ilovefanfics2019 - Multi-fandoms

My name is Joy, 21 years old, 📍🇬🇧. bubbly, fun and I like to cheer people up. This page is a safe space. Fun fact: I'm weirdly obsessed over lemon meringue pie

30 posts

Her Own Path

Her own path

Part 6: Class 1A. Younger? A plan.

Warning: Mention of Eri's bad dream/vision, de-ageing of a character, mention of pain, mention of cuts and bruises, Shigaraki being a bad father, some fluff, three caring villains, mention of Dadzawa, mumrogiri, soft Toga, soft Dabi, Shindenki implied, Tododeku implied and KiriBakugo implied.

Characters: Shigara, All For One, Kurogiri, Toga, Dabi, Shinsou, Aizawa, Present Mic, Eri, Mirio, Class 1A and Y/n

Description: Class 1A find out about Eri's dream/vision, something bad happens to Y/n and three caring villains come up with a plan to help Y/n.

Sorry I haven't updated a lot but I've been in and out of hospital with a family member so I haven't had chance to write but hopefully I will be able to update regularly. Please don't hesitate to comment or message me with any ideas you may have that I could use in upcoming chapters. Please enjoy🥰

Third person pov

The next day the sun shone through the windows of everyone wake them up so they could start a brand new day. People going about their daily business, heros going to the agency to get ready for patrols and the birds chirping sweet tunes.

The erasermic family woke up ready and excited to start the day well only two of them showed it, the other two looked sleepy as ever but don't get me wrong they were excited they just didn't show it. They set of to UA ready help get the festival ready to start. They weren't the only ones to arrive at UA early the other teachers also arrived early to help set up the festival. The erasermic family set of to the dorms to check on the students.

The eraser mic family arrived at the class 1A dorm and could hear muffled sounds from the other side.

"It looks like their awake and ready for the day" muttered Shinsou. Aizawa knocked on the door and the muffling seemed to quieten down and shuffling towards the door could be heard. The door opens to reveal Midoriya who looked as happy as always and behind him all of class 1A and Mirio sitting in the common room who looking like they were talking about how excited they were about the festival. The erasermic family walked in followed by Midoriya who closed the door behind them.

"Morning Everyone" Mic shouted which startled all of the students include Midoriya who was making his way over to one of the sofas. The student all replied with their own versions of morning to the loud teacher.

"Good morning students we are here to drop Eri off whilst we help the other teachers set up for the festival, so make sure you don't hurt her or lose her or eles" Aizawa informed his class with a glare which made the class nod their heads with most of them having a look of fear of their faces. Mic managed to drag his husband before he scared the kids to death whilst saying a goodbye to both Eri and Shinsou before leaving them with class 1A.

Shinsou pov

After the door closed Denki rushed over to me engulfing me into hug and giving me a kiss which I tensed up at before slowly returning the affections.

"Hi everyone" cheered Eri which a huge smile which seemed to make everyone including Bakugo melt. Everyone returned the greeting in their own way.

"So how are you doing this morning my lovely boyfriend" Denki whisper to me in my ear whilst still clinging on to me.

"In fine" I replied quietly.

"So Eri are you excited for the festival" Mina beamed with a close eyed smile.

"Yes" Eri replied just as cheerily as Mina whilst me and Denki sat down on the couch. Then everyone started to talk in the own little groups Midoriya and his boyfriend Todoroki with Mirio, Bakugo and his boyfried Kirishima, the girls with Eri and the boys talking with me and Denki, well Denki was talking I just imputed now and then. We then were all startled by the girls shouting at me.

"Shinsou you never told us you were getting another little sister" all the girls cried out. Everyone all turned to me with a look of shock across the faces.

"W-what" I stuttered confused.

"Eri told us that you were" Uraraka exclaimed excitedly. Eri looked towards me with a smile her eyes filled with happiness.

"Umm Eri why don't you go to your room you have here and pick out a nice dress for the festival and I'll come and help you in a minute okay?" I asked Eri.

"Sure" she cried out before making her way out of the common room giggling as I turned back towards everyone.

"So what Eri said is not exactly true" I addressed to the group before me.

"What do you mean by that?" Kirishima questioned me with a confused look.

"Well last night at dinner Eri was spacing out, thinking about something that was on her mind and obviously me and my dads asked her if she if she was okay and what was wrong but her replied made us worried a bit because, becaus-" I stated before trailing off at the end.

