inactiveaccount73 - Prove Them Wrong
Prove Them Wrong

Mostly incorrect quotes :)

20 posts

*Y/n Holding Their Toddler*

*Y/n holding their toddler*

Artemis: Oh god I can’t believe one of us has one of these

Conner: I know I still am one of these


Dick: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to the unsuspecting public

Y/n: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?


Will: Are you mad?

Y/n: No

Will: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?


Y/n: I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. Black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers.

Kaldur: Y/n, for the last time we’re at a funeral

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More Posts from Inactiveaccount73

3 years ago

Y/n: Someone’s trying to break in! Call the cops

Jason: (loads shotgun) I got this

Y/n: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-


Wally: What colour is a mirror?

Y/n: Here’s a better question. What are you doing in my room?


Y/n: What goes up but never comes down?

Bruce: The amount of stress you bring to this family


Y/n: Last night I found out that Wally is a sleep talker

Dick: Oh really?

Y/n: “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.” Right. In. My. Ear. At 3AM

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5 years ago

Keen Eyes

Peter Maximoff X Mutant!Fem!Reader

Summary: Peter is in love with the reader who’s in love with Scott who’s in love with Jean. Scott and Jean are to loved up to see the damage they’re doing to Y/n but Peter can see it very clearly.

Warnings: Swearing nothing major but it’s there, angst, unrequited love, character deaths (2) although one isn’t really a death in this but it is in the movies if that makes any sense at all, Scott’s a bit of a jerk, Jean’s a bit of a bitch, self doubt and all the great problems it comes with. This isn’t proof read sorry :(

Set after X Men Apocalypse but before Dark Phoenix.


Keen Eyes

She stared at them, at first it was with anger at the girl but then it became a sadness that swept her away like a tsunami as if all the oceans in the world had suddenly towered over her and knocked her off her feet. The boy was whispering sweet nothings in the redheads ears as she giggled. Y/n was slightly glad she didn’t hear what they were saying probably some kind of loved up bullshit, it made her sick. She never thought she’d fall in love until she met Cyclops also known as Scott Summers but it was not to be as he’d fallen for his other fellow teammate Jean Grey.

Y/n couldn’t really blame him. If she was a guy she definitely would’ve picked Jean over her any day of the week. Jean was everything that Y/n wasn’t. She wasn’t as calm and collected as Jean nor was she as confident as Jean. She sighed angrily, wishing not for the first time, that she could have Raven’s powers so she could change into someone more beautiful. Jean Grey was beautiful. Y/n Y/l/n was not. It was as simple as that. She felt the tears start to form and quickly left the living room going to her room to wallow in her own self pity.

Peter Maximoff had been watching Y/n since she walked in. He knew of her crush on Scott and wondered how she’d take it. She’d taken it as well as he thought she would. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that she was breaking in half; her heart being torn every which way. It made Peter angry more angry then he’d ever been in his life. He got up from the couch and walked over to the couple.

“Scott can I talk to you?” He asked trying not to let anger seep through his voice. Scott huffed.

“Can this wait Peter I’m kinda in the middle of something.” He said before kissing Jean. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Scott’s neck bringing him closer to her. Peter turned away.

“No Scott it can’t wait.” Scott groaned.

“Fine then what is it?” He snapped

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to her?”

“Who? Jean?” Scott questioned. “Probably turning her on.” Jean giggled again, Peter liked Jean he really did but if she giggled one more fucking time then Peter’s not going to be held responsible for his actions.

“No you fucking idiot Y/n!” Peter shouted fists clenched at his sides. Scott turned away from Jean to look at Peter.

“What about her?”

“She’s loved you for months. She told you she did but you didn’t care you only had your eyes on Jean!”

“Of course I did she’s Jean and Y/n’s Y/n.” This was making Peter almost it boiling point.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” Peter nearly screamed.

“It means that Y/n could never compare to me.” Jean answered smugly.

“Look at you so high and mighty when it was you that nearly killed Y/n when you couldn’t control your powers!” Peter shouted.

“I killed Apocalypse.” Jean answered “What were you doing Peter laying on the ground crying because daddy doesn’t know you’re his son?” Scott chuckled.

