Anni | aroace | gender questioning?? | hobby artist & hobby author loves art, books, music, animals, plants, films & tv series1st side blog: aroacevibes-072nd side blog: aspecmemesdaily❞The best part of life is when your family become your friends and your friends become your family❞ ~ Robin Roberts

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Inkeddreamscape-07 - Anni

inkeddreamscape-07 - Anni
inkeddreamscape-07 - Anni
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10 months ago

Only problem: I'm only a writer if I get my shit together and actually write down what I daydream about 25/8 🥲 Y'all better bet I put "creative hallucinator" on my next resume 🥲 Probably adding "with procrastination issues"

But then again not actually writing is probably 70% of the job description of being a writer sooo...

❝ I wish I could say fanfic writing as a part of my special skills while applying for a job ❞ and what if I say you actually can? because writing fanfic can actually be used as a part of your special skills while applying for a job and it is valid. writing is writing. literally the only thing differentiate fanfic writers from writers who publish and sell original works is that fanfic writers can’t publish and sell their works. that’s all. that’s the only difference. don’t let anyone tell you “fanfic writers aren’t real writers because their works aren’t as good as those of writers who write and sell original works” because that’s utter bullshit. I’ve read so many well written fanfics that are so much better than some published original novels. (here’s the proof.)

wanna know the trick? if you don’t think you’re gonna be taken seriously if you say you write fanfics while in a job interview, then say creative writing. because writing fanfics is considered creative writing. it is creative writing.

fanfic writers can write novel-length fiction, fanfic writers can write as good as any other writers who write original works if not better. fanfic writers are writers and they are just as valid.

you, a fanfic writer, may even be more dedicated and passionate than writers who sell original works because, while they write because it’s their job, you literally write 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 free 👏🏻 out 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 pure 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 passion.

that’s a whole novel and you wrote that with pure love and passion. that’s pretty mind blowing.

so yes, you absolutely can and should say creative writing while applying for a job, and say it proudly. you are a writer.

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1 year ago

Quick sketch in case you were feeling fine today ;)

Quick Sketch In Case You Were Feeling Fine Today ;)
Quick Sketch In Case You Were Feeling Fine Today ;)
Quick Sketch In Case You Were Feeling Fine Today ;)

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10 months ago

When you're autistic, it's impossible to miss how much society normalizes child abuse.

I could dedicate my entire life to studying how to interact with people and I'd still never master the social skills that young children are expected to have on command.

Say the wrong thing? That's disrespectful and you're punished. And you don't even have to actually say anything wrong. Pretty much anything you say can be considered "giving lip" if your parent wants some excuse to punish you. But if you say nothing, then you get punished for ignoring. You also have to calculate your response to their mind game quickly because taking too long to respond is considered ignoring. Also, if you're being wrongly accused of something, saying nothing is considered a confession. And even if you somehow manage to say exactly what your parent wants in exactly the correct tone, they'll still punish you for "sarcasm" or "not really meaning it".

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1 year ago

Just now realised that since "This is a new jacket, and I'd hate to ruin it. Do you mind if I take it off?" wasn't Crowley speaking, it means Azi wants to save the jacket because he loves how it looks on Crowley. And that he knows Crowley's whole wardrobe by heart. And that he wants to undress Crowley since he's most likely never seen him even remotely naked.

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