star wars is my hyperfixation (actually it’s just Avar Kriss)
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I-will-always-love-the-jedi - Man-i-do-love-the-jedi - Tumblr Blog
I finally managed to do proper sketches of them :)

didnt make proper lineart tho, i was too impatient for that
The firebrands as things on Twitter/tumblr :)

I'm a bit late to firebrands friday, but oh well
This time on firebrands Friday I made a meme
Again, I saw this on Pinterest and decided to do it for fun :)

Listen I just think Avar has a few things to tell the Nihil -especially after Starlight, what a luck none of the firebrands died there- and I say let her ✨speak✨ (and with that I mean slay, literally)
Also i spend some money on printing pictures and now my entire wall is covered with variations of Avar Kriss and I’ve never been happier in my entire life
Me personally, I would really like if we’d get some firebrands as padawans content yk

Like just imagine them studying together and being cute :)

I think this is an accurate description of them
Damn I’m so happy that all of the firebrands are okay and no one died in a exploding space station :D

„We don’t have to go back.“ Elzar whispered, grabbing her hand tighter and pulling both of them closer to their polestar. „Yet.“
„I.. wouldn’t mind staying like this for a second.“ Stellan answered, voice hoarse and trembling arms wrapped around his two friends.
Avar didn’t say anything, but buried her head in his shoulder instead and entangled her fingers with El‘s, shoving the racing thoughts in her head as far away as possible. Soon, there would be time to worry; but right now, in this moment, the Firebrands were one again and the Song of the Force was warm and gentle like it used to be so long ago.
When you were waiting for your friend to come back from a meeting, but fall asleep instead

I love them okay?
So i saw this on Twitter

And obviously I had to draw it

It’s pretty similar to the If lost return to thing I already did BUT I actually found that one pen I was searching for months and suddenly everything I draw looks better?? I mean except for the part that is my handwriting •—•
So anyways I’m gonna go and make a version of this to use as my new lockscreen lol
Y’all I spend a hour on this and it’s not Even Good Help me

Anyways stellan had to get Avar new coffee because she didn’t sleep in a week and started to cry and while he did that Elzar thaught Vernestra even more curse words while Kantam watched and held their Datapad ready to film stellan beating Elzar up once he returns from making sure Avar doesn’t faint and falls down the stairs
Top Ten Things Sskeer, Orla Jareni and Stellan Gios were never meant to see

When you went shopping to get fruitsabers but your boyfriend doesn’t allow it because it’s „unhealthy“, „full of chemicals“ and „for children“

So now you try to make him feel guilty but he’s to busy talking to another friend of yours and also immune against everything you do
(Also, no, Loden Greatstorm is totally not spying because he lost a bet with Kantam Sy, what do you mean?)
When there is no speeder left but you need to get back to the temple
„Is there a problem, Officer?“

How to talk with short people- A guide by Elzar Mann

Blame Pinterest for giving me the idea y’all, this is a sketch made in 14 minutes and I will not justify myself or it
u r welcome
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 27
Elzar: sure is dark in here, hm
Avar: Yep
Elzar: not that im scared or anything
Avar: yeah no me neither
Avar: i mean, who is scared of the dark anymore nowadays anyways
Elzar: not me
Avar: hm
Stellan: do you guys want me to hold your hands
Avar & Elzar, simultaneously: yes please
Stellan: just tell me. did it hurt?
Elzar & Avar, covered in mud because they tried to catch a Tooka on a very rainy day on a very muddy meadow: did what hurt
Stellan: when you broke through Coruscant's surface, ascending from hell
Avar: Stellan won’t come out to spar with me
Elzar: just tell him I said something
Avar: like what?
Elzar: anything factually incorrect
Stellan, arriving a few minutes later: did you say that the sUN IS A FUCKING PLANET-
Avar: Without you Stellan, we’re just two idiots
Elzar: You make us a family, Stellan.
Stellan: Well, I’m like the cool rebel sibling of course.
Elzar: No, you’re the mom.
Avar: Yeah, definitely the mom.
I did this sketch in 5 minutes enjoy

