genders in one apartment, ain't a good idea. And we'll see about what'll happen to Jaehyuk in next chapter love👀💕
The Baby Project || M.YG || 19
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

* I forgot to edit the date in the last chapter. ( it said that they'll go to the party the same night as they arrived, but it was supposed to say the next day, oops.)
" What about this one?" You asked Yoongi, holding a purple coloured dress up.
Yoongi shook his head.
You huffed in frustration.
You and Yoongi have been dress shopping for hours now. Yoongi never seemed to agree with whatever you picked out, yet refused to pick out something he liked. Jaehyuk was with Yoongi's mother, who had decided that he would not come with you two to the party as it would be boring for him anyway. She offered to stay with him, stating that she wasn't in the mood for a boring party anyway.Â
" Yoongi, if there's nothing here we like, then I'd like to suggest that we go by my house. I'm pretty sure that I have something suitable." You said, crossing your arms over
" Listen, I'm not sure if you've realised it. But we're supposed to impress my father. I want him to look at us and think about how wrong he is-"
" Yoongi, love, calm down. We don't have to impress anyone. I'm coming to prove the opposite remember? I'm here with you to prove that you don't care about what he thinks." You cut him off, caressing his cheek for a moment.
" Yeah, you're right, but I just- I don't know-"
" Yoongi hyung, is that you?" Yoongi was interrupted by a ( dyed) blonde haired male.
" Jimin." Yoongi replied sharply, his eyes sharpening.
" Hello, hyung. It's been a while since I've seen you around. Oh, wait a minute. You've braught a girl with you. How cute. The names Jimin, sweetheart. Park Jimin." Jimin walked over to you and greeted you with a smirk on his full lips, taking your hand in an attempt to kiss it formally.
" Nice to meet you, Park." You said curtly, taking your hand out of his grip before his lips could touch your skin.
Bippity bop, I think the frickety frack not. You tough.   ( A/N : Yes, I got that from the internet trashcan, stay pg 12 folks.)
Yoongi felt a smile come to his lips at your simply avoiding behavior.
Jimin didn't expect it, by now, any girl would usually already be swooning over him. You barely batted an eye at him.
Intresting. He smirked to himself.
" And your name is..?" Jimin asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
" L/N Y/N." You replied with a polite smile.
" Nice to meet you. What are you doing with a guy like him?" He asked you.
" She's my girlfriend, we're shopping for tonight." Yoongi answered for you, and even tough you didn't like it when people speak for you, you accepted it for now anyway.
" Ah, I see. I suppose that I'll see you tonight too then-"
" Jimin! Where are you?! Oh there you are. What do you think of this dress?" A random woman around your age had arrived, wearing a short, red dress.
" It looks fine." Jimin shrugged, obviously not interested.
" I think I might be getting this one. Let's go and then you can pay for it baby." She smiled, taking him by hand.
" Sure, let's go baby. I'll see you tonight Yoongi hyung. And you too of course Y/N." Jimin winked before leaving.
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
" Let me geuss, he's the 'hot bachelor ceo' we all secretly read about in books and fanfics?"Â
" Yep." Yoongi nodded.
" Also, for the record. I'm paying for the dress.-"
" Nope. I braught you here and demanded you pick something out, so I'll pay for the dress. You've paid for the food last time when we went to Mackey D's with the kids." Yoongi pointed out.
" Alright." You shrugged.
" What do you think about this one?" Yoongi asked, pulling a navy blue off shoulder dress out with a sparkly belt and minimal glitters.
" That one's really pretty." You said as you moved to stand beside him, running your fingers over the fabric and stopping by the price tag.
Your eyes bulged at the price.
" Yoongi, this one's too expensive. I can't ask you to pay for that.-"
" Y/N, listen. My father is a ceo of a wealthy company. That dress is merely a dent in my bank account." Yoongi cut you off.
" I know that, but still." You pout.
Yes, the dress was beautiful, but you couldn't get it over you heart if he were to pay for this.
" Try it on. If it doesn't hit the wow factor, we can put it back." Yoongi said.
" Fair." You shrugged.
Barely a moment later, you were in the fitting rooms, looking at the dress which hung on the hanger. Was this really a good idea?
