Sup Travellers, and Welcome to my page, here I will post my drawings and occasional animation tests, artworks, comics, shitpost art, comissions etc, I'm both a SFW and NSFW artist.
147 posts
Icesswolvescats - IcessWolves Creations - Tumblr Blog
these are pictures from before and after the floods. these are 2 days old:

these other pictures are more recent, mostly from yesterday:
Rio Pardo, RS / Eldorado do Sul, RS

Canoas, RS

Porto Alegre, RS

this is a nightmare.
Auf Wiedersehen


"The Rabbit Milf" (Ft. Toxyc Wolfy)
Feast your eyes Freaks. have my milf oc Toxyc Wolfy in a pink color palette and hot bunny suit. lmao.

"The Rabbit Alice" (ft. Alex Roth)
Feast your eyes Freaks. have Alex Roth in a bunny suit because I felt like it.
peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into cheap energy drink to create something im calling battery acid spaghetti will update once ive finished it

I'm going to do it. As Someone who is known and called a Food Criminal by my friends, It's a need to try. (they all think I would be unphased) Here is my detailed Experiment! Catalogs of the experiment: What if a Food Criminal tries battery acid spaghetti Fini Sour strawberry Licorice (couldn't find a good candidate for candy) + white monster smells very sweet. I like the scent. it smells like strawberry candy. Although the surface doesn't look too appealing with the skin and frof forming on the top of the drink. (I've left it sog it up for like a solid 30 mi)
Sip 1: My lower Jaw (all the way on the back) cramped and hurt. (no. it was not because of the drink, it is my usual normal reaction to new flavors. It always happens when I eat something I never had before or hadn't had in so many years. so average reaction)
Sip 2 and 3: actually this doesn't taste too bad. it is sweet, the monster breaks the sourness of the candy and it becomes edible for me. it tastes good. so I'd give this a 7.5/10.
I'm going to drink this unironically now. I'd fucking do it again. but I will put this hazard as "WARNING: CONTAINS TOO MUCH SUGAR. YOU'LL GET EXTREME SUGAR RUSH. AND HAVE IT TOO MUCH, YOU'LL GET SICK". Experiment concluded.
note: I just bit into the licorice. doesn't taste bad.. BUT MAN DOES THE SOGGY TEXTURE RUINS THE EXPERIENCE. THE TEXTURE IS GROSS. UPDATE: I let it not sog for 30 mins but left it happen for about maybe a minute or 50 seconds. the texture is much better. this shit is good.
peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into cheap energy drink to create something im calling battery acid spaghetti will update once ive finished it
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from

