Memory Lane - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book
Some Of The Things I Found In My Grandmothers Old Photo Book

Some of the things I found in my grandmothers old photo book

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3 years ago
You Know Why Idleave You Alone?
You Know Why Idleave You Alone?
You Know Why Idleave You Alone?

you know why I’d leave you alone?

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7 years ago
Spider Woman Part 5

Spider Woman Part 5

Word Count: 2266

Part 4


“Bro what the fuck!? Did you actually think it was a smart idea to pull out in front of me?” You yelled to the Honda Accord that for some odd reason thought that pulling out in front of you was a good idea when you were clearly too close and there wasn’t enough room for them to pull out but whatever.

You rolled your eyes as you switched into the left lane and pulled into the holiday inn that Harry and his family are staying in.

You smiled to them as they walked out. Harry in casual black skinnies, a green sheer blouse and a pair of black leather boots with about a one inch heel. Anne was in a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a sheer blue blouse over a black tank top and a pair or black flats. His sister Gemma wore black leggings, a white t-shirt, a denim jacket, and combat boots.

You waved to them as they piled into your old 2000 4Runner. The car is ancient but it’s good for a New England winter and it was free. It was your savior when you were commuting to college.

“Hey, so, this is quite the town?” Harry said as he buckled up in the passenger seat.

“Yeah ok so it’s not to fancy. And we have a really bad heroin problem but it’s home.” You said and he rolled his eyes.

“So, where to first?” Harry asked as he looked back to his family.

“I was thinking my highschool, it’s the most famous thing here other than the Museum which we will see as well.”

“Alright then off to your high school.” Harry said and you rolled your eyes.

“So how was your flight?” You asked, looking back at Gemma and Anne.

“Good, the flight attendant weirdly recognized me and gave us chocolate chip cookies.” Gemma said and you laughed.

“Oh my god that’s awesome, and like getting here was good too? I know sometimes those cab drivers get mad when it comes to long distance drives.” You said and she shook her head.

“No, he was fine. Slightly grumpy but when we said where, he went on a rant about how he was from the neighboring town and how he is so proud that the town has something it can be famous for other than that crazy X-Factor audition where the boy was obsessed with Britney Spears.” She said and you laughed.

“You know not a lot of people actually know about that for some reason. I remember hearing that he was from my town and freaking out thinking like great now everyone thinks this town holds a freak.” You said and they laughed.

Finally you pulled up to your old high school.

“Welcome to my alma mater. Currently educating 4000 plus students and containing over 10 buildings. This campus has been the setting of many of my nightmares and I’m 100% going to experience PTSD from coming back.” You joked and they laughed.

“Alright let's start the tour.”

For the next half hour you showed them your school, where Fat Y/N was bullied and made horrible memories! Sarcasm.

“Is is cool if we stop by my first job? I’m thirsty.” You asked and they all nodded so you took a little detour to the good old coffee shop.

When you were 16 your first job was a barista. It payed shit, the bosses treated you like shit, but you made the best friends you could have asked for there. Most of whom you still talk to today.

After you went to the Museum and went to the park that the movie was being played at to scout out where to sit. You decided that it would be best to speak to the police, who were going to be the security for the night, about a blocked off area for your friends and family. Not that you didn’t plan on mingling with the fans and townspeople but you also didn’t want your families to have to deal with unsolicited attention.

Spider Woman Part 5

You went back to your house after and you gave them a quick tour. Then you went and ate a quick dinner with your whole family. You decided to change into something a bit warmer. You changed into a pair of black leggings, a orange vetements sweatshirt, and a some black vans.

When you got back to the living room Harry and his family all had jackets incase it got cold, same going for your family and your friends who had just arrived. You rolled your eyes as you watched them all try to play it cool around Harry.

Next to Harry was your friend Harmony, known for being the first person you notice. Not only is she incredibly tall, but she can be so loud she can wake up a whole neighborhood. She was wearing light wash jeans, white converse, and a black sweatshirt.

Next to Harmony was your good friend Tiffany. She was always the pretty one. She was also the party girl. When you were in school, she was the one who corrupted you. You started drinking and smoking because of her. The drinking you no longer do but when you get stressed you like to enjoy a blunt here and there. And by here and there you mean literally once every six months, it’s not a common thing in your household. She was wearing high waisted dark wash jeans, a deep brown cropped sweater, an oversized army jacket, and nude boots.

