Qsmp Carre - Tumblr Posts

Is this the time to say that I have a longer than normal fic about Carre and Jaiden? Fully unedited,, is this the time to say that I had two or three different ideas for more purg fics? Should I post them?
Day 2: Team Bolas being the underdogs of purgatory for 2 minutes and 37 seconds straight Pt 4 [from Jaiden's POV]
Day 2: Team Bolas being the underdogs of purgatory for 2 minutes and 47 seconds straight Pt 3 [from Jaiden's POV]
Day 2: Team Bolas being the underdogs of purgatory for 2 minutes and 42 seconds straight Pt 2 [from Jaiden's POV]
I haven't watched purgatory streams cuz I am too busy rn, but here's some hcs
- Only emotionally charged scars stay on the body. Like both Phil and Fit have their scars because they felt so betrayed. The other wounds heal with respawn.
- Fit thought that Pac not only helped to kill him, but also agreed to be a bait to lure 2b2t veteran in a trap. After this "betrayal" Fit's eyes change.
- as a dumbahh who watched arcane, I really like the idea of eye changing with emotional stability. Like powder — blue/grey eyes, Jinx — pink eyes. So I have a HC that after the incident Fit's usually brown eyes change to almost toxic green eyes.
- Fit has severe PTSD about 2b2t. The betrayal triggered it and now he doesn't trust people.
- also Fit has 2b2t gravured in his prosthetic arm/gauntlet.
- every time étoiles kills someone, they have a star shaped scar.
- Phil has star shaped scar. Also the majority of his scars from nightmare and code fight. Also some from earth smp.
- Phil had a very speedy, flying oriented battle type. Now he has a different fighting skills, but likes to attack from above (using paraglider)
- Fit's battle skills are way more grounded, he puts way more force in his punches and swings. He also used to fight with only gauntlets/bare hands, so he's a master of hand-to-hand combat.
- Étoiles is just a goat, but he's something in between. He's also very grounded, but is jumpy.
- Roier is a funny but quiet kid, when it comes to battles. Nobody expects it, but he's a pro. He's super good at breaking through shields and at unarming opponent.
- Fit and Phil train together, and it's fun. But sometimes when crowza accidentally triggers PTSD, Fits fighting style suddenly changes. He now doesn't fight to better his skills, he fights to survive. His punches become more chaotic and heavy. They both apologize later.
- Jaiden is literally "I'm a helpless little girl. And j set the building on fire by accident, tooootaly by accident. Also I brought this dynamite. Goodbye:)" And then everything blows up. She's the epitome of "act weak when you're strong".
- Pol (i sadly haven't watched any of his streams cuz of language barrier, but I think he deserves more recognition) only pretends being oblivious and indifferent towards federation. Like he's the first person from all frozen members to remember his past and cooperate with cucurucho.
- I kinda feel like Rubius is one of the old residents of the island.
- Aypierre is Ayanami Rei (/j but I honestly don't understand his lore. I use Tumblr as a news channel and I still don't know what happened to Pierre. Is he ayrobot? Do they now share a body???)
- after the nether Forevers hair go to shoulders.
- Rubius once was just a man. He was an original old resident. After a few years of working with people on the server he was promoted to an angel/devil entity. For it was funny at first, but soon enough it became boring, cuz he wasn't allowed to interact with people apart giving them quests. So he disguised himself as a man and left the island. Later he came back on train with everyone. For escaping and messing with people, giving them illegal stuff ect he was demoted and "fell from heaven". (This HC has literally no reasons, but I like it.
- Carre likes to stretch like a cat.
- team bollas sleep close to each other, but don't go under blankets, cuz in their base there's literal lava above the celling.
- Fit is severely touch starved but he doesn't always trusts enough. During qsmp he became more affectionate, and started to initiate touching. He always puts his hand of someone's shoulder to comfort them (baby steps). I don't feel like after purgatory this stays like that.
- it's not my headcanon, but I adore when people draw Bagi muscular. Like, I dunno why. But I love it so much.
- Missa is a real skeleton, so when death duo reunited for the first time, Phil literally detached wet cat's skull from the neck, yelling "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"
- Some people have things that represent their close ones. Phil has skull, trinket (is it how it called?) of his kids on his back, flowers from forever, star keychain from étoiles and a bomb from Fit. Fit has Philza's feather, a necklace with a pacman on it, a bolt from Tubbo, and Ramon modifies his arm a lot. Ect ect.
- waaaay back when Slime went on a rampage after Juana's death, Fit called him to a tête-à-tête dialogue. At first he pushed Slime to the tree and put elbow on his neck, but during Charlie's monologue he let his guard down and even wanted to place his hand on the shoulder. Yet before that they were interrupted by Roier. (Also Charlie asking advice and trusting Fit all this time was quite sweet. Like, he even asked advice when dead eggs came back)
- during purgatory Phil balances himself with weapons.
- Charlie always suspected CodeFlippa wasn't the real one, but he deliberately chose to ignore that. Ignorance is a blessing.
- gladiator by Jann but Étoiles, you see what I see???
- Phil and Fit are terrible sleep bros. When they went to adventures with kids and had to sleep in the open, Fit couldn't sleep, listening to players steps, and Phil tried to figure out mobs. Also they play footsie (they said it on one stream, this is cannon. I really dunno are they besties or homos anymore)
- one of the ways to know if an avian on the server is sick is to see how their feathers react to water. If I'm correct, irl birds have a special stuff on them to not get wet. Only birds with sickness appear to be wet (mb not all birds are like that, I don't remember)
- just "are we still sisters?" Dialogue from arcane but Bagi and Cellbit
- everyone has bags under the eyes
That's all for now.
At all times I have like 5 Bolas Rojas au's rattling around in my skull and I desperately need to talk about them because the brain rot is real and has grabbed hold of me and won't let go
Like, there's so many , all of these appeared in my brain in the span of like, an hour
Mer au (like, so many variations, I cannot decide on which)
Apocalypse au
Vampire au
Maybe a warrior cats au
they keep popping up and they won't leave and I don't know what to do because I DO NOT have the mental capacity to write four full length fics about these dumbasses. Someone please, ask me about them
Made Mer pod Bolas for mermay. Love my silly guys