Blood On Mirrors
(A 13th Reality Short)
Hello Dear Readers, I hope you like this first attempt on posting one of my short stories.
Warning: Contains Violence and Gore.
It was a soft night, filled with stormy clouds that covered the night sky and extinguished the light of the stars. The New Moon and stars would never shine tonight. This had to be yet the darkest night on September 29th. The wind picked up, and red leaves were gently blown out of the trees, carried away softly in the rumbling and still growling storm.
With a few drops, the rain started to fall, gently trickling and wetting the window glass panels of the house as Clarisse looked out at the rain finally starting to pour down. It was going to be a downpour in a few, of that she was sure.
"Yeesh. Good thing we came earlier and got to enjoy outside while it lasted. Not sure if we'd be up to do anything if we waited until dark," spoke a female voice behind.
Clarisse smiled at her friend's confirmation as she turned and looked at her group of 5 girl friends and her little sister, all about her age and all in high school close to graduating, with the exception of her sister who was still in the 9th grade in middle school. This was going to be a fun night, she thought. She loved autumn.
Clarisse could never ask for more from this season's year than a nice chilly weather with beautiful falling red leaves and a cozy warm house. A time of the year where she could just sit and relax and enjoy the view while drinking her warm chocolate. And what's better than not only enjoying a chilly weather in a warm cozy place than a night with your friends? A Girl's only night, that's for sure.
"Do you think the pizza delivery will make it in time?" Spoke Jannice as she sipped on her glass of cold cola.
"I bet they will arrive all soaking wet for when the storm actually picks up," hyped up Hannah with a giggle as she braided her own long smooth blonde hair.
"Eh, I just hope our pizzas don't get soaked," sighed Ingrid as she just laid there bored. "Man, I wish we could have a bond fire outside. Waiting inside is boring," she commented while trying to readjust her curly brown hair.
Clarisse looked at Ingrid. "Yeah, but with how the wind is picking up outside, we'd not only get wet but also our fire would go out, you doofus. Besides, what are WE supposed to do outside when it is almost pitch black in the backyard?"
"Idk girl, tell stories? Play cards, anything? You know how much I love the outside air," Ingrid scoffed a bit as she turned from lying on her back to lying on her belly.
"Hey, did you guys listen to the new album Mr. Gol'D released?" Piped up Patricia in interruption as she bounced excitedly.
"That guy? You mean that very flamboyant singer," responded Clarisse's little sister, Rebecca, as she sipped on her mug of hot caramel chocolate.
"Yup!! The one and only!" Replied Patricia.
The other girls all looked at each other and expressed their opinions about how they didn't have time to get a good listen to the music but had to guess it could be good.
"Oh my god!! You guys really should give it a try when you get the chance. It's so good!!" Patricia kept talking.
Rebecca, a little annoyed with the rant about this celebrity, "What's the big deal of him anyway? He's just a celebrity. I don't see how you guys even drool over him," she shrugged, unamused.
"What?! Pssh! Are you kidding?! Heeelloooo??? Have you seen how HOT that guy is?! Plus he is an AMAZING SINGER!!!" Ash scoffed in bafflement.
"Yeah.. but unfortunately who cares?" Asked Rebecca.
Clarisse chuckled, "probably your mother-" she joked.
"Hardy har har. Also, Sis, you forgot that WE SHARE THE SAME MOTHER, IDIOT. The yo mama jokes won't even work," Rebecca said snarkily.
Clarisse shut her mouth, her face flushed in embarrassment as her joke backfired really hard.
All the other girls chuckled and got to enjoy chatting about all sorts of things, from games to food opinions, to about school and even about the boys in the class. It Wasn't long until the rain picked up and eventually so did the ding dong sound of the doorbell.
"Oh! That must be our pizza!" Clarisse spoke as she got up, and the girls seemed to get excited by the minute.
She got up and headed to the front door of the house and opened it, debit card in hand.
She immediately was greeted by a young-looking man in a red uniform holding 2 pizza boxes. "Hey, is this Clarisse Mayforth's house? The order's for pepperoni and Hawaiian?" He spoke up.
Clarisse felt her face grow red as she spoke in a slightly smaller voice. "The one and only. Thanks for the delivery," she said as she took the pizza boxes from him and handed out the debit card.
The man quickly swiped the debit card on the machine and handed it to her. "Alright, that will be $56.30. Go ahead and put in the password," he spoke as he tried to shield himself from the rain.
Clarisse gently pressed the buttons and eventually started paying up for the pizza delivery.
