Harry Potter Series - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Is how the Marauder's map is treated really surprising from the series that minimizes trauma, glorifies bullying, portrays abused children as inherently evil and sees nothing wrong with the implications of a society where love potions are so routine that people sell them by the store full to literal children and tell "back in my day" stories about them like sexual assault is a fucking joke?

No, it doesn't surprise me at all that the invasiveness of the map is never addressed.

It's very telling that even though her general excuse for all marauder antics is that they were just mischievous kids, but then she has characters who were adults then do nothing and then she has characters who are now adults--adults she wants us to Believe are reasonable and fair--who know what they did and still defend it and treat it like it's perfectly harmless and a "just good fun."

The Marauder's Map and why the books failed to address the issues it raised

It infuriates me that people always seem to consider the Marauder's Map as something "cool" and boyish. To me, it is the ultimate tool to bully and abuse - a violation of all privacy and safety, the ultimate object of control for the abusers. I cannot see many things that would be more dangerous than this inside a boarding school, and I cannot even begin to imagine how Snape and other students must have suffered from it, unable to hide from those who could attempt murder or sexually assault them without being expelled. I don't care if this takes place in a magical world - everyone has a right not to be restlessly tracked. The fact the matter is never addressed within the books, and the Marauders seem to have received no real punishment (in a normal and proper school, this would get students expelled) when this clearly is psychological harassment and stalking, is another example of how unsafe Hogwarts is for all students that do not have the privilege to belong to Gryffindor, or come from a wealthy background, thus being at the mercy of bullies like the Marauders. And the fact the narrative doesn't point out this fact is highly disturbing - on the contrary, the map is always talked about in a positive way:

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school."

It is still an object of pride for Lupin, who gives it to Harry at the end of his third year. We know for a fact he never understood, or wanted to understand, the seriousness of his actions - the fact is this time, his views on the map aren't contradicted by anything in the narrative (in the contrary to the bullying of Snape, seen for what it was by Harry).

"While on the run in looking for Horcruxes, Harry would often look at the map to see what Ginny Weasley, his love interest, was doing, which would hint that the map works from any location."

We know that Harry and Ginny's relationship is a positive one with shared love in a particular context; but still such activity should never be romantized. None of the partner should have the power to stalk their loved one: it gives a disturbing idea of "entitlement" to the other.

"Eventually, James Sirius Potter probably stole the map from his father's desk."

Finally, the map is again presented as an object of enjoyment which provides mere fun - according to JK the map certainly made its way back to Hogwarts, in the hands of a James Sirius nonetheless (I mean, this is a symbol as a whole). I think that shows how she never understood the seriousness of what this object implies - because the use of the map is clearly, and definitely, written and talked about as positive and even funny.

Thus it is also talked about as something entirely positive within the fandom, just as bullying and trauma are minimized by many people - and to accept the idea that stalking is okay, another tool for "pranks", is worrying. The map is, on the contrary, a symbol of what the Marauders had and looked for during their school years: absolute power.

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10 months ago

This is so fitting, I don't even like Nightcore and it's still going on repeat. Lily was such a bad friend.

Lily Evans is just a little girl

I was re-listening to this song (I love the nightcore version) and it made me think! This is perfect for the Snape and Lily friendship break up!!! Or it would be if Snape realized how bad a friend 'saint' Lily was.

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10 months ago

Please reblog if you feel the same. Many people seem to think snape awarded points biasedly all the time when that is NOT the case at all.

Going to rewatch all the HP movies in honor of Robbie Coltrane.

As an adult I definitely view many things differently than I did as a kid. Especially since I read the books which I'm also rereading.

In the first film, I hate this scene. Especially as someone who loves kids and has been a teacher. People aways say its fine because Snape favored his house (someone has to since Slytherin is so hated) and they think Slytherin is always cheating, but at least in the books, if you look at the actual facts, Snape doesn't award a single house point in the series EVEN for Slytherin and takes a total of about 270 in ALL of the 6 school years that we see. 12 in PS/SS. In PS/SS, McGonagall took 150 points from her own house and 20 from Slytherin. If anything the other teachers take more points than Snape throughout the series. Also, according to one of JK Rowlings interviews Snape also took the most points away from his own house. And the mostly minor point deductions he did to Gryffindor were hardly game changing, for every Gryffindor point he deducted for whatever reason was most probably regained that same day by another student. And we never really see the Professors awarding Slytherin many points like they do to Gryffindor. And since Snape doesn't award points even to Slytherin, we can assume they are fairly earning the ones they won since its other unbiased professors who are awarding them points. They were winning the House Cup for many years straight for a reason and only began losing after Harry entered the fold in which he continuously gets extra points and unfairly so.

