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After All This Time

After All This Time

After All This Time

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Febuwhump Prompt - Presumed Dead

Prompt - “I truly believe soulmates will always end up together. You lose each other to just find each other again...that's how you know someone's meant for you.”

You ran into the first building you came across after running through the woods for what felt like hours, slamming the door shut as your breath came out in pants and your sides burnt. It should have been a simple run, your group was running low on food and medical supplies so you and Daryl offered to go and scavenge whatever you could find, something you’d done a hundred times together at this point, always without major incident.

Today, however, something had gone wrong. Everything happened too fast for you to keep track of, one second Daryl’s hand was in yours, dragging you away from the door that opened to let out a flood of walkers and then the next the two of you had been separated, you screaming his name as you took down walker after walker before they overwhelmed you and you had to get out of there.

It seemed the noise had attracted other walkers who came out of the woods and they just seemed to keep appearing as you were forced further and further away from Daryl, getting completely disoriented and having no clue as to which way was home.

From there days passed as you tried to find your way back, becoming hungry and dehydrated as you desperately tried to get home but the woods were too large, too confusing and you weren’t nearly as good with finding your way around them as Daryl was, wishing you’d paid attention as your boyfriend insisted to teach you basic survival skills.

As more days went by you couldn’t stop your thoughts screaming that you had lost Daryl, you’d never see him again. You hated the sinking feeling in your stomach as you began to believe them, hating that you were giving up so easily and shook your head, desperately forcing those thoughts away, trying desperately not to focus on them.

I’m going to find him.

But then a week passed and another week and you found yourself still alone, no sign of any life as you passed through the woods, stopping at every building you passed to grab supplies to keep you going even though you were barely standing, sleep not coming easily as you dreams were plagued with Daryl who was usual the most comforting presence in your life, now the dreams turned your blood cold.

You entered another building, wincing as you put too much pressure against your injured ankle that you had twisted a day or two ago fleeing walkers. A noise from the distance had you pausing and tilting your head in an attempt to hear better but you didn’t hear it again. Still you raised your knife, ready to attack as you walked further into the building, rounding the corner and jumping, knife already moving as you came face to face with a tall man.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, I’m not here to hurt you.” The man said, grabbing your wrist to stop the knife plunging into him but his grip wasn’t tight and you were able to pull yourself away taking a step back from him and keeping your knife between the two of you.

“You look like shit.” He told you, smiling softly at you as to lessen the bluntness of his words. He couldn’t help but smile wider at the glare he received. “You alone?” He asked and you hesitated before you answered his question.

“Yes.” You told him, watching as he winced at how dry your throat sounded.

The man rummaged through a bag and pulled out a fresh bottle of water, reaching over slowly to hold it out to you, making sure you could see his every move. You hesitated again but the need for water was unbearable, you’d gotten too used to the luxury of food and water at your camp and now that you were alone…

“Thank you.” You said softly, unscrewing the lid and downing half the bottle in just a few sips, missing how the man looked at you, clearly intrigued by you.

“How long have you been on your own?” He asked, taking a seat on one of the chairs and kicking one out for you, watching as you looked from him to it before sitting on the edge of it, looking ready to flee any second.

“A few weeks.” He raised his eyebrows at you questioningly but didn’t ask as he saw you push back tears.

“I’m sorry to hear it.” He told you, sounding sincere. “I have a place, not too far from here, it’s safe, we’ve got plenty of food and water, a warm bed. I’d be more than happy to show you.” He smiled at you as he watched you eyed him with suspicion and raised his hands non threateningly towards you. “No strings attached, you leave when you want, I promise.”

You continued to observe him for a few more moments, the man letting you, saying nothing as the silence stretched between you before you finally nodded. You had no idea which way was home right now and it wouldn’t hurt to have somewhere safe to turn to as you continued to search for Daryl.

“Great,” The man exclaimed, a wide, friendly smile spread across his face as he held a hand out towards you. “I’m Negan.”

Months passed without you seeing a single sign of Daryl and you grew worse and worse as each day passed.

Negan had made good on his promise, allowing you to come to and from the Sanctuary, offering you access to the vehicles he had stored away and eventually the two of you drifted closer to one another. Eventually Negan began riding along with you each took turns driving miles out in hopes of finding something.

“So what is it about this guy, huh?” Negan asked you one day as he drove towards the newest location you’d found, feeling your hope lessen with every trip.

“I love him.” You told Negan simply because there was nothing else to it, that was the beginning and the end of it.

“Yeah but c’mon, Y/N/N, the way you talk about this guy, you knew him before the world went to shit right? What was it, high school sweethearts?” He guessed, recalling the fond way you spoke about him, the way a person would speak about somebody they’d known for years, when they felt they knew everything about each other. He also remembered the soft look that appeared on your face whenever you spoke about him and how heartbroken you’d looked the one and only time Negan gently brought up the idea that he could be dead.

“No,” You told him with a soft laugh, shaking your head as you spoke, “No, we met not too long after everything happened. He saved my life and brought me back to the group. It took a while but he finally warmed up to me and we’ve been together ever since.”

Silence filled the car after that as Negan realised just how much Daryl meant to you, realised good things could happen at the end of the world but it was with a heavy heart the two of you left the next location empty handed, no closer to finding Daryl than you'd had been before.

“I liked it better when it was just the three of us,” You groaned as you collapsed onto the sofa Negan occupied, Simon sitting in the arm chair laughing at your comment. It had taken years to build up the Sanctuary but now it stood tall and strong and Negan was always ready to defend your home.

You’d spent the whole day running back and forth as a new group tried to fight against you. Negan had finally had enough and now you were helping prepare for action, though you wouldn’t actually be allowed to join as Negan had requested you stay at the Sanctuary.

You were glad of the request though because as much as you hated that another group was challenging yours, you also weren’t the biggest fan of watching Negan assert his dominance. After bringing you with him twice Negan had decided against bringing you along to any more recruitments.

“You good here?” He asked as he stood outside the RV, smiling back at you as you smiled brightly up at him.

“Of course.” You told him and leaned into his touch as he cupped your cheek.

“Attagirl,” He grinned, patting your cheek and making his way in the RV and you watched them leave before heading back inside, still plenty of work to be done in Negan’s absence.

Negan liked this group of people, they had balls and that meant he got to show them who was in charge. He took great delight in watching Rick’s face as he forced one of his men into the van.

“I like him,” Negan said into Rick’s ear, loving the way his jaw clenched as realisation set in that he was no longer in charge, “He’s mine now.” He grinned before speaking louder so everybody could hear him. “If one more person thinks they can ignore my rules, I’m going to start cutting pieces off…” Negan paused, tilting his head towards Simon. “Hell’s his name?” He could feel the anger from the group and it only made it smirk, now you know who’s in charge.

“Daryl.” Simon told him and Negan paused for a second, raising an eyebrow at Simon who just shrugged back at him.

Hell no, Negan thought to himself, there was no way in hell this was your Daryl. It had been years since you were separated from your group but you still searched for him, Negan knew you missed him everyday, despite the fact that more years had passed than you had had with the man.