"Alright ma'am, have a nice meal," he spoke as he started to head out and take the ride on the now wet motorcycle.
Clarisse waved with a small, dumb smile on her face as she headed back to the other girls with the pizzas.
"Guuuuurl, you're looking awfully blushy there," teased Ingrid as she chuckled.
"So who was it? Was he a cute guy?" Asked Ash with peek interest as all the girls wooed and awed at Clarisse blushing, Rebecca only quickly taking the pizza slice the moment the pizza boxes were settled down.
"H-he was very cute, yeah.. But I forgot to ask his name," she said shamefully.
"Awww, that's too bad," Patricia said. "Maybe next time you ask him," she comforted her friend.
All the other girls nodded in agreement and got to enjoy a nice pizza dinner as they drank and talked together. They chatted and played card and board games for a few hours, but it didn't take long for them to start talking about spooky horror stories and even urban legends.
"Have you guys heard of that one legend of the Lady in the red dress?" Spoke Hannah.
The girls and Clarisse looked at Hannah in curiosity.
"So, rumors say that on full moon nights that are the most misty, you'd hear the gentle sound of a violin accompanied by soft melodic opera singing at exactly midnight. People say that the people who hear her singing will become entranced by her singing and will go after her to join in the duet...only to vanish within the mist." Hannah kept telling the urban legend as she saw how intrigued the girls were. "Stories say that she is the ghost of a singer who once drowned on a misty night, and she is singing, trying to find her loved one, that she left in life and hopes he'd soon come for her and join her in the misty grave," she concluded.
"That's really depressing. Dying a horrible death and wandering around aimlessly trying to find your loved one so he can be with you at last..." Jannice stated. Hannah and Rebecca both nodded.
"Well girls, have you all heard of the bath game?" Asked Patricia as she glanced at the group.
Clarisse perked up. "Wait, isn't this one about summoning a spirit or demon by washing your hair and speaking its name and telling it to rise 3 or 5 times?" She said in a dreadful tone.
Patricia nodded. "I did the bath game!" She confidently claimed.
The girls awed and stared at her. "How was it?!" Asked Ash, oozing with excitement to just know. She wanted all the details; Clarisse couldn't blame her. She was the horror girl for a reason.
"Nothing really happened, except I almost got a heart attack by almost slipping on the dropped soap. Now THAT was scarier, I could've died if I had slammed my head on the edge of the sink." Patricia explained as she visibly shuddered.
"Hah, I knew it! I knew that game was a hoax!" Exclaimed Clarisse, and everyone looked at her with 'seriously?' looks.
"What? Everyone makes such a big deal out of these silly games as if the spirits were real and were going to haunt you. I'm telling you, they are nothing but stupid challenges to scare your scaredy-cat friends..." noticing Jannice's glare, "No offense, Jannice."
"Sigh, none taken," Jannice said as she shook her head.
"Oh, come on, don't be a party pooper! What's a little fun if you just believe them for the time being?" Asked Hannah.
"Ugh, it is silly, I admit, but I can't deny it is fun to see the look on your faces when you think the place is haunted." Clarisse grinned.
"So what? You're not scared of ghosts?" Hannah asked, "Sounds lame," she added.
"To be honest, I'm more scared of serial killers or possible robbers. Genuinely vile people are scarier than ghouls and monsters from legends... after all, they're very much more real than those we talk about to be scared on Halloween nights," Clarisse reasoned, "And besides, I have to be fair, even if ghosts are real, what else can they do to you? Not like they can harm you or anything if they're dead already." She mentioned.
"Yeah, but I've heard stories of demons being able to possess and do some really spooky stuff. Like some real down bad shiii-" Ash quickly trailed as Clarisse glared, "I mean some real down bad nasty things."
Clarisse put away her glare as she had to be the girls' filter when it came to cussing around her little sister. Ash being the sailor mouth of the most made the task more annoying.
"I think I have a game we might be able to play since we're talking about horror ones," commented Ingrid as she looked at her phone. It was about 11:00 hours. it wouldn't be long until midnight.
"Wuzzup?" says Ash, her ears already perking as she grinned excitedly, not wasting the opportunity to jump into the game. Rebecca had perked up from her phone as her curiosity had drawn her to listen closely.
"Why don't you guys try the Bloody Mary Ritual? It'd be a fun scare, especially if the light goes out in the storm and scares the c-r-a-p out of us," Ingrid suggested.
"Huh, now that you mention it, it'd be fun, yes, but isn't there like.. specific requirements for the ritual?" asked Patricia as she sipped on her drink.