You decided to try it on anyway. Sure, the dress was beautiful, but would it look the same on you?
Once you managed to get it on with little to no trouble, you looked stunning. Even you couldn't deny that. Sure, you saw yourself as a potato too all the time, but dn, even you had to admit that you were a shiny potato right now.
You smiled as you tough about Yoongi's reaction.
Will he like it? Will it take his breath away like in those romance movies?Â
You exited the fitting room and turned to Yoongi.
" What do you think?" You smiled cheekily.
Yoongi looked up at the sound of your voice, and a cute smile rose to his face as he checked you out.Â
" I think my babygirl looks beautiful." Yoongi smiled, biting his lip.
You blushed.
If you really did look this good, you could overthink the price and allow Yoongi to spoil you, right?
Bitch Boss || J.HS
Pairing : Jung Hoseok X Reader
Genre :Â Fluff, tad bit of Angst?
Summary : " Second thing you need to know? My name is Jung Hoseok, and you're mine."
Wordcount: 1.7k
[ A/N: Lmao guys, here I am. Stress writing while I could also be studying. But no. My shit ass just had to stress write for no valuable reason. Anyway, I had this idea with Hobi in a gang au for like two years already and here it finally is. Also, I didn't check my spelling lmao. Enjoy!]

The man in front of you seemed to think the same, because he gulped before chickening out.
You glared at the man in front of you. Hard. Very hard, in fact if glares could kill, the man in front of you would be lying dead on the floor.
" I'll just-" His voice cracked.
He swallowed before clearing it.
" My friend will talk to you." He said before leaving.
You rolled your eyes before going to inspect your nails.
It's been four hours.
Four hours since this rookie gang had caught you. You were pretty sure that you would have no problem getting out of here.
A new man entered the room while you were more intrested in your nails.
" So, princess. There's only a few things you'll need to know. First of all, you're not leaving this place. Ever. Or my side to be more specific." The man smiled.
Way too angelic you decided as you looked up from your nails.
Not leaving his side?
" Second thing you need to know? My name is Jung Hoseok, and you're mine."
It's been a few days since you've been living with Hoseok, and so far, so good.
Apparently he was part of Bangtan, one of the most feared gangs in South Korea, and he did not know that you were trained to be an assassin. He tough you were an ordinary girl with a big mouth.
" C' mhere." Hoseok opened his arms in expectations of you running into them.
You raised your brow at him, once again inspecting your nails.
" What is it with you and your nails? Want a manicure or something?" He asked.
You snorted.
" You don't understand women at all do you?" You asked sharply.
" Oh shit, are you on your period? What do you want me to do? I can get you chocolates and stuff. Maybe a heat pack?-"
" Let me go." You asked, more like stated as an order.
The shine in his eyes left, and his smile faded into a thin line.
" No."Â
" That's what's wrong with you, Hoseok. Not me. You canmot keep a woman here and expect her to love you." You stated.
You would use your assassin skills, but you couldn't. No matter what happened, the most you would do is knock someone out.
The reason why you haven't full up attacked Hoseok yet was because you couldn't kill, you knew that he wouldn't let you go that easily anyway. And because you could see the hurt little boy underneath the layer of guns and bombs. You knew you had to think trough your plan of escaping.
Meanwhile the look in Hoseok's eyes softened.
" I'm sorry..... Come with me." He ordered and turned around.
Once he realized that you were still seated and not planning to get up anytime soon, he turned back to you and walked over, grabbing your hand and pulling you up.
" Where are we going?" You asked him.
" Training."
His training of that afternoon turned out to be much easier than you were used to. Apparently he decided that you should learn the basics for when things go south while he isn't around, you didn't complain about it.Â
Today he was going to teach you how to use a gun.
A poor choice really.
" No, you're supposed to- Yeah, like that exactly. How did you know I was going to say that?" He asked.
You gulped but shrugged.
" Well, it's loaded already. Tey to hit the target." Hoseok told you.
Your eyes widen.
The thing was loaded?
An extremely poor choice really.
You turned the gun to him, pointing it directly over his heart.
Hoseok's eyes widen as he didn't expect the move.
" Y/N, don't play around with that. "Â
Your eyes sharpened and clicked the safety off.
