itzy-pitzy - I Just Draw Cartoons Or Other Things I Like :3
I Just Draw Cartoons Or Other Things I Like :3

Arual//✨️you can use any pronounce you want or just call me by my name✨️ //Artist//Comissions Open//

95 posts

Itzy-pitzy - I Just Draw Cartoons Or Other Things I Like :3 - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

☆☆ Parental figures ☆☆

If some of you have seen my post with ash from an ask:

This one

 Parental Figures

you may now know that huey was raised by a mafia boss, so I think that's a great time to introduce the parental figures boys had while they were sepreated first one we have Huey!!!


☆Meet Vincent and Jack☆

 Parental Figures

Vincent first design and a second one

 Parental Figures
 Parental Figures

And Jack first desing (yes he was supposed to be a sassy ass bitch well now he's still a fucker but a friendly looking one)

I wasn't sure what he should be. I thought a bear or a snake or other crazy things, but then boom, I thought a monkey, and now he's a monkey

 Parental Figures

Vic is the mafia boss, and you could say that Jack is his right arm

Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3

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6 months ago

Heyyy I've been thinking about Banana Fish lately and I think I see similarities (in a very hc way) between Ahs and Huey from your au and although it may be exaggerated I can't help but notice certain similarities

Now that I think about it, they do have a lot of similarities. I never noticed it, but you're right. There are a lot of things that happened to them that are very similar, like maybe a little bit of ash backstory and also somethings that happened to him when he's older, not everything but some things (I also didn't finish banana fish, definitely need to do it someday so there maybe be even more things that are similiar to huey that I don't know about)

Also, thank you for the ask it was very nice to answer it ♡

Heyyy I've Been Thinking About Banana Fish Lately And I Think I See Similarities (in A Very Hc Way) Between

(Sorry, I can't draw ash)

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6 months ago

☆The Duck Boys From My Au In Human Form☆

I finally finished colouring it, and I couldn't wait any longer, so I'm gonna just post it finally here ♡

Hope you enjoy♡

The sketch Version:

The Duck Boys From My Au In Human Form

And now the full coloured one!!!☆☆☆:

The Duck Boys From My Au In Human Form

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6 months ago
Colouring The Boys Is Almost Completed. The Only One I Have Left Is Huey, And Yes, For Now, You Just

Colouring the boys is almost completed. The only one I have left is Huey, and yes, for now, you just have how their shoes look like, hehe :3

☆ It's a silly sketch I made. If you want to see it before everyone else and before I finish it, you can see it now on my patreon ☆


☆Duck Bros☆

 It's A Silly Sketch I Made. If You Want To See It Before Everyone Else And Before I Finish It, You Can

But if you want to wait, you can do it too because after some time, I will post it here finished

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6 months ago

Tang and Pigsy meets MK father from fanfic named "You Can Stay Here" by Kall

I had this idea for some time now, and I finally had enough energy to make it, and I believe that if Pigsy and Tang meet MK father earlier, the story would be a lot shorter. I think, well, less talking more reading!!

Also, I want to thank Kall so much for making such an amazing story it really means a lot to me ♡♡♡


Some blood, very poorly made (i can't draw blood)



Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall
Tang And Pigsy Meets MK Father From Fanfic Named "You Can Stay Here" By Kall

And of course, here is the creator of this Amazing Au :

☆☆☆ @its-kall-the-clown ☆☆☆

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6 months ago






Episode 12

I watched it on the website called Kimcartoon. If anyone is interested in watching Tottmnt and a lot of different cartoons and movies

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6 months ago

Our little mayhem Leo is ready to react to his new traumas wish him luck

Our Little Mayhem Leo Is Ready To React To His New Traumas Wish Him Luck


Go get your phones or computers everything to go and watch it in your free time!!

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6 months ago

☆ It's a silly sketch I made. If you want to see it before everyone else and before I finish it, you can see it now on my patreon ☆


☆Duck Bros☆

 It's A Silly Sketch I Made. If You Want To See It Before Everyone Else And Before I Finish It, You Can

But if you want to wait, you can do it too because after some time, I will post it here finished

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6 months ago

☆!We got Donald duck!☆

At least some sketches of him

!We Got Donald Duck!

I don't know why, but he was so hard to make. At least I didn't really know how to draw his beak, but somehow, I figured it out

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7 months ago
 Master Post

☆☆☆ Master Post ☆☆☆


Hi! You can call me Arual,

I'm a young artist who enjoys drawing characters from different fandoms. I'm hyperfixated at the moment. Normally, I do cute or funny things, but I also love to do some gore content not often, but just so you know ☆

My Au, I'm currently working on:

Sepreated ducktales Au:

[The triplets] [More characters] [lazy sketches]

[The coolest] [Dewey loves to?] [Saturday]

[That's my bro!!] [Cute dresses] [might bite or kill] [creepy kid] [silly roof] [I didn't have a choice] [dump drawing] [fluffy comic] [Shit :3]

[BAKA!!!] [Flip,Fuck, Skibidi] [Human Form]

[Doodle] [Pixels] [first desings] [mad Louie]

[Wroom] [camouflage] [Batdew]

Donald with boys: Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3...