Clarisse could only stare at her friends with a 'seriously?' then look at the already starting to get nervous Jannice with a 'can you believe these people?' stare, which Jannice shook her head. Clarisse knew that Jannice was the one who hated horror the most; she would do anything to avoid being involved in any sort of games.
"Yeah, I mean.. there are a lot of versions of the ritual, but I know the one that would match perfectly for this weather," Ash grinned as she got up. "So who's with me!?"
Hannah and Patricia excitedly got up and joined Ash; Rebecca looked at the girls then at her sister and thought, wouldn't hurt to try; the worst could just be a prank. She smiled as she put her phone in her pocket and approached, "I'm in!!" Rebecca affirmed.
"Alright, first step we need is 3 candles and one match. Clarisse and Rebecca, the house is yours so go fetch them, and let's use the master bedroom's bathroom for this, oh and Ingrid? please keep Jannice some company please." Ash guided as the two sisters went to the cabinets and started to pick the candles. Ingrid could only sigh, sad she wouldn't be able to participate and see but shew knew Jannice would not want to be alone.
"Remember, we need one of them to be a big thick candle while two have to be small," Ash instructed as she observed.
Clarisse nodded as she changed to different candles. "Are these good enough?" She asked.
"Perfect!" Ash beamed. "Now let's go!" She led the way to the master's bedroom with the girls behind her.
"Alright, step one ready, done," Ash exclaimed, but upon noticing the confusion on the girls' faces, she coughed her throat and inhaled, "This version of the ritual has to be done at night, more specifically a NEW MOON night and preferably with weather that should cover the stars so it is as dark as possible. Which we already have something like that tonight," she explained.
"Ooohhhhh" reacted the others.
"Alright, step 2, close the blinds in the bedroom; we don't want the storm flashing lights to interrupt. We want this as dark as possible," Ash explained as Hannah moved to close the blinds.
"Step 3, let's fill the bathtub and sink with water. Make sure the drain holes are plugged," Ash instructed as she got into the bathroom, turning on the lights so they could see and started plugging both the sink and bathtub.
Patricia turned on the sink and let it run and fill with water; she started to turn on the faucet too, filling the bathtub with water. "Remember, we want the water hot. So make sure it is the hot one you turned on. We need steam," she instructed excitedly.
Patricia nodded and was making sure the steam was coming from the water. The girls all went through step by step... making sure it was dark, so they closed the master bedroom's door so the rest of the house's light coming from the living room and hallway wouldn't disrupt their game, closing the blinds as well to prevent any light from outside streets or the storm from shining through, leaving only the bathroom with running water to flow and fill the sink completely with cold water and the bathtub halfway with hot steamy water.
"Alright, that's enough. Now light the smaller candles and place them on top of the sink in front of the mirror," Ash instructed as she watched the girls use the matches and light two of the smaller candles and place them in front of the mirror and on top of the sink. "Perfect," beamed Ash.
"Ok, now what?" Asked Rebecca. This isn't what she expected.
Clarisse thought all of these steps were a bit silly for just summoning a ghost in the mirror that wouldn't even show up.
Ash took a small paper and gently slid it on her finger quickly, causing her finger to form a small droplet of blood.
"Whoa, girl, are you sure this is necessary?" Asked Clarisse as Ash started to squeeze her finger so the blood would be big enough to drop off her finger. Once it did, it simply dripped into the almost overflowing sink. "Yup. Just one drop is fine. I'm fully aware it will sting a lot in the early morning," Ash hissed a bit before looking at the mirror and holding the big main candle.
"Alright, last step. We'll turn off the lights and be engulfed in the dark and then turn on the last candle... and the usual thing with the Bloody Mary ritual we all are familiar with. Speak her name 5 times, and we should wait. It should be close to midnight, so we need to do this," Ash spoke as everyone else nodded.
Clarisse turned off the lights and lit up the match, lighting up the last candle which was still being held by Ash.
Ash grinned as the girls all looked at the reflection of themselves in the bathroom mirror. The room and night were as dark as it gets, the only dim light illuminating just enough to prevent them from tripping in the dark were the 3 candles held by the girls, their flames gently flickering and the wax melting softly.
"Bloody Mary," started chanting the girls in unison, their different pitched voices all in sync like a hymn.
"Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary," chanted the girls, repeating the name over and over, Hannah and Ash speaking with bated breaths to the silent suspense.
Clarisse would only roll her eyes occasionally at how very into it her friends and her little sister were.
A crack of thunder growled outside like an angry god before a loud clap of lightning was heard, making the girls all jump before breaking into nervous laughter and teasing each other. Clarisse had to admit that scare really caught her off guard and was pretty good.
They all sighed and inhaled sharply before looking back at the mirror and saying "Bloody Mary."
Then Ash waited for a moment and looked at the clock. Midnight, perfect. Right on time for the last call. She beamed before inhaling and blowing out the 2 candles, snuffing out more of the light except the main one.
"So... what now?" Asked Rebecca, expecting everything to be so silent except for their own breathing, voices, and heartbeats being heard.
Ash grinned as she turned to the girls. "Now we wait for a minute. If she doesn't show up, then oh well, it was fun doing that!" She explained.
All the other girls looked confused, but they sort of just waited... seconds turned to a minute... then a minute turned into 2... then 2 minutes turned into 3...
"Agh, this is boring," said Rebecca. "Well, that was worth the shot. That lightning was definitely unexpected," she expressed as Rebecca used her phone and tried to make her way to the light switch.
Clarisse sighed disappointedly. Just as she was about to get into the mood of things, it all flopped into disappointment.
Ash shrugged as Hannah and Patricia watched the youngest go for the light switch.
Click? Click click click? was the sound of the light switch being moved and clicked around, but no light followed.
"Huh, weird, it won't turn on," Rebecca expressed her confusion.
"Maybe our power went out after that lightning," theorized Clarisse. "Good thing we have an emergency generator to get it back and running when storms like this do that," she said confidently as she headed out of the bathroom, using her phone's light to head to the master's bedroom.
Clarisse walked to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. She started to get more forceful with the door, but it was firmly shut and locked.
"What the? Did any of you girls lock the bedroom door?" Clarisse asked with an annoyed voice. "Because like... really? Locking the door was the best you could come up with for a prank? Pretty tasteless if I have to say so myself."
Rebecca peeked out and looked at her sister. "What are you talking about? You were the one to close the bedroom door," Rebecca replied, confused about what her sister was on about.
"Yeah, and none of us have the key to the bedroom. This is your house, bruh," replied Patricia as she came over and tried her luck with the door, but nothing.
Ash opened her mouth to speak but noticed with each breath she took, a fine mist would gently trail away as if the room had gotten colder and colder and colder... The hairs on her back bristled as her skin became gooseflesh.
"G-guys? Did you notice this room and the bathroom are getting colder?" Ash stammered, not wanting to believe it was really happening. It had to be fear making her experience things.
Clarisse looked at Ash then exhaled to see, only for her eyes to grow wide as she could see the fine mist of hot breath against cold air shine in her phone's light. This can't be real... they have to be pulling her leg with the thermostat, Clarisse reasoned with herself.
All the girls immediately turned silent as the smell of copper and rusted iron filled the air, and the sound of the bathtub's faucet starting to run caused the silence to be broken and pregnant with dread.
"I-I'll turn it off," stammered Hannah as she quickly headed back to the room.
Clarisse nodded as she followed Hannah with her phone's light to illuminate the bath. Ash was not too far behind, still carrying the very much still lit candle.
As the gang went into the bathroom, they found the source of the smell... somehow, the water in the bathtub had turned into a very vivid and deep scarlet, almost an even deeper maroon... of blood. And the faucet? Blood flowed out like a river, gently filling the tub even more with blood. The girls gasped, and Hannah immediately ran out as the pungent smell of blood was staggering in the air.
Hannah could only gag as the smell of blood overwhelmed her nose, which hated the scent of gore. She felt like she was ready to puke.
Clarisse quickly leaned in and turned off the faucet, her hands trembling as her breath shook, trying to recover herself only to catch something on the corner of her eye and instantly turning around and shining her light. If her skin couldn't get any paler and her eyes wider... she never imagined that this would be the thing that proved that it could get worse.