But what I hate the most about this scene is not only did Dumbledore let Slytherins believe they had won, but he let them celebrate their apparent victory, complete with decorations that he put up. He sat there knowing he was going to wait until literally the last moment to pull the rug out from under them. Dumbledore pretty much just dropped massive loads of points on Gryffindor when it was impossible for anyone to gain anymore.

Slytherin rightfully won. It was unfair for Dumbledore to award points for a school competition knowing that the points he was awarding had nothing to do with the school or the rest of the students. He knew that no other students had the opportunity that Harry and his friends had. He knew that only Harry really could have gone up against Voldemort as he's the child of prophecy. Awarding them points was straight up cheating. And unfair to the rest of the children. Harry may have helped save the Wizarding world, but he broke school rules to do it (which is fine) but under normal circumstances a different student would have had points deducted for breaking those same rules and from a school competition standpoint he shouldn't be awarded for something that has nothing to do with the school and it's competition. He can be rewarded in a different way that doesn't involve house points and the end of year house competition. Slytherin shouldn't have lost. Dumbledore calculated the exact points needed for them to win on purpose.

Please Reblog If You Feel The Same. Many People Seem To Think Snape Awarded Points Biasedly All The Time

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10 months ago

Friendly reminder that Fred and George literally tried to murder another student for trying to take House points from them

Friendly Reminder That Fred And George Literally Tried To Murder Another Student For Trying To Take House
Friendly Reminder That Fred And George Literally Tried To Murder Another Student For Trying To Take House

Like I know we apparently don't give a damn about NPCs in Harry Potter, but it's insane to me how no one acknowledges how fucking vile the Weasley twins were

(unrelated but it's also very funny how self-righteous Fred and George acted over Percy being a "git" and how they were convinced of their own moral superiority because they were on the good side, when I'm convinced Percy would never have done something so horrible)

Same goes for Harry and Ron mind you. The level of apathy and cruelty they demonstrate is CRAZY like they legit do not give a fuck. And yeah, I wasn't much better than them as a teenager when it came to people I didn't like, but surely that is something that should be addressed by the narrative?? By anyone? Hermione gets like 0,5 brownie point for suggesting that maybe they should tell someone (YES??) but considering she does jackshit about it that doesn't exactly endear her to me

Despite how many times Slytherin is said to be the evil house while Rowling glorifies the Gryffindor House (and she absolutely does, there are many examples in the books), the murder attempts between the two houses have been pretty one-sided (Fred&George to Montague and Sirius to Snape, not to mention the Weasley twins and Sirius were both 100% unapologetic). Well, Crabbe did try to kill the trio in HP7 , though 1) it was in the context of the war, they weren't exactly students anymore, and 2) the event is treated with the appropriate amount of horror for the situation

I think it's really fucked up that no one seems to find it a problem or even remember it but hey that's just me!

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9 months ago

"My father will hear about this!" is actually healthy child behaviour

So one of Draco's most iconic lines (from the movies at least, but the same sentiment is in the book) is "My father will hear about this" or "Wait till my father hears about this".

It's usually used to ridicule Draco from what I have seen...but to me it makes Draco a more relatable child character compared to the trio.

As a kid, and even as an adult, I was very open with my parents. I told them basically everything. They were very involved in my life and I felt comfortable going to them with all my problems.

Admit it: would you prefer kids like the trio who go off on dangerous adventures, leaving adults in the dark or would you prefer a kid like Draco who will loudly tell you what's bothering him?

This is what these lines tell me about Draco's relationship with his dad and himself:

Draco has a close emotional bond with his father. He is ok with telling his father about his daily life which should be healthy child behaviour.

He believes his father cares about him and his safety. You don't complain to a parent who does not care about you.

And of course, the rebuttal is that children should not be overly dependent on their parents and they need to learn how to handle problems on their own.

Well, I have a news flash for you! If your kid is being abused by teachers or feels they are being treated unjustly at school, they should not be made to handle it on their own!!! Maybe Harry would have benefitted from having more of Draco's attitude. And then maybe Umbridge would not have been able to torture how many kids without hordes of angry parents descending on Hogwarts!

As problematic as the Malfoys are, I genuinely believe they have one of the healthiest nuclear families. Neville's grandma is...let's just say that it's a tragedy that JKR made Snape Neville's boggart when his grandma is ultimately responsible for Neville's self-esteem issues. Didn't one of his uncles throw him out a window as a kid?? Harry's family are hella abusive. Ron had a broken wand and feared going to his parents about it which is a huge red flag! You know given how dangerous a broken wand is! Hermione doesn't seem to give a damn about her parents. We don't even know their names. And I truly fail to understand why some muggleborne kids were never removed from school. Hermione was petrified and her parents sent her back the following year? Either Hermione never told them, the school hushed it up and/or the parents couldn't care less. Either option is bad.

