itsnotmyfault07 - Fault

Coming out as a fic writer? I'm along for the ride guys! Ask and comment away. (( They/Them/Theirs ))

292 posts

Itsnotmyfault07 - Fault - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

I've been so busy recently that I haven't had much time to write! But here are my gifts for @alttheloco for @jrwi-art-exchange pride art exchange!!

Nightmare Blunt Rotation (I hope to write more of them soon!)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Wiwi posting
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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9 months ago


Everything is so detailed from the clothes to the finger placement and the mic stand!!!! Thank you so much! <33

My @jrwi-art-exchange Piece For @itsnotmyfault07 Based On Their Band Hcs Here!! This Was My First Bigger

my @jrwi-art-exchange piece for @itsnotmyfault07 based on their band hcs here!! this was my first bigger piece using procreate and it was really fun :D

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10 months ago

Prime Defenders Band AU head cannons

- Dakota absolutely plays the drums he's such a drummer

- Vyncent can play multiple instruments including woodwind and percussion but learns to play keyboard and a little drums

- William plays guitar and knows how to fry scream???

- Ashe plays both guitar and bass

- William and Ashe are main vocalists but they have multiple songs written with all of them

- William teaches Dakota and Ashe how to fry scream

- William wrote one song and they're very hesitant to play it

- Ashe and Dakota are main writers

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10 months ago
Is This The Time To Say That I Have A Longer Than Normal Fic About Carre And Jaiden? Fully Unedited,,

Is this the time to say that I have a longer than normal fic about Carre and Jaiden? Fully unedited,, is this the time to say that I had two or three different ideas for more purg fics? Should I post them?

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10 months ago


To prove something to a friend, please



10 months ago

hello hello again!!! just coming in with the updates on the jrwi riptide mini-bang!!

the writers are currently submitting their summaries, and thus, the team announcements will be happening very soon! :D

so! if you'd like to join in as an artist, beta reader or pinch hitter for the event, the sign-ups for you are still open!! go ahead and fill out the forms if you'd like to participate in the event!!

Artist Sign Ups:

Riptide Mini-Bang Artist Sign Ups!!!
Google Docs
Hello and welcome to the JRWI Mini-Bang sign-ups!! This is just a sweet and fun little event to hype everyone up for the upcoming end of the

Beta-Reader Sign Ups

Riptide Mini-Bang Beta Reader Sign Ups!!!
Google Docs
Hello and welcome to the JRWI Mini-Bang sign-ups!! This is just a sweet and fun little event to hype everyone up for the upcoming end of the

Pinch Hitter Sign Ups

Riptide Mini-Bang Pinch Hitter Sign Ups!!!
Google Docs
Hello and welcome to the JRWI Mini-Bang sign-ups!! This is just a sweet and fun little event to hype everyone up for the upcoming end of the
10 months ago



hello !! this is an interest check for potentially holding a disabled jrwi character week !!! Similar to the character weeks held in the past (such as the fnc week or ghostknife week) each day of the week would have a prompt centered around being disabled.

Anyone would be able to join, disabled or not ! It would probably be held in August (but the poster would come out a month in advance to give people time to work on their ideas) and I think it would be a really fun way to highlight disabled voices and rep in the jrwi community :]

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10 months ago


I love your designs for them <33

HURAAYYY A SILLY PIECE FOR @itsnotmyfault07 FOR THE @jrwi-art-exchange !! Was So Happy To Pitch Hit For

HURAAYYY A SILLY PIECE FOR @itsnotmyfault07 FOR THE @jrwi-art-exchange !! Was so happy to pitch hit for ya, so enjoy this little F&C :3c

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10 months ago

I feel so late omg, anyway, here is my exchange for @doggogills from the @jrwi-art-exchange event! I was excited to participate-

I wanted to give my exchange partner numerous little stories but three will suffice,,

Jay Ferin Centric fic
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Prime Defenders fic (William Centric)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


Grefgor fic!!! (I hope I did his character justice)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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11 months ago

You've given me an idea,, like Jayson coming in that fiery harsh exterior showing like a stone wall because his lovely, first born daughter was just slaughtered. Death and accusations flying all over- did Jayson know at that point? Was it a cover up by the legion? Did he really think pirates killed his blood born leader?