There was no way this Daryl was your Daryl, your Daryl was a man long since passed, nothing but a memory, alive only in your head.

“I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your doorstep or better yet I’ll bring him to you and have you do it for me.” He forced himself to speak as he glanced to Simon once more, the other man's thoughts echoing Negan’s.

He was going to be in the shit house if these people were your old group, if he had just taken your Daryl as a hostage.

You heard the sound of vehicles rolling up outside the Sanctuary and made your way onto the balcony, watching as Negan’s people flooded through the doors, smiling as you saw the man himself before it turned into a grimace as you looked at the bloody bat in his hand.

You made your way down the stairs, catching Negan’s eyes immediately and he looked almost guilty, it was a look you couldn’t ever recall seeing on the man's face and stepped closer to him, not speaking until you were in arms reach.

“What happened?” You asked him softly, watching as he lifted a hand towards the open door before the world around you seemed to freeze.

You watched as Dwight and Simon held a struggling Daryl between them, his eyes not looking away from his captors as you stared at him. You felt Negan catch you as your legs turned to jelly, your eyes instantly filled with tears as a hand came up to try and suppress the sobs that escaped you but you couldn’t, not even noticing when people watched you as your sobs echoed throughout the room.

You watched as Daryl paused in Dwight and Simon’s hold, watched as his head whipped around to the sound of crying before he too lost his footing, Simon easily catching him and holding him up.

You swallowed against the lump in your throat as your mouth opened and closed a few times, not quite knowing what to say.

“Y/N,” Daryl breathed your name and it was like the world began moving again as you ran across the room and crashed into his arms, Daryl caught you easily as Simon let go of him.

You wrapped your arms around Daryl’s torso as he wrapped his own around you, the two of you a sobbing mess as you realised this was real and not some terrible dream that would leave you cold and empty.

“I thought you were dead.” He whispered into your hair, “I looked for ya, never stopped lookin’.”

“Me too,” You told him, nodding against his chest, “People told me you were probably dead but I know you.”

“Can’t believe I found you after all this time.” He whispered, pulling back far enough so that he could look down at you, pressing your foreheads together as he watched you smile at him shakily. “The hell you doin’ with this bastard?”

“He saved me,” You sniffed, hand reaching up to cup his cheek, brushing tears away only for them to be replaced a second later. Disbelief ran through you because somehow, somehow, you had managed to find him despite the years apart, despite the odds being against you, you were here in Daryl’s arms. “When we got- that day, I couldn’t find you and they just kept coming. I was on my own for weeks when Negan found me and offered me a place to stay, offered to help me find you.”

“I don’t care ‘bout him right now,” Daryl told you cupping your cheek and leaning down to brush your lips together, “so glad to see you again,” He whispered, leaning back in a placing another soft, barely there kiss upon your lips and you smiled before pulling him down properly and slotting your lips together.

Even after years apart the two of you moved with each other like you hadn’t missed a single day. The kiss was familiar and new, it was breathtaking and hungry, desperately trying to convey all the words that could not be said and make up for all the time missed.

The two of you pulled away, panting for breath and Daryl wiped a tear that slid down your face causing you to laugh softly.

“I never stopped looking for you.” He repeated again, this time more urgently because he needed, he needed, you to know that. He needed you to know that not a day went by he didn’t think about you, didn’t mourn you.

“I never stopped looking for you either.” You told him, your tone softer than he had spoken but your eyes shone with so much honestly that Daryl couldn’t resist leaning down and capturing your lips against his.

He’d deal with Negan later, deal with what you being a part of their group meant, he’d deal with all that later. Right now his only focus was you, beautiful, amazing, alive you and nothing, not even Negan and his bloody bat could drag him away from you.

“Shit, I missed you so damn much,” He murmured against your lips, loving that he could feel you smile against his own and knew he would never let you go again, his girl was back from the dead and he did not intend to waste his second chance.


Daryl Dixon Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @lovinnholland, @canadailluminate , @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @classyunknownlover, @cole22ann, @levisbloodcut, @alexxavicry, @mystic-writings, @lizamango, @urbestgrrl, @morganaah, @kaitieskidmore1, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, Black-Cat-Hardy @fangirl-who-dreams, @fangirl-and-her-fantasies, @mrslizzyolsen, @lolmxria, @ladykxxx08

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What Are Neighbours For?


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Prompt - requested -  62 -  “I know we’ve never talked before but there is a friggin' huge spider in my apartment. Can you kill it for me?”

You hadn’t lived in your apartment for long, a few weeks at most, but you only needed a day or two to realise that this wasn’t the type of neighbourhood were you introduced yourself to your neighbours, it was more the kind of neighbourhood were you kept your fingers on the nozzle of the small can of pepper spray attached to your keys and made sure you were in before the sun set.

Though you hadn’t actually seen your neighbours, the walls were thin enough that you could hear the one to the left of you leave his apartment at 10pm every night on the dot and return at 5am the next morning, you knew he lived alone but could be heard shouting abuse through the phone that rang almost constantly.

Then there was the neighbour across from you, from him you could hear the dog and you couldn’t help but smile when the owner took it for a walk every day at 6am and 6pm, always hearing the happy barks and nails against the floor. You had also heard what sounded like guns being assembled and clicked into place when you walked past sometimes and the one time you had listened a little too closely you could have sworn you heard police radios.

So coming to the conclusion that this definitely was not the type of place where you introduced yourself and made nice with your neighbours was an easy one and one that you were very much regretting right now as you stood still in your living room, eyes locked on the spider that had claimed a spot on your closed bedroom door.

Why was this the only place in New York City within your budget? Why couldn’t you live somewhere nice, with neighbours that wanted to get to know you and wouldn’t mind you calling over for a favour?

No, instead you were in a shady part of town in an apartment complex that was definitely filled with criminals and cursing every decision you had ever made that had led you to standing where you were.

You’d been frozen in your living room for much longer than you’d care to admit with your eyes tracking the spiders every move, granted it hadn’t actually moved more than a few times since you’d entered your apartment but still, that wasn’t the point.

The point was you were trapped in your living room when all you wanted was to collapse onto the most uncomfortable mattress in the world and go to sleep but you knew that wasn’t happening any time soon. You knew you’d never be able to deal with the damn thing on your own and there was really no other choice than to ask for help least you stand there all night because the thought of taking your eyes off the thing…damn spiders.

You knew it was well after ten by now so the neighbour to the left of you would be out doing whatever the hell he did night after night, something that you were sure you didn’t want to know about. So that left you with the neighbour who you’d heard piecing guns together on more than one occasion and honestly you were starting to think you felt safer with the spider rather than knocking on his door.

If it wasn’t for the tiredness running through you, you might have just stood there all night but you knew you had another busy day tomorrow and you’d already lost enough sleep so you took a deep breath and turned away, praying the spider would just stay where it was and opened your door, staring ahead at the closed door opposite you.

It took a few moments for your feet to work but you managed to walk the few steps from your door to his. Standing so close you expected to hear the sounds of guns being assembled or the man's dog but there was nothing but silence and that was so much worse than the man not being home.