" Y/N, I'm serious-"
You managed to get him to shut him up by turning the gun and hitting the furthest target straight in the bulls eye.
He turned to look at it before turning back to you.
" There's something I haven't been really honest about Hoseok. I'm not as innocent as I look." You smiled coyly before putting the gun down on the table in front of you and walking away.
" Fuck that was sexy." Hoseok said as he watched you walk away.
He grinned to himself before shaking his head.
" Time to redo that background check."
It's been a few months since you've been with Jung Hoseok in his mansion. And suprisingly enough, you didn't hate it. In fact, you were slowly falling in love. It pained you when you realized it. It had started with the little moment back in the training session, and then he started letting you go around the property freely, and up till now he started downright spoiling you. You smiled as you tough of him.Â
Your little moment was cut short however as the wall beside you exploded.
Literally exploded.
Your ears were ringing as you tried to get up, but your legs were giving up on you.
" There she is, experiment 0572." Someone said.
You were suprised to hear anything trough your ringing ears.
Your suprise was cut short as your eyes sharpened.
Experiment 0572.
The name you were given as assassin.
The name you had before you ran away.
Before Hoseok decided to take you off the shitty three jobs you had and decided that you were his.
The fear of losing of what you had now managed to get you up on your shaking legs, your hands balling at your sides before you threw the first punch.
A poor decision as you were weakened.
" Hoseok! We have serious problems!" Jungkook yelled ad he entered his office.
" Can't be more worse than this stupid gun which needs to be fixed." Hoseok grumbled back.
" It's about Y/N." Jungkook breathed.
Hoseok stopped with what he was doing and turned his full attention to the younger.
" She's taken from your house. I don't know all the details. Just that there was an explosion and these weird lookimg dudes were there and- I don't understand any of it. Just watch this, maybe you do." Jungkook said, slamming a sd cards onto his desk.
" It's the security tape from outside. Yoongi hyung's already searching for the van that appeared in the video." Jungkook said as Hoseok nodded, wasting no time and putting the sd card in his laptop.
The wall blew up and you were catapulted backwards.Â
Hoseok sucked in a breath at the sight.
He was caught by suprise when he saw you get up.
" There she is, experiment 0572." A man smirked down at your form.
Hoseok looked at his screen in confusion, experiment 0572?
The man smirked at you and something inside you snapped as you threw a lunch at his face, he was quick to react , throwing a punch right on your sleep, effectively knocking you out.
" This is experiment 0572?" One of the other men in the room asked.
" She's stronger than she looks.I've seen it on tape. Now let's move it before whatever sugar daddy she has comes back home." The man who knocked you out said, and another man unceremoniously threw you in the back of the van.
Hoseok felt rage built up inside him by the sight of someone hurting you. He rewound part of the tape, taking a closer look at the logo on his jacket.
He smirked as he got a clear picture of the tiger on the back of the man's vest.
Hsg was a small rising gang, but not for long.
Because they obviously didn't do their homework right.
You might be some kind of expiriment to them, but you are overall Hoseok's.
And they will certainly not get away with taking what is his.
Hoseok smirked as he called Yoongi.
You woke up to the sound of screaming, as if someone was suffering.
A sound you hated.
The sight that came with it was a sight you hate just as much.
There's a lot of blood around you, and a few dead bodies.
Not a pretty sight.
Your stomach wad empty, but if you had any food in it, you were pretty sure that it would have been out by now.
" Princess?" You heard a voice call softly from beside you.
Your eyes lighten up in realization.
Hoseok was here.
He had actually come to save you.
You started mumbling trough the gag that was placed in your mouth.
" I know, I know. I got you." He said as he took the gag off you, holding you in his arms.
You started crying with closed eyes, you weren't sure when the last time was that someone held you.
You especially had never experienced the feeling of being held so secure before.
Your eyes opened again as you took sight of the man in doorway, it was the very man who had knocked you out.
Your eyes widened when you realized he was holding a gun in his hand, and it was aimed right at Hoseok's back.
With a shaky breath you took Hoseok's gun from it's holder.
You felt Hoseok still against you.
" Y/N-"
You clicked the safety off and shot the man.
One bullet in both shoulders.