I don't care what the antis think about Draco. When/If I have a kid in the future, when they have issues I hope they will feel secure saying "My mom will hear about this!".

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2 years ago

Potter Family Opera Headcanons

by @goggles-mcgee

Exes | Mcgonagall | Love Triangle | Cheated On | Exchanging Letters | Sirius Black | Invested | Confrontation | Hooked | 4th Year | Tom's Diary | The Tragedy | Existential Crisis | Spreading Rumors | Bewitched | “Save Snape from Becoming the Dark Lord's Babe” Club | Courting | Older Brother | Past Actions | Obsession | The Jilted Lover | Durmstrang Kids | Badger Lions Club | Suitors

None of these have any titles

Snape next time in Potions, of course, makes a comment about James to Harry when walking by.

Harry who gasps as he thinks he has figured it all out: "Oh my goodness! Why didn't you tell me you and my dad dated? I mean if you told me you were exes I never would have pushed for you to tell me about him!"

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@happiestbookworm @catssfforever @bluedropz @amaranthine-pluviophile @black-squirrl @krazy-kattzz @bluefrost-freewolf @thepatoot @arissafespace @secretlawyercolorscissors @lilbunnys-things @miyla-lokidottir @emistar0 @yourfavoriteslytherclaw @somnuseternus @anastasian-dreamer @heckinggremlin @dragonofelder @alicenorwood @animebookworm16 @thraeelddim @darth-vader5555 @nillajinx @rantxiety @pookiedragonfire

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3 years ago

Goodbye Umbitch

A/N: I made this just for fun. And all hate to Umbridge not her actor :)

(Y/N and Harry go to Umbridge to try a spell on her.)

Y/N: Hello Professor Umbridge!

UMBRIDGE: Hello, L/N, what do you want?

Y/N: I just wanted to try a new spell on someone so I thought why not try it on you.

HARRY: *whispers* What are you doing?

Y/N: *whispers* Just wait and watch.

UMBRIDGE: But why me? There are other students and professors here at Hogwarts.

Y/N: Umm, you see professor there is no other professor or student like you and I adore you so much.

Harry: *inside his mind* Adore you?! She's gone mad!

UMBRIDGE: Okay, well what does that spell do?

Y/N: Why don't you see it yourself?

UMBRIDGE: Okay do it.

(Y/N clears her throat while Harry is freaking out inside.)

Y/N: *points her wand at Umbridge* Avada kedavra!

Harry: ...

Y/N: ...

Harry: ...

Y/N: ...


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Look, if Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes and Aaron Taylor Johnson don’t play the old Marauders in the Harry Potter Series, then whats the point?

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1 year ago

Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle

Synopsis: Being the Minister of Magic was not easy for Tom, but you are always there to keep chaos from erupting. OR, you are Tom's assistant and the babysitter of the group and Tom finally confesses.

Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle
Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle

Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader

Notes: Not canon compliant (sane!Tom, no Voldemort), Abraxas keeps insulting orphans, Y/N is tired (Knights of Walpurgis? More like Kids of Walpurgis)

Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle

You could almost feel the grey hairs sprouting from your head, and not even in a fun, attractive way either. It was a wonder you hadn't even thought about drafting up your letter of resignation until right now.

"Abraxas, you may not buy out that land to raise your peacocks. The Department of Care for Magical Children plan to use it for future projects."

Tom shoots you an amused look from across the room, lips quirked up into a smirk at your exasperated tone. The infuriating man was leaning back in his armchair, far too at ease, as you tried to restrain yourself from slamming your head through the table.

"Frankly, that just seems like a waste of good resources. I mean why do they need it so bad? Could they not just simply find another plot? After all, these children grew up in austere conditions, so they won't even miss it."



"Get out."


"Now. Please."

The man looks over to his best friend for help, but Tom simply shrugs as if conceding that you were the one in charge.

"Fine. However, this conversation is far from over. I will see you both tonight, yes?"

"Of course. Safe travels, and please send Lady Malfoy my regards."

The man sends you a pleased nod before twirling on his heels, his cloak billowing dramatically. The door clicks shut behind him just as you drop your face into your hands.

"Stressed, darling?"

You huff and rub your forehead before answering with more bite than intended, "Perfectly fine".

The insufferable man, as unbothered as always, lets out a noise of amusement before slowly striding towards your desk. You slowly raise your head as his shadow falls over you, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah, fire off your best hex at me and put me out of my misery."

"Abraxas‘ dramatics has rubbed off on you, my love."

The pet name sends a shiver down your spine and you try your hardest to school your expression. You had grown up with Tom at the orphanage, which basically made you his closest confidant, friend, and ally. At times it felt like you were a breathing, judgmental diary to him.