"Becasue of what?" Denki exclaimed leaning in closer to me with everyone waiting to see what I would say.

"Becasue she said she has this weird dream that she thought that might be a real vision" I exclaimed with worry lacing my tone.

"W-what sort of vision?" Midoriya stuttered. All of them looked at me again with their eyes begging me to continue. I sighed before telling them what Eri told me and my dads last night.

"Wow that's a weird dream to have sounds more like a nightmare" Sero pointed out.

"I know, me and my dads still don't know what that is about and don't tell anyone else about this I'm trusting you guys because you mean a lot to Eri" I stated.

"Of course we won't we all adore Eri" Uraraka cheered whilst all of the other nodded in agreement.

"Also last night before I went to sleep I hear my dads and Eri talking. Eri made wish on a shooting star which she wants to come true and shocked my dads to the core" I exclaimed the class leaned in waiting for me to continue.

"She wished for a sister a little bit older than her but younger then me" I declared.

"So what did your dads say" asked Denki with excitement.

"Well when they left Eri's room and went to theirs I heard them talking about it. Mic seemed happy about having another but Aizawa on the other hand not so much but still consider it, they both seemed to agree to talk about it more at a later date" I stated before finishing with a sigh.

"I hope they do I think it would be super manly for Eri to have a sister to play with" kirishima yelled which everyone agreed with.

"Well I better go and help Eri" I blurted before waking out of the common room to go and help Eri leaving the class and Mirio to their own devices.

Third pov

Class 1A and Mirio sat there is in thought before going to their own dorms to get ready.

~Meanwhile at the league of villains base~

Y/n woke up to Kurogiri shaking her up to get ready and telling her that Shigaraki wanted to see her after breakfast. After breakfast Y/n made her way to see Shigaraki.

~With Shigaraki~

All For One and Shigaraki were talking to one another about the plan they had for today.

"I'm a bit worried about the plan today" All For One stated.

"Whys that" asked Shigaraki confused.

"I'm worried that Y/n might do something to ruin the plan" All For One sighed which Shigaraki nodded his head to agree with.

"So how are we going to prevent that?" Shigaraki asked.

"Well I have an idea, you see children are much more easy to control and manipulate when their very young" exclaimed All For One.

"But Y/n is young" remark Shigaraki.

"Yes she is but not young another to control and manipulate if she refuses to cooperate which we have already seen with our own eyes" All For One informed Shigaraki.

"What can we do? It's not like we can make her younger?" Shigaraki questioned with a confused look.

"Ahh but we can" proclaimed All For One

"How?" Shigaraki asked confused.

"With one of the quirks I have. It's called de-ageing" All For One declared whilst Shigaraki gave him a confused look.

"Let me explain. This quirk allows me to de-age my victims with one touch. I decide what age I want them to be de-age to and once I do its irverable meaning no one can reverse the victims back to their actual age. The victim still have the same memories and mind of the actual age they once were, they are also still able to grow up" All For One explained.

"So your going to use it to de-age Y/n so that it's easier to control and manipulate her?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yes. Today the day were the symbol of peace has his last breath" crackled All For One which Shigaraki also did. They both then were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" command Shigaraki.

Y/n pov

After hearing Shigaraki command I walked in, the door closing with a bang behind me. I stood in front of All For One and Shigaraki waiting to see what they wanted to talk to me about.

"So as you know today is the day that we put the plan into action" All For One informed which I just nodded my head yes to.

"But there is a problem we have come across" stated All For One turning to face me.

"That problem is to do with you my dear daughter" exclaimed Shigaraki also turning to face me.

I'm a problem what do they mean by that?

I kept think of different things that could mean, I was worried but did show that to them I just kept up my blank dull state.

"You see my dear you could easily do things that we don't want you to do" exclaimed All For One, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You see in order to make sure this plan is a success you need to be younger in order for us to control you more easily" proclaimed Shigaraki.

"And to do that I need to use my de-ageing quirk on you on my dear" declared All For One before explain to me what the quirk was. After he was done explain I was shaking with fear. Shigaraki stood behind me holding by my neck with his pinky finger not touching me whist All For One stalked towards me slowly. Once he was in front of me his hand slowly reach towards my head whilst he started to speak again.

"Don't worry my dear it won't hurt ... not that much anyway" he chuckled before touching my head with his hand.

