it's my drama. appreciate my flaws & learn from my mistakes. it's okay to cry your heart out but don't forget that there's always a second chance. be strong but don't forget to be yourself. you can be wild and carefree but don't forget to be serious at times. oh remember to laugh too! life is amazing and unfair at the same time... deal with it even if it's not the reality that you wanted!
300 posts
I Wanna Fall In Love!
i wanna fall in love!
woah this feeling of wanting to fall in love is making a comeback again!?! *sigh* how i wish it'll be that easy but i guess it is still not the right time for me. God has a better plan for me. oh dear, i prolly stop thinking abt love and listening to any love songs just so i can stay patient while waiting. *tortures self*
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Day117: goodbye, tito cesar...
today, it really hit me that tito's gone. I will never see him again with tita lorie. it is hard to accept his sudden death. it is unfair. no one expected it. i know everyone in the family is hurting especially tita lorie. i wish we are there to be next to tita right now. we just talked to her on the phone. my tita is such a strong woman. but i can feel that she's hurting too. one day, i'll hug her. one day, i'll tell my tita how amazing she is. i hope tito will be happy up in heaven. i know he'll continue looking after us. rest in peace tito. i love you and i will miss you forever...
Day119: i got in the Nursing program!!!
Umpe!!!! This is it! I'm in the program! Are you happy for me, too?? I wish I can personally tell you the good news. I know you're looking down at me right now. Can you see how happy I am?? Umpe, eto na 'to! I promise i'll make you proud. I miss you...
Day69: we're together yet we didn't get a chance to talk...
*sigh* How come i didn't get a chance to talk to you? All day the other day, i was asking you to talk to me. Yet, i still didn't get to talk to you... But i guess i should be contented for i got to see you. Yes, i remember seeing you... from afar though. You were on the other side of the beach. I forgot what you were doing but i remember i was eating some Korean snack. I was gonna invite you to eat with me... But I woke up. Unfortunately, it was just a dream... Umpe, is this your way of telling me everything's gonna be okay?? If this is how you'll do it, please talk to me too. I miss you. I miss you so much that seeing you in my dream last night feels like i got strength from you. Thank you... I love you. Always and forever...
Day 111: i think i had a "nightmare".
I was suddenly awaken by my alarm clock. It was horrible but i was relieved it was just a dream. I'm wondering why did i have to dream like that. I mean is that a sign that something's going to happen soon. Truth is IDK the meaning of it. I'm afraid to know. But in my dream, i was unconcious or more like bothered by something as if lifeless for a couple of days. My mom had to take care of me for days. I saw how worried she was for me. Then, Umpe appeared and kissed my forehead. After that, i think i became better. Mom was relieved that i was getting better but still worried that i'll become lifeless again. It's a weird dream. I remember i was in our balcony in Arrietta too. And water is flowing everywhere as if it'll rise and drown me and someone close to me (i don't remember who it was tho). Then some loved ones came and were comforting us... as if they were saving us. Then my cousin and her husband came. We were arguing how to change the channel in the tv inside our bathroom in the first floor Arrieta. They also became worried that the arguement will make me lifeless again. Then tita Malou came in her pjs talking to me and my mom through the balcony. We were like at the top of our lungs just to hear one another. It was dark already so i assume it's evening at that time. She asked me how i'm feeling. Mom said i'm better and then she told her what happened to me. After that, i was like watching or imagining how seriously bad it was when i was lifeless and mom was worrying... it was like watching itnon replay... Then my alarm clock went off and I woke up... This weird dream scared me...