You didn't have it in you to kill him, you couldn't do it.
Hoseok pulled away from you, but didn't let you go.
He took the gun from you and shot the man straight in the head.
" I'll always have you. Thank you for having me." He wishpered in your hair as he pulled you back into an embrace.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 23
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.6k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

The apartment is silent as you and Yoongi were packing your own stuff and Jaehyuk's.
Today was the day that everyone would go their own ways, Jaehyuk would be send back to the adoption centre and you and Yoongi were going to your own home's. Altough you missed your family, you will miss this tiny apartment.
" Do I really have to go?" Jaehyuk asked quietly after a moment.
Both you and Yoongi turned to look at him, all three of you sharing the same sad expression.
" I'm afriad we'll have to Hyukie." Yoongi said, crouching down to his height and cupping his cheeks.
Jaehyuk released a few tears.
" But I don't want to go back." He muttered as he started crying.
You looked at him with an even sadder expression than you had before, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes.
" We don't want you to leave either Hyukie, but we're just college students. We can't properly take care of you." You said sadly, a stray tear leaving your eye.
Yoongi gathered you, Jaehyuk and himself in a bear hug, also sniffing.
Neither of you had expected becoming this close with the children you'd be taking care of.
After a few minutes of just sticking together, the sound of the speaker in the hallway ruined your cute moment.
' Attention please, will every student of Seoul University report to the reception with their assignment please? Thank you.'
It sounded over the speakers.
You all pulled apart from the hug.
" Well, this is it. I'll just-" You halted your sentence to swallow the lump in your throat.
" I'll just get your stuff Hyukie." You finished in a wishper as you walked off.
Yoongi watched you go with a pained expression before turning back to Jaehyuk, wishpering something in his ear and handing him something.
" ...... Promise?"
Jaehyuk nodded in response.
7 months later.
Yoongi huffed at he looked at the paperwork on his desk.Â
He's only started his training to take over his father's company, but he already felt drained, and wasn't sure if he even wanted to continue this job.
" Mr. Min? Your girlfriend is here. Shall I let her trough or are you currently busy?" His assistant's voice rang over the intercon on his desk.
Yoongi rubbed his face in frustration before letring out a sigh in annoyance.
" Let her trough." He told her in irritation.
A few moments later the door to his office opened and you walked trough with a plastic bag.
" Hey babe. How are you? You sounded irritated over the microphone thing on your assistant's desk." You greeted Yoongi as you walked in.
" I'm always irritated with that good for nothing assistant. Honestly, how many times am I going to have to tell her that you have the permission to walk in whenever except when I'm in some stupid meeting?" He complained as you pulled out take out from Mackey D's.
" I don't know. Maybe she didn't know that you weren't in a meeting?" You wondered out loud.
" That's the thing, she's supposed to know my damn schedule. That's what she's my assistant for. She's literally getring paid to do my dirty work." Yoongi complained.
" Okay, I suppose that's true. But did you call me just to complain about your assistant?" You asked Yoongi with a smile as you handed him his burger.
Yoongi shook his head while taking the burger from you.
" First, thanks for the food. And I called you because I want our kids back. My question is, do you want the same? Because I'm not doing this without you."Â
[ A/N: Someone please tell me why my stories with a prologue have no epilogue and why my stories with epilogue have no prologue.]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 21
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.9k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

" When is dadda coming home?" Jaehyuk asked as he stopped colouring for a moment.
The both of you were seated at the dining table. You were making your homework while Jaehyuk was colouring in a random colouring book. You and Yoongi had promised him that you'd go to the petting zoo and because of that he's been very excited, not stopping with asking when Yoongi would come back from school. You and Yoongi's extra long holiday was sadly over already, and you were back to school. You had for this week morning classes while Yoongi had afternoon classes. Today he would be done around 14:00, meaning that you woukd still have a few hours to spent at the farm.
You sighed and tried to keep your patience.
" Soon, baby,soon. How is your drawing coming allong?" You asked him, changing the subject.
" I think it looks really good! Look, this is you, and this is dadda! And I also drew a frog!" Jaehyuk smiled and showed you the picture with excitement.
