They Dont Understand Shu Itsuki Like I Do
They don’t understand Shu Itsuki like I do
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God may forgive you for being gay but nobody will forgive you for that haircut.😧

Wishes to Unknown
Unknown/Saeran Choi
Male Reader
Joining the RFA had been nothing short of a fever dream to you
To anyone with an ounce of sanity even
So the <<Hi!>> of the very person responsible for your forceful recruitment into this organisation wasn’t exactly welcomed
<<Long time no see. We chatted before, remember?>>
With reluctant annoyance you did the very thing that got you in trouble at the start, responding.
<<Yep, what exactly are you messaging me for now?>>
<<Thanks to your help back then, I could preform my task without trouble.>>
<<Glad I could help🫂; you wouldn’t happen to be telling me what said task is/was?>>
<<Anyways. I told you I’m studying abroad, remember? But if you don’t it can’t be helped.>>
<<Yes I understand but why should I care about any of this?>>
<<Well—um…I’ll be back in Korea today. Remember I told you I’ll make it up to you if you help me? :)>>
<<I’m not sure if I’m liking where this is going..>>
<<Do you have time today? Why don’t you join me to see the sky tonight? I have what I like to call a haven of sorts where I come whenever I visit Korea.>>
<<I’d love to go there with you.>>
<<Honestly, today is my birthday and you’re the only one who could properly congratulate it for me.>>
<<I promise you won’t regret it.>>
<<You have such a way with words—I almost forgot what happened last time you invited me to a mysterious location.>>
<<If you come to me. I’ll make it a VERY pleasant day for you. I even made you a crown with red roses. :)>>
<<Still not convinced dude. Bc if I get added to another group chat after this I will delete this app.>>
<<Okay ok; I’ll bring ice cream, Yk with summer it’s getting hot. We can also watch popular films? I’ll get everything ready I promise.>>
<<Youll join me, won’t you? I’ll be waiting for you.>>
UNKNOWN has left the chatroom
Every instinct in your body spiritual and physical told you not to go to the location sent to your phone.
Curiosity couldn’t kill the cat twice, could it?
Simply walking out of the apartment with your current attire as the event wasn’t that special to you; you began your search of the park.
The park was sparsely populated from the locator position the greatly mysterious UNKNOWN had graciously granted you
None matched the original picture he sent all those weeks ago
“Brown hair, green eyes. Brown hair, green eyes. Brown hair and green eyes.” You repeated as if it were a mantra looking over the same groups of people.
“Looking for me, my prince?”
“Indeed I was my dearest catfish. That’s obviously not you in the pictures.”
Almost unbothered by the comment he maintained eye contact, “Yes, well my identity is somewhat of a secret. Please try to understand, I can’t simply go throwing my image everywhere.”
“Sure sure. Anyways, happy birthday…Unknown? Got a name I can call you?”
“I’m a bit reluctant to say—no, it should be fine. Call me..”
“Shall I call you my stalking prince?”
His eyebrows furrowed towards his eyes, “If you’ll let me finish.”
“Yeah yeah, go ahead.”
Firmly clearing his throat, “It’s Saeran. But don’t go yelling it everywhere and definitely not to the RFA.”
“I won’t, I promise. But I really like your name, it’s nice to actually learn something about you.”
“Well you already know a lot. I’m not the guy from the photo, I hacked your phone on certain occasions, I like ice cream, and now you even know my name.”
“Yes we could almost get married with how much I know about you.”
“Though you are beautiful if you don’t mind the compliment. You’re not such a weirdo either, even if you did trick me into joining a strange charity.”
“Yes you make me sound SO amazing and dreamy.”
Taking a bite from out of his ice cream cone, “Yes, because you are, and I am totally not speaking out of my ass when I say this.”
“Enough of the chatting, I was promise a nice a pleasant day, so, show the way.”
Snickering slightly, Saeran stopped himself from reaching for you hand and opted for a follow-the-leader route.
On a secluded hill, a blanket lay bare with a singular unbranded laptop at the centre. A brown woven basket sat not far from the main attraction.
“Birthday picnic?”
He sat down calmly on the blanket. Lightly yet rapidly clicking on the keys of the keyboard.
The soft white light beamed against his already pale face, “Any suggestions for a movie?”
“I thought we were starting gazing.”
He quirked a brow at your remark.
“The constellation I want to see isn’t out yet. In the meantime won’t you accompany me?”
A small rotation of movies was shown before you both ultimately decided to just wait.
“Sae look! Isn’t that the constellation you wanted to see?”
His eyes snapped up as the stars aligned perfectly. A small smile was rapidly tugging at his face. “Sae?”
“A—sorry, it was just shorter.”
“I don’t mind it.”
Readjusting yourself on the mat, you took another spoonful of the mass amount of mint ice cream your newly acquired partner brought.
“Hey, so do you like—wish on the constellations? Or is it just the individual stars?”
“I’d call you stupid, but, I don’t know myself.”
“Here. I’ll wish you another happy birthday for each one of the stars in the constellation.”
“That’s a lot of stars you know?”
“I have all night and tomorrow morning.”
An actual laugh escaped from him, a laugh that had been held in for years it seemed. A pure and genuine expression.
“You know…there are better ice cream flavours than mint.”
“Don’t ruin my birthday. Please.”
This was based off of his 2019 birthday event

Goin off ur Octavian post I feel that nobody actually knows abt it bro just slides insults into normal convo 💀
So true