Hoping like hell that wasn’t the case you lifted a slightly shaky fist and knocked on the door.

Relief ran through your entire body as you heard the sound of the door being unlocked and opened a second later before you paused as you stared at the man in front of you because holy-

He was quite possibly the most attractive man you’d seen, even with the fresh cut along his forehead and the one on his lip. Despite the freshness of it the man had no trouble smiling at you once he’d looked behind you towards the empty hallway before settling his gaze on you.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” He asked and you just about melted there, fighting against a blush that came with his words before you remembered the reason you were standing at his door to begin with.

“I really hope so.” You told him, biting your lip and watching as he raised an eyebrow at you. “I know we’ve never talked before but there is a friggin' huge spider in my apartment. Can you kill it for me?”

The man in front of you continued to stare at you for a long moment before his smile widened into a full grin and he let out a chuckle causing you to relax slightly, trying desperately to memorise the sound of it.

“You want me to kill a spider?” He laughed and you couldn’t help but smile sheepishly whilst nodding at him. “Sure thing, lead the way.”

“Thank you so much.” You said and he couldn’t help it as his grin softened into a smile again, looking over at you and denying the affection he felt in his chest as he followed you over to your apartment, watching as your eyes widened as you stared at a closed door.

“It was right there.” You whispered, looking wildly around the walls of your apartment as you tried to find the missing spider.

Frank could see the panic that had suddenly spread across your features as he watched you look around. He knew that he should be getting ready to head out for the night, knew that the latest gang was up to something and he intended to stop it but there was something about you and he knew full well that he wasn’t leaving until he’d killed that damn spider.

“You really don’t like ‘em, huh?” Frank asked and you couldn’t stop the shaky laugh that escaped you as you turned to face him and shook your head.

“It’s stupid I know but I’m terrified of them.” You admitted though you didn’t need to, you knew that much was obvious.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find it.” The man promised as he looked around the room.

The two of you stood in silence for a long moment before you turned to look at him. He really was stunning, even with the cuts on his face that told you what you already knew, this man was definitely trouble. The sound of guns, the coming and going at all hours, the cuts, he was clearly a dangerous man and yet here he was in a strangers apartment helping them out because you were scared.

“I’m Y/N by the way.” You said, causing him to look over at you with a smile and damn if it wasn’t a charming smile that made him look beautiful.

“I’m Frank,” He told you, “you just moved in, right?”

“Oh, um, yeah, yeah a few weeks ago.” You answered, eyes darting around the room as you spoke causing him to grin as he leaned against the back of the sofa.

“Nobody’s causing you any trouble?” He asked, causing you to look at him questioningly but he didn’t say anything else, just raised an eyebrow at you.

“Nobody in the building.” You answered honestly because it was the truth, though you knew what kind of people lived in the apartment building none of them had so much as glanced at you if you crossed paths.

The men two blocks down that you had to pass to get home however were a different story.

“Someone else causing you trouble?” Frank asked, fingers already itching to grab the gun in his waistband and go pay whoever was bothering you a little visit and there was no way he was thinking about why he felt so protective over you right now. Instead he watched as you glanced away from him for a moment, watched how you let your eyes scan the walls of your apartment again before you looked back at him with a shake of your head.

“Nobody’s causing trouble.” You eventually said but you’d had one too many close encounters with them to believe it. Sure they hadn’t actually done anything but you weren’t stupid, you’d seen the guns they had, the few times you hadn’t been quick enough had you seeing them a whole lot closer as certain members of the group came over to you, trying to invite you to join them.

It was those times you clutched your pepper spray tighter and hoped like hell you’d live to see your shitty apartment again.

“You sure about that?” Frank asked, causing you to look away from him, “If someone’s bothering you, you can tell me.”

“There’s a group of guys that hang out two blocks down, they’re always sat on the stairs to an apartment building.” You told him after a few moments of silence when Frank thought he was going to have to try and convince you to tell him. You watched as he crossed his arms over his chest and his eyebrows knitted together.

“Two blocks down?” He asked, watching as you looked at him questioningly but nodded to his question. “You’ve seen them?”

“Yeah, why do you know them?” You asked him, another reminder of the fact this guy was probably not somebody you should have willingly invited into your apartment.

Speaking of which…where the hell was that damn spider?

“Something like that,” Frank murmured as he watched you look away from him again and he let his own eyes flicker around the apartment but his thoughts were elsewhere now, picturing all the ways you could have got hurt, all the things he knew this gang did and they were so close to you.

“One of ‘em have a tattoo on his neck, some ugly black smudge?” He asked, hoping you’d say no but knowing damn well coincidences didn’t happen.

“Yeah actually he does.” You said as you turned back to face him, looking at him with something Frank couldn’t quite place. “You know them, don’t you?” You asked again and Frank let out a sigh causing your eyes to widen.

Frank knew better than to ask you if they had ever tried anything with you because he knew the answer. If they had you wouldn’t be here right now and that sent a wave of anger through him, a wave of anger he couldn’t explain because you were a complete stranger.

Except for the fact that you were beautiful and you had knocked on his door despite knowing the reputation of the residents in this building to ask him for help with a spider. He wasn’t a fool he knew someone like you would never go for someone like him but that didn’t stop the feeling of affection that ran through him, it didn’t stop him from trying to memorise your features even though he knew it was stupid.

“Don’t worry about it.” He told you softly and watched as your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

“Are you going to do something?” You asked but you didn’t need the softly murmured yes or the nod of Frank’s head to give you an answer you already knew that he would from the second you mentioned it.

It was like being dunked in freezing cold water all of a sudden because it was one thing knowing the man was probably dangerous but it was another for him to show it so freely, like he wasn’t ashamed, like he wasn’t going to do something bad.

“You asked me if I knew them? I do, they’re traffickers. Been looking for them for weeks and all this time they’ve been two damn blocks away.” Frank told you with a shake of his head causing you to look at him questioningly.

“Why not go to the police?” You asked him softly but deep down you knew the answer, you knew the police and you knew that there would be no justice there.

“They won’t do a damn thing and even if they got ‘em, they’d be back out in a few months going back to their ways.” Frank told you, voice soft and calm and you nodded along with his words causing him to raise an eyebrow at you because you were taking this really well.

“So what, it’s on you to punish the-” Here you cut yourself off as your eyes widened at the sudden realisation and Frank stared back at you, waiting to see your reaction as he realised you’d figured out exactly who he was.

As he stared at you his eyes looked past you when he saw movement and he grabbed a takeout menu from the side table before moving from his position against the back of the sofa. As he stepped closer to you he watched as your eyes widened and you took a step back, a step closer to the spider and he had to fight back a smile as he stood in front of you.

You barely suppressed a flinch at the sudden thump to the side of your head but then followed Frank’s arm to see the take out menu pressed to the wall and let your eyes close as you realised just how close you were to the spider and without meaning to let your head fall against his shoulder.

Frank looked down at you with a soft smile that spread across his face, the feeling of affection he had felt earlier seemed to grow so much that it spread through his entire body and as he scrunched the menu up he couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his free arm around your waist, his hand coming up to rub your back.