Then next to her was your best friend Lily. She never really hung around with you, Harmony and Tiffany seeing as she didn’t agree with the elicit things you guys did but she had been your best friend since middle school and worked with you all at the coffee shop, where you had met Tiffany and Harmony. Although you hung around with Tiffany and Harmony more when Lily left for college and moved to Maine. Since then you have spoken to all of them at least once a day. And she has somehow still managed to help guide you and be there for you even with how hectic your life has been lately. She was wearing light wash jeans, a grey sweatshirt and black converse.

“Oh I should probably introduce everyone.” You said as you walked into the room.

Harry stepped back and put his hand on your back to pull you forward into the little circle the girls had created around him.

“This is Harmony and Tiffany, friends that I met through my first job, guys this is Harry and his sister Gemma and his mom Anne. And this is my best friend Lily who I’ve known since middle school.” You said introducing everyone.

You then all loaded into two cars spitting with five and five. Your sister, your mom, your dad, Anne and Gemma all going in one car. And then Harry, Tiffany, Harmony, Lily and you all going in another. You drove while Harry sat up in front, Tiffany, Harmony and Lily all cramming in the back.

It’s worth mentioning that Harry has a very different taste in music than the rest of you. He was playing oldies, that although you all appreciate, you guys prefered some Lil Pump, or Cardi B. Quickly Harry’s aux cord privileges were revoked and given to Tiffany.

Once you got to the park that the movie was being played at you were lead to a little hill that was slightly blocked off from the rest of the park. One officer stood at the front just to make sure no one unwanted would interrupt you guys.

It was strange being back in your old town, now that the movie was blowing up and people were hearing about it, you were getting many messages from people you went to highschool with. Funny how now that you’re skinny and rich, people want to talk to you.

What was stranger, was the ones who came that night.

“Hey, Y/N. Remember me? Carter Pottic? We went to highschool together?” He said trying to jog your memory. Little did he know you remembered everything.

“Yeah I remember you. I have a particular memory of you and your friends laughing at me when I had difficulty running the mile in gym.” You said and his smile dropped.

“Listen, I wanted to apologise. It’s been driving me crazy that I did that to you. I was young and dumb and just wanted to fit in.” He excused and you smiled, looking away quickly before looking back at him.

“Funny, cause that’s exactly what I wanted back then too. I wanted to fit in, but you made that real hard with all the talking behind my back you did. Also pretty funny how you only suddenly feel so guilty now that my follow count on twitter has lots of zeros.” You said and he looked around, clearly embarrassed. “But, I’m also not a huge cunt. I’ll forgive you, only cause I know I was just a kid then too but don’t expect us to be friends. I’m a different person now, I don’t hold grudges and hope for revenge, I guess I can only hope that you’ve changed too.” You said before walking away.

A few more of your old classmates came to see you. Some being friendly and simply congratulating you on all your success. Some who did the same as Carter. It was kind of unbelievable how many people want to make something out of nothing if it benefits them. Pretending to have had a friendly relationship with you when you could remember them laughing at the double chin you got when reading a book.

Seven people came up to you trying to get you to remember the few times you talked to them. One person actually tried to tell you that you sat next to him for an entire semester and although it was true, you never said one word to each other, but now you should reconnect.

You sighed as you slumped onto the blanket that was splayed on the ground, Harry sitting down next to you.

“How many people from your past tried to reconnect with you once you were on the X-Factor?” You asked, not looking at his face. You didn’t want to see the pity you knew had cascaded over his features.

“More than I can count.” He admitted and you groaned.

“Why are people so deplorable? Like, ok none of them directly bullied me, but do you know how many times they would avoid being put into groups with me cause I was the fat girl? I remember actually hating when the teacher didn’t assign seats cause I knew no one would want to sit with me, same going from group projects. No one wanted me in there group, and now suddenly everyone wants to reconnect. Like you only now feel guilty for the way you treated me? Now that I’m playing Spider Woman in a Marvel Movie?” You exasperated.

“People are cruel, I’m sorry you were treated like that. Not that I’m defending them but you were all just kids then.” He said and you nodded.

“I know and that’s why I can’t hold anything against them. I remember being mean to people just because I was young and dumb. It’s just slightly unfortunate that what they did put me in a never ending depression and scarred me for life.” You said smiling up at him. He smiled back down at you before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and swaying you guys slightly. You were always happy that Harry got your self-deprecating jokes, many times have you made a joke at your own expensive and it doesn’t deliver well.

“I mean, now at least you can say, fuck them I’m Spider Woman.” He joked and you laughed. Right after he said that the title of the movie appeared on the giant screen at the front of the park, signaling that the movie was starting.

The park erupted in cheers and your friends came barreling at you, tackling you and knocking Harry over in the process.