As soon as he touch my head pain started to flow all through my body. Shigaraki let go of my neck which made me crumple to the the floor. My body felt like is was getting squashed. I could feel my bones shrinking, I could hear ringing in my ears and I felt like I was on fire. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that it would help with the pain but it didn't. After about what felt like a hour of pain even though it was a minute the pain suddenly stopped. My body felt different from what I could tell. I definitely felt like i was small. I opened my eyes to see All For One and Shigaraki looking down at me, Shigaraki had a wicked smile on his face.

"It worked" Shigaraki chuckled evily whilst I struggle to my feet, it took me a few seconds but I managed to stand steadily on my feet. I then notice that I had indeed shrunk as I was much more shorted than before as I used to be up to Shigaraki upper half but now I was half way up to his legs.

Third pov

All For One put his hand on Y/n back and pushed her towards a mirror. She could now see how much she changed. Her face looked younger than before with still the same cuts and bruises as before, but they looked bigger now due to her face being a bit smaller. Her arm and legs were shorter and also liked her face had the same cuts and bruises but bigger. Her hair was still the same colour but now was longer in length as in now almost touched the floor. The girl now instead of being 11 years old was now a 4 year old. All For One and Shigaraki was please with the result as they now thought it would be easier to control and manipulate her.

Oh how wrong they are.

After Y/n transformation Shigaraki lead the girl back to her room before then going to get Kurogiri and explain the situation to him. After Shigaraki turn around and left, a very shocked and worried Kurogiri rushed to Y/n room only to be met with a now 4 year old version of the form 11 year old. Kurogiri hugged the young girl and kept muttering 'sorry' over and over again as he could believe the All For One would go this far and that Shigaraki would let this happen to his own flesh and blood. Toga and Dabi can to the room after eavesdropping on All For One and Shigaraki earlier. The three caring villains managed to find some clothes to put on her new small form but they were baggy with the t-shirt looking like a dress on her and the short sort of fitting her due to Toga managing to pin them up. After Dabi and Toga left Kurogiri checked the younger girl cuts and bruises over, the cut on her back looked much more bigger than before now the girl was smaller.

After leaving the small girl in her room Kurogiri, Toga and Dabi met up were they started to plan a way to help the girl get away. They end up coming up with a somewhat sort of a plan. Toga and Dabi packed a backpack with all the girls things that she had in her room that she owned. Toga gave the backpack to Kurogiri who put in a file that had all information about Y/n which included her background. He then let it hang in one of his warp gates ready for the plan. The three villains all joined the other villains in the main area where Shigaraki was also was waiting with Y/n by his side. He then commanded Kurogiri to use his warp gates which they all walked through ready for the fight ahead with all different thoughts in their heads.

Shigaraki thinks about finally ending the symbol of peace. The other villains thinking about how they can't wait to fight some heros. Kurogiri, Toga and Dabi hopping that Y/n will choose the right choice in order for their plan to work. Y/n thinking about what to do. Everyone hopping the fight will be over as soon as is starts especial Y/n who doesn't want to fight.

But little does Y/n know her fight is just beginning.

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More Posts from Ilovefanfics2019

3 years ago
Intoducing The Babysitter Squad Group Chat:

Intoducing the Babysitter squad group chat:

Intoducing The Babysitter Squad Group Chat:
Intoducing The Babysitter Squad Group Chat:
Intoducing The Babysitter Squad Group Chat:

Fun facts:

They all decided to name the group chat that after realising how much they have to watch their partners who act like grown up kids most of the time.

The Chaos squad were hyping Y/n up so their partners had to wrangle and separate them in order to calm them down.

Kiyoomi and Asahi told their partners to promise Y/n thats after scolding them harshly for eating food that doesn't belong to them.

Everyone in the Babysitter squad is scared of Y/n when she's angry even if they don't show it all except Daichi.

Yes they all lived together in a mansion, but don't ask how they manage to afford it🤫

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4 years ago

Her own path

Part 3: The plan and scars

Warnings: Some angst. Mention of attacks and killing.Bad flashback. Mention of injuries. Mention of cuts and bruises. Mention of a knife. Mention of scars. Some fluff between mum Kurogiri and reader.

Characters: Shigaraki, All For One, Mum Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga and mention of the rest of the league.

Description: The league disscuss the plan, mum Kurogiri comforts the reader and the reader has a flashback.

Also: Y/n = your name and f/c =favourite colour.

Side notes: By the way this story is set after Eri is rescued. So I know All For One is ment to be in prison but he got out of prison somehow (shhh is for the story).