Mostly blue is Carre. Green and grey is Phil. Red/brown is Cellbit. Big yellow guy is Foolish. Turquoise/grey/purple one is Jaiden. The yellow and red one sleeping on Foolish is Baghera, and next to her is Charlie.
Closeups under cut

Qsmp warrior cats au where the purgatory teams are the different clans. Here is Bolas as a clan, they're are made up of kittypets and loners.

Details and closeups under the cut.
The leader is Phil, who's warrior name is Crowwing. He used to be a loner and founded the clan.

His deputy is Foolish (he used to be a kittypet, he didn't change his name) I made him a hairless cat because shark and gave him one of those silly harnesses because shark

Medicine Cat is Creekbite (aka Cellbit. He's less a medicine cat and more the only other mildy reasonable one) he also used to be a kittypet!

Traceflight (Jaiden) is a warrior. She used to be a loner, but was pretty chill with all the clans.

Carre is still a kittypet, but he's also part of the clan. He's just a day warrior.

Pondbird (Baghera) is the only actual warrior, she grew up in a clan but when she saw Bolas forming was like "get me in on that" and switched clans.

Charlie technically was loner but is like fed by all the humans and everyone knows who he is. He gave himself a warrior name (Slimeclaw) but most cats still call him Charlie. (Also as a tortoiseshell he's probably trans)

Sometimes I think back on purgatory and how wild it was. Like, think about it, everyone was immediately set on winning, no mercy, no talking. And of course people are still friends, but every conversation with someone from a different team is like rolling of risk dice of "will-they won't-they kill me" And among this you had Bolas, the fucking cannibalistic gas mask cult, WHO ADVOCATE FOR PEACE. It's so absolutely insane that of all the teams, the one most likely show mercy is the one who are half-naked and scream incoherently. Like even with Bad, the one they hated the most, they still wanted to be honourable, there are many times where they ask for a fair 1v1, and every time are let down. Day one they shared the coords of their spawn. And then later on invite people over to have moments of peace. The fact that while deciding to wear gas masks and eat people, they also decided to build a castle that would act as a fight-free zone where people could share theories. In almost every situation (unless it was one of the events/competitions) they wanted to talk things over. Of all the teams, the one that had gone feral and rejected the fucking air of all things, was the only one to not revoke kindness.