“Thank you.” You murmured before pulling back, feeling the heat from your cheeks and cursing yourself as Frank’s smile seemed to grow, something he thought was impossible.

“What are neighbours for?” He grinned, causing you to laugh as you looked up at him, his hand still on your back.

The two of you stared at each other for what seemed like forever before an alarm sounded from Frank’s phone causing the two of you to startle and pull away from each other as he fumbled to pull his phone out and shut the alarm off one handedly.

“Can you please get rid of that?” You grimaced as you looked at the crumpled menu in his hand that held the dead spider.

“I got it.” He grinned and made his way over towards the door, you following after him and leaning against the door frame, calling his name before he got to his own door.

“Yeah?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

“They’re bad guys.” You said, watching as he stared at you for a moment before he nodded, leaning into his apartment and throwing the menu down before stepping closer to you.

“Yeah, they are.” He agreed, waiting to see where you were going with this and it took a few moments before you spoke again but Frank was more than happy to take you in as he waited for whatever you had to say.

“Be careful please.” Well, that really wasn’t what he was expecting, not even remotely close actually but he couldn’t help the soft smile that made its way onto his face, nor the way his entire being was screaming at him to do something, to try something, to not mess this up.

“Promise.” He said, smiling wider as you laughed softly whilst nodding. “I should probably-” He began, making a gesture back to his apartment and through the open door you could see the guns that seemed to litter the surfaces.

That sight alone should have been enough to shut you up, everything you had learnt tonight should have scared you into silence and yet you found yourself speaking because this man wasn’t dangerous to you. He was a man who had dropped what he was doing to help you and he was a man who was going to make sure nobody else got hurt by those men.

“Do you want to have dinner tomorrow?” You asked abruptly, cutting him off.

You had thought that once the words were out of your mouth then you’d regret it but instead you felt a bubble of excitement that only grew as Frank’s eyes widened and a soft pink flush spread across his cheeks as he nodded.

“Dinner would be nice.” He finally managed to say, disbelieving of the fact that you had asked him out.

How the hell did someone like you see anything good in someone like him? And it wasn’t like you didn’t know him, hell you’d spent half an hour with him and realised he was the damn Punisher and still you asked him out.

He would not screw this up.

“See you tomorrow then.” You told him with a smile that threatened to break out into a grin at any moment.

“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said, hesitating for a moment before his head dipped down and his lips connected with your cheek, a soft brush before he was pulling away and heading into his apartment.

You closed your own apartment door, smiling into the spider free space as you let your head rest against the door thinking about the world of trouble that would probably come from this decision. You had just asked a man you knew was dangerous out on a date and found you didn’t have it in you to regret it, besides it wouldn’t hurt to have the Punisher around to kill any future spiders.


Frank Castle Taglist (Link in bio, add yourself!) -

@call-me-a-fool​, @urbestgrrl​, @sylvies4ever​, @lucyysthings​, @freeshavocadoooo​, @writeroutoftime, @loki-laufeysons-wife​, @am-wd-ma​, @srhxpci​, @mrslizzyolsen​, @shatteredlovesick​, @ack3rlevi​

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It was rare that you used the spare key Matt had given you all those months ago, in fact you could count the number of times you’d had to use it on one hand and all of them had to do with your boyfriend’s secret identity. It was the same reason as to why you were using after countless calls gone unanswered and news sources reported that Daredevil had been seen attempting to rescue children from a human trafficking ring but it had turned nasty leaving no survivors.

Your blood turned cold as you listened to the news and you called Matt more times than you could count before sighing and shoving your shoes on, making your way over to his apartment.

You were quiet as you entered the apartment, not wanting to wake him up if he had managed to fall asleep. You’d watched him over the last few days, watched as his movements became sluggish and it took a few calls of his name before his attentioned settled onto whoever was trying to talk to him.

As you stepped further into the apartment you frowned as you stayed the Daredevil suit discarded on the floor, obviously ripped off hastily like Matt couldn’t stand to be in it a second longer than he had to be. You walked over to it, picking it up and noticed the blood staining certain parts of it before you lay it over the back of the couch and listened.

You heard the sound of the shower running but under it you heard something else, something that sounded like…Matt was crying.

Your eyes widened as you walked over to stand in the doorway of the bathroom, the door had been left open slightly and you listened to the cries became louder frowning to yourself as you decided whether Matt would want you here or not but decided to throw caution to the wind as you walked further into the room.

You could see Matt’s head resting against the wall as water ran down his body, mixing with blood to turn the water red. His whole body looked tense as you used his arms to prop himself up against the wall and you could just about see tremors running through them, causing his shoulder blades to twitch.

Your frown turned into a sad smile as you slipped out of your shoes before you pulled your clothes off, not wanting to get them wet and knowing that afterwards you could slip into one of Matt’s shirts. It was a testament to just how tired he was when he didn’t acknowledge any of the small sounds you made, startling as your fingers brushed against his shoulder before you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly from behind.

“It’s not your fault.” You told him, the words muffled as they were spoke into his back but clear enough that he heard them, his body something going more tense that it had been before a sobbed brokenly made its way past his lips and you felt your heart ache, hating that you could do nothing but try to hold the man together as he fell a part.

Tears were washed away by the water pouring from the shower head and you didn’t know how long you stood there listening to Matt’s cries. They were the kind of cries that made anybody who heard them want to fall apart, filled with the heavy burden of the weight he carried, the impossible situations he found himself in. They were the kind of cries that went straight to your heart and you wanted to do anything you could to fix the situation, to take it away, take those cries away.

But you couldn’t, all you could do was be there for the man as he broke down, cursing and blaming himself as he ran through scenarios about how things could have been different, how if he made a different move here or there then those children would still be alive.

Matt didn’t consciously turned around but he found himself twisting around and burying his head in your shoulder and you didn’t hesitate as you brought your hand up to run it comfortingly through wet hair, keeping up your steady stream of reassurance, promising that he wasn’t to blame for the events of the night.

Matt listened to your voice letting it wash over him and soothe him without registering the words you were saying, he knew you were wrong, he could see every scenario where things could have been different but he also knew it was too late to go over what ifs.

“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.” You said softly once the water started turning cold, shutting it off and gently guiding Matt out of the shower, holding a towel out to him before drying him off yourself when he didn’t move.

You wrapped your arm in his and walked out of the bathroom, guiding him into the bedroom and sitting him down on the bed before making your way over to the closest and pulling out two pairs of underwear and a shirt for you to wear.

You made quick work of putting his clothes on yourself before you walked over to him, smiling as he held his hand out and got dressed.

“Lay down,” You ordered softly, pulling the blanket back and smiling sadly as he climbed in without a word. “Can I get you anything?” You asked him, watching as he shook his head before tugging the blanket down and gestured for you to lay down with him.

You quickly shifted and did as he asked, smiling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly against him. From the close you could hear his breathing, it was still shuddering and sounded like he was forcing tears down.