The bathroom mirror was pitch black and did not give much visible reflection of Clarisse and her friend Ash. Instead, it looked like an endless pitch dark sky with a few twinkling shines that looked like faded stars... Aside from that, what flowed out from the black mirror was a deep viscous crimson red liquid that flowed out from the mirror as if the mirror was leaking the liquid itself.
It flowed and stained the tiles and sink and even the water in the sink. The mirror bled, and it wouldn't stop.
Clarisse held her breath as she couldn't believe her eyes, and yet she couldn't deny the reality as Ash gasped in shock at the mirror and stood back.
"M-Mary actually is here," Ash muttered, her voice barely being a whisper. She took a few steps back, not wanting to be in the bathroom anymore and just wanting to get out of there.
Clarisse started to see the image of a pale figure emerge from the black mirror, covered in hair as black as night and the head wearing a big full crown made out of thorny branches... Blood gently flowed out and dripped from the wet soaked hair and stained the flawless pale skin... as if it had come out from swimming in blood... the hair simply covering its eyes and barely leaving any visibility to see one's true face.
Clarisse screamed the moment the figure started to push itself out of the mirror, the mirror having tension break and ripple as if it were merely made out of water or any thick liquid... its crowned head gently pushing out of the mirror and its very long and soaked, wet in blood hair flopping out, as it slowly but surely started to crawl out of the mirror, like a clumsy and living corpse.
Clarisse bolted out of the bathroom and started to bang on the door, screaming heavily in an attempt to get the attention of Ingrid or maybe Jannice to help them get out of the room. Rebecca actually started to tear up as she saw her big sister panicking worse than a little kid scared of the boogeyman.
Hannah backed to the door and tried to help Clarisse open it. To no avail, it wouldn't give in.
Ash was frozen as her hand trembled and her tears flowed out as the candle gave just enough light for her eyes to spot a bit of movement coming from the bathroom.
Patricia was hugging Rebecca as well, feeling frozen like a deer before headlights.
All girls quietly whimpered as they went silent once they heard a pained moaning sound... all 5 girls in the room dreaded at the sound of the 6th unwanted visitor.
Mary's voice was like that of an injured animal, pained and lonely and laced with nearing death. Mary moaned and whimpered and silently let her small cries that sounded like a lull, a hymn of death. It limped its way out of the bathroom, with its hip moving as if the hip bone was dislocated. The very long black hair stained in deep maroon crimson blood dragged on the floor behind like a cape soaking wet from the rain.
Two of the girls started to scream in panic at the sight of Bloody Mary herself, while three of them just froze, unable to get their flight or fight response.
Mary had a beautiful flawless pale white skin that was unnatural, almost porcelain-like, her long shaggy yet slick and smooth wet black hair draped back but had two long thick strands that covered her inhuman busty chest, leaving streaks of blood staining her flawless features that would remove her from being human. She almost looked like a mannequin due to the lack of features that would make skin or natural flaws, not even a belly button was seen from her naked glistening body that shined a bit under the pale light of the lit candle.
Mary slowly lifted her head and revealed her plump lips that spread apart forming a wide shy smile... the smile was unnaturally wide, filled with very sharp needle-like teeth that also glinted in the dim light, the hair still covering most of the eyes.
Mary limped towards the girls in an unnatural movement as her moaning and whimpering and crying kept echoing despite her mouth forming a mockery of a smile.
Hannah decided right there and then she'd not die here, and proceeded to run across the room, straight to the window, quickly opening it and self-defenestrating in hopes to get away from that thing.
"No!!!" screamed Clarisse as she held out her hand to Hannah, unable to stop her friend in time... the sounds of the howling winds outside flapping the curtains and pouring down rain could only mask so much the heavy thud and the faint crack outside.
Mary was now mere centimeters away from Ash, Rebecca, and Patricia as she hissed and blew out the candle.
Everything went completely dark except for the few flashing lights of lightning outside. The first to scream bloody murder was Ash as she struggled. The second to scream was Patricia who fought tooth and nail to get Mary off of her, but alas... Mary's inhuman screeches filled the room as then both Clarisse and Rebecca screamed and were quickly silenced... The night went on quietly. Meanwhile.. Ingrid and Jannice both looked at each other once they heard a loud thud and a crash followed by glass shattering coming from the backyard, and weird noises coming from the master's bedroom upstairs. Ingrid thought the girls were pranking Clarisse, but to hear glass breaking while she is here keeping the scared one company, now that was a real concern.