You were privy to all that was bad and ugly in his life, so it was only right that you were by his side when he rose to power and suddenly had access to all the material goods in the world.

And to him--whatever he had, you had by extension.

Of course, you fought tooth and nail to get to where you were now, rebuking any effort Tom made to give you preferential treatment.

Everything would be fine if it weren't for your affections toward him. Growing up, he never expressed interest in pursuing a romantic relationship, he had only ever wanted to subvert the stereotypes and malice aimed at the both of you during your years at Hogwarts.

The closest thing to romance that you could associate Tom with was when he wooed Druella Rosier in sixth year with his signature smile and a kiss to her hand in order to siphon information about her father from her.

The poor girl was an inconsolable lump of misery after Tom got what he needed and tossed her aside like a used handkerchief.

Tom's always been romantically inept like that.

Your spiral of reminiscing didn't cease, not even when you and Tom showed up to Malfoy Manor for their annual ball later that night.

When would it be socially acceptable to turn tail and run?

"Assistant L/N! What a pleasure it is! Is the minister trekking about nearby?"

You spin from looking out the window and come face to face with an older man who you recognized from around the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

His vest hugged him tightly and only served to accentuate his red, puffy face.

Was he about to hit on you or try and kiss your ass so he could get acquainted with Tom?

Merlin. Did you have enough in your savings to retire yet?

"Good evening. I believe Tom is busy discussing foreign deals with Lord Greengrass."

"Ah yes, Cyrus Greengrass is quite ingenious. You and Minister Riddle were friends with him during school, yes?"

Your lip twitched at how casual he was addressing Cyrus. Cyrus would be disconcerted by the man's informality, but Abraxas would surely become vexed on his friend's behalf if he heard.

"Yes. We are childhood friends I suppose."

"Wonderful! Well I was coming to you because I'm sure you're aware that the rules for Quidditch are being tossed into the air. The Ministro di Magia in Italy is trying to--"

You started tuning him out and looked around the room for one of your friends, starting to sweat in the formal wear you had on.

Luckily, Tom caught your eye. Unfortunately, he had somehow rounded up all of your friends and they were all looking quite entertained at your expense.

"Sorry sir. If you'll excuse me, it seems that the Minister is in need of me."

Without waiting for a response, you chugged what was left in your champagne flute before practically stomping over to the circle of men.

As you neared, Tom stepped out to welcome you, encircling a hand around your waist like it was the most casual thing in the world.

"Good evening boys. Thank you for throwing me out to the wolves."

"Y/N! So I assume this would be a bad time to try and renegotiate the land you're throwing away to those orphans."

Bloody hell, he was forgetting that he was saying that in front of two orphans.

Without answering Abraxas, you turned to Tom and let out a sigh, "I'm handing in my letter of resignation tomorrow, I promise it".

The hand around your waist tightened ever so slightly and you ignored the amused looks your friends sent each other, having picked up on your little school girl crush on Tom eons ago.

Damn them.

"Now, now, don't make hasty decisions. I could simply smite Abraxas‘ peacocks and the problem would be solved."

Abraxas let out an undignified noise while Parkinson and Bulstrode snorted into their drinks. Cyrus patted Abraxas‘ shoulder in feign pity, but he knew that Tom would likely make good on his threat if you asked him to.

"I hate you all. How is it that even after all these years, I still feel like an underpaid, underappreciated nanny."

Abraxas looked offended at your words and quickly reassured you, "We love you though. Underpaid, yes. Underappreciated? Never."

Your banter with the group went on for a while longer and as the night started coming to a close, Tom steered you away from peering eyes and towards a vacant balcony.

"Are you alright, darling?"

You only nodded tiredly to the man, leaning your elbows on the railing. You rubbed your eyes as you could sense the man behind you shifting in uncertainty (which was so uncharacteristic of him that you had half the mind to pull out your wand and threaten him to tell you where the real Tom was).

A few beats of peaceful silence pass before you're jumping up at the feeling of hands coming to hug your waist, a hard chest pressing against your back.


His chin gently rested atop of your shoulder, loosening his grip slightly to give you the opportunity to push him away.

"Are you unusually more clueless nowadays or are you purposely torturing me?"

"You're going to have to elaborate. Did you accidentally kill someone or do something I would disapprove of? This affection is quite sudden."

"But you don't hate it. Quite the contrary."

"That confidence of yours is going to get you into trouble one day."

"If it's you, I don't mind the trouble."

You don't bother responding, but your silence was satisfactory enough for him.

Clearing your throat, you awkwardly move your hands to rest atop of his, patting them gently.

It felt like the world spun on its head and was reborn anew before Tom spoke again, "Marry me."

