hyrtwynwrites - Hyrtwyn Writes!
Hyrtwyn Writes!

Hyrtwyn (she/her), 28. A home for the many things I work on, and the many more I will never finish. 18+, please!

1091 posts

It's Been A Bit! I'm Still Working On Things, But I Admit That I Have Been Getting My Ass Kinda Kicked

It's been a bit! I'm still working on things, but I admit that I have been getting my ass kinda kicked by some degree of burnout + being spread thin across a dozen interests (I am not a wise woman, not even remotely)

That said, I do have a little somethin-somethin for you all! Enjoy a very candid look at my editing process, circa ~1 year ago. I thought it was a nice trip down memory lane, and I hope you all think so too!

More Posts from Hyrtwynwrites

1 year ago

[grabbing your shoulders] listen. the next time you make a character in ff14 i need you to make a max height femroe. it doesnt matter how big her tits are or how muscular she is you just need to make her max height. it is the ultimate way to experience the game where you are taller than basically everyone in the msq other than varis and zenos

you are a head taller than emet-selch

even max height male au'ra pcs can't fucking measure up to your esitmated 7'3" ~ 7'4". the only people that can be taller are max height maleroe and so few people do max height

join the honorable cause of Tall Women

[grabbing Your Shoulders] Listen. The Next Time You Make A Character In Ff14 I Need You To Make A Max
1 year ago

i encourage you to go to your favourite writer's ao3 page and comment on an older fic, because i can assure you that it will make their day. It can mean so much to see your work doesn't disappear into the void to be never seen again after a day of people interacting with it. Just, if you have the time, go comment on an older work

(pls reblog this to try and get as much writers a bit of appreciation)

1 year ago

Hey, I know it is Super Late O'Clock, but I am pulling the trigger on this before I sleep:

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I hope you all enjoy it!!

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1 year ago

I just stopped playing Warframe, sooo...

Either really well or ***really not.***

#wolqotd time! Your Warrior of Light/XIV OC is transported to the OTHER media you most recently watched/played/read: how are they doing?

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1 year ago

Would it be weird of me to wonder if me putting "Light's Falle, Book ..." in my titles is scaring people away from reading it..?

What do you all think? Yes? No? Why are you asking this right now, it is early evening on a Monday??

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