Ingrid nodded to her friend Jannice, as both paused the movie that they barely started, and got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen then to the back door of the house, turning on the lights as they did so. The rain was quite heavy but nothing like turning on the porch's light would do.
Both girls froze looking at the window as they saw Hannah's body laying completely still as her spine was bent awkwardly on the frame of the glass table that once rested outside now remaining shattered and its glass shards piercing her skin in different places.
Jannice quickly went outside to the porch, screaming Hannah's name trying to get any sign of life, but nothing would do and the freezing rain was now soaking her sleepwear and skin.
"I-I'm calling for help!" spoke out loud Ingrid as she rushed to the phone and started to dial 911.
Jannice only looked at her still motionless friend and looked up at the window to where she jumped from. Hannah never came across as someone who would jump a window for no reason, unless... oh god. Jannice feared the worst and quickly hurried back inside the house, and speed-walked her way to the stairs, as she left wet footprints onto the floor as she was still wet from the rain.
Upon ascending the stairs... Jannice would find the master's bedroom door open but the lights out, and a heavy scent of blood coming out from there. She whimpered as she quietly muttered "I-Ingrid..?"
Ingrid was busy talking to the telephone her voice still being heard "Please come as fast as possible and bring an ambulance!!! Our friends really need help right now" she barked at the phone.
"Of course ma'am, we'll be here in 8 minutes. Stay right where you areEEEK!" the telephone distorted the sound as the voice was cut off and Ingrid peeled her head away and noticed the telephone leaking blood from inside. She gasped but then heard her friend Jannice speak out "I-Ingrid..?"
Ingrid turned to look at the guest bathroom in which Jannice was calling out, but it was so dark she couldn't make out the silhouette of her friend. "J-Jannice?" asked Ingrid as her flesh turned to goosebumps.
"I-Ingrid..?" The voice spoke out in the exact same tone as the smell of rusted iron reached in and hit Ingrid's nostrils.
"Agh!! What is that smell?!?" She covered her nose and gagged at the stench.
Then suddenly, someone from behind her grabbed her arm causing Ingrid to jump and yelp as she turned around she saw Jannice who didn't even come from the bathroom holding her hand "w-we need to get out of here now," Jannice spoke as she was as pale as snow and her colors drained from fear, tears also trickled down her cheeks as her mouth quivered.
"J-Jannice what is going on?" Ingrid asked.
"I-idk but.. we have to wait outside. I-i'm not looking back in the room again." Jannice urged as she pulled her friend along.
Ingrid couldn't tell what Jannice was on about but judging by her voice, something serious was going on. Both went outside at the porch and stood there in the heavy rain, too scared to go back inside.
Ingrid couldn't stop but to think, if Jannice came from the living room.. then... who was it that was in the Guest Restroom closest to her in the kitchen?
It wasn't long till Police arrived with an ambulance and started to get into the house. Both Jannice and Ingrid were rescued and sent to their homes.
On the morning of September 30th, the news flashed across the town.
"Good Morning People of Dakota. We're here with sad news that Police was called at 01:30 AM to the call of help on Elm Street where they discovered 3 bodies of 3 young teenager girls who are identified as Hannah Baker, Patricia Miller, and Ash Pines. Both Patricia and Ash were found with their bodies disemboweled and hearts missing, while Hannah had died on impact after jumping out of the window. The two Daughters of the owners of the house, Clarisse Mayforth and Rebecca Mayforth, are both missing. The last time they've been seen was going upstairs to the master's bedroom of the house about to play the game "Bloody Mary". Police are dumbfounded at the amount of blood found in the bathroom, coating everywhere from the cracked mirror and bathtub to tiles and sink. And also dragging across floor. Results says that the Blood belongs to none of the girls but to a Jane Doe. If you see both girls, please contact with our number, (67 8933-4523), or contact our local police through 911."
this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Me!! Fauxbiadragon!
Finally made a ref so I can be a little more consistent when drawing the mecreature!
Design originally by @mothcrumbs, my dragon friend who drew me as one of their species! I instantaneously imprinted on the design and it is genuinely the most accurate representation of myself I've seen so far. You must understand that I am just a silly creature... a little guy, even
This deserves a lot more attention.