“And what was Y/n doing when we were risking our lives? Where was she? Hiding? Trying to bring Angel back to life. He was our enemy and she brought him back to life. She’s a traitor to us. I don’t even know why Professor Xavier still lets her on the team.” Without thinking about the consequences Peter punched Scott with so much force he fell back onto the floor. He didn’t stop though Peter kept pummelling him until Jean used her telekinesis to get Peter off of Scott. She instantly sat down as Scott’s side. The boys both glaring at each other. Scott’s lip was busted, blood seeping from it.

“But if she’d saved Alex she would be fine.” Peter said. Scott when to lunge for him again but Jean held him back.

“Don’t talk about my brother when you’re the reason he’s dead in the first place.” Peter felt a pang of guilt that made his blood run ice cold. Scott coughed. “You know what Peter just fuck off!” Scott shouted.

“With pleasure.” Peter said getting up and running to Y/n’s room. It was quiet apart from the occasional sob. He knocked softly.

“Go away.” She shouted her voice cracking so badly it also resembled her heart.

“It’s just me. You know Peter Maximoff I’m the fastest person in the school. I’m also part of the X Men and I’m pretty sure you are as well. I’m a hyperactive lunatic who adores twinkies but that doesn’t seem to bother you.” He said hearing her chuckle. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” She mumbled as Peter let himself in. She was sitting on her bed facing the window, the blinds had been pulled shut so she was sat in darkness. He didn’t pull the blinds up instead he used his power to sit on her bed. Not to close to her but not to far away from her either. Nothing was said for a few minutes before she asked Peter.

“Why does it hurt so much?”

“Having your heart broken hurts like hell.” Peter said he knows that feeling all to well. When Y/n was looking at Scott Peter was looking at her, he’d been lying if he said that she wasn’t the most attractive girl in the school. At least to him she was.

“How long does it take to fix?” She asked again. Pete shrugged.

“Depends on the person, I guess.”

“Of course it does.” She muttered “God how could I have been so stupid falling for him. Falling for someone who wouldn’t even go out with me. I mean who would go out with me?”

“I would.” Peter said without realising it. When he did it felt like a weight had been lifted off of his chest but instead of evaporating into the air it made its way to settle onto Y/n’s chest.

“You’re just saying that because I’m defenceless right now and I’m supposed to believe anything you say.”

“No I’m not.” Peter argued moving closer to Y/n so he could put his arm around her shoulders. “Look Y/n I know what this does to you. If I could take your pain away and make you forget about that asshole and his bitchy girlfriend I would but that’s not my superpower. The point is ever since I laid eyes on you I couldn’t get you out of my head and you’ve gotta be pretty special to get stuck in my head because of the amount of songs I’ve got hanging around in here.” He said banging his hand against the side of his head for emphasis. “So what if you don’t think you’re beautiful, I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world despite how childish it sounds. You’re beautiful in your own way and I’m going to keep telling you that until it gets stuck in your brain like my songs.” She chuckled again.

“You really mean it?” She asked looking up at him with bloodshot eyes. He didn’t say anything instead he grabbed her chin and kissed her. She tensed before finally relaxing and brought her arms around Peter’s neck and starts playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck. They broke apart, panting before she leaned on his chest. “Thanks Pete.” She muttered into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head and said

“Don’t mention it babe. How about you get some sleep?” She nodded and made her way under the covers.

“Pete.” She’s grabbed his wrist with a strength Peter didn’t know she possessed. It wasn’t hurting him.


“Stay with me?” She asked. He smirked and she let go of his wrist as he made his way to the other side of the double bed. Once he was under the covers Y/n rolled over to him and laid her head on his chest, just above his heartbeat.


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5 years ago

I needed this today thank you ❤️♾


•Tony Stark would want you to become your own legacy.


•Peter Parker would want you to be better. There’s a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, and makes us noble.


•Steve Rogers would want you to stand up for what you believe in. Your opinions matter. Don’t let anyone tell you other wise. 


•Logan would want you to write your own story. You don’t have to be what they made you. You have the power to make your own choices.


•Wade Wilson would want you to be happy. It is okay to laugh. It is okay to smile. Don’t let the world take away your happiness. 


•Bucky Barnes would want you to move forward. Your past does not define you. Your decisions do not determine who you are; your actions do.


•Matt Murdock would want you to know that the important things in life cannot be seen. What is essential is invisible to the eye.


•Jessica Jones would want you to be strong. Never doubt your strength or power.


•Frank Castle would want you to seek out the truth. The truth cannot be long hidden; you must reach out for it.


•Clint Barton would want you to protect the ones you love. The people you care about make life worth living.


