insomniaccat0107 - Insomniac Cat
Insomniac Cat

20 y.o. agender aroace: they call me AAA battery. king of poor grammar skills (sorry).

50 posts

Insomniaccat0107 - Insomniac Cat - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

wait a minute... did bones... did bones finally started to draw aN ASS FOR MIC!? god bless, i was waiting here for years

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5 months ago

wait... does this mean aideku nation won? woah, what a turn of events

congrats, one and a half fans of aideku

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6 months ago

every single day. the guy has six sense for when they're playing to show up and walk in front of them.

new recruiter: wait, where are you going..?

dabi, take off running: shush, I've got shit to do

How many times do you think Dabi purposely walks in front of the TV while Shigaraki and Spinner are playing video games just to piss them off?

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7 months ago

honestly i think it would be hilarious if all todoroki siblings attended the UA's hero course at some point

'white-red hair, daddy issues and insanity in eyes? you must be todoroki'

and it would be ten times funnier if all of them were at aizawa's homeroom cuz honestly at least toya would be in the same level of chaotic good as midoriya.

aizawa: *slides the door open in the first day of school year and sees painfully familiar red and white hair*

aizawa: nope thanks i quit

just imagine: natsuo finally graduates and UA stuff can sit back and relax and then BOOM! GUESS WHAT it's shouto fucking todoroki and he's UNWELL AND READY TO CAUSE TROUBLE

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7 months ago
7 months ago

league of villains but they all work in entertainment industry


- well-known in industry because of her quirk

- if actor is sick or can't attend work for personal reasons it's time for toga to shine

- she refuses to work without personal permission of actor

- she still get to act as herself mostly in school setting romance

- once was asked to work for some indie horror movie and was absolutely thrilled through whole experience

- planning to attend more auditions for horrors but afraid that her school romance image would ruin her chances

-writes manga and light novels


- specifically asks post production team to credit him in end as 'dabi' not 'todoroki toya'

- because of scars mostly works for mafia related movies

- once was invited to film an advertising with hawks. agreed only to tease hawks by flirting with him, was not expecting hawks to start flirting back.

- someone put those bloopers on herotube and half of the internet convinced that they are a couple

- really likes it when toga drops by the set just to say hi

- hates that he has to spend the most time out of all actors on set for make-up


- started to stream just for fun, was not expecting it to become full time job

- if spinner has no fans shigaraki's dead

- has a herotube channel with short animation videos

- finds dabihawks shipping situation hilarious

- had been shipped with dabi after a few streams, but cut this off by coming out as aroace

- makes blind reaction videos with spinner

- invites toga and/or dabi for streams which includes them trying to cook something once in a while

- usually these streams end up in chaos


- was streaming for longer time then shigaraki but was less popular

- more known as a bass player for a few rock bands

- almost passed out when shigaraki showed up in chat for the first time

- 'close your eyes bro' 'okay' 'what do you see?' 'nothing' 'that's my world without you, bro' 'bro' – kind of relationship with shigaraki

- tries to bring all of his gaming gear to tours with bands and fails miserably every time

- comes to toga-dabi-shigaraki cooking streams but stays behind the camera ready to call firefighters

- wears mask and sunglasses for streams and mask and hood for concerts

mr. compress:

- one of the most popular cosplayers in the community

- somehow manages to visit all of the cons with multiple cosplays

- uses his quirk to carry costumes around

- makes custom cosplay gear and has herotube channel with cosplay tips for newcomers

- freelance photographer for a few geek magazines

- met shigaraki and dabi at a photo shoot for magazine

- a few times was hired as a concert photographer and met spinner at the first one

- magne's podcast buddy

- carries toga's bags at cons and helps her with shopping


- has been working for huge animation studio but started her own project and quit

- does podcast about queer and quirk discrimination with compress

- once invited shigaraki to discuss 'villainous' quirk discrimination and shigaraki ended up coming out

- actually the one who encouraged toga to apply for auditions for horrors

- met compress through cosplay community

- has been planing to work with shigaraki on some animation project

- runs support center for teens with twice


- works A LOT with dabi

- started as a cameraman but then dabi suggested to try acting

- toga's number one fan

- voiced a lot of characteres from magne's shows

- was the one who brought up the idea of support center

- always declines magne's invitations for podcast because he convinced that he doesn't experience any oppression

- helps compress and toga to get ready for cons


- shigaraki's editor and assists compress for photo shoots

- making tiktoks of chaotic cooking streams is his favorite part of his job

- the one who shigaraki calls when accidentally decays controller or other gaming stuff

- thankful to spinner for attending chaotic cooking streams for safety reasons

- his quirk is the reason why compress able to attend so many cons

- goes to every premier of toga, twice or dabi movies

- the one who organizes the league meetings once a month

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7 months ago

If someone told me that Tomura slept hanging upside down like a bat, I’d believe them.