Gods in the Land of the Old Faith

i remember when made that 3d animated Skull years ago.. it Still not perish and see it reposted a Lot.. will skull Ever perish?

Claudia Bueno is an artist born in Venezuela, now based in the USA, whose light art installations will tease and tantalise all your senses. Bueno works with circuits and motors to create ethereal installations which play with light, sound and touch, creating immersive art which is psychedelic and magical in nature.

Anyway here’s wonder wall-
Yeah this started as little doodles and got away from me. Right now I’m at 5 pages, idk how long it’s gonna get cause I’ve lost control. I think comics are fun and I got lost in the sauce doing backgrounds cause it’s so relaxing.
I’ve got such bad brain rot, if only I put this much time into my original comic lmao.
For now there is no violence but it’s gonna get bloody later fyi.
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"Screams of Silence" (ft. The Ventriloquist)
is this scary enough?
sometimes i forget people don't open multiple tabs and just have a few.....

....this is how many i have on a chill day....
Hot hot hot hot chocolate


The Milt Kahl Head Swaggle (Source: Cartoon Brew)

hey check this out. *puts him in the fucking microwave*

"Cynder's Halloween" (Ft. Cynder and Fox Leafs)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! HAVE GOOD SPOOKY NIGHT!! come to my youtube channel to give support and give it a watch on my timelapse video I make of this piece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLdwK0q2zX0&t=1s

Serpentina (The Crystal Gazer)
Class: Mercy Category: Nester
A female 13th Reality Critter whose thick scales seem to be made out of metal, clanking and creating a quiet rattle as she moves. Serpentina though not as strong as many, she has a really strong defense, with the scales hard and sharp spikes like an thorny armor that pierces anyone who gets too close and tries to get a quick bite out of her. Living in the remains of the old ruins, she roams and hoards the very shiny things she sees, mostly anything shiny and green, like emeralds. Serpentina though living small territory and usually choosing to flee rather to attack whatever comes across her, she is not to be taken lightly, she is known for the method of crushing the lungs of her victims. It is known that She Predicts 5 to 15 minutes in the future, and can scry (spy on others in the distance) with the Pearl she carries around.
Serpentina has Never left 13th Reality once. Always stood where she will always be, in her humble territory in the Ruins.
Advice: She can scry upon you anywhere you are, and predict once your next move in the 15 min future through her Pearl. You can trade a service of hers to find someone lost or tell what will happen next. She is not dangerous when Left alone.

Wrath (The Berserker)
Class: Hunter Category: Ex Conquer.
This Critter, as his name suggests, he is the Sin of Wrath. Wrath is a very short creature being about 4'7ft ( 1.40m). But don't let Wrath's size fool you, This Creature is one of, if not, the most rabid thing you'll ever meet. Easy to Piss him off with any slight of provocation, He will tear you apart and will burn your town to the ground til' nothing but ashes are left. His Fury is unyielding and he rarely won't choose violence for an answer to everything. As an Ex Conquer no one knows what happened, but rumors says that he Lost to someone and had to give up his entire territory to someone else. What Could've made the Warlord even give up and submit to defeat?
Wrath's wildfire and even aftermath of rage has been spotted in: Russia, France, Germany, U.S, Australia, Amazon Forest, Iran, Japan, Korea, Greece, Egypt, Africa, Spain.
Advice: If you spot him, remain calm, keep low profile and stay out of his way. Do NOT, under no circumstances shall you provoke him.

1 person (Anthro/Human) vs 3 Lupus chicks.
this took long but worth it. The Ocs in this drawing are: IcessWolves, Toxyc Wolfy and Sapphire Harley.
You are but a mere tiny Prey in their eyes, no matter how tall you are, they will keep towering over you, like wolves before a helpless lamb. But what could they be thinking? food? breeding? or mere curiosity? who knows

"The Wheat Field"
I used some new brushes and had a lot of fun to practice and messing around with them. ^^

"The Winter Land"
I used some new brushes and had a lot of fun to practice and messing around with them on this one as well!