unfortunately and to the distress of many, i exist / whatever tf goes through my head goes onto this blog follow at your own risk
435 posts
Me As A Lawyer:
me as a lawyer:
bailiff: all rise for the judge
me, too lazy to stand up: objection
More Posts from I-am-an-intrusive-thought
who hurt you op
hmm it’s time to be unreasonably evil due to my tragic past
we have turned one (1) republican to reality
cancun really does amazing things to a person huh
do you see what the problem is? the gop is literally giving tax cuts to the top 1% and not the people who actually need it, because the gop is funded by a bunch of fucking billionaires. since they're such money-sucking leeches, they help the upper class and leave the bottom brackets to suffer under capitalism without even giving them a minimum wage of $15/hr because it may cause them to lose a little more money.
what if aliens are weird instead of humans?
so i've kinda gotten stuck on the "humans are weird" posts (and this may be kinda late) but we always (in movies, books, etc) depict aliens as having at least some basic features- a brain, eyes, body systems, etc. but what if they don't actually look like that? like what if aliens look like something we can't even imagine like our minds simply cannot comprehend a living being without those basic features but in reality their version of a “living being” may be very different from ours