You let your fingers trace meaningless shapes against his stomach, avoiding the cuts that he had patched up and felt the tension begin to slowly ease from him as he relaxed enough to start to fall into a light sleep.

“Thank you for being here,” He murmured, pressing a lingering kiss to your head before he let himself give into sleep.

“Always, Matt.” You promised the sleeping man, determined to keep it as you cuddled closer to him, hating that he put so much pressure on himself, focusing solely on the bad things he could prevent rather than all the good things he did. You knew it was your job to remind him of those times when things got bad. “Always.”


Matt Murdock Taglist (Link in bio to add yourself!) @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @runawaywithmyghost, @ppgrayson, @alexxavicry, @battinsonn, @lokismidnight, @benhardyslut, @baconlover001, @jasontoddthezombie, @qfton, @buckysnumberonegirl @lazysheepperfection, @parkershoco, @call-me-a-fool, @father-violet, @lizamango, @urbestgrrl, @lazysheepperfection, @lucyysthings, @morganaah, @sylvies4ever, @taylordidsomthingbad, @multifandomgirllol, @lucyysthings , @sadblueberry721, @freeshavocadoooo, @writeroutoftime, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, @black-cat-hardy, @mrslizzyolsen, @kosmic-klouds (sorry if you've already seen this, tumblr messed up:))

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Wherever We Want

Wherever We Want

Click here for my masterlist.

Febuwhump Prompt - Muffled Screams

Prompt - “One day, my darling, we shall go far away from this place.”

You and the Soldier were being punished, you knew that much but you couldn’t remember what for, only remembered being on a mission and not reporting on time, why hadn’t you reported? You couldn’t remember but knew it didn’t matter anymore not as you sat strapped to the chair, arms and legs restrained as your temples were squashed against the machine that hurt, it always hurt.

You didn’t know where the Soldier was now and you hoped he was safe but knew it was unlikely, HYDRA did not take well to the rules being broken and yet you always found yourself here strapped to the chair, desperately trying to hold onto as many memories as you could despite their attempts to wipe them away.

You could hardly recall your past life, forgot all the information you knew you were supposed to remember; your name, your age, your family, did you have a family? You didn’t know, you couldn’t remember anything from before but you had memories from after they had taken you, memories you wanted, needed, to hold onto to make the bad times bearable.

Remember your Soldier, you thought to yourself, it was always the loudest thought in your head as the machine shocked you, leaving you screaming and writhing in pain. Remember your Soldier.

The Soldier was a friend, an ally, something more. You didn’t think you could forget him, no matter how many times you were forced into the chair, no matter how many attempts they gave to destroy your memories you thought it was impossible to forget the Soldier.

At first he had been grumpy, glaring and snarling at you. You remembered him well but couldn’t recall yourself. You knew you had been scared, you had your full mind back then, all the memories you needed were intact. You knew you had cried when you were thrown into a small cell with him, you couldn't remember anything else about yourself but you remembered the Soldier.

He had been angry at first, days passed with nothing but orders and glares from him and then he changed. He still scowled at you but he pulled you up, none too gently, and forced you onto the bed. You remembered being scared, why were you scared? You didn’t remember why but you remembered him putting you onto the bed before he mumbled something in a language you didn’t understand. Now you knew he had told you to sleep, that he would watch for trouble. You remembered how he had sat on the floor next to the bed all night, eyes open and staring ahead at the door that had been locked since you arrived.

The soldier sat in his cell, pacing furiously like a caged animal. The wall had already taken the brunt of his anger as he stood helpless in the small room, listening to the sounds of your screams, muffled from the distance but still audible.

He knew what they were doing to you, hated that he couldn’t stop them. He knew he shouldn’t have tried to escape with you, he hadn’t been certain of his plan but thought he could pull it off, how foolish he had been and now you were paying the price.

The handlers knew what they were doing, sure he’d have to go through the same treatment later but they made you go first because they knew that was the worst punishment they could force him to endure, being forced to listen to your screams and unable to do anything.

The Soldier changed sometimes, you never forgot that. Some days he was gruff and angry but some days he was scared, he was softer and gentler. You didn’t remember why he changed sometimes, didn’t remember why some days he stroked your hair and let you rest against him and other days he flinched at your touch but you always remembered that he changed sometimes and that was ok because he still protected you.

Another scream pushed its way out of your throat as the pain pulsed from your head and throughout your entire body. You felt your mind go hazy and refused to let them win, they would not take your memories.

You would remember.

You would remember how the Soldier had held you close, making sure you were far away from the door. You remembered one time as you tried to lie on the outer side of the bed only to be snarled at, the Soldier snapping at you to move as he glared from you to the door like he expected somebody to charge through it at any moment.

You remembered being in another place, it was outside on top of a building. You and the Soldier sat side by side as he held fruit out towards you, the two of you hadn’t been in the chair for a while so your memories were better, not fully there but you remembered more than usual. You were waiting for a target but that part was unimportant, what was important was that the Soldier was happier, he had changed again to the other person he was when the chair didn’t take his memories. You always forced yourself to remember  the way he smiled at you, the sun shining down on him as he grinned over at you, amusement dancing in his eyes as he focused on you.

The Soldier was furious. It had been hours and you were still strapped to that damn chair, having your head repeatedly messed with and he was useless. His job was to protect you, to make sure you stayed alive and yet here he was, trapped and unable to get to you because of his own decision, because he hadn’t planned your escape more thoroughly. He knew he should have waited until the next mission but he had to watch night after night as the nightmares of your actions plagued you.

The Soldier knew you weren’t like him. There was a human part to you, one that they had managed to take away from him a long time ago. He liked that you were still human, like that you had held onto that part of yourself, it made him proud, he knew how hard it was to hold onto precious memories when strapped to that chair. He had tried for many years to remember the important things but eventually he had forgotten, now the only thing he forced himself to remember was you.

The Soldier felt his blood boil as rage ran through him, banging both his metal and flesh fist against the metal door, curses and threats leaving his lips but nobody listened, the only sound that answered him were your screams from the distance.

Another scream echoed around the room as your body shivered violently as the machine tried to steal more of your memories but you refused. You scrunched your eyes shut tightly as if that would help the thoughts stay in your mind as they send another wave of electricity through you, a broken sob mixed with a scream as you forced yourself to remember.

You remembered sitting in your cell, back to the wall as you sat in the corner of the room. You stared straight ahead at the wall, face devoid of emotion even as you felt a trail of blood fall from your temple and down your cheek. You tried to act brave, not letting anything show on your face but you couldn’t stop your hands from quivering even as you scrunched them into a fist to try and hide the movement. You knew he had seen it but ignored him and continued to look forward, resisting the urge to swallow against the lump in your throat and refusing to let your eyes water. You remembered as he crouched down in front of you, seeming unsure of how to handle you before he lowered himself further onto the ground, sitting crossed legged and continuing to stare at you.

The staring lasted until a tear finally slid down your cheek. He stood up and you watched him rip the small, old blanket that had been in the room when you’d arrived. He pulled a piece off before taking his seat again, moving closer to you but paused as you flinched away from him.