Jayson coming in to aggressively break the news to Drey that his daughter was gone, his little niece who he was forced to watch grow into a weapon, what he was afraid both girls would turn into-- UGH the thought of it

(spoilers ahead for jrwi riptide)

One thing I think about a lot with Jrwi Riptide is who told Drey that Ava died? Because Drey was in prison at the time of her death, I feel like the obvious answer is Jayson but I very much doubt that Jayson in his pirate-hating prime (right after Ava’s death) would be able to look his pirate brother in the eyes (or eye singular) and tell him that his Neice was dead, but Drey never mentions it the Jay at all, we just assume he knows but we don't know how he knows? Maybe another solider or another ferin (that wasn't that close with Ava) told him but we can't be 100% sure

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11 months ago

hey, don't be sad, from the top rope my prince, alright?

11 months ago

Hey guys this is my other account, should I make a little more HCs for the boys and then.... Write for them I dunno? I'm kinda liking this idea I've made up

Prime Defenders Band AU head cannons

- Dakota absolutely plays the drums he's such a drummer

- Vyncent can play multiple instruments including woodwind and percussion but learns to play keyboard and a little drums

- William plays guitar and knows how to fry scream???

- Ashe plays both guitar and bass

- William and Ashe are main vocalists but they have multiple songs written with all of them

- William teaches Dakota and Ashe how to fry scream

- William wrote one song and they're very hesitant to play it

- Ashe and Dakota are main writers

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11 months ago

happy day 100 of riptide hiatus. we’ve gone 100 days without jay ferin

Happy Day 100 Of Riptide Hiatus. Weve Gone 100 Days Without Jay Ferin

this is genuinely the worst thing i’ve ever made. the cake was still too warm after an hour of cooling so the frosting and sprinkles melted. day 100 without jay ferin landed on april fools day too.

here’s to patiently waiting for the hiatus to end and appreciating all that the council’s done o7

11 months ago

A filler while I work on older works and participate in the jrwi art exchange!!!!!



He smiled at the little one he had mixed feelings for and bursted with a small amount of pride. In a way- William was his baby, he helped his parents come up with his name after laughing at the various nicknames to accompany it.

Some of his feelings towards his little brother was uncertainty and a twinge of jealousy.

He was uncertain if hed be a good brother to the smaller Wisp, talked to a close friend about it from DeadWood, their current home.

When the boys grew up they barely had sibling rivalry. David was a senior in highschool when his little brother entered middle school and the boys couldn't be less like each other.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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11 months ago

Sounds so exciting!!


sign ups are going to be up through Friday the 22nd! After the form closes I'll work on assignments and probably send them out by that sunday, release week is most likely to be the second to last or last week of april!

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11 months ago

"It's a lot. This house is stable, strong and can withstand weather but does not rock with it. Like a ship.." he trailed obviously missing the ocean.

"It doesn't move against the tide, I,, I can't smell the salt water and there's so many noises but none of them which I'm used to- and they're quiter. Not crashing waves and the sound of sea creatures of the deep they're soft but so loud?"

He looked up at her now trying to voice his own overwhelmed confusion. The bags under his eyes looked so exaggerated in this light.

Jay put her hand on his shoulder and listened to what he had to say humming to show she kept up with him.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

art by @/sakuramochi64 on twitter


This post is meant to present and analyse obvious and obscure East Asian (Jpn-Chi) ethnic and cultural influences on Ink!Sans character. If any of the material in this essay is incorrect and/or considered morally offensive, please contact me!

