Female Characters - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I love you hated female characters. I love you female characters who are flawed. I love you female characters who mess up and try to do the right thing after. I love you female characters who get the undeserved vitriol from fans. I love you female characters who fans completely condemn because of one mistake they made. I love you female characters who fans completely condemn because of one mistake they made as a child. I love you female characters who people blame for ripping apart their ships instead of the larger forces that be. I love you female characters who get all the hate as the male characters who do worse in canon get absolutely none. I love you female characters who get hated on because they told a man “no.”

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10 years ago
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters
Reasons To Love In The Flesh: Well-written Female Characters

reasons to love in the flesh: well-written female characters



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1 year ago
WOMEN TROPES: The “girly character | #booktube #writing #womencharacters #shorts
WOMEN TROPES: “Girly” charactersIf characters knew they were in a story#womentropes #womencharacters #menwritingwomen #womenwrittenbywomen #

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7 months ago

Short Take

Both men and women write each other terribly. We already know that there are a lot of male writers who are overall great but suck at writing their female characters (there's a whole subreddit called "MenWritingWomen"). On the polar opposite we have a lot of books written by women in which the male characters are depicted as unrealistic 2D caricatures, and the essential traits that excuses all of their actions or even define them are a six pack and 12 inches.

The main problem is that both genders have the tendency of viewing each other in a very unidimemsional, surface-level way. I remember a common joke on the Internet which was basically something like: "If you want a complex female character then write her in the same way you would write a male character and then give her tiddies." This statement was obiviously adressed to men, and the implication of it is that one tends to view the opposite gender as a rare species instead of a normal human being.

I also observed how similar problems can appear when a straight author tries to create a gay character, a white author tries to create a non-white character etc.

And I have an idea; I don't consider that it would magically resolve everything, but it would be a progress. When you create a character, start by building their background story, personality, goals, character-development etc. Then for the aspects that should be considered irrelevant or minor parts of someone's identity (gender, sexuality, race etc.) you simply draw lots. In this way you can create someone that is ment to represent the human experience in general. Anyone could relate and find themselves in that character.

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11 months ago

Please rant to me about your favorite female comic characters. Whether i know them or not. Whether I talk about them 24/7 or not. I want to see people rant about them. Info dump stuff to me. I wanna see the passion that fans have for the female comic characters.

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4 years ago


Every month of this year I will post a picture with female AC character. This series is called "Girls in pastel". For February I have Hope Jensen with pastel blue background.

(lady for January didn't turn out as well as I expected)

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4 years ago
Series "Girls In Pastel" Continues. For March, There Is Ziio With Pastel Orange Background.
Series "Girls In Pastel" Continues. For March, There Is Ziio With Pastel Orange Background.

Series "Girls in pastel" continues. For March, there is Ziio with pastel orange background.

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3 years ago

April is just around the corner and Layla (with pastel viridian background) is next from the series "Girls in pastel".

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3 years ago
Quite Early To Post Her, But I Was Bored...
Quite Early To Post Her, But I Was Bored...

Quite early to post her, but i was bored...

This is Lucrezia Borgia (with pastel Crimson red background) and she is the "Girl in pastel" for May.

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3 years ago
I Am Back, With The Girl In Pastel For June Starring Anne Bonnywith Pastel Cadmium Red Background.
I Am Back, With The Girl In Pastel For June Starring Anne Bonnywith Pastel Cadmium Red Background.

I am back, with the Girl in pastel for June starring 🌸Anne Bonny🌸with pastel cadmium red background.

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3 years ago
Throigne De Mricourt With Pastel Dark Green Background Is September's Girl In Pastel.
Throigne De Mricourt With Pastel Dark Green Background Is September's Girl In Pastel.

Théroigne de Méricourt with pastel dark green background is September's Girl in pastel.

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3 years ago
A Bit Late With "Girl In Pastel" For October- Kassandra With Pastel Orange/red Background.
A Bit Late With "Girl In Pastel" For October- Kassandra With Pastel Orange/red Background.

A bit late with "Girl in pastel" for October- Kassandra with pastel orange/red background.

(Click for better resolution 😉)

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3 years ago
Eivor On The Pastel Turquoise Background Is The Cherry On Top Of This Year Of "Girls In Pastel".
Eivor On The Pastel Turquoise Background Is The Cherry On Top Of This Year Of "Girls In Pastel".

Eivor on the pastel turquoise background is the cherry on top of this year of "Girls in pastel".

(Click for better resolution 😉)

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My least favorite habit of certain (usually female) fans is when they try to find a “woke” reason to dislike a major female character.  See for example, the argument that Yennefer of Vengerberg is “there primarily for the male gaze”.

Yennefer of Vengerberg is a woman whose storyline was placed front and center from the second episode and given parallel importance with the titular male character.

Yennefer is a character who is fearless, powerful, ambitious and selfish in equal measures, all of which are traits we rarely see in female characters period, and the narrative (and the lead male character) treat these traits generally as ones to be celebrated rather than decried.

Yennefer is a character who is given so much story beyond her relationship to the male character that when she has a moment where she has to think back to all of the painful and infuriating things that have been said to her, he never crosses her mind.

Yennefer is a character who owns her sexuality both before and after her transformation and her relationship with the lead male character is primarily on her own terms.  (And the part that isn’t on her terms: the wish, is something that she gets rightfully angry about.  And at no point does the narrative try to say that she made the wrong decision there.)

Yennefer is a character who is dressed according to female power fantasies.  Her gowns are wildly designed, with crazy arches and sleeves, and they look fabulous but also very much in line with what a woman would choose as opposed to a man.  And while sometimes she is nude, it’s always plot relevant and not presented in an objectifying or dehumanizing way.  

Yennefer is a woman of color in a leading role in a fantasy drama that is both helmed and penned by women.  (The original books are written by a man, sure, but the teleplay was written by a woman.  The showrunner is a woman.)

Yennefer is not going to resonate with every single woman watching the show, sure.  But she resonates with quite a lot of them.  And she’s crafted with exactly the same “gaze” as every other character in the series.  (Including the male ones who are miraculously free of this ridiculous complaint).

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11 months ago

It's so exhausting to see a strong female character that is just exactly the same as 50 other strong female characters, just let her have flaws

this has been discussed before but reducing female characters to the girlboss braincell holder in the name of combating misogyny in fandom is ironically also a form of misogyny

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6 months ago

Why is it that every single time a character is scared of blood it's a girl? Or when its the girl that mentions she doesn't know how to clean blood? What do people think happens every month?

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