I hope you enjoy this one and ask me if you like to be tagged for the next ones 🥰

Kurogiri was almost to his room when a certain black hair male with purple scars stopped him in his tracks.

"What do you want Dabi" Kurogiri sighed out, he was tired and want to go to bed.

"Boss needs all of us for a meeting" grunted out Dabi who was fed up with having to tell everyone in the league the same message, lucky Kurogiri was the last one he had to tell. They both made their way to the meeting room where the others were waiting.

"Now that everyone is here we can discuss the plan for defeating All might" Shigaraki announced turning towards All For One.

"The plan is simple so there is no way for you idiot to mess it up" said All For One make sure to emphasize on the words 'mess it up' to make sure they understood that they were not to mess up this plan like all of the other plans they have messed up.

All For One then gave a signal to Shigaraki to explain the plan to the others. "In two days time UA will be hosting a festival for all students and staff to celebrate their so called achievement they have had so far". Shigaraki paused to make sure they that the were all listening. He then continued on.

"But during the festival the brats of 1A will be at the stadium helping to set up a stage and fireworks for a show later on in the evening. This is when we attack them" Shigaraki explained but then was interrupted by Toga.

"Why are we attack them? Aren't we ment to be attack All Might to get rid of him?" Asked Toga with a confused look on her face.

"Use that useless brain of yours and think" Dabi sighed whilst hitting Toga on the back of her head.

"All Might will be blending in and socialising with the other teacher, if we attack the 1A kids especially the broccoli head boy then All Might will show up to help save them like he normally does" explained Dabi.

"And that's when we attack him" exclaimed Toga.

"No you guys will be distracting the brats of 1A by attacking them" declared Shigaraki.

"Then what will you be doing" demanded Toga. Shigaraki let out a evil chuckle whilst lowering his head.

"Me my dear band of idiots will be keeping an eye of the one who will attack and defeat All Might for good" Shigaraki then paused before raising his head to meet all of the other eyes in the room that were watching him.

"My dear daughter ... Y/n" he shouted making Y/n's name echo around the room. The room was silent after the echo disappeared untill a voice broke that silence.

"What happens if she doesn't want to do it?" Kurogiri mumbled out. Shigaraki turned to face his companion.

"She has no choice it is her destiny after all" insisted Shigaraki before contine on.

"And if she refuses then ... she will die" declared Shigaraki whilst looking at his hands.

"Just like her mother" he deeply chuckled making everyone in the room feel uneasy.

The next morning Kurogiri went to check on Y/n and to bring the young girl some breakfast. He knocked on the door gently before opening only to see the young girl still asleep. He chuckled quietly as he closed the door gently behind him before setting the girls breakfast on her desk. He then made his way to her to shake her awake gently.

Y/n's pov

I was awoken from my slumber when I felt someone gently shaking me. I slowly sat up whilst opening and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Once my the sleep from my eyes was gone I saw Kurogiri in front of me, his eyes looking at me softly.

"Morning sleepyhead" chuckle Kurogiri.

"Morning" I yawned out. He chuckled as he helped me out of my sheets that I became tangled in during the night, due to me tossing and turning through the night with nightmares. I went to the bathroom to relive myself and to get dressed whilst Kurogiri made my bed. After returning from the bathroom dressed in a f/c vest top, grey/black shorts and fluffy white warm socks I sat down at my desk to eat my breakfast. Whilst eating Kurogiri checked the gash on my back and gave it a clean bandage.

"I wasn't sure if you were still in pain but I brought you some more painkillers to take if you are" Kurogiri told me whilst handing me some water. I gladly accept the water and took some painkillers as I was still in a bit of pain. After thanking Kurogiri and finishing my breakfast I threw on a creamy coloured cardigan which Toga had giving me one day and sat down on my bed with Kurogiri.

"So I just wanted to tell you the plan will be happening in two days so Shigaraki and All For One won't be training you, as they want you to rest so you will be at your best on the day" Kurogiri explained after telling me the plan. 'Well that nice of them. Not!' I thought. Then I just signed as Kurogiri started to brush and style my hair for the day.

"Why me? Why can't he just do himself" I questioned, sighing Kurogiri replied with.

"I don't know sweetie you really do deserve better than this" he said sadly. We both fell silent whilst Kurogiri countined brushing my hair. After Kurogiri styled my hair into two plats I turned to face him with tears starting to escape out from the corners of my eyes, before launching myself at him into a hugging position. Kurogiri stroked my hair and back in a comforting way, whilst I buried my head in the shoulder of his outfit bursting out into a full on crying session. Kurogiri keep comforting me and whispering soothing and caring words to me.