Ink!Sans by @comyet


/Despite the fact that Ink is a non-human monster skeleton character, he is often portrayed with human-like traits and characteristics that range between a bunch of topics. One of them that's portrayed as very predominat to his character is his etchnic cultural background/inspiration. Again, this post is meant to analyse and to discuss such inspirations and how it affects his character./





According to Ink's creator, Comyet, the concept of Ink!Sans was conceived by a Japanese and Chinese ink calligraphy brush. These are known as Fude brushes (筆) and Xuan brushes (宣笔 Xuān bǐ) respectively. This ultimately inspired his ink abilities and powers, just like his concept of being an 'artist' (In simple words, it inspired Ink as a whole).

The history of ink brushes and the ink material is a long and complicated journey to cover, but it's important to know that these were invented in ancient China around 300 B.C (traditional Chinese: 毛筆; simplified Chinese: 毛笔; pinyin: máo bǐ) and are used in a vast variety of East and Southeast Asian countries, like Korea; Vietnam and Japan.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

example of the brush Ink!Sans was inspired by.

At glance, ink (the material) is an enduring medium that still surrounds society till this day and it's used in multiple cultures across the world.

Writing with ink calligraphy brushes are common in the Europe and the Middle East as well, but the material was crafted of iron salt and oak galls. When written, ink is often a dark color but fades to brown tones of rust. Such phenomenon was detectable in the Middle Eastern Bible manuscripts and even ancient European literature as an example.

Ink!Sans was based of the ink material created in East Asia, most commonly made with carbon-base black substance, which preserverd the dark coloration even after hundred of years.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

↑ Example of an ancient Japanese painting, such arts are called 'Sumi-e' (Japanese, 墨絵) or ' Shuimohua' (traditional Chinese,水墨畫).

Unlike iron gall ink, carbon based inks are still very common to this day.

Throughout the long history of East Asia, writing with ink was a very important ability to have. The Materials were made with precision, long traditions of training in calligraphic skills were developed, and writing and literacy were often wrapped up in questions of social status and class.

Although the development of major Chinese calligraphic scripts was completed by the fourth century, the art of calligraphy continued to evolve over the millennia. Master calligraphers with years of training and dedicated practice were recognized for their personal styles, and later generations of artists often adapted brushstrokes and designs to their own style. This stylistic evolution of scripts continues to enliven Chinese calligraphy to the present day.

Calligraphy was an important mark of personal learning and aesthetic sensibility in Japan. Portable, lacquered wood boxes were designed to hold an inkstone and water dropper in the base, with trays to hold writing brushes and solid ink sticks. Inkstone boxes (硯箱,suzuribako 'ink stone box' ) could be easily carried to a pleasant location, even outdoors in fine weather, to write correspondence, diary entries, or poetry.

Fun fact: Ink's font 'Note This' is inspired by such ancient writing.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding
Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Example of Ink's canon speaking font and Japanese calligraphy (書道, calligraphy)

However, when it comes to the subject of painting with the material, different schools of painting existed in China, the scholar-painters of Song-dynasty China generally preferred ink-based paintings over the more colorful, pigment-filled paintings produced historically and at the painting academy. Chinese painting manuals and commentaries from the Song (Sung) and Yuan dynasties (rarely mention pigments, possibly because it was assumed a painter’s skill shouldn’t depend on the use of colors.

Japanese artists are known for using media appropriate for the subject matter. Images depicting traditional Japanese narrative tales were typically rendered in opaque colors with outlines created in ink and later obscured by color overlay. Ink monochrome was closely associated with Chinese styles, particularly those transported to Japan via Zen Buddhism. Ink-based forms created with modulated strokes and layered washes suggested introspection and spiritual exploration.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding
Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Ancient Japanese paintings that uses dull colors and ink outlines.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding
Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Exhaustive examples of ancient Ink paintings. Dragons and Clouds 雲龍図屏風 (左隻)and Seitei kachō gafu 省亭花鳥画譜





Also clarified in an ask on her main blog, Comyet describes that traditional Japanese clothing inspired Ink's 2020 outift redesing, such inspirations are very obvious in first and second analysis.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Ink!sans reference sheets for the 2020 design, which can be found in Ink's official F.A.Q

Starting off, the pants.