The drawing was barely recognisable, apart from the frog. It had three stick figures, one with a smile and a triangle dress on, one who was asleep, a smaller one who was holding hands with both, and a random frog. What did this boy have with frogs?
You smiled and complemented him on his talent nonetheless.
" Hello? I'm home!" A voice sounded from the doorway.
" Dadda!" Jaehyuk smiled and all but sprinted to Yoongi before jumping on him in a bear hug.
" Hey buddy, have you been nice while I'm away?" Yoongi teased the small boy, who nodded furiously.
" Yes! I made a drawing while mummy was working." Jaehyuk smiled and pointed to the paper on the table.
Yoongi smiled brightly before it fell in a questionable frown.
" Since when is there a frog in the family?"
" Mummy hurry up!" Jaehyuk yelled as you were putting your shoes on.
" Yeah mum, hurry up! We want to go see the baby bunnies!" Yoongi teased you, holding Jaehyuk's hand.
" I'd watch it if I were you mr.Min, you might sleep on the couch if you can't behave." You teased him back.
Yoongi held his hands up in surrender as response.
" Let's goo!" Jaehyuk cheered as you all lefr the apartment.
The walk to the petting zoo was peaceful.
" Let's go see the goats!" Jaehyuk cheered as he walked off as soon as you entered the place.
" Hyuk hold up! Don't walk off without us!" Yoongi called after him while you closef the gate of the zoo.
Jaehyuk remained unbothered.
" Look dadda! A donkey!" He smiled, pointing at the animal who was just eating hay.Â
Jarhyuk was amazed by everything in the petting zoo, from the donkeys to the chickens and even the hay was interesting for him. You and Yoongi were really just trying not to lose him out of your sight.
" You want to feed the goats Hyuk?" You asked as he saw how other kids were feeding them.
Hyuk nodded enthusiastically.
" Wait here with dad okay? I'll be right back." You smiled at him as he nodded.
While you went to a random stand where they sold small goat food thingies, Jaehyuk stayed with Yoongi.
Yoongi watched Jaehyuk play around with the baby goats with a smile. He knew that he would be gone whitin a month, but he couldn't help but hate the tough of it.
" It's not often that you see a guy going to the petting zoo." A woman with dyed brown hair approached Yoongi with a smile.
Yoongi's expression turned neutral as he turned to her.
" Yeah, well, I'm here with my son." He shrugged.
The woman's smile turned a little wider.
" Awe, that's real cute."Â
Yoongi shrugged again and turned away, obviously not intrested in her.
" Hey, um, my name's Lin. Would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?" She asked.
" Nope. I have a girlfriend." He stated bluntly.
Lin blinked before awkwardly shuffling away.
Yoongi turned his attention back to Jaehyuk, suprised to see you holding him while feeding goats.
" Haha, look mummy, that one looks like Milka, let's call him that." Jaehyuk smiled as you held him on your hip while he was feeding the goats. ( And boi, did this little boy grow, he was certainly not as light as Naeun.)
" You were here and didn't even greet me." Yoongi pouted as he approuched you, taking Jaehyuk from you as he saw you struggle.
" You were talking to someone. I didn't want to disturb you." You shrugged.
" She asked me on a date, you know." Yoongi bit his lip, curious of your reaction.
" Okay."Â
"Really? Just okay? I tough you were deadass in love with me. " Yoongi said, sort of hurt but not actually hurt but really just curious.
" Yep. I am indeed deadass in love with you. And I'm in a relationship with you. In other words, I trust you." You winked at him.
Yoongi smiled cheekily and blushed a bit, happy with your answer. He bit his lip before silently kissing your cheek.
You blushed in response while Yoongi turned away nonchalantly.
" Let's go see the pretty birds now buddy."
Meanwhile Lin watched silently from a distance, not even feeling bad because he turned her down harshly. Because how did you manage to make him this flustered?
[ A/N: Yes folks I finally updated lol. I have sad news for y'all, because of the quarantine, all office plants have probably died. :(. Also, warning: This story is nearing it's end ;). PS, HAVE Y'ALL SEEN DAECHWITA. I USUALLY DON'T CUSS IN THIS STORY BUT THAT SONG IS BATSHIT CRAZY AND I FUCKIN LOVE IT. ]