its-been-rose - Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle
Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle

The things I do for brain rot. Rose, she/her. 21.Join the KF community page, created by yours truly!

487 posts

You Ever Think Marie Would Like Use Her Caretaking Skills She Learned From Being The Older Sister By

You ever think Marie would like use her caretaking skills she learned from being the Older Sister by a 10 year age gap to take care of Henry?

Like imagine she’s out there in the world powering through making do with the shit hand she was dealt and she’s like carrying Henry or changing him or feeding him or something and she’s just like “young man you are so lucky your mommy was forced to parent your auntie because at least she knows how to take care of you now”

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    eating-plastic liked this · 5 months ago
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More Posts from Its-been-rose

5 months ago

In the United States men were generally not allowed to be in the room with their partners when they were having a baby until the 70’s ish, though of course this depends on if you’re in a more liberal or conservative area (like for instance it was more normalized in California before somewhere like Mississippi) and whether or not the hospital was religious, and also depending on if the couple was married, and also unfortunately due to financial status (that is, who would be least likely to have the means to sue)

Given that rural areas are (GENERALLY) more conservative, as is the Midwest generally as a region, and given the fact that the hospital in Gallows Creek is religiously affiliated (most likely Catholic due to the recognition of a Saint in its name, which is generally not a Protestant thing, and unless GC has a big Greek population I don’t see Orthodox either, but it could be) , and given the fact they were teens with not much in the way of means, if George had been alive when Henry was born, there’s a pretty significant chance he would not be allowed to see it.

And like, we know George is a rather gentle soul. Harming people is explicitly out of his character.

But if someone prevented him from bringing comfort to his Bean during an event that could literally kill her (yall they didn’t do ultrasounds back then, anything could have happened) and kept him from meeting his son for however long, he would absolutely be contemplating violence lmao

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5 months ago

I love my Marie roleplay blog because most of it is just her thoughts abstractly but sometimes I like to pretend she’s literally typing on a phone and she was literally born in 1950 she is a BOOMER so sometimes I just imagine her like like

I Love My Marie Roleplay Blog Because Most Of It Is Just Her Thoughts Abstractly But Sometimes I Like

Like she posts shit thinking it’s Google because dude she grew up with a ROTARY PHONE in her house and spent her toddler and young child years watching a BLACK AND WHITE tv

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5 months ago

If Forrest and Sandra actually got married it would either be the biggest event the entire town has ever seen or it would literally just be him showing up to work one night like

If Forrest And Sandra Actually Got Married It Would Either Be The Biggest Event The Entire Town Has Ever


“Oh this? Yeah I got married last weekend. So what’s on the schedule tonight? Whose ads are we running?”

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5 months ago

Hi welcome back to rose overanalyzes dialogue for the nth time

I think one of the most underrated things to think about is how George’s death affected the non-student members of town. I mean we don’t know much about how Maurice or Sandra handled it (though I can imagine stumbling across a dead body would be pretty traumatizing) but we do get to hear Virginia recount her experience.

Specifically, we hear about how she came into work and found “a boy”. It’s interesting here to note that she used that term instead of “young man”. Given that she was a coroner, her usual clients were most likely elderly or at least middle aged adults.

HOWEVER, 18 year olds couldn’t vote until 1971. So, arguably, you could consider them minors if you really wanted to. 18 was the age of majority in other aspects (like the end of parental liability and obligation I think) and you could be drafted/go to war at 18 though which is like ??? Cmon America.

But it’s still very interesting that her language highlights his youth. Must have been a very shocking and somber experience working on someone who was at least in some respects still a child.

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5 months ago

Feeling this one big time rn

Where are yall finding the exit I have to know

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this emotional over a video game before, genuinely I think I might need to start being concerned

I Dont Think Ive Ever Gotten This Emotional Over A Video Game Before, Genuinely I Think I Might Need

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