Father figures: Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3

☆Fun Facts☆: Pt.1

☆♡My Ko-fi page♡☆

You can get a drawing made by me here:


♡Reference page♡:

 Master Post

♧◇ My Patreon page ◇♧

If you want to see more content or just support my work:

☆The Freaky World☆

And lastly, my Tik tok account

If you'd like to see my animations or just funny things from my DT Au:

•Tik tok•

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7 months ago

Louie is just Louie

Also, Boyd x Huey, if you don't like it, then you can just scroll to the next post


Louie Is Just Louie
Louie Is Just Louie
Louie Is Just Louie

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7 months ago

That's all the characters I got done. I still need to make a design for Donald, Luna, and some others,

That's All The Characters I Got Done. I Still Need To Make A Design For Donald, Luna, And Some Others,

Btw if some of you are confused, Sam is B.O.Y.D, he just got a different name. I will explain it someday, but now I don't want to spoil too much

And the names above them are written in what I think they would write them.

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7 months ago

Heeeey- im sorry but where can i find more lore of your ducktales au?

I'm glad you asked. The Au is still in work and everything about this Au will be posted here on Tumblr, but I'm also planning to make a tik tok account where i can post animations about it, either way the videos would be still posted here on tumblr.

Actually, i have two projects i wanted to finish until i started to get more into the story. So soon there will be more, but if you have any questions about it, I'll be more than happy to answer them. Of course, I won't spoil some juicy parts, but things like what is it about, or if dewey jumped from the mansion, would he survive or other,

Also, thank you so much for asking. I was waiting so long for someone to finally ask me about my Au. You totally made my day with that❤️❤️❤️

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7 months ago

Donate to restore the lives of the Baalousha family

Hello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me

I, Mahmoud Baalousha, have lived through five wars in my life, and in the 2006 war, the biggest shock in my life was the loss of my older brother, Muhammad...

Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family
Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family

I will tell you a little about my life

I had ambition and a bright future. I loved life and living in stability and security, and I loved working hard in my future...

Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family
Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family

I had a few days to go and I was about to start a new life and look for a suitable woman to marry.

I had achieved some things that I had dreamed of since October 7, which was buying a house, but the war destroyed my dreams and ambitions.

I had a nice exhibition related to children's and women's shoe sales

Donate to Donate to restore the lives of the Balousha family, organized by Marleen Tipu
Hello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me. I, Mahmoud Ba… Marleen Tipu needs your support for Donate to restore the lives of t

The exhibition was destroyed by incendiary shells fired by the occupation

I had accumulated debts and obligations to the merchants, and the fair was full of goods ..

And my father also had this happen to him in his exhibition

This destruction has caused us to lose our sources of livelihood and the livelihood of the workers who work in both exhibitions ..

* The war took everything from me

I lost my pets in our house

Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family
Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family

All I hope for now is to reunite my family in Egypt and save them from the disastrous situation in which they are living ..

Directed by my father, mother, and sister, who is studying engineering at Al-Azhar University ...

Knowing that the cost per person now is $5,000 per adult. Price may fluctuate. I ask you to help us by donating even the simplest things or by participating in our campaign. We will be grateful to you

Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family
Donate To Restore The Lives Of The Baalousha Family

Your donation may give us hope to achieve what we aspired to, and restore a little of the loss and devastation that befell us. ..

Thank you for listening to my humble message

7 months ago

Art dump with some of my old drawings I just found from a year or 2 years ago


Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago
Art Dump With Some Of My Old Drawings I Just Found From A Year Or 2 Years Ago

One picture is from how one of my sketchbooks looked like and you can see there my favourite characters from anime, comics, shows, or games, and thanks to that, you got to know me a little better

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7 months ago

Don't they just get along so well?? :)

Don't They Just Get Along So Well?? :)

If you wonder where Louie is, they are recording all of this. The video will be very useful if he would want to get revenge on their brothers if they don't listen to them.

Uncle Donald would be really happy to see what kind of language they are using

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7 months ago

I don't know what was in my tea, but huey with anime face is cursed

I Don't Know What Was In My Tea, But Huey With Anime Face Is Cursed

I'm just gonna leave it here, do whatever you want with it

I Don't Know What Was In My Tea, But Huey With Anime Face Is Cursed
I Don't Know What Was In My Tea, But Huey With Anime Face Is Cursed

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7 months ago

Dewey and Webby love Saturday because it's their special day

Dewey And Webby Love Saturday Because It's Their Special Day

Maybe they live together in the same house but Saturday is a very special day to them it's a day they do a sleepover, together they do everything, talk about how their week was, Dewey paints Webby's nails, webby tells scary stories and legends and they stay up all night, they enjoy doing it every week it's their own tradition they do for years

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7 months ago

when your brother loves to jump on you when you least expect it:

When Your Brother Loves To Jump On You When You Least Expect It:

Dewey jumps on a lot of people throughout the day, especially when he doesn't see someone often. He gets really excited when it's webby or one of his brothers. That's how Dewey shows his affection to others. His family knows the more he jumps on someone, the more likely he enjoys their company and friendship

Ps. He doesn't jump often on Uncle Scrooge or Donald because he thinks that if he jumped on one of them, their bones would break (yes, he thinks they are super duper old, well he's not wrong but yeah)

I also did a little animation with how it looks when dewey jumps on Louie:


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