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7 months ago

Hi! Just wanted to show you guys this edit I made today, hope you'll like it

Song: Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez

7 months ago

cr: the song is Gold, Guns, Girls by Metric

"Generic passenger car pack" ( by Comrade1280 "2014 Toyota Corolla E180 EU (with interior)" ( by Armored Wave special thanks to @pan-da-hero for cheering me up during this long long journey and to [redacted] for doing hand modeling for me no questions asked <3

7 months ago

thinking about aizawa who came up with his homeless man look purely for job reasons. i mean it's more likely for people at the middle of the night to not notice some hobo then the whole ass hero so aizawa usually has an advantage in a fight or info gathering.

and because UA teachers wear their hero costumes for classes aizawa looks how he looks.

and he and yamada find it hilarious when their students don't recognize them in public when they wearing their civilian clothes.

basically aizawa and yamada are in the different sides of spectrum called 'my students do not recognize me in public because of my hero persona'

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7 months ago

14 y.o. me, finding out that autism can be a reason to decline gender affirming surgeries and transition in general: well i guess it makes sense doctors probably know what they do

20 y.o. me, randomly remembering this not-so-fun fact: wait, that's fucked up

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9 months ago

i like the idea of toya and keigo meeting each other when they were kids. i know this hc has WILD angst potential, but i really into imagining them as a couple of weird kids with zero social skills.

hear me out what if toya as a child had obsession with dinosaurs? like he was really into scientific side of it, reading articles, keeping an eye to new theories and stuff.

did you know that bird-like dinosaurs (it's basically the coolest meat-eating animals EVER) are related to modern day birds? so

one day toya met keigo aka a bird kid

keigo, anxiously: hey?

toya: oh my lord

keigo: what? did i do something?

toya: omg dude you'rE BASICALLY A DINOSAUR


keigo: ....kay

and a lot of years later dabi comes up with his dramatic ass reveal and all the heroes need to come up with some excuse to smooth the consequences.

and hawk just sits somewhere like: can't believe that the freak who tried to burn me alive is the same guy who called me a dinosaur 15 years ago

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9 months ago

they will never make me disown you sparkly french boi πŸ˜”βœŠ

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9 months ago

me, after leaning that been absolutely drained after most of the social interaction to the point where i can't properly function and been in my own head 24/7 is not in fact been introverted and nerdy: oh, who would've guessed

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9 months ago
9 months ago

sorry i don't think i would ever recover from opening for season seven and my flashbacks of 2014 tokio ghoul

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9 months ago

to be honest i don't really like that sometimes representation makes autistic people look like just silly little dudes who all that colourful and happy

like okay sure autistic people have a right to be happy and enjoy things but i wanna see the not-so-happy part of life. yeah, people portray stuff like going nonverbal and sensory overload and all that. but what about those time when you have to shut up mid sentense because you don't wanna sound rude? when you choose to stay silent and exclude yourself from conversations? when you over think what you all the time? when you feel to much and people keep trying to talk to you and you need to shove your feelings down because otherwise you will snap at them? when you have to prepare yourself for hours to simply answer the text from a friend? when something out of your control happens and it changes all your routine and you just sitting there trying not to cry? when your family forget to tell you that you all going to visit relatives and you have 0 time to prepare yourself?

i'm gonna be honest with you: been neurodivergent sucks but lack of opportunity to see people struggling with the same shit sucks more

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10 months ago

kageyama this hinata that

okay i get it

but what about ukai what about my boy

i love him more than anything and i will die on this hill

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10 months ago

i think i need kinda sorta au where the league adopts hawks. like shigaraki looks at hawks' fake smiles and unnatural upbeating attitude and he's like 'yeah he's like us i can feel it in my guts'

or hawks decides to tell the league about been sold to HPSC to gain their trust but ends up sobbing on the couch and dabi (been scandalous bitch he is) hits him with 'yep no fuck hawks you're keigo from now on'

i'm not saying that i wanna hawks to become a villain i want him to have a family. so like it would be fun if the league stays a villain organization and hawks stays the no.2 hero and they are just... really weird kind of family. like neither hawks nor the league leaks valuable information about attacks and stuff. it's casual like 'don't mind us it's just me and my family of the most wanted criminals of Japan'

mr. compress, coming in terms with adoption of another traumatized young adult: man kurogiri will be pissed.

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10 months ago

it's really funny for me when people claim that without romantic relationships you cannot possibly be happy. i have a story for this one.

so in my first year of uni i was really invested in my appearance like clothes hair a little bit of make-up all that stuff. and during that year a lot of people (and i mean A LOT) were trying to talk to me or ask for a walk or number. like i wasn't able to get home without talking to anyone. as a not really social person a wanna say that was a freaking nightmare.

you know when it changed and i could finally live peacefully? it happened when i stop putting myself together like i would die if i wasn't looking perfect and when a cut my hair.

all those people suddenly disappeared and i tell you this.

i was never happier in my life.

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10 months ago

i CAN and WILL headcanon half of the mha characters as aroaces and neither you nor god can stop me.

me, giving paper medal with word 'aroace' on it to my favorite character: i give you the greatest honor that i have.

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