“Это помогает..” He had told you, his tone was rough but he meant the words to be reassuring. You hadn’t known a lot of the language he spoke then, didn’t understand his words and frowned at him. The Soldier had frowned back before realising you didn’t speak the language he spoke and tried again this time in English.

“It helps.” He repeated, gesturing from your cut to the piece of cloth he held in his metal hand.

You remembered being hesitant to let him touch you but couldn’t remember why, the Soldier’s touch is good, we like him you thought before forcing yourself to remember the rest of the memory as more cries and screams left you.

You and the Soldier had sat there for a long while before you finally nodded and he moved closer to you again. This time you stayed still, tensing as he pressed the cloth to the cut, pressing firmly to stop the blood.

“Извиняюсь.” He said as you hissed in pain, his tone was softer than it had been before.

“English.” You managed to choke out and heard him huff before he spoke again.

“I am sorry.” The Soldier repeated in the language you knew, almost sounding fond as he pulled the cloth back and ran his flesh thumb across the cut.

“Ты будешь-” He began but cut himself off with a huff of annoyance as he looked into your eyes, “You will be fine, sore but fine.”

You had nodded at him wearily, surprised by his help before you forced a smile onto your shaky lips.

“Thank you.” You whispered and watched as his eyes widened, only used to angry words, never kind ones spoken softly to him.

“Rest.” He said shortly, gesturing to the bed and pulling you up, though he kept his touch gentle and spent the night sitting in front of the bed on high alert.

More and more screams escaped you as you forced yourself to finish the memory, damned if you’d forget the first time your Soldier had shown you kindness. The intensity of the shocks against your temple seemed to increase causing your screams to merge with more sobs and leaving you a breathless mess in the chair before they finally shut off completely causing you to slump to the side, panicking momentarily as all your memories seemed to disappear before you found them again.

“We will leave one day.” Your Soldier had promised you, the two of you lay on the bed together as your fingers drew meaningless shapes into his chest, his metal arm around your waist as the other propped his head up so he could smile down at you.

“Where will we go?” You’d asked him softly, turning your head to face him, unable to resist smiling back up at him.

“Везде, где нам нравится.” He told you with a grin, laughing as you rolled your eyes and smacked his chest.

“English.” You demanded, your tone still light as your smile widened.

“Wherever we like.” He told you and you nodded against his chest, letting your eyes fall shut as tiredness took over.

“Wherever we like.” You repeated in a whisper before falling asleep and dreaming of a life with your Soldier far away from the chair and the handlers.

You felt yourself being lifted from the chair but couldn’t move. You were dragged along, your legs brushing against the floor and you couldn’t open your eyes despite how hard you tried, exhausted from a long session and trying to keep ahold of the things most precious to you.

You heard a door being unlocked and that was enough to help you blink weakly, knowing that behind the door was your Soldier, the one who promised to take you far away one day.

You heard them barking at your Soldier, warning him to stand back before you were thrown into the room, groaning in pain as the sound of the door locking was heard.

Your Soldier was at your side the second you landed on the floor, picking you up in his arms and carrying you over to the small, uncomfortable bed that felt like heaven against your tortured body. It felt even better when your Soldier climbed in and wrapped you in his arms.

Your eyes blinked heavily, falling shut as the exhaustion became too much and you gripped your Soldier’s shirt tightly in your hands, hoping that one day you would be able to leave, be able to go far away from the four walls and go wherever you wanted.

“Sleep, дорогой.” He ordered softly into your hair, none of his fury dying down as he saw the mess that they had made of you but at least you were back in his arms and one day, he swore to himself, one day he would kill them all for ever hurting you.

“English.” You managed to say, feeling him huff out a laugh of disbelief before you felt lips against your hair causing you to smile tiredly into his chest.

“Sleep, my darling, soon we shall leave.” He promised and fully intended to keep it, next time he would not fail, he would die before he let you come back to this place.

“Wherever we want.” You mumbled against him, the words slightly muffled against his shirt but he heard them clearly and grinned down at you, knowing how hard you fought for your memories.

“Wherever we want.” He confirmed, the grin turning into a soft smile as he watched you fall asleep against him, trusting him to keep you safe.

He would not fail you again, he swore to himself, one day soon enough you would be free no matter what.


Bucky Barnes Taglist (click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @book-fic-reader, @dirtytissuebox, @countryday, @haroldpotterson, @hankgreenspelicanstrapon, @dindjarinsspouse, @anastas2904, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @mads-weasley, @rosie-posie08, @secondaryjob, @destiny-oneshot-writer, @roseslovedreams, @lonelygodsmuse, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @chickensrule, @classyunknownlover, @fanf1ctionwrit1n, @hayden429, @frickin-bats, @averyhotchner, @kodiakwhiskey, @chaoticevilbakugo, @sia2raw, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @silverose365,@siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @asherhunterx @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @benhardyslut, @jasontoddthezombie, @instabull, @buckysnumberonegirl, @parkershoco, @father-violet, @rosesinmars,@mmaiamore, @mmaiamore, @lizamango, @ @urbestgrrl, @randomwriter1021, @lgranger67, @lazysheepperfection, @lucyysthings, @morganaah, @sylvies4ever, @kaitieskidmore1, @aylauwuuniverse, @lucyysthings, @hydeonysus, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, @black-cat-hardy, @fangirl-who-dreams, @fangirl-and-her-fantasies, @mrslizzyolsen, @kosmic-klouds

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I'm Not Going To Lie I Can't Actually Believe I Managed To Complete This Challenge. Usually I Am So Annoyingly

I'm not going to lie I can't actually believe I managed to complete this challenge. Usually I am so annoyingly inconsistent with uploading but this challenge really gave me a lot of ideas and I found myself eager to finish it. I'm so glad I did because some of my favourite fics of my mine are ones that I wrote in February.

Thank you so, so much @febuwhump, this event was absolutely amazing and it was just the thing I needed to start writing again!💜

Febuwhump Masterlist

Febuwhump Masterlist

Day One - Head Wound - Matt Murdock x Reader

Day Two - Failed Rescue Attempt - Aaron Hotchner x Reader

Day Three - Blood Loss - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Four - Nightmares - Bucky Barnes x Reader

Day Five - I Dreamt You Were Alive - Tom!Peter Parker x Reader

Day Six - Hypothermia - Matt Murdock x Reader

Day Seven - Used as an Experiment - Frank Castle x Reader

Day Eight - No Anaesthesia - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Nine - Kidnapped - Matt Murdock x Reader

Day Ten - "How Long Has It Been?" - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Eleven - Black Eye - Frank Castle x Reader

Day Twelve - Spiked Drink - Andrew!Peter Parker x Reader

Day Thirteen - Won't Regain Consciousness - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Fourteen - Can't Go Home - Tom!Peter Parker x Reader

Day Fifteen - Hidden Scars - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Sixteen - "Does That Hurt?" - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Seventeen - Blindfolded - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Eighteen - Forced to Watch - Spencer Reid x Reader

Day Nineteen - Friendly Fire - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Twenty - Caged - Remus Lupin x Reader

Day Twenty One - "Help Them" - Frank Castle x Reader

Day Twenty Two- Restrained - Daryl Dixon x Reader

Day Twenty Three - "Don't Leave." - Andrew!Peter Parker x Reader

Day Twenty Four - Too Weak to Move - Frank Castle x Reader

Day Twenty Five - Muffled Screams - Bucky Barnes x Reader

Day Twenty Six - "Please Don't Do This." - Harry Potter x Reader

Day Twenty Seven - Shower Breakdown - Matt Murdock x Reader

Day Twenty Eight - Presumed Dead - Daryl Dixon x Reader

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Getting You Back

Getting You Back

Click here for my masterlist.