•Bruce Banner would want you to learn from your mistakes. It is our mistakes that shape who we are.


•Bruce Wayne would want you to fight for justice. You have the power to make an impact.


•Barry Allen would want you to face your problems; not run away from them.


•Diana Prince would want you to be resilient and empowering. You are the love that will change the world.

4 years ago

Holy wow. 100 notes that is just wow thank you to everyone that liked it it means a lot 😁❤️

I Need My Girl

Jason Todd x fem!reader/ (Slight) Garfield Logan x reader

Inspiration: Song: I Need My Girl by The National

Summary: The reader (Jason’s crush) pushes him out of the way to save him. The reader goes to hospital and while Jason’s and the rest of the Titans are waiting for any news Jason’s guilt eats him alive.

Warnings: One swear word, angst, fluff, first kiss as a couple, reader almost dies, Jason crying cause he’s my baby and I don’t want him to cry but I make him cry anyway and I should really make a happy thing with Jason but I just don’t ???

I Need My Girl
I Need My Girl

“Jason look out!” She shouted pushing him away mere seconds before she took the blast. Everything froze and Jason couldn’t hear himself scream but he felt it. The burning of his throat like he’d swallowed a wildfire slowly turned to coal that weighed in his stomach as he made his way to her. He fell to his knees and pulled her softly so that her head rested on his thighs. He just stared at her with blurry eyes that seemed to her blurrier. That’s the last thing he remembered before he was waiting in the hospital.

Dick, Rachel and Kori sat on the scratchy and uncomfortable hospital chairs. While Jason and Garfield paced around the waiting room.

"Guys could you please sit down you're making me more nervous." Rachel said as her head was in her hands.

"No we can't. Look I'm sorry Rach but I'm not going to sit down. I can't. I can't-" Garfield put a shaky hand through his green hair as he let out an even shakier breath. Kori stood up and made him sit down.

"Why is no one saying anything?! Jesus Y/n could be dying or dead because of me and no one-" Jason shouted

"Jason don't talk like that." Rachel muttered, eyes brimming with fresh tears.

"But it's the truth." Jason countered

"Would you two shut it." Dick said. Everyone jumped that was the first thing that Dick said since they'd been in the waiting room.

“No Dick I’m not shutting up. Y/n is one of us. If she wasn’t so fucking selfless then I would be in the hospital bed that she’s in and to be honest I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat. I’m not bothered about people dying. People die everyday but I don’t want her to die today." Jason got up and walked off. The cold air bit him but he couldn’t care less. His mind was whirling. Why him? Why did you save him? Out of all the team why would you save him? He didn’t have powers like Kori or Raven or Gar. He was a shadow to Dick. He knew he’d never be what Bruce wanted him to be. Bruce wanted him to be like Dick but he wasn’t.

I can't get my head around it

I keep feeling smaller and smaller

I need my girl

After what felt like eternity one of the nurses came.

"Excuse me are you all here for Y/n Y/l/n?" A nurse said everyone looked at her.

"Yes we are. Is anything wrong?" Kori asked. The nurse smiled warmly

"No nothing's wrong, your friend is lucky to have survived that." Garfield nervously chuckled putting his hands behind his head and resting on the back of the seat

"Yeah she is a lucky charm."

"You're free to see her now." The nurse informed them, everyone got up quickly.

"I'll go get Jason." Kori said everyone nodded as she went out the door to find him.


Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of a heart monitor was the sound that filled her ears as she woke up slowly. Y/n slowly blinked and groaned at the light. As her eyes adjusted she could make out three figures; Garfield, Dick and Rachel. Her voice was hoarse.

“Where’s Kori and Jason?”

"Kori went to find Jason. He couldn't handle it." Rachel said her chin length bon was slightly messy. Guilt filled Y/n. Y/n and Jason has always been close since she’d first joined the Titans. She’s seen sides of Jason none of them ever would. She didn't even want to think about what could've happened if she hadn't of made it. She shook her head.

“You have no idea how happy I am that you survived.” Dick spoke she chuckled slightly.

“You and I both Dicky.” They smiled at each other.

“Y/n/n." She heard a voice say barely above a whisper, the team made way for Jason as he hugged her.

"C'mon guys lets leave Jason and Y/n for awhile. Glad to see you’re better Y/n." Kori said. Everyone left but Garfield cast one last look at Y/n before Kori gave him a quick, swift kick in the shin. He let out a soft groan before leaving. Jason and Y/n laughed. They both nodded in thanks. She returned the gesture before walking out.

