infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts




Also introducing Tenma Krow

(weird how both him and Andrew have last names related to birds I wonder why.)

Also just watch these two are going to become surrogate brothers.

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More Posts from Infoglitch

11 months ago


(Lancaster/Whiteknight edition.. plus corporate fraud I guess?)

(and before anyone asks why this ain't tagged whiterose as well? I don't feel like having my head being put on like yet by the thorns.)

Jaune found himself in a rather.. interesting predicament as he sat in front of yang and winter. The two women he previously slept with.

Jaune: so... Your not mad.. about when we uh... You know-

Winter: No Mr. Arc we- or more specifically I- am not about our copulation

Jaune: copu-what?

Yang: she ain't mad that you fucked her stupid

Winter: ... That aside we actually came to discuss a recent event.

Jaune: oh.. that being?

Both: you sleeping with Weiss and Ruby.

Jaune: oh... Look before you assume, I will say that Weiss dragged both me AND Ruby to the bedroom.

Winter: well that's obvious, Weiss May be able to stay pristine in public but give her an opportunity to let off steam she'll go full throttle.

Yang: damn weiss-queen is THAT repressed?

Winter and jaune both as jaune winced and massaged his hips.

Jaune: definitely... Gods she practically crushed my hips, though I was better of than ruby, I think her jaw still aches from-

Yang: OK! i don't feel like hearing that.

Jaune: ah sorry forgot you still her as innocent.

Winter: back to the main point I have one question for you Mr. Arc.

Jaune: uh sure fire away.

Winter: do you offer sessions.

Jaune & Yang:



Winter: I'm being honest here, your practically serving the entire schnee family with your uh... "Arc" all your missing is Whitley and you'd be boning the entire family.

Jaune: well...

Yang: no fuckin way.. you actually-

Jaune: i uh... I fucked Whitley while he dressed up as Weiss.

Winter:... Correction your fucking my entire family!


Winter: jaune... Your a whore.

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11 months ago

But these two got his back.

Even if their all idiots.

But These Two Got His Back.

Lucius honestly believes his devil form is ugly.

Stone-like skin, inverted eyes, devil tail, goat like legs, horns, all stuff normal people fear and hate when on a person.

Lucius Honestly Believes His Devil Form Is Ugly.

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11 months ago

Lucius honestly believes his devil form is ugly.

Stone-like skin, inverted eyes, devil tail, goat like legs, horns, all stuff normal people fear and hate when on a person.

Lucius Honestly Believes His Devil Form Is Ugly.

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11 months ago



Infuse tempest and flames.

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11 months ago


"A small fluffy orange cat. So cute and fuzzy.

Full of love with paws just as big. Oh such a sweet child.

Now at the age of 4 is where he closes his eyes.

A small copper baby. Ripped from his father so early.

My baby boy, dead in my bed right by his father side just as he liked.

Now he lays 6ft, truly asleep underneath."

- an elegy to a small fluffy baby with big paws. Copper, my child of feline decent.

Sorry this makes no sense y'all, mainly because I don't cover my personal life but today is the day I have lost someone, a cat, a cuddler, a daddy's boy, and a son.

Today fuckin sucks

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