“Y/N! It’s starting!” Lily yelled and you laughed pushing the three of them off you.

“Yes and if you’d all shut up we could watch it. And I swear Tiffany if I look over and see you texting I am throwing your phone in the lake. I’m literally in this movie.” You threatened and she laughed as she made a point of publicly turning off her phone.

“I’ve already snapped the car ride over here and the title of the movie displaying on the screen so I’m good for the night.” She said and you rolled your eyes.

You leaned over so your head rested in Harry’s lap, his long fingers threading their way through your long brown hair. You smiled up at him before turning to the opening of the movie where the talented Bailey Bucher played young Jessica. You all watch as the story starts with her Nazi father, who was played by David Schwimmer, having to inject her with untested genetically modified spider venom and placing her in a genetic enhancing accelerator.

Lily squeezed your arm as the scene where nearly 50 years later HYDRA finds the accelerator that Jessica was in and opens it up, allowing your face to appear on the screen for the first time.

“That’s you.” She whisper-yelled into your ear. You sighed and shook your head, they were all lunatics, but they were your lunatics and you loved them.

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1 year ago

It's been a bit! I'm still working on things, but I admit that I have been getting my ass kinda kicked by some degree of burnout + being spread thin across a dozen interests (I am not a wise woman, not even remotely)

That said, I do have a little somethin-somethin for you all! Enjoy a very candid look at my editing process, circa ~1 year ago. I thought it was a nice trip down memory lane, and I hope you all think so too!

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8 years ago

Chris Christofferson. I remember this guy from when I first realized how much I’m addicted to tall hot guys. Ah, memories~

The View From Seven Foot Two.
The View From Seven Foot Two.

The view from seven foot two.

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3 years ago

Memory - Adam Stanheight / Reader

A/N this was inspired by Taylor Swift's song 'Red'


You picked up the newspaper. It was wrinkled and cold, and aged to fit the part. You still couldn’t believe it had been so long since the accident. You still felt empty sometimes, but now that it was over, it was a little bit more manageable. Jigsaw had been arrested this time, finally. At least, that’s what it said three years ago, perhaps it wasn’t still true.

As you looked at the picture on the front page, you felt cold chills surge up inside you. It was a picture of Adam Faulkner Stanheight, in one of his more casual looks. He was smiling awkwardly, looking at the camera reluctantly, almost like he didn’t want his picture taken. You had taken it, and you remembered that moment vividly.

You had accompanied him to one of his client’s places. You had attended just for fun, despite having no real purpose being there. Adam was glad you were there, though. You both had a bunch of fun, messing around with the camera, laughing and taking selfies. Of course, this was after Adam’s photoshoot of his client. You had felt so happy, so refreshed then.

Adam had dared you to take a good picture of him. He had given you the camera, but he didn’t believe you could do it. You waited for a long time, never once keeping your eyes off your boyfriend, just waiting for the right time. You made a couple of jokes, and off-handed comments, trying to distract Adam from you.

“You can’t get me by surprise,” Adam said. “I’m too wary…”

“I don’t know about that,” you replied.

Adam raised an eyebrow at you. But little did he know, you had already outsmarted him. “Are you gonna have a smoke?”

“What?” He wondered. “I didn’t bring any cigarettes with me-”

“Are you sure about that? You know I always keep a few on me… Just for YOU.” You reached into your back pocket and held out a cigarette.

Adam eyed it distrustfully and then said, “Why… Why do you WANT me to take it? This is unlike you…”

“Well… Can you say no to this?”

Adam took it from you. “Not if you push it into my face… It’s a good thing I always keep a lighter on me for scenarios like these.”

You smirked. “Of course I do. Go on. I’ve got all the time in the world.”

Adam tilted his head at you. “What the hell? Why are you so eager for me to start smoking? This isn’t something normal.”

“No,” you assured him. “You just… look really hot when you're smoking…”

Adam laughed, and you raised the camera.


One single picture of your beautiful boyfriend. He looked embarrassed to realize your words. “Oh, you don’t mean that…”

“Yes, I do,” you whispered. “I got a picture of you. It looks really good, baby.”

Adam grimaced, and nearly dropped his lighter. “You can’t be serious! There’s no way you got a photo. I look disgusting!”

You shook your head. “No, you don’t.”

“I love you,” you whispered the next part in real life, as you came out of your flashback.

“ ‘I love you, too,’ he said.”

The newspaper in your hands was claiming the tragic death of your beloved boyfriend, giving the grim details of Jigsaw’s game.