Febuwhump Prompt - Restrained

Prompt - "You just took the one thing I care most about away from me, that makes me very dangerous and it should make you very scared."

You kept your eyes trained on the floor as you were forced onto your knees, not daring to look up. You missed Dwight opening the van, missed as members of your group were forced out of it and onto their knees beside you. You didn’t look up, you couldn’t look up, not when Glenn called for Maggie, not as Maggie sobbed and Dwight shoved Glenn down.

You didn’t look up, not until Rick nudged you, then you turned to him and watched as he nodded ahead. You let out a sob as you saw a bloody Daryl on his knees, watching you with wide, scared eyes.

You went to stand, not giving a damn about the amount of guns trained on your group, not giving a damn about anything other than getting to Daryl but Sasha saw the move before you could make it and grabbed your arm. She held you tight enough to bruise but it kept you in place even as you fought against her, not taking your eyes off Daryl.

“Don’t.” She murmured to you, quietly but her tone was hard, knowing that one wrong move was all it would take for you to be killed.

You watched as Daryl shook his head, barely moving it but you caught it and a silent sob wracked your body as you sat heavily back on your knees, body shaking as you stared at him, pleading with him for something, anything.

“Let’s meet the man.” Simon said and your whole body tensed but you refused to look away from Daryl, desperately blinking away the tears.

A man, clad with a spiked baseball bat and a leather jacket stepped out of the RV with a smirk but you refused to look at him, eyes trained on Daryl who looked back at you like somehow his gaze alone could protect you.

“Pissing our pants yet?” The man asked and you scrunched your nose up, trying to hold back tears.

“Which one of you pricks is the leader?” He asked and both you and Daryl glanced away from each other for a second as you looked at Rick out of the corner of your eyes as Simon pointed him out.

You listened to Negan talk to Rick, hating everything about him as you knelt there, hating the sound of his voice but you also knew that if he was talking, he was distracting himself and not hurting any of you.

You could hear Rick’s shuddering breath as Negan told him the new rules, the cocky jackass demanding all of your supplies, letting Rick know exactly who was in charge and letting you all know that none of you were safe.

“You didn’t really think you were going to get through this without being punished, did you?” Negan asked and you felt your blood run cold at the words, eyes shifting from Daryl to the baseball bat he carried. “I’m gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you.” Negan warned as he stared at each of you, swinging the bat around as he introduced Lucille.

You heard Negan talk to Abraham and Carl and then he was crouched down in front of you and you could feel your heart threatening to beat right out your chest as he followed your gaze over to Daryl with a smirk before he took your chin in his hand and gently turned your face so you were looking at him.

You immediately lowered your gaze, looking at the floor instead of at him but still saw the way he smirked.

“You wanna pay attention?” He whispered into your ear, his smirk widening as you shivered. “That your boyfriend over there, that sonofabitch killed a hell of a lot of my men, maybe I should introduce him to Lucile.”

Negan grinned as your gaze snapped up to him, eyes narrowing into a glare as no words were needed to get your threat across, don’t touch him.

“Oh, I like you.” He laughed as he looked you up and down with an approving nod before he stood back up.

He moved onto Maggie after that, laughing as Glenn jumped for him only to be stopped by Dwight holding Daryl’s crossbow to his face. You watched as Negan let the man off with a warning, raising an eyebrow as a tear made its way down your face, certain that Glenn’s outburst would get him a one on one with Lucille.

Negan watched your face change as you looked at him and laughed before he warned the group against any more daring moves.

Your gaze shifted back to Daryl, seeking comfort in his scared eyes. Daryl looked right back at you, a warning in his eyes for you not to look away as Negan started whistling, fear coursing through your whole body as you nodded at him, hating that it felt like time was about to run out.

“I simply cannot decide.” Negan told you all and you hated that he was getting what he wanted as the tension and anxiety continued to consume you and you desperately wished to be by Daryl’s side. “I got an idea,” He said before the bat was pointed in Rick’s face, then Maggie’s, then Abraham’s, then Michonne’s.

Your heart stuttered as he pointed it at Daryl, using it to turn Daryl’s face away from you and letting it linger there before he moved onto Sasha, Aaron, Carl and then you, continuing down the line before he finally stopped, you and Daryl staring at each other with matching fear as tears slid down your face.

“Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start.” He warned before he brought the bat down and people around you screamed.

You choked out a sob, feeling vomit burning your throat as you watched the bat continue to thud down on Abraham. You continued looking towards Daryl as the tears poured down your cheeks and Daryl swallowed heavily as he took in the scene, hearing the noises and Negan’s enjoyment.

It took everything in Daryl to stay knelt down, knowing there were too many guns trained on your group, knowing that Negan wouldn’t give him an opening to get to you, to get you as far away from him as possible. Right now Daryl would give anything for you to be back home.

Then Negan started grinning and laughing, waving the bloody bat around, first in Rosita’s face, then Michonne’s, then Maggie’s before he stopped at you. Daryl watched as the bloody bat was ran along your cheek, leaving a mix of Abraham’s blood and your own blood that poured from cuts as the barbed wire nicked your cheek.

That’s when Daryl couldn’t take it anymore, that’s when he jumped into action. He was up before anyone even realised, taking two big steps towards Negan and punching him in the face with a grunt before Negan’s men had him on the ground, you crying out as Negan stepped close to him, holding the bat out towards him.

Sasha caught you as you went to stand up, pulled you into her and held you tight as you struggled against her, listening to Negan laugh.

“Stop,” She muttered into your ear, “You’re going to get him killed.” She hated the bluntness of her words but they worked, you stopped struggling and she let you pull away from her, you leaning forward as you cried, your forehead resting on your knees.

“That is a no-no,” Negan exclaimed and you lifted your head slightly, watching him crouch down in front of Daryl, missing the looks Rick and Sasha shot at you, Sasha ready to catch you again knowing that if Negan made one move you’d be up.

She wasn’t going to let him kill you too.

You watched as two of Negan’s men pinned Daryl to the floor and it took everything in you to listen to Sasha, to stay still even though every bone in your body was screaming to move, screaming at you to kill Negan.

“Do you want me to do it?” You heard Dwight say, aiming the crossbow at Daryl’s head.

“No!” You yelled and Sasha barely caught you as you leapt up only to have her pull you back onto the floor.

Negan turned to look at you, grinned as he watched you struggling and fight against your friend and let out a chuckle as he gripped Daryl’s hair.