Ink's pants were inspired by Hakama pants (袴), a traditional Japanese garment designed as a skirt-like pants often worn over any type of kimono. His pants seems to be inspired by umanori (馬乗り)Hakamas, whose had a division in the middle and often used in horse-riding activities.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Example of a Hakama.

The Hakama is a wide pleated pants (seven pleats, five in front and two behind), with a rigid backrest (腰 板,koshi ita) placed at the level of the lumbar region. It is tightened with four straps, on the left and on the right, as well in front as behind.

Historically, the origins of the Hakama dates back to the Sui and Tan dynasty were this garment was worn by the Chinese imperial court. Later, the Hakama exported itself to Japan during the Kamakura period (1185 to 1332) and became a traditional garment for the upper classes of Japanese society as well as for samurai warriors who wore it over a kimono (Hakama-shita).

During the history of Japan, the Hakama took on different styles and was mainly made for men, although in the beginning it was a unisex garment. During the Asuka and Nara era (6th to 8th century), the Hakama came in two versions. The first one was open on the front and was tied on each side of the waist with two straps. The second one was open on the left side and closed on one side only.

During the Edo period, the Hakama was worn by the nobles as a complement to the outfits of the time such as the noshi and the kariginu (狩衣; a sleeveless jacket with very pronounced shoulders). Very functional, these pants were also adopted by samurai warriors who usually wore them as Kamishimo (上下/裃). It is a combination of kimono, Hakama and kataginu. When the warrior visited the shōgun, he wore a Hakama called naga-bakama which greatly restricted his movements.

However, under the scarft, Ink also seems to use a jacket that features a collar that has striking similarities to a Mandarin collar (or Mao collar)

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Ink!sans reference sheets for the 2020 design, which can be found in Ink's official F.A.Q

Mandarin collars originated in ancient China and were worn  by Qing-era bureaucrats.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Picture of a Chinese man in a traditional Mandarin collar (early 1900's)

These are short, stand-up collars and sometimes fasten in the center with a small hook. Such collars are still used today for both fashionable and practical reasons. One example of modern usaged of the clothing is seen in the U.S Amry combat uniform, that features a stand-up collar of Chinese origin.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Picture of the U.S Army combat clothing

Regarding of color palette, Ink!Sans redesign uses soft but dull colors and a sinple silhouette and fabric for the outift, such design choises are similar to male kimono's dressing codes which uses dull colors (like dark blue, grey, green and occasionaly brown). Male kimonos are always more simple in design compared to female kimonos.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Photo that shows the difference of kimonos used by men and women

Although not specified, Ink seems to wear brown thigh-high socks, also known as 'tights' under the outfit. Japan has a long-standing cultural tradition of wearing such piece of clothing, this trend is particularly popular among young people and is often associated with the "gyaru" subculture, which emphasizes fashion, beauty, and individuality. Additionally, thigh-high socks are often worn with school uniforms, and are considered a symbol of youth and innocence. Additionally, it is also considered fashionable and trendy in Japan, and you can see many young people wearing them.

In regards of physical appearance, Ink also seems to follow ancient Japanese and Chinese beauty standarts, specially one's targeted towards women.

In ancient japan, specially towards the Nara (奈良時代, Nara jidai), Heian (平安時代, Heian jidai) and Edo period (江戸時代, Edo jidai) the beauty standarts for Japanese women were of those with slim eyebrowns, flat oval face shape and narrowed eyes.

Such attributes can be observed on Ink!Sans apperance.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Visual representation of old Japanese beauty standarts

/Keep in mind that some of such standarts presented are now out of fashion due to the westernization of asian countries. Specially regarding eye shape/





Ink!Sans has a long history of being associated with East Asian music, specially those of Japanese origin.