That moment in the client’s backyard came flooding you again. You could hear Adam’s voice in your ears loudly. “I love you, too.”


His hands traveled down your jaw, his eyes shining. He had pinned you to the grass after you took the picture. “Who gives a damn about the cigarette at this point? You’re looking so fuckable right now.”

You squeaked, and laughed. “No. You’re just saying that.”

“Show me the picture.”

“Okay.” You fumbled with the camera before flipping through its contents and selecting the last one. You held it up for Adam to see.

He looked at it halfheartedly. “Well, I guess I don’t look like a mess in that one. But… I still look stupid.”

You cupped his cheek. “What? No, you don’t! Of course you don’t! Come on, when will you see yourself the way I see you? You’re beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful!”

“ ‘Hardly’.” Your voice echoed around the apartment, and you sighed sadly.

Where are you, Adam? I miss you. It’s getting lonely in here.

You put the newspaper on the counter again, Adam’s secondhand smoke filling your nose and his touch corrupting your nerves. You were pulled back into the memory.

“Adam,” you grumbled unhappily, feeling your boyfriend’s breath on your neck. “Stop being so negative about yourself. You’re better than that!”

“Fine, for now.” Adam shrugged, and then started kissing you roughly on your skin.

You groaned and leaned your head back. His lips traveled down to your collar bones, and you let him have his way with you. It felt so good. “Oh, baby…”

“Hm? Like that? Good thing we’re here all by ourselves…” He glanced over at his client, who gagged, and pointed to the driveway. He was trying to indicate that, if they were gonna fuck, they were gonna have to leave. “Alright. Maybe not,” Adam added and sat up.

Your cheeks were hot and flushed, you could barely breathe. “O-Okay… Yeah, let’s leave… I… Want you now…”

Adam gathered himself up. “Sure thing, princess/prince.”

You cringed. “Don’t call me that.”

Adam smirked. “My princess/prince.”

You dashed across the yard. “Catch me!”

The flashback ended suddenly as you felt strong arms wrap around you. That familiar tangy scent wreathed around you enticingly. You melted into the embrace. “ ‘Easy. I’m faster than you anyway’...”

That was the response he gave you that day.

“Adam!” You flung yourself around and hugged him tightly.

Your boyfriend, fiance now, was smiling down at you smugly. “What? Thinking about me?”

You blushed and looked down. “Uh… Y-Yeah… I was…”

Faulkner noticed the newspaper on the counter, and he took it in his fingers gently. “What’s this doing still around?” He threw it in the basin. “You know Jigsaw’s in jail for what he did.”

You couldn’t meet your lover’s eyes. Self consciously, you mumbled, “I… know… but you weren’t here, and this is such a good picture of you. That’s why I gave it to the press all those years ago.”

Adam went rummaging through the pile of magazines. “Well, why don’t you use THIS one?” He threw you another newspaper.

The front page was splashed with the same picture of him, and the headline read:

‘Missing Adam Stanheight Still Alive?’

You gravely admitted, “That one was closer.” You looked into the basin.

“ ‘Stanheight says ‘the police were outside already when my cellmate got out. He was able to alert them to my presence.’ It was a miracle he got out, but what has he been doing this whole time’?” Adam was reading a clip from the newspaper.

“I can’t believe the police tracked your phones through all that. I mean, that one brilliant officer who thought to look BEHIND Jigsaw’s hideout, must be rich.”

“I’m glad they did, though. I woulda been dead meat.”

"And afterwards you just stayed with me to recover."

"I didn't forget."

You pulled Adam down. “I’m so sorry. Please cuddle me.”

Adam straddled you. “Anything for my sweet princess/prince.”

You wriggled. “Why do you still call me that?”

“Because that’s what you are. My royal highness.”

“Oh, stop exaggerating!”

“Hey, I learned to love myself, now it's your turn!”

You beamed at him. “Okay. I am your highness...” The words felt strange to say, and you shuddered at them.


"But that means you're my Survivor," you said cheesily.

"Fine by me." Adam started kissing you on the lips, and you moaned into him.

“I love you,” you whispered.

Adam’s eyes flicked down your body. “Oooh, I love my baby more than they can imagine.”

Chills ran up your spine, and you put your head on his chest. Adam hugged you close, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear, and making you feel good. This was what you needed. Oh yes, this was what you DEFINITELY needed.

Finally… You’re home…

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1 year ago

Hold up I seen something like this before! I lived in Somerset PA before I moved to Bolivar.

(I’m kind of shitposting but I seen a house similar before.)

littlegasoline0976 - I have no idea on what I am doing here

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