“Get your hands off him!” You shouted and Negan looked between the two of you before he told Dwight no, shooting you a smile as he did.

You listened to Daryl grunt but breathed a sigh of relief as he was dragged back into the line up.

“I told you people the first one was free, then what did I say, huh? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions.” Negan exclaimed but you weren’t listening to him, you pushed yourself away from Sasha again and she let you go, keeping a hold of your shirt as her blood ran cold at Negan’s words.

You ignored the man as you turned to Daryl, Daryl already looking over at you, panting with fear clear in his eyes. You forced yourself to smile at him, it was a terrible attempt as your lips wobbled and tears continued to flow down your face but you watched as some of the tension left him as he smiled back just as badly as yours had been.

Neither of you listened to Negan, not until the sound of the bat connecting with a skull sounded. Daryl’s head snapped over to Negan as did yours, all of you watching in horror as Glenn was killed before your eyes, listening as Maggie sobbed and none of you were able to do anything.

You had to look away, your gaze turning to Daryl who kept his eyes locked on Glenn’s body, flinching with every hit and you knew he was blaming himself. You sobbed as the urge to kill Negan spread through your body, looking away from Daryl and lowering your head and not listening as Negan began to speak again.

“Give me his axe.” Negan said to Simon and you watched as it was passed in front of your face, Negan staring down at Rick before he stood and pocketed the axe for himself before dragging Rick away into the RV.

“I’ll be back, maybe Rick’ll be with me.” He said as he left and you closed your eyes, more tears making their way down your face.

You didn’t know how much time had passed before the sound of the RV coming back drew everyone’s attention but you kept your eyes scrunched shut and head down, not able to look up as Negan and Rick left the RV.

“Get some guns to the back of their heads.” Negan said and that made you raise your head, looking straight ahead.

You took a deep breath and let your shoulders square up, sitting straighter and preparing yourself for what was to come. You glanced over to your right, forcing a smile as you saw Daryl already looking at you, guilt, fear and anger clear across his face.

“Not your fault.” You mouthed to him, watching him shake his head.

“Kid,” Negan said and you watched as he forced Carl over to him, watched as he strapped the belt to his arm and felt sick as Negan forced him to the ground and realised what he was going to do, listening as Rick pleaded with Negan.

You gasped as Negan demanded Rick choose between your lives or Carl’s left arm.

You looked away from the scene, looked towards Michonne before looking past her at Daryl who’s horror was reflected in his eyes.

“Look at me.” He said and you swallowed, not looking away from him as you listened to Rick hand himself over to Negan.

Daryl repeated the words to you, making sure your eyes stayed locked onto his even as he glanced back over to Rick watching as his best friend, his brother, sobbed, begged and pleaded with the bastard. Daryl’s eyes couldn’t keep watching the scene but he couldn’t look away either, his eyes darting from you back over to Rick and Negan every few seconds, shaking his head when you tried to look away just as Rick picked the axe up.

Daryl felt himself let out a breath of relief, tension leaving his body as Negan stopped him from cutting Carl’s arm off. He nodded over at you again and you felt yourself gasp breathlessly, nodding back at him.

“Dwight,” Negan said and Daryl glanced over to him watching as the bat was pointed at him, feeling his stomach drop and he glanced over to you, glad you missed the action as you did as he said, not taking your eyes off him.

“I love you.” He mouthed, watching as your eyebrows knitted together.

“I love you too.” You told him before Negan spoke words that turned your stomach cold.

“Load him up.”

At those words though your head shot over to Negan and saw exactly who he was talking about, not even getting a chance to react before Dwight was pulling Daryl up and throwing him into the back of the van he was brought in.

“No!” You yelled, standing up and running over to him, clawing at Dwight’s back, desperately trying to tug him away from Daryl, screaming and sobbing when you felt a hand grab the back of your shirt before you were thrown onto the floor.

“Get your damn hands off her!” You heard Daryl yell as Negan held you against the floor, roughly holding your hair and chuckling as you struggled against his knee on your back, trying to fight him off of you.

“You people just don’t learn do you?” He asked with a grin, “You really want me to kill another person?”

“Take me,” You begged him, still struggling against his hold despite the fact it was getting you nowhere.

“Best get your hands off her or I swear t’God-” Daryl was still shouting and Negan looked over to Dwight with a sharp look.

“Shut him up,” He said and chuckled as Daryl fell silent whereas you were still pleading with him, tears slipping down your face.

“Please, please, just take me. I’ll do whatever you want, just, just leave him alone, please, leave him alone, don’t take him.” Negan relaxed his grip on your hair, brushing it out of your face and watched you look up at him with wide, pleading eyes.

“Shit girl, you’re almost making me feel bad.” He smiled, his fingers trailing across your cheek. “I like you but I want him, he’s mine now.”

“No!” You yelled, still trying to get his weight off of you.

“Yes!” He shouted back, sick of the group now. “I cannot make these rules more simple, you do as I say, I say he’s mine you smile and say yes Negan. I already let your people off with one warning, do not test me today.”

You watched as the door slammed shut on Daryl’s face and you sobbed as he gestured for somebody to take his place, the man pointing a gun at you as you turned around you were on your back and glared up at Negan.

“Want to try something else?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, “And the answer to that better be no because if one more person forgets my rules I’m going to start cutting pieces off…” Here Negan trailed off, looking towards his second in command. “Hell’s his name?” He asked and you felt anger burn inside of you as you sat up, trying to calculate if you could snatch the gun out of the man’s hand and kill Negan before somebody shot you.

From behind him you saw Michonne shaking her head at you, pleading with you to just let Negan do as he pleased.

“Daryl.” Simon said after a pause and you turned away from Michonne to glare at him.

“Wow, that actually sounds right.” He chuckled and crouched down next to you again, locking eyes with Rick as he spoke, “I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your doorstep or better yet I’ll bring him to you and have you do it for me.”

He turned his head towards you and gave you a grin before he leaned in close, whispering words meant only for you.

“Now I have a feeling you aren’t going to follow my rules so let me be very clear, I will not hesitate to hurt him, you make one move I don’t approve of, his death is on your hands.” He smiled as you turned to face him, so close to each other and he could see the hatred clear as day in your eyes as everybody watched you.

“Go to hell you bastard.” You whispered back, hearing your group gasp and cry as they expected Negan to retaliate.

“I like you.” He repeated with a smile, patting your cheek and standing you.

“I’m gonna leave you a truck.” He told you all, “We’ll be back for our first offering in a week until then,” Negan waved a hand at you all and you could do nothing but watch as they all left, your eyes not leaving the van that held Daryl.

You were going to get him back.

You had too.


Daryl Dixon Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @lovinnholland, @canadailluminate , @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @classyunknownlover, @cole22ann, @levisbloodcut, @alexxavicry, @mystic-writings, @lizamango, @urbestgrrl, @morganaah, @kaitieskidmore1, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, @black-cat-hardy @fangirl-who-dreams, @fangirl-and-her-fantasies, @mrslizzyolsen, @lolmxria

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