Themes that comyet associated with him includes, 'Code Wu- Asia River Album 江水/Asia River' ( post can be found here), 'Dullahan under the willows' and 'Futatsuiwa from Sado (二ツ岩で佐渡) both from the japanese game 'Touhou'. (post can also be found here.

He's also associated with East Asian musical instruments, something quite noticeable in Ink!Sans theme for the the web-series 'Underverse'. Such theme is called 'Brushwork'.

The theme starts with an instrument similar to a Shamisen (Japanese-三味線) and a Guzhen (Chinese-古筝) and also uses a traditional flute.

Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding
Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding

Photo of a Guzhen and a Shamisen, respectively





On Underverse's opening for season 2, Ink!Sans can be seem between a field of Sakura trees or Cherry Blossoms (桜).

Cherry blossom trees are an icon of Japan. Some people even call the cherry blossom Japan’s informal national flower. The Japanese school year starts in April, during cherry blossom season. The flowers symbolize good luck, love, and springtime. Since they bloom for such a short time, cherry blossom trees also represent human mortality. They remind us how short and precious life is.

In the same series, Ink is also drawn in a Sumi-e inspired style for the 'Soulless Heart Instrumental' video. Such artwork features Japanese writing in black ink.

Ink's canon instrument is the flute. Although invented in ancient germany, the flute is highly associated with East Asian cultures and it's music, chinese and japanese culture are the main ones . Other than that, Comyet already made a connection to Ink's asian influence and the instrument itself.

According to research made by the University Microfilms International (UMI) affirms that the moderny performance and melody of the instruments has clear East Asian roots, mainly from Chinese and Japanese style of music.

'The flute is a particularly appropriate instrument for such a study because of its versatility of pitch and timbre, the latter being one of the most important elements in Eastern music; it is capable of 'pitch-bending' and infinite changes in tone quality which are impossible to achieve on instruments of set pitch.

The flute music selected for stud/ shows varying degrees of Eastern influence. Depending on the nature of the composition, the Eastern elements may be extremely subtle and difficult for the untrained to decipher; in other instances the composer makes clear those sounds or concepts with Eastern roots, either through accompanying explanation or within the context of the music.'

1 year ago

A mother was confirmed dead today.

Her ash lain body strewn across a battle field. Her family cries at the news of her final days. She spent them fighting for her life against her friends and other family members. Her loved ones sob for they know she will not meet new people, they will not hear her laughter or see her shining face in the sun.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

Silly bird 🤭

She Slept Too Hard

She slept too hard

(We'll miss you Jaiden cubito)

1 year ago

She's keeping it consistent!!

You know what, the first day she died in an explosion and final day alive she died in an explosion!

We love a consistent queen!!!

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1 year ago

I'm so excited to see more interactions <33

Welcome Home

Welcome home <З

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1 year ago

You should check out this lovely artist!!

Commissions Are Officially Open!!!
Commissions Are Officially Open!!!
Commissions Are Officially Open!!!
Commissions Are Officially Open!!!
Commissions Are Officially Open!!!

commissions are officially open!!!

these are mostly to help out with rent and uni stuff why did no one tell me finding a job at uni was so difficult. please dm if you’re interested!!! <333

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1 year ago



Give that oc a mobility aid. Yeah, do it. You should do that yeah. In case you were wondering.

Give the other ones different aids too btw. Yeah you should think about how they live out their lives to the best yeah. Do it now.

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1 year ago

More qsmp sketch dump, but this is more especific cause it started as me just saying: "jaja, q!Philza got got by the feds years ago". Then The Purgatory happened and I said: "fuck it, caged birds au and Baghera and Philza where found family, and Jaiden is still bluebird cause I can!" ... but then canon happened and it may be that their lore is connected so yeah you could say I'm an bird lore fanatic, a bit autistic yeah-

More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza
More Qsmp Sketch Dump, But This Is More Especific Cause It Started As Me Just Saying: "jaja, Q!Philza

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