Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.
194 posts
Finally Got One For Seeker
Finally got one for Seeker 😂
No Matter What, Steven Universe Movie
But also it's a real heartfelt reflection of them 💙 Seeker's a good'n.
✨️Music Tag Game✨️
Tagged by @lychhiker-writes for @rotting-moon-writes tag game!
I want to know what 1-3 songs you feel best embody a character from your WIP, either in general or in this moment in the plot.
Doing 'The Incubois' from 🌐7 Circles🌐!
11:11, Ben Barnes (is also his voice/face claim)
All These Things That I've Done, The Killers
Death of A Bachelor, Panic at The Disco
I Can't Decide, Scissor Sisters
All Scotch No Soda, Sarah &the Safe Word
Heaven Without You, Kid Brunswick (past)
I have 3 playlists for Kaz but 0 songs for Val or Seeker lol, maybe I'll do those two another time.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @officialauthorofanotherworld I'm kinda late to this one so I think @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch and @fortunatetragedy have already done this, but I'm excited about music questions and wanted to share! 😁
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More Posts from Jev-urisk
KAZIMIER ENERGY. (He's a shapeshifting incubus, not a vampire, but still)
therapist: cunt dracula is not real and cannot fuck you.
cunt dracula:
Why did I give them four arms? Why would I do that? Two are enough, in fact some people get through life with no arms at all! FOUR?!? I HAVE TO DRAW FOOOUURRR???
I love Seeker to bits except whenever I have to draw them. Just, ugh..
OC Deep Dive Tag ✨
@the-golden-comet may be a pirate-wrangler, but I'm the one who keeps stealing their tag games. 🏴☠️
Oh y'all know I'm starting with Kazimier from 🌐7 Circles🌐
I am however adding a cut bc some of this is pretty spoiler-y. 🙊
Phobias: Hemophobia (his own blood, specifically), medical needles. People whose lust tastes of sadism.
Other fears: IVs, feeling not in control, being drugged, being poisoned, getting cut/stabbed, healthy fear of death. Fear of falling in love.
Pet peeves: Naivety, 'baby-talking', clingy people, sometimes even having sex is a peeve.
3 items in their bedroom: Something to lounge on like a chaise, garish clothing, a lot of rope.
First thing they notice in a person: The sound of their voice/how they pronounce things, the way their face moves as they talk.
Scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?: Hmmm...4.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Freeze, followed by fight, flight, fawn (fakely), or fuck.
Do they have a big family/are they a family person?: Does being in a gang at age 10 count as being adopted into a family? Could be a family person if he let himself care about people like that.
What animal represents them? A cat. So particular, weirdly hyperfocused sometimes, likes toying with vermin, can't tell if he'll roll with you giving him attention or try to claw you.
What is a smell they dislike? Cleaning solution
Broken any bones? Maybe, he's almost 300 so it would be a miracle if he hadn't yet.
How would a stranger describe them? Each stranger would describe a completely different person. Kazimier is a shapeshifter. If a stranger somehow saw his 'neutral' form, they'd say he looks fuckin' weird. Horns, green hair, mis-matched eyes of red and green, strange red markings on his cheeks, fangs, black claws, dressed like an 80s rockstar and has this crooked smirk on his face... the fuck?
Night owl or a morning bird? Night? The place he comes from, Du'Preve, barely has a day and night, it's always pretty dark.
A flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hates sadism, loves desperation. (Kaz is an incubus, and you can discern those feelings from the taste of their lust)
Any hobbies? Sewing (very helpful for a shapeshifter), games like chess, billiards, darts, clue- anything that keeps his mind engaged. Also enjoys doing other people's makeup/make-overs but does this very rarely and is a dictator during the process.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's already thinking about how much he's going to make everyone suffer. Flip a coin as to whether he shuts it down immediately or plays along up until people get hurt. There is one (1) spontaneous asexual vampire gal who could get away with doing this.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yeah, and he owns a lot of it.
Neat or messy handwriting? Neater than you'd expect, large unabashed spacing and snarky loops.
The two emotions they feel the most? Fear and curiosity.
Favorite fabric? Hahhahahahaa.. yeah it's cashmere.
What kind of accent do they have? New York-ish, like Baccano. The quality of his voice is not unlike Todd Haberkorn's normal speaking voice, brassy, abrasive, animated, wry and snarkish.
Taggames list: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag! (No pressure tho!)
🌐7 Circles🌐 Memes! ✨️
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet and @cowboybrunch! Here are some memes hot off the press for 7C:

Tagging my games and my 7C Taglist: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @pencilpusher1000 @autism-purgatory @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites +Open tag! I'd love to see some of yall's memes. (Hmu to be +/- to either of these lists)
Quick and snarky Kazimier doodle to start out the week~

Tried to do a more simple style but I'm not sure how I feel about it 😅
I'm hoping this week to color some of my more detailed art of Kazimier! (So stay tuned for something higher quality than this lol)
Art taglist: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting (hmu to be +/- to my art tags)