ironwoodatl01 - James Ironwood Hangout
James Ironwood Hangout

Because I just remembered who was the best character in RWBY so far

915 posts

The Problem, I Think, Isn't The Show. It's The Audience Who Sees The Harm Someone Did To Another, But

The problem, I think, isn't the show. It's the audience who sees the harm someone did to another, but also that person's attempts to redeem themselves.

There is sympathy from the audience which the media then exploits for ratings.

why is 911 obsessed with making people spend time with and Let Go Of ResentmentTM TM TM about parents that fucking sucked and still make them feel like shit to be around lmao. we’ve been down this road before, gang, and i do not love the repeated theme of ‘everyone in this person’s life Including Their Sibling is ganging up on them to force them into this situation and they’re being painted as unreasonable and selfish for not wanting to be around a parent that hurt them profoundly’

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More Posts from Ironwoodatl01

2 years ago

This is the real Avengers movie right here.

"You never complain about Stone Soup."

"I like Stone Soup," said the cow. "Stone Soup is an honest con. We get a meal, everyone thinks they've seen a little bit of magic, you sell the stone for a little bit of pocket money, you pick up another stone at the next town. Everyone gets something."

"And if I remember right, you were the one who suggested we steal the magic beans."

"That wasn't stealing, that was a legitimate trade."

"A legitimate trade for a talking cow that disappeared by morning?"

"He didn't even lock the barn! How is that my fault?" She huffed and laid her head onto her forelimbs. The stalk of grass in her lips wobbled with her scowl. "Old fool never knew what he had."

Jack hummed. He craned forward to get a better look into the tiny, cracked glass, pulled gently at the corner of his eye and delicately dabbed the makeup brush.

"My point is," said the cow, "this all seems rather - cruel."

Jack turned. One half of his face was magnificently painted in faerie shades of blues and violets. The other half was just confused. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"For gods' sake, Jack, this is a perfectly innocent girl who you plan on humiliating in front of the royal court."

"How would she be humiliated? As far as she'll know, she'll have a lovely time at a lovely ball in a lovely ballgown."

"You don't have a lovely ballgown!"

"Well I can't afford a ballgown, now can I?!"

"So you're going to make her waltz in her fucking underclothes?!"

He took a dramatic breath. "Look," he said, brandishing the makeup brush. "If it worked on the fucking emperor, it'll work on a fucking scullery maid. If she gets told by a fairy that she's wearing a fairy dress that can only be seen by intelligent people, she is going to believe like hell that she's wearing the very image of sartorial extravaganza."

The brush was masterfully twiddled. "And when everyone else finds out that she's wearing a fairy dress that can only be seen by intelligent people, there won't be a single person in that room who would dare to disagree."

The cow shook her head. "I don't know, Jack," she sighed. "I just don't know."

"It'll be fine," Jack said, turning back to the tiny glass and bringing a deft hand again on the canvas. "Trust me. How did you do finding the slippers?"

"Couldn't find crystal," said the cow. "Best I could get were a glass set from an elf down at the cobbler's."

Jack hummed. "Well, they shouldn't be that important. Nobody will look too closely at her shoes."

1 year ago


It's very important in the Harry Potter narrative.

It is a sport that is so pervasive through the Magical World that anything related to the sport is kind of a 'neutral ground' for wizards and witches from both sides of the wizarding war.

Also, you know shit is going down when quidditch gets cancelled. Every major conflict incident int the books occurs after quidditch is cancelled, or affected in some way.


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2 years ago

Freedom of Speech naturally implies Freedom from repercussions for your speech.

How could anyone be free to speak when your speech would result in tangible consequences like violence, or loss of livelihood?

Would a gay man have freedom of speech, if his speech about gay rights were met with physical and financial consequences?

Freedom of Speech must have Freedom from Repercussions.

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2 years ago

We'd probably read too much into the mental cues and end up just as confused as before.

Like bro

It’s so hard to explain everything (especially feelings and reasonings) with words why can’t we just read minds and use mental cues

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2 years ago
ironwoodatl01 - James Ironwood Hangout

you probably don't get any bitches with the way you keep on yapping about pro life shit. just saying. is it because you're sad inside? i feel kinda bad for you ngl

I'm getting married in a month...