His words threw you for a loop and you sputtered a choked, "What?"

"Marry me. I mean we're practically married anyway. You flounder around and make sure the boys are okay, and I rein them in so they don't blow up the country and make me lose face."

"Yes. We are a true dynamic duo."

Your dry response has his chest rumbling in contained laughter, tilting his head and gently knocking it against your cheek.

"We're the parents of the group, haven't you noticed? Abraxas asked me a few days ago if we would end their suffering and ours by just wedding each other."

"I was not aware we were even dating."

"Dating--being partners-- would not even come close to what we are. Don't you feel the same? We are in sync in everything we do. Even hundreds of miles apart, I breathe as you breathe, my heart beats in rhythm with yours, my mind does not simply revolve around you--it is completely infused with your every essence. It is a wonder we aren't already married with three cats."

"Three cats," Tom despised cats, "But...yes, I feel the same. You know I do. I thought that...well, I thought you weren't interested in romance."

"I am interested in pursuing anything and everything with you. Only you. If you'll have me, of course."

Your laughter comes out wet and heavy, filled with relief and disbelief. You turn your gaze upward and watch as the stars blink down on you, permeated across the sky the same way love begins to flow through your veins.

"It was always you, Tom. Thank you for telling me."

Tom pulls back briefly before gently turning you around to face him.

He leans down and nuzzles his nose against yours, eyes conveying a tender emotion that you've never seen until now. But now you knew, every time in the past when his eyes flickered across your face and softened, it was out of love.

"Tell me you'll marry me."

You don't give him a verbal response, but as you press your lips to his, he knows that domesticity together is all the both of you have ever needed.

"Tom...does this mean we have to make Abraxas the best man now?"

"Don't be silly, he'll give us no choice in the matter."

(And give them no choice, he did)

Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle


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I've been thinking about the battle of Hogwarts recently, and I really dislike the idea of all the Slytherins leaving after Pansy threatens Harry. I feel like not all of them would have left. I have this beautiful image in my mind of a different scenario. It's right before the battle and Voldemorts amplified voice has delivered its dire message. Not a word is spoken until Pansy steps forward and urges everyone to "grab him". Except this time Ginny isn't the first to put herself in front of him. Before anyone can even think, a Slytherin sixth year, a girl barely of age, makes her way past Pansy and blocks her path to Harry Potter. The hall remains silent as everyone watches in shock. A Slytherin protecting Harry Potter? They have forgotten that while Slytherins are cunning and ambitious, they are also determined. They have forgetten that your house is a representation of the values you hold closest, not the only traits you possess. They have forgetten that Slytherins can be brave, wise and loyal. That just because someone is a Slytherin, doesn't mean that they are evil. The still doesn't last long, just long enough for people to realise what has happened. Ginny steps forward and takes the girls hand. A girl in her year, a girl she had never spoken to before, had stood up for what was right, and she would stand with her. And then the other houses join them. First the Gryffindors, then the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs. Then the Slytherins. The four houses standing together, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, ready to protect their fellow student from the evil outside. For Cedric Diggory. The spare. For Harry Potter. The Chosen one. For themselves and their future, just as the sorting hat had advised. Not all of them go to protect him but many do. The Slytherins cannot blame their housemates for not wanting to fight. They knew that many of their parents and family members would be out there fighting against them. No one could blame them for wanting to avoid that. Still, some Slytherins went anyway, knowing that they would be forced to face their loved ones. Pansy wants to scream. She yells and calls them blood traitors, slinging foul curses at them before MacGonagall cuts her off and sends her, and those housemates who chose, away. Everyone burst into cheers as they left the great hall, many running to congratulate their Slytherin friends on joining them. Harry turned around to find the girl who had stood up for him. A girl he didn't even know. He found her in the crowd and she noticed his looks. As he went to flag her down, he was dragged away, but before he lost her to the roar, she nodded her head to him in understanding. And so they fought. Side by side, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff alike protecting each other. Some fought their own parents, backed up by friends who they knew would never let them down, no matter what house they were from. They fought, they died, they were injured, they tended to the wounded. They cried, they mourned, and they held their loved ones even closer. They watched as Voldemort arrived with Harry Potters body at his feet. They listened to his grand speech as he urged them to join them, his own house, his family. But no Slytherin joined him that night. They stood side by side with their schoolmates, and they joined hands, because if they were to die then they would die together. And they did not regret their choice at all. They cheered when Harry rose up, they fought in the last stretch of the battle, and they watched the final showdown in awe. It was finally over. Harry never learnt the girls name. He never found her again. But many years later, when Albus Potter worried about his house, Harry didn't tell him of Severus Snape. He told his son of a girl he never knew standing up for him in front of her own housemates and certain death. He told his son of the Slytherins who fought and died beside him to make the world a better place. He told his son that if he was a Slytherin he should be proud. For Slytherins could be brave, wise and loyal. They were all just students.