The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 26
Elzar: Hey Ave, do you think I can throw this egg in that jar over there
Avar: No way
Elzar: *chugs egg at Stellans head*
Elzar: you were right
Elzar: C'mon, take one for the team.
Stellan: No, I don’t want to. Let the team fail.
Elzar: …are you still mad that our prank last week ended in a small disaster?
Stellan: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Avar pointing to herself and Elzar: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Avar and Elzar, snuggling beside Stellan: You're the best thing that has ever happened to us. You're our star, the light in our darkest days.
Stellan, jumping awake into a corner: You fucking assholes- I thought I locked the door?!
Avar: The window was open.
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 25
Vernestra: Why are Avar and Stellan sitting with their backs to each other?
Elzar: They had a fight.
Vernestra: Then why are they holding hands?
Elzar: They get sad when they fight.
Avar: here El and I made you a friendship bracelet in craft class, he already wears his and this is mine and if you take yours, we all three have them
Elzar: that way, everyone knows that we three belong together :)))
Stellan: i'm not really a jewellery person
Avar, with a sad face: oh okay well you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to-
Stellan: No, I'm wearing it forever. Back off.
Elzar: *tells a really stupid joke*
Stellan: You're not funny.
Avar: I think he's funny.
Stellan: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on the internet.
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 23
Stellan: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Elzar: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Stellan: Yes!
Avar: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Avar: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Stellan: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or reading if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Elzar: Self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Avar: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Avar: *accidently hits her head*
Stellan, rushing over: I got an ice pack from the freezer.
Elzar, next to him: I helped, are you alright
Avar: Why do you have chocolate on your face?
Elzar: The Ice Pack was under a pie.
Avar: So you ate your way to it?
Elzar: I made a judgment call, Stellan was a coward. You weren’t there.
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 22
Avar, in the middle of the night: Do you think Lava tastes spicy
Stellan: avar. please
Avar: I’m just saying, I would like to try it
Stellan: Please don't eat Lava, Ave
Elzar: You know what, try eating it and let us know how it tastes
Elzar: It’s made of rocks, so it would probably taste dusty and bland, but maybe it’s sweet and spicy and people just say it’s dangerous so that others don’t eat it too
Avar: See Stell, El understands me
Avar: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Elzar: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Stellan: WHY. Why did you give Avar a KNIFE?!
Elzar: I’m sorry. She said she felt unsafe.
Stellan: Now I feel unsafe!
Elzar: I’m sorry.
Elzar: ... would you like a knife?
Some bad guy, negotiating with Stellan: We have Avar Kriss. Give us ten thousand credits and she will be returned to you no more harmed than she already is
Avar: Whoa, whoa, wait, you think I’m only worth ten thousand credits?
Stellan: AVAR STOP
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 21
Avar: the moon looks beautiful, doesn't it?
Elzar, looking at Avar: yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?
Avar and Elzar in unison: [sighs] Stellan
Stellan: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Elzar: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Avar: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Elzar: Avar, why do you have 32 written on your arm?
Avar: I have no idea. Maybe it’s some sort of code, or maybe it’s my age. Do I look 32 to you? Tell me the truth. No, you know what… don’t.
Stellan: Well if we wrote it down, it must be something important.
Avar: Hey we should write down other stuff that seems important so we don’t forget.
Elzar, writing on Avar’s arm: Yeah, okay. Um, well, hats.
Stellan: Hats, obviously.
Elzar: Obviously.
Avar: Okay. Ah, what else? I feel like there was…
Elzar: A number.
Avar: Oh yes! 32. Write that down too.
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 20
Avar: I told Stellan that his ears flush when he lies.
Elzar: Why?
Avar: Look.
Avar: Hey Stellan! Do you love us?
Stellan, covering his ears: No.
Stellan: Do what you want Avar, the least I can do as you’re going to help Elzar with his homework tomorrow is visiting the wine country.
Avar, in a whiny voice: *gasps* No, I want to go too, please!
Elzar: No, Avar, that's just what Stellan calls lying on the ground in the garden drinking chardonnay.
Avar: Oh.
Avar: El I want you to take my to the wine country as payback for me helping you
*the firebrands as younglings after they got lost*
Stellan: Um, Elzar, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family?
Elzar: We need money!
Stellan: You're scamming him?
Elzar: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him?
Stellan: What?! No way! As Jedi we shouldn’t steal-
Elzar: Why not? We already stole Avar!
Avar, who only arrived at the temple a few weeks ago: Hey guys :)
Stellan: No, we didn't. Avar can think and talk for herself, she can do whatever she wants!
Avar: I wanna steal
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 19
Kantam: I dare you-
Stellan: Avar isn’t allowed to take dares.
Kantam: Why not?
Avar, pouting: apparently I am unable to watch out for my own safety.
Kantam: … Elzar-
Stellan: no.
Stellan: We all have our demons
Stellan, grabbing Avar and Elzar: These ones are mine.
*playing Twister*
Kantam: Elzar, Right Hand on red
Elzar: *ends up on top of Avar and super close to Stellans face*
Stellan, blushing: okay, no, you’re doing this on purpose aren’t you
Kantam: I stopped spinning like 15 turns ago, I’m honestly surprise that you didn’t noticed earlier
Avar, blushing, from underneath Elzar: bastard
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 18
Avar: I don’t need to go to bed, I’m not tired, I’ll be fine.
Stellan: yeah, me too, I have to finish this report
Elzar: But my sweethearts, I’ll be so lonely without you. Come here and let me hold you two in my strong arms so I can feel whole again.
Avar: Are you trying to seduce us into healthy sleeping patterns?
Elzar: Is it working?
*over text*
Elzar: hey pretty girl, what are you up to? ;)
Avar: eating cereal in bed
Elzar: and what would you do if I was in bed with you~?
Avar: …I would still eat my cereal?
Elzar: Fine, do you know where Stellan is?
Avar: right next to me, he forced me to stop working and eat something so now he has to eat too
Stellan: El please Help, she’s feeding me that unhealthy colorful cereal that looks like lightsabers
Elzar: OMG fruitsabers! Stay right there I’m on my way, I love that stuff!
Avar: have you ever thought about the fact that you guys holding my hands is like our hands hugging
Stellan: Avar I swear to god
The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 17
Elzar: hey can you call me? I can’t find my comm
Avar: yeah, one sec, let me find my own
Elzar: alright
Avar: i can’t find it, can you call me
Elzar: yeah, one sec
Stellan: *currently in the possession of the one brain cell the three of them share*
Elzar & Avar: *running around and doing something stupid again*
Stellan: seriously, why are you two like this?
Elzar: aww come on! We know that you still love us
Stellan: … where did you get that idea? *jokingly*
Avar: *sniffles*
Stellan: !!!
Avar: *drunk after one shot* you two are so hot
Stellan: uh huh
Avar: and spicy
Elzar, grinning: right, go on
Avar: *wrapping one arm around Stellan and the other around Elzar* extra strong chili paprika doritos
Special Guest
Random Republic Senator: so, how many children do you have?
Yoda: biologically, legally or emotionally? Because a difference there is, hm