After a while of Kurogiri comforting me I finally calmed down. He left to take the dirty dishes away after asking me if I was okay with him leaving which I gave him permission to. After a moment of silence I went to the bathroom to clean my face up. After drying my face I looked into my bathroom mirror to examine myself.

I started by examing my legs which were exposed due to me wearing shorts. The cuts on them that were made yesterday were now healed over and will soon start to fade away to join the past cuts that once too littered my legs. The bruises were still visible but they will too soon fade away. My arms that are covered by the sleeves of the cardigan that I know have cuts and bruises similar to my legs, will have the same faith as the cuts and bruises on my legs. The bruise on the right side of my torso however will take a while to fade. The cuts on my face have already started to fade leaving no trace behind. The gash that I know is on my back however will leave behind a scar that will add to the memory of why I should not disobey my father, just like another scar I have. This scar is on my face that runs across my nose and serves as a terrifying remind never to use my Decay quirk on a certain person. Let me explain.


One day when I was 6, Shigaraki and All For One was trying to train me to use my Decay quirk. Keyword 'trying' as I was refusing to use it. Anyway after they kept trying to get me to use it, I start to get very frustrated and annoyed so I did use it but not on the fake dummy that I was ment to use it on. No no I used it on the person that was annoying me the most. Can you guess who it was? No not All For One although I was think of doing that. But no the person I used it on. Was my so called devil of a father. Tomura Shigaraki. Lucky for him I only Decay apart of his hair but he was still furious. He grab a very sharp knife and he slashed it across my nose creating a large cut. I was terrified after that and he made me promise not to use on him again which I never did. Overtime it healed but left a scar remind me of that promise.

End of flashback

After looking at myself in the bathroom I exited and sat down at my desk and started to draw and imagine what my life would be like if I ever left the league. I internally chuckle whilst think 'that would never happen' as I would never have the courage to run away from Shigaraki.

Third person pov

Little does the young girl know that after a special discovery she makes and a plan in two days time will change her life forever.

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4 years ago

*Covid-19 has entered the chat*

Covid-19: Fear me humans, no mortals shall defeat me!

*Levi aka the god of cleaning has entered the chat*

Levi: I can bitch!

Covid-19: You cannot defeat me teeny-tiny shorty mortal!


*Levi whips out all his cleaning supply*

Covid-19: Shit!

*Covid-19 has left the chat to go hide*

Levi: You wuss come back here and fight me!

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3 years ago
Intoducing We Are Ham & :

Intoducing We are ham & 🧀:

Intoducing We Are Ham & :
Intoducing We Are Ham & :
Intoducing We Are Ham & :
Intoducing We Are Ham & :
Intoducing We Are Ham & :
Intoducing We Are Ham & :

Fun facts:

Y/n named this chat from We are family to We are ham & 🧀 after listening to ice age 4 end song on repeat.

Even though Y/n and her father annoy the hell out of each other, they love each other very much.

Old coach Ukai loves to hype up his granddaughter when she mess with her dad.

Coach Nekomata loves Y/n like his own granddaughter even though they are not really related.

Yachi is in the family group chat for a reason. Also the same reasoning why her last name is Ukai and why her name in the chats are Sisters by choice🥺💕 which will be explained in the backstory chapter.

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4 years ago

The main character from attack on titans enter our universe through a portal it is March 2020.

Hange: I can wait to explore this universe.

Erwin: It seems there are no titans in this universe.

Everyone except Levi, Hange and Erwin: Yeah relaxation time.

Levi: Nope there are still germs present we must clean before we relax.

Eren: But Levi titans are more deadly than germs you need to relax.

Hange: Look at this magic square box that producing pictures it said something about breaking news.

Erwin: Ooo let's listen to this news maybe it will assure Levi we are safe.

Levi: (glares at Erwin)

The magic square box: (talks about the coronavirus and the deaths)

Levi: (looks at everyone) Told you germ were the deadliest thing to humanity.

Everyone apart from Levi, Hange and Erwin: I think we rather go back to killing titans.

Erwin and Hange: Agree.

Everyone except Levi: (scrambles back through the portal)

Levi: Now they believe me and when we get back to HQ I am going to make them clean HQ untill they drop to the floor (as he casually walks through the portal)