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6 years ago
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.
We Cant Choose Our Fate, But We Can Choose Others. Be Careful In Knowing That.

“We can’t choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.”

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5 years ago
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want
Female Awesome Meme; 3/5 Female Antagonists: Bellatrix Lestrange(harry Potter) You Need To Really Want

female awesome meme; 3/5 female antagonists: bellatrix lestrange (harry potter) “you need to really want to cause pain – to enjoy it.”

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5 years ago
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
Harry Potter Series Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget

harry potter series ♡ harry potter and the philosopher’s stone. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

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4 years ago

Life At Hogwarts - Diagon Alley and Platform Nine and Three Quaters

This is part one but there is a prologue on my masterlist

notes: anything in italics is a thought and in bold is a reader’s note, I also apologize for any errors, I look forward to hearing any feedback!

Also I am staying close to the actual story with some minor adjustments. Stay tuned for more!!


It is finally the day that you will get all the supplies you need for your first year at Hogwarts. You wrote a letter the day you were accepted to Hogwarts to Minerva McGonagall, the lady whose name was on your acceptance letter, explaining that you had no idea how to get your supplies and sent the owl back to her. You asked her for help and she quickly offered to meet you and take you to Diagon Alley to gather any materials that you might need.

Your father was out for the day so when you heard a knock at the door you knew that it had to be McGonagall. You raced to the front door, smoothed out your clothes to look presentable, and politely opened to door to greet your guest.

“Hello, my name is (Y/N). Thank you so much for taking me to get my books,” you rush out as you extend your hand to her. She takes your small outstretched hand in hers, her nimble fingers curling around your hand.

“My name is McGonagall. It is a pleasure to meet you” she replies politely her tall, elegant frame smiling down at you. “We had better get going if we want to get everything you need” she added.

  As you walked through the bustling cobblestone walkway your eyes darted from one store to the next in fascination.

“I think we should begin by going to Gringotts” McGonagall informed me as you stared in fascination at this new world around you.

“Okay, what’s at Gringotts” you trailed after the elegant woman.

“Gringotts is the bank that all wizards use. It is owned and operated by goblins” she answered simply. You arrived outside a white marble building that towers above all the other shops in Diagon Alley. You and McGonagall climbed the white stairs in between the large marble pillars to the bronze door that is guarded by two goblins dressed in uniforms of deep scarlet outlined in the purest yellow gold. Once through the bronze doors, we found ourselves in an entry hall staring at guarded silver doors engraved with ornate writing that reads:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Once through those doors, we entered the marble hall with long counters on either side of the walkway. The counters had workstations every few feet with goblins carrying out different tasks. The room was light by candles in ornate holders and the crystal chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling. As we walked, our steps echoed. The only other sounds in the room were the scribbling of quills and the ticking of a large golden clock that rested on a ledge above a door leading off to the right. We step up to a counter once a goblin become available.

“(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) would like to make a withdrawal” McGonagall states.

“Come with me the goblin” commands and walks away as you and McGonagall follow closely behind.

“I have an account here” you question McGonagall as you trail behind the goblin.

“You were your mother’s sole heir when she passed. Everything that she had she left to you” McGonagall stated giving you a solemn look.

“My mother was a witch” you turn on McGonagall with wide eyes, astonished with the new information.

“She was, indeed, an immensely powerful witch at that. Has your father told you nothing about her” she asked with a frown etched on her face.

“Only that it’s my fault she died” you mumbled but she still heard what you said. The goblin leads you and McGonagall from the beautiful marble hallways to a stone passageway dimly lit by flaming torches. We all three got into a cart that was on the mini train tracks, the goblin behind the controls. We descended into the tunnel at a rapid pace. The goblin drove the cart around turns as we soared along the track; McGonagall’s face remained stoic while you laughed as the wind whipped through your hair. The cart comes to a sudden stop jarring you a bit as it was unexpected.

“Vault 737” the goblin announces as he exits the cart. He walks up to the door and drags a finger down it and you hear a resounding clank as the door unlocks. You walk into the room followed closely by McGonagall.

“My mom was rich?” you asked as you looked around the room piled with gold, jewels, and artifacts.

“I would have expected nothing less from a woman of her standing” McGonagall replied calmly as she hands you a small pouch for you to point some coins into. You load the pouch with gold coins and hand it to McGonagall for safe keeping. After getting your money the goblin takes you and McGonagall to back to the stone passageway you came from. You exit the cart and walk back through the glorious entryway of the bank, out the doors, and onto the cobblestone walkway of Diagon Alley.