"I'm guessing the team have already said how glad they are to have you back." Jason said

"Yeah." There was a silence. "Rachel told me how you couldn't handle it." Her voice was sympathetic. Jason chuckled as a few tears streamed down his face. Y/n laid a hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into it.

"I am sorry you know. I thought I'd be stronger but when the doctors weren't telling us anything it hit me like a truck that I might be losing my best friend and when I thought I'd lost you. You have no idea how scared I was when I thought I would never be able to tell you how much I-" Jason cut himself off before he went any further. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and broke eye contact. Y/n raised a questionable eyebrow but said nothing.

“Now you know how I feel when you get hurt.” Jason chuckled “besides it’s gonna have to take a lot more than that to finish me off. I am a Titan after all.”

"To right you are. No wonder your nickname’s lucky, you've always been lucky you know ever since you came into my life I feel like it’s become a better place.”

“I know Jay.” The air was filled with a comfortable silence except for the beeping.

“Jason.” He hummed “what were you going to say before you cut yourself off?” Jason looked like he’d just been caught doing something he shouldn’t of been doing.

“You know the usual sappy stuff when you nearly lose someone.” He said taking his hands out of his pockets and using one to rub the back of his neck.

“So say it.”


“Say the sappy stuff that people say when they nearly lose someone.” There was a mischievous glint in her eye and Jason chuckled.

“Fine. Y/n Y/l/n I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Everyday you make my life a better place and I feel so much happier with you by my side.”

“No offence Jay but that sounded more like a marriage proposal and you can’t propose without dating a girl gees Jason.” She said laughing. He grabbed her face and pushed his lips to hers. They moved in sync as she grabbed his wrist. They broke apart and Jason opened his mouth "I feel the same bozo don't worry." He smiled.

"Which is why I've decided on something that will keep you out of harms way. You're never going on a mission again unless you're with me," Jason told Y/n in a half joking, half serious tone.

"Well you are the reason I’m in here anyway. But if I don't go how am I supposed to help you out. The whole team knows you never think of a plan." Jason laughed.

"So you never look behind you. Is there a reason for that or did you just do it?" Y/n shrugged.

"I guess if I look back then I'm scared I'm gonna get lost in the past and I won't be able to do anything 'cause I'll be stuck there. I’ve been stuck in the past for to long and I need to change it but no matter how much you want to change something in the past it's stuck there now forever and there's nothing you can do about it. " Jason was left speechless he never though there would be an actual reason as to why she never looked back. It scared Jason how she never had any emotion in her when she said that or in her face. "Besides I didn't want to see how far you were behind me." She added with a light laugh.

“More like how close I was.”

"Yeah right. I was faster than you and you knew it." They both laughedz

"Sir I'm sorry but visiting hours are almost over and Miss Y/l/n will need to get some rest." Jason nodded and pressed a long chaste kiss to the crown of Y/n’s head.

“Soon as your out of here I’m taking you on a date.” He whispered

“Can’t wait.” She whispered back and Jason broke out into a boyish grin. She chuckled. “Right go come on Jay I need my beauty sleep.”

“Trust me baby you really don’t.” She blushes and Jason chuckled. "See you tomorrow.”

“Bye handsome.” He excused himself past the nurse and towards the team.

"Do you know how long she's gonna be in here for?" Garfield asked Jason shook his head. Garfield’s demeanour slumped.

“I hope it’s not long though I’ve got to take her on a date.” Jason said everyone stared at him wide eyed. Garfield lightly punched his shoulder and Dick ruffled his hair.

"We'll visit her everyday though." Rachel said

"For sure." Jason said

"Let's get going." Kori suggested the team hummed in agreement before walking out of the hospital where Y/n wouldn’t be in for much longer.

4 years ago

👏Don't👏Ask👏To👏Pet👏On👏Duty👏Service👏Dogs👏 👏Dont👏Ask👏To👏Pet👏On👏Duty👏Drug👏Dogs👏 👏Dont👏Ask👏To👏Pet👏On👏Duty👏Security👏Dogs👏 👏Dont👏Ask👏To👏Pet👏On👏Duty👏Police👏Dogs👏 👏If👏A👏Dog👏Is👏Working👏 👏Dont👏 👏Ask👏 👏To👏 👏Pet👏 👏It👏