Midoriya: Can You Please Be Serious For Five Minutes?Kaminari: My Record Is Four, But I Think I Can Do
Midoriya: Can you please be serious for five minutes? Kaminari: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
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More Posts from Icethewolf20025
I was so screwed. I didn't know that the witch's spell would take effect that quickly. I just needed a place to spend the night, and somehow I wandered into the worst possible place. The dragon had looked at me impassively as I pleaded for a safe place to rest, but I swear there was panic in her eyes as I fell. When I woke up a woman about my age was staring at me. I screamed and passed out again. The next time I woke up she was still there.
"Done passing out yet? I hope so. Here, drink this." I sniffed the bowl of water she gave me before downing it. "Slow down! If you puke you're cleaning it up." I scowled at her and slowed down. "Who are you anyway?" I reached into my pockets and grabbed my board and chalk
I flipped it to show her. Oddly enough it was my name, the one my parents chose for me.
Who are you? And what happened to that dragon?
She smiled at me "Hi, Moss, I'm Denise, you stumbled into my cave."
Sorry this is a day late!
Ineffable inktober day 24-kiss
"Awwww just a little smooch for your best friend on his birthday. Please?" Adam put on his best pair of puppy dog eyes. Warlock rolled his eyes.
"What makes you think I would do that?" Adam looked legitimately sad for a moment and Warlock panicked. He sighed and walled up behind his roommate. A quick kiss was planted on Adam's cheek.
"Happy birthday!" Adam put his hand on his cheek and went after Warlock. He wanted more kisses.
Crowley: I'm so tough, I'm on alert even when there's no danger! Aziraphale: Crowley, that's PTSD.
She wasn't a werewolf exactly. I mean, she said she was, and she does transform on a full moon. I'm a witch, and all the other werewolves I've interacted with have been intimidating. Large when they were transformed, and rather gruff otherwise. Closed off, like they were trying not to hurt anyone. Merripen was different. She was super sweet, but the other werewolves didn't know what to make of her. So much so that about a week ago they had just dropped her off on my doorstep. I had startled when I heard the knock. It was after my shop's hours the sign was flipped to closed. hurried to open the door. A werewolf stood, in human form, in front of me.
"Hello? We're closed." I said
"I'm very sorry about this" He said, "I've heard you were dating Merripen. We have her in a carrier here. She's just so much all the time. Please, take her." He dropped a large cat carrier and ran away.
I kind of understand why they gave her to me. She acts more like a puppy than a big scary werewolf. She begs the butcher for scraps and play wrestles with the alley cats. She's always up for cuddles and has an IQ of a dust bunny
"Hey, heyheyheyhey wanna play! brought horne a new friend!" I looked up to see my girlfriend holding a raccoon. The raccoon looked perfectly happy to be held. I tried to hide my smile.
"Merripen, just cause it's friend-shaped doesn't mean it's a friend." I didn't have to look at her to know she was pouting knew that later I would be putting out a food dish for the raccoon, but for now, I would just hope that she would see reason and put the poor thing outside. smiled and shook my head. "I love you, but put it outside." She smiled.
"I love you too!"
Ineffable Inktober day 4- Apple
Adam and Dog ran among the trees like when they were young. He reached up and picked an apple from a tree. He smiled down at it before turning around and running back home. His husband was there, and soon his whole family would be there. He smiled and took a bite of the apple. Dog barked and ran ahead. Adam looked up to see Warlock standing there. Adam smiled and ran after Dog. It was Friday, which meant family dinners. Adam couldn't wait to see everyone!