“Okay, the first item on the list is a wand” you read off to McGonagall.

“To Ollivander’s” she directs. As soon as you arrive at the narrow shop you see gold lettering above the door that is beginning to peel telling you that you are in the right place.

“While you get your wand, I will go get your books” she states and she hands you 7 galleons for your wand. You wave to her as you turn to enter the wand shop a smile on your face. An old man was behind the counter and wands were in stacked in boxes and shoved into cubbies all around the store. He lifted his head up from whatever type of wand he was looking at and his shinning pale eyes met your (y/e/c) ones in the dim light.

“Why, hello there” he starts. “Here for your wand already Ms. (Y/L/N). I remember when each of your parents came in to buy their first wands” he recalled. You felt the wind rush out of your lungs; my father is a wizard. You shook your head slightly and the smile returned to your face although this one didn’t quite reach your eyes. The man across the counter seemed to realize your change in expression.

“My apologies I shouldn’t have brought up you mother, it’s a terrible thing that happened to her” Ollivander rushed out offering you condolences. He pulls out a wand and hands it to you. You grip the wand and stare at it expectantly.

“Well give it a wave” he orders and your face heats realizing you had been standing there looking foolish. You wave the wand and boxes start flying out of the cubbies behind Ollivander and you gently place the wand down. You and Ollivander both clearly surprised at the result.

“Different than your father then” Ollivander thinks out loud. Different indeed, you agree internally.

“Perhaps this wand will do the trick” he announces as he hands you a different wand. You wave this wand and the boxes of wands you had previously pulled out of the cabinets swirled around smacking you and Ollivander and you set that wand down as well a confused look crosses the man’s face briefly before he grabs another box.

“And different from your mother” he adds as you pick up the third wand. You pause slightly before waving the wand and you glow under the wand.

“Very nice wand Ms. Barnes. Vine wood with a phoenix feather core 10 ¾ inches and unyielding flexibility (this was the wand I got on Pottermore if you would like to insert your own wand here). I believe that you are capable of greatness, use it well” he advises as you pay for your wand. You exit the shop and find McGonagall waiting for you with all your books in hand. You quickly take the books from her, so she doesn’t have to carry them and thank her for picking them up for you.

“So, my father is also a wizard” you start as you and McGonagall walk to get your robes from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

“Yes, he was” she replied curtly, not offering you any more information than you already had. You arrived outside the purple shop it also has gold lettering, same as Ollivander’s, and it has a rounded display window that is currently showing off robes for students. You go into the shop and quickly get fitted for you robes. You buy the three sets of plain robes you need as well as the protective gloves, black pointy hat, and the winter cloak. You rush out of the crowded shop and breath a sigh of relief and McGonagall shoots you a small smile. The next place on the list is Potage’s Cauldron Shop. You and McGonagall walk to the northside of Diagon Alley to the shop. There is a sign outside advertising the different types of cauldrons available. You open the burgundy door and head into the small shop expertly finding a pewter size two cauldron. You make your purchase and leave ready to check off another item on the list. Mr. Mulpepper's Apothecary is the next place on the list you dip into the store and buy your set of phials that your required to have. The next stop is Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment where you buy your telescope and your brass scales. You saved the best shop for last; you are allowed to choose on pet an owl, a cat, or a toad. You decided that you wanted an owl, so you and McGonagall walk to Eeylops Owl Emporium. There are owl cages hanging outside of the dark shop. You entered the shop and were instantly fascinated by all the owls. The shop had Barn owls, Brown owls, Screech owls, Snowy owls, Tawny owls, and Barred owls. You practically bounced from cage to cage entranced by each owl until you came across a small female snowy owl that looked up at you with its wide eyes and you immediately knew that you wanted that owl. You paid for the owl, the cage, and food for the owl while grinning and McGonagall couldn’t help but laugh quietly at the sight. As you left the Owl Emporium you noticed the shop across the walkway, Quality Quidditch Supplies. You wove through the crowd of people and stood in front of the shop looking at the brooms they had on display in the window.

“First years aren’t allowed to play quidditch,” McGonagall informs and your smile drops, “but you can always try-out next year.”

“Yeah, next year” you mumble to yourself as you keep your eyes locked on the brooms.

“I think we should eat, get your bags, and head to the train station” McGonagall plans and you nod in agreement. You turn to leave Diagon Alley but you turn back to give one last glance at the brooms, little did you know McGonagall watched you with mischief in her eyes but it was gone the second you turned back around.

  You and McGonagall arrived a King’s Cross Train Station. You had all your things piled on a cart.

“Here is your ticket” McGonagall states as she hands you your ticket.

“Thank you.”

“Now remember you get to platform 9 and ¾ by walking through the wall that separates platform nine and platform ten,” she explains once again, “I have to go back to Hogwarts, I’ll see you when you get there.”

“Okay, I’ll see you at Hogwarts” you repeat, and she walks away leaving you to board the train. You walk through the station searching for platforms nine and ten. You find the platforms and more importantly the wall that separates them. After you take a quick breath you walk into the wall just like McGonagall told you and when you come out the side of the wizarding world you are met with a black and red train as well as other students. You board the train easily and you hear the whistle blow. As you walk down the narrow corridor of the train you look for a compartment with other people that look friendly. You walk up to a compartment just as the trolley lady is leaving.

“Hi. Do guys mind if I join you” you ask looking between the boy with black hair and glasses and the boy with the red hair.

“No. Come on in” the dark-haired boy answers. I sit beside him, and I notice his lap is filled with sweets. I guess I know why the trolley lady was stopped here so long.

“My name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N” I introduce smiling at both boys.

“I’m Ron Weasley” the red-haired boy states.

“And I’m Harry Potter” the raven-haired boy adds.

“Nice to meet you both” you answer.

“You too” they both reply.

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6 months ago

i'd just like to say that when people made someone in the Wolfstar relationship feminine, i would not have expected it to be Sirius based on the books.

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5 months ago

James Potter & Sirius Black are twin flames. Platonic soulmates. Two halves of the same whole. Brothers, best friends. If you bought one of them on eBay chances are you'd get the other. They met on the train on the first day and wham insta-friendship. They are so heavily intertwined with eachother, 'you never saw one without the other'.

James Potter & Sirius Black.

Remus Lupin doesn't fit into that. Neither does Peter, as much as he tries. Remus met Peter on the boats the first years take to see Hogwarts. They might not have what James & Sirius do, but they have something worth just as much if different. Remus and Peter aren't each other's halves, they aren't platonic soulmates, they have fights and they disagree and they don't have the same views as the other does. They have lived different lives and were raised by different people and they turned out different in almost every way.

But yet they are one of the closest friends you'll ever meet.

Remus met Peter on the boats to Hogwarts. Peter was struggling to get onto the boat that kept wobbling because it was a bit too far out. Remus in his infinite kindness helped him. That was the start for Peter. Peter and James were friends as children, as well as Marlene. But he never fit in to their group, no matter how much he tried. They bonded and left him out. Remus was the first ever person to show him true kindness that he was not expected to return as a debt. James cared a lot about his friends, and would stand up for whoever was in need. But he wasn't kind. Not yet anyways. He was a boy and he was a spoiled only child and he may care and love with all of his heart but he hadn't learnt the act of kindness yet. He'd learn that off of Remus. Marlene cared aswell, and she may be kind but only to those she considered close friends. Peter may have been her friend, but not close enough to witness her soft side.

Remus showed Peter kindness, and Peter was gone for.

Remus had never had a friend before. He'd been isolated, moved and told off whenever he so much as looked at anybody other than his parents. Remus was slightly weird, he hadn't grown into his features yet (and wouldn't until 3rd-4th year). He was cute, he was adorable in the way you'd think a puppy was. But he wasn't something spectacular to look at. Nobody wanted to be Remus' friend even if he was allowed them. Peter offered him that. Peter offered him that as soon as he sat down with Remus on that boat and asked 'what's your name?'.

Peter offered Remus friendship, and Remus was gone for.

In later years they'd find friends who just got them way more than anybody else did. More than anybody could. But Remus and Peter were insanely close, and they never forgot the months before James & Sirius intergrated themselves with the duo. They were best friends always, but in those few months at the start of first year they were each others only friends. And they never forgot that.

Peter told Remus everything and anything. Remus listened in a way that nobody else had.

Peter was the one to figure out what Remus was, in first year before James & Sirius clued in. Peter accepted Remus in a way not even his parents had.

They never forgot the kindess, the friendship, that they gave to eachother.

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5 months ago




REMUS LUPIN DOES NOT (most of the time) TOP.


ahem. thank you.

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5 months ago

'my dad didn't strut'

he absolutely did.

but given the fact that SNAPE of all people is saying it, the marauders (or anybody else) would not correct him. these motherfuckers HATE snape they'd lie just to spite him wtf are you on about dudes.

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5 months ago

remus lupin was used to check who to trust and who to not trust.

that man was the nicest fucking person on the planet, he didn't get angry, he never glared at anybody, people could only guess how large his patience was with dealing with his three idiots. Remus had a study group, he helped teachers, he had three cats and the teachers let it slide because it was adorable.

If someone saw Remus Lupin being mean, slightly, even INDIFFERENT to somebody, the entirety of hogwarts knows and simply does not like them. Does not trust them. Won